package de.tud.kom.socom.web.server.database.content; import; import; import; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.client.sharedmodels.GameContent; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.client.sharedmodels.GameContentComment; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.client.sharedmodels.GlobalConfig; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.server.database.HSQLAccess; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.server.database.user.HSQLUserDatabaseAccess; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.server.util.Logger; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.server.util.LoggerFactory; public class HSQLContentDatabaseAccess implements ContentDatabaseAccess, GlobalConfig { private static ContentDatabaseAccess instance = new HSQLContentDatabaseAccess(); private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(); private static HSQLAccess db; private HSQLContentDatabaseAccess() { db = HSQLAccess.getInstance(); } public static ContentDatabaseAccess getInstance() { return instance; } @Override public GameContent getGameContent(long uid, long cid) { String query = "SELECT " + ", " + "gamecontent.visibility, " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.description, " + " AS contextname, " + " AS contenttype, " + "gamecontent.owner, " + " AS ownername, " + "gamecontent.time, " + "AVG(contentratings.value) AS ratingavg, " + "COUNT(contentratings.value) AS ratingcount, " + "COUNT( AS commentcount, " + "gamecontent.hits " + "FROM " + "(((((gamecontent LEFT JOIN users ON gamecontent.owner = users.uid) " + "LEFT JOIN gamecontexts ON = gamecontent.contextid) " + "LEFT JOIN contentratings ON contentratings.contentid = " + "LEFT JOIN contentcomments ON contentcomments.contentid = " + "LEFT JOIN contenttypes ON = gamecontent.type) " + "WHERE " + " = " + cid + (userIsAdmin(uid) ? " " : " AND (gamecontent.visibility = 2 OR gamecontent.owner = " + uid + "OR (gamecontent.visibility = 1 AND " + "gamecontent.owner = (SELECT uid FROM usersnfriends WHERE uid = gamecontent.owner AND friendid = " + uid + "))) ") + "GROUP BY " + ", " + "gamecontent.visibility, " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.description, " + ", " + "gamecontent.type, " + "gamecontent.owner, " + ", " + ", " + "gamecontent.time, " + "gamecontent.hits " + "ORDER BY " + " ASC " + ";"; try { ResultSet rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if(! return null; GameContent content = new GameContent(rs.getLong("id"), rs.getInt("visibility"), rs.getString("title"), rs.getString("description"), rs.getString("contextname"), rs.getString("contenttype"), rs.getLong("owner"), rs.getString("ownername"), rs.getTimestamp("time"), rs.getDouble("ratingavg"), rs.getInt("ratingcount"), rs.getInt("commentcount"), rs.getInt("hits"), getLastComment(rs.getLong("id"))); return content; } catch (SQLException e) { logger.Error(e); } return null; } @Override public int getGameContentsPages(long userId, long contextId) { String query ="SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT AS contentcount " + "FROM " + "gamecontent LEFT JOIN gamecontexts ON = gamecontent.contextid " + "WHERE " + " = " + contextId + (userIsAdmin(userId) ? " " : " AND (gamecontent.visibility = 2 OR gamecontent.owner = " + userId + "" + "OR (gamecontent.visibility = 1 AND " + "gamecontent.owner = (SELECT uid FROM usersnfriends WHERE uid = gamecontent.owner AND friendid = " + userId + "))) "); try { ResultSet rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if(!{ return -1; } return (int) Math.ceil(((double) rs.getInt("contentcount")) / EntriesPerPage_ContentContexts); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.Error(e); } return -1; } @Override public GameContent getGameContentNames(long cid) { GameContent result = null; try { String query = "SELECT " + ", " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.description, " + "gamecontent.time, " + "gamecontent.visibility, " + "gamecontent.hits, " + " AS contextid, " + " AS contextname, " + " AS gameid, " + "gameinstances.version, " + " AS gamename " + "FROM " + "((gamecontent INNER JOIN gamecontexts ON gamecontent.contextid = " + "INNER JOIN gameinstances ON gamecontexts.gameinstid = gameinstances.gameid) " + "INNER JOIN games ON gameinstances.gameid = games.gameid " + "WHERE " + " = " + cid; ResultSet queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if (! return null; result = new GameContent(queryResult.getLong("id"), queryResult.getInt("visibility"), queryResult.getString("title"), queryResult.getString("description"), queryResult.getLong("contextid"), queryResult.getString("contextname"), queryResult.getLong("gameid"), queryResult.getString("gamename") + " " + queryResult.getString("version"), queryResult.getTimestamp("time"), queryResult.getInt("hits")); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); } return result; } @Override public List<GameContent> getGameContents(long uid, long contextid, int page) { List<GameContent> result = new ArrayList<GameContent>(); String query = "SELECT " + ", " + "gamecontent.visibility, " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.description, " + " AS contextname, " + " AS contenttype, " + "gamecontent.owner, " + " AS ownername, " + "gamecontent.time, " + "AVG(contentratings.value) AS ratingavg, " + "COUNT(contentratings.value) AS ratingcount, " + "COUNT( AS commentcount, " + "gamecontent.hits " + "FROM " + "(((((gamecontent LEFT JOIN users ON gamecontent.owner = users.uid) " + "LEFT JOIN gamecontexts ON = gamecontent.contextid) " + "LEFT JOIN contentratings ON contentratings.contentid = " + "LEFT JOIN contentcomments ON contentcomments.contentid = " + "LEFT JOIN contenttypes ON = gamecontent.type) " + "WHERE " + "gamecontent.contextid = " + contextid + (userIsAdmin(uid) ? " " : " AND (gamecontent.visibility = 2 OR gamecontent.owner = " + uid + "" + "OR (gamecontent.visibility = 1 AND " + "gamecontent.owner = (SELECT uid FROM usersnfriends WHERE uid = gamecontent.owner AND friendid = " + uid + "))) ") + "GROUP BY " + ", " + "gamecontent.visibility, " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.description, " + ", " + ", " + "gamecontent.type, " + "gamecontent.owner, " + ", " + "gamecontent.time, " + "gamecontent.hits " + "ORDER BY " + " ASC " + "LIMIT " + ((page - 1) * EntriesPerPage_ContentContexts) + ", " + EntriesPerPage_ContentContexts + ";"; try { ResultSet rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); while({ GameContent content = new GameContent(rs.getLong("id"), rs.getInt("visibility"), rs.getString("title"), rs.getString("description"), rs.getString("contextname"), rs.getString("contenttype"), rs.getLong("owner"), rs.getString("ownername"), rs.getTimestamp("time"), rs.getDouble("ratingavg"), rs.getInt("ratingcount"), rs.getInt("commentcount"), rs.getInt("hits"), getLastComment(rs.getLong("id"))); result.add(content); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.Error(e); } return result; } @Override public List<GameContentComment> getGameContentComments(long contentId, int page) { List<GameContentComment> result = new ArrayList<GameContentComment>(); try { String query = "SELECT " + ", " + "contentcomments.text, " + "contentcomments.time, " + "users.uid AS ownerid, " + " AS ownername " + "FROM " + "contentcomments INNER JOIN users ON contentcomments.uid = users.uid " + "WHERE " + "contentcomments.contentid = " + contentId + " " + "ORDER BY " + "time ASC " + "LIMIT " + ((page - 1) * EntriesPerPage_ContentComments) + ", " + EntriesPerPage_ContentComments; ResultSet queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); while ( { result.add(new GameContentComment(queryResult.getLong("id"), queryResult.getLong("ownerid"), queryResult.getString("ownername"), queryResult .getString("text"), queryResult.getTimestamp("time"))); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); } return result; } @Override public int getGameCommentsPages(long contentId) { int result = 0; try { String query = "SELECT " + "COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS gamecontentcommentscount " + "FROM " + "contentcomments " + "WHERE " + "contentid = " + contentId + ";"; ResultSet queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if (! return -1; result = (int) Math.ceil(((double) queryResult.getInt("gamecontentcommentscount")) / EntriesPerPage_ContentComments); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); } return result; } @Override public boolean setGameContentRating(long userId, long contentId, double rating) { try { // Already rated? String query = "SELECT " + "uid " + "FROM " + "contentratings " + "WHERE " + "uid = " + userId + " " + "AND contentid = " + contentId + ";"; ResultSet queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if (! { // Insert new entry query = "INSERT INTO " + "contentratings " + "VALUES (" + userId + ", " + contentId + ", " + rating + ", " + "NOW());"; db.execQuery(query); } else { // Update old entry query = "UPDATE " + "contentratings " + "SET " + "value = " + rating + ", " + "time = NOW() " + "WHERE " + "uid = " + userId + " " + "AND contentid = " + contentId + ";"; db.execQuery(query); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean setGameContentComment(long userId, long contentId, String text) { try { String query = "INSERT INTO contentcomments(uid, contentid, text, time) VALUES (" + userId + ", " + contentId + ", '" + text + "', " + "NOW());"; db.execQuery(query); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean setContentVisibility(long userId, long contentId, int selectedIndex) { try { String query = "UPDATE " + "gamecontent " + "SET " + "visibility = " + selectedIndex + " " + "WHERE " + "id = " + contentId + " " + "AND owner = " + userId + ";"; db.execQuery(query); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean removeContent(long userId, long contentId) { try { if (userIsAdmin(userId) || userOwnsContent(userId, contentId)) { String query = "DELETE FROM " + "gamecontent " + "WHERE " + "id = " + contentId; db.execQuery(query); query = "DELETE FROM " + "contentcomments " + "WHERE " + "contentid = " + contentId; db.execQuery(query); query = "DELETE FROM " + "contentratings " + "WHERE " + "contentid = " + contentId; db.execQuery(query); } else return false; } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean removeContentComment(long userId, long commentId) { try { if (userIsAdmin(userId) || userOwnsComment(userId, commentId)) { String query = "DELETE FROM " + "contentcomments " + "WHERE " + "id = " + commentId; db.execQuery(query); } else return false; } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); return false; } return true; } private GameContentComment getLastComment(long cid) { GameContentComment result = null; try { String query = "SELECT " + ", " + "contentcomments.text, " + "contentcomments.time, " + "users.uid AS ownerid, " + " AS ownername " + "FROM " + "contentcomments INNER JOIN users ON contentcomments.uid = users.uid " + "WHERE " + "contentcomments.contentid = " + cid + " " + "ORDER BY " + "time DESC " + "LIMIT 0, 1"; ResultSet queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if ( result = new GameContentComment(queryResult.getLong("id"), queryResult.getLong("ownerid"), queryResult.getString("ownername"), queryResult.getString("text"), queryResult.getTimestamp("time")); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); } return result; } private boolean userOwnsContent(long userId, long contentId) { boolean result = false; try { String query = "SELECT owner FROM gamecontent WHERE id = " + contentId + ";"; ResultSet queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if (! return false; result = (queryResult.getLong("owner") == userId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); return false; } return result; } private boolean userOwnsComment(long userId, long commentId) { boolean result = false; try { String query = "SELECT uid FROM contentcomments WHERE id = " + commentId + ";"; ResultSet queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if (! return false; result = (queryResult.getLong("uid") == userId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); return false; } return result; } @Override public boolean registerContentHit(long cid) { try { String query = "UPDATE gamecontent SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE id = '" + cid + "'"; return db.execQuery(query) == 1; } catch (SQLException e) { logger.Error(e); return false; } } private boolean userIsAdmin(long userId) { return HSQLUserDatabaseAccess.getInstance().userIsAdmin(userId); } @Override public byte[] getContentBytes(long contentid) { try{ String query = "SELECT content FROM gamecontent WHERE id = " + contentid; ResultSet rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if(! return null; Blob b = rs.getBlob("content"); if(b == null) return null; InputStream input = b.getBinaryStream(); if (input == null) return null; ByteArrayOutputStream byteout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while (input.available() > 0) byteout.write(; byte[] contentBytes = byteout.toByteArray(); return contentBytes; }catch(IOException e){ logger.Error(e); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.Error(e); } return null; } @Deprecated public GameContent getGameContent1(long uid, long cid) { logger.Error("DEPRECATED METHOD USED (getGameContent1)"); GameContent result = null; try { // Blobs do not work with AVG, so two queries are necessary String query = "SELECT " + "gamecontent.content " + "FROM " + "(gamecontent INNER JOIN gamecontexts ON gamecontent.contextid = " + "INNER JOIN userprogress ON gamecontent.contextid = userprogress.scnid " + "WHERE " + " = " + cid + " " + "AND userprogress.uid = " + uid + ";"; ResultSet queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if (! return null; Blob b = queryResult.getBlob("content"); if(b == null) return null; InputStream input = b.getBinaryStream(); if (input == null) return null; ByteArrayOutputStream byteout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while (input.available() > 0) byteout.write(; @SuppressWarnings("unused") byte[] content = byteout.toByteArray(); query = "SELECT " + ", " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.description, " + "gamecontent.time, " + "gamecontent.visibility, " + "gamecontent.hits, " + " AS typename, " + "users.uid AS ownerid, " + " AS ownername, " + " AS context, " + "ratingsown.value AS ratingown, " + "fim.friendid IS NOT NULL AS isfriend, " + "COUNT(DISTINCT as comments, " + "COUNT(ratingsavg.value) as ratingscount, " + "AVG(ratingsavg.value) AS ratingavg " + "FROM " + "((((((gamecontent INNER JOIN contenttypes ON gamecontent.type = " + "INNER JOIN users ON gamecontent.owner = users.uid) " + "INNER JOIN gamecontexts ON gamecontent.contextid = " + "INNER JOIN userprogress ON gamecontent.contextid = userprogress.scnid) " + "LEFT JOIN (SELECT contentid, value FROM contentratings WHERE uid = " + uid + ") " + "AS ratingsown ON = ratingsown.contentid) " + "LEFT JOIN (" + "SELECT " + "uid, " + "friendid " + "FROM " + "usersnfriends " + "WHERE " + "friendid = " + uid + ") " + "AS fim ON gamecontent.owner = fim.uid " + "LEFT JOIN contentratings AS ratingsavg ON = ratingsavg.contentid) " + "LEFT JOIN contentcomments ON = contentcomments.contentid " + "WHERE " + " = " + cid + " " + "AND userprogress.uid = " + uid + " " + "GROUP BY " + ", " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.description, " + "gamecontent.time, " + "gamecontent.visibility, " + "gamecontent.hits, " + ", " + "users.uid, " + ", " + ", " + "ratingsown.value, " + "fim.friendid"; queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if (! return null; if (queryResult.getInt("visibility") == 2 || (queryResult.getInt("visibility") == 1 && queryResult.getBoolean("isfriend")) || userIsAdmin(uid) || uid == queryResult.getInt("ownerid")) result = new GameContent(queryResult.getLong("id"), queryResult.getInt("visibility"), queryResult.getString("title"), queryResult.getString("description"), queryResult.getString("context"), queryResult.getString("typename"), queryResult.getInt("ownerid"), queryResult.getString("ownername"), queryResult.getTimestamp("time"), queryResult.getDouble("ratingavg"), queryResult.getInt("ratingscount"), queryResult.getInt("comments"), queryResult.getInt("hits"), getLastComment(cid)); else result = new GameContent(queryResult.getLong("id"), -1, null, null, null, null, -1, null, null, -1, -1, -1, -1, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); } return result; } @Deprecated public List<GameContent> getGameContents1(long uid, long gid, int page) { logger.Error("DEPRECATED METHOD USED (getGameContents1)"); List<GameContent> result = new ArrayList<GameContent>(); try { String query = "SELECT " + ", " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.description, " + "gamecontent.time, " + "gamecontent.visibility, " + "gamecontent.hits, " + " AS typename, " + "users.uid AS ownerid, " + " AS ownername, " + " AS context, " + "ratingsown.value AS ratingown, " + "COUNT(DISTINCT as comments, " + "COUNT(ratingsavg.value) as ratingscount, " + "AVG(ratingsavg.value) AS ratingavg " + "FROM " + "(((((((gamecontent INNER JOIN contenttypes ON gamecontent.type = " + "INNER JOIN users ON gamecontent.owner = users.uid) " + "INNER JOIN gamecontexts ON gamecontent.contextid = " + "INNER JOIN userprogress ON gamecontent.contextid = userprogress.scnid) " + "LEFT JOIN (" + "SELECT contentid, value FROM contentratings WHERE uid = " + uid + ") " + "AS ratingsown ON = ratingsown.contentid) " + "LEFT JOIN (" + "SELECT " + "uid, " + "friendid " + "FROM " + "usersnfriends " + "WHERE " + "friendid = " + uid + ") " + "AS fim ON gamecontent.owner = fim.uid) " + "LEFT JOIN contentratings AS ratingsavg ON = ratingsavg.contentid) " + "LEFT JOIN contentcomments ON = contentcomments.contentid " + "WHERE " + "gamecontexts.gameinstid = " + gid + " " + "AND userprogress.uid = " + uid + " " + (!userIsAdmin(uid) ? "AND (gamecontent.visibility = 2 OR (gamecontent.visibility = 1 AND fim.friendid IS NOT NULL))" : "") + "GROUP BY " + ", " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.time, " + "gamecontent.description, " + "gamecontent.visibility, " + "gamecontent.hits, " + ", " + "users.uid, " + ", " + ", " + "ratingsown.value " + "ORDER BY " + " ASC " + "LIMIT " + ((page - 1) * EntriesPerPage_ContentContexts) + ", " + EntriesPerPage_ContentContexts + ";"; ResultSet queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); while ( { result.add(new GameContent(queryResult.getLong("id"), queryResult.getInt("visibility"), queryResult.getString("title"), queryResult .getString("description"), queryResult.getString("context"), queryResult.getString("typename"), queryResult.getInt("ownerid"), queryResult.getString("ownername"), queryResult.getTimestamp("time"), queryResult.getDouble("ratingavg"), queryResult.getInt("ratingscount"), queryResult.getInt("comments"), queryResult.getInt("hits"), getLastComment(queryResult.getLong("id")))); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); } return result; } @Deprecated public int getGameContentsPages1(long userId, long gameId) { logger.Error("DEPRECATED METHOD USED (getGameContentsPages1)"); int result = 0; try { String query = "SELECT " + "COUNT(DISTINCT AS gamecontentscount " + "FROM " + "((gamecontent INNER JOIN gamecontexts ON gamecontent.contextid = " + "INNER JOIN userprogress ON gamecontent.contextid = userprogress.scnid) " + "LEFT JOIN (" + "SELECT " + "uid, " + "friendid " + "FROM " + "usersnfriends " + "WHERE " + "friendid = " + userId + ") AS fim ON gamecontent.owner = fim.uid " + "WHERE " + "gamecontexts.gameinstid = " + gameId + " " + "AND userprogress.uid = " + userId + (!userIsAdmin(userId) ? "AND (gamecontent.visibility = 2 " + "OR (gamecontent.visibility = 1 AND fim.friendid IS NOT NULL))" : ""); ResultSet queryResult = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if (! return -1; result = (int) Math.ceil(((double) queryResult.getInt("gamecontentscount")) / EntriesPerPage_ContentContexts); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); } return result; } }