package de.tud.kom.socom.database.statistics; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import de.tud.kom.socom.components.statistics.GameInstanceStatistic; import de.tud.kom.socom.components.statistics.GameStatistic; import de.tud.kom.socom.components.statistics.SoComStatistic; import de.tud.kom.socom.components.statistics.GameInstanceStatistic.GameContextStatistic; import de.tud.kom.socom.components.statistics.GameStatistic.ShortGameInstanceStatistic; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.HSQLDatabase; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.GameInstanceNotFoundException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.GameNotAuthenticatedException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.SocomException; public class HSQLStatisticDatabase extends HSQLDatabase implements StatisticDatabase { private static StatisticDatabase instance = new HSQLStatisticDatabase(); private HSQLStatisticDatabase() { super(); } public static StatisticDatabase getInstance() { return instance; } @Override public SoComStatistic getSoComStats() throws SQLException { String query = "SELECT " + "(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM users) AS usercount, " + "(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM users WHERE currentState > 0) AS usersOnline, " + "(SELECT COUNT(gameid) FROM games) AS gameCount, " + "(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM gameinstances) AS instanceCount, " + "(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM gamecontexts) AS contextCount, " + "(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM gamecontent WHERE content IS NOT NULL AND secretident IS NULL) AS contentCount, " + "(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM influence WHERE timeout > '1970-01-01 00:00:00.1') AS influenceCount, " + "(SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM achievementprogress WHERE iscompleted) AS achievementsUnlockedTotal, " + "(SELECT SUM(playtime) FROM userprogress) AS totalTimePlayed " + "FROM games"; ResultSet rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if(! return null; long userCount = rs.getLong("usercount"); long userOnlineCount = rs.getLong("usersOnline"); long gameCount = rs.getLong("gameCount"); long gameInstanceCount = rs.getLong("instanceCount"); long gameContextsCount = rs.getLong("contextCount"); long contentCount = rs.getLong("contentCount"); long influenceCount = rs.getLong("influenceCount"); long achievementsUnlockedCount = rs.getLong("achievementsUnlockedTotal"); long totalTimePlayed = rs.getLong("totalTimePlayed"); long averageTimePlayedPerUser = totalTimePlayed / userCount; SoComStatistic stats = new SoComStatistic(userCount, userOnlineCount, gameCount, gameInstanceCount, gameContextsCount, contentCount, influenceCount, achievementsUnlockedCount, totalTimePlayed, averageTimePlayedPerUser); return stats; } @Override public GameStatistic getGameStats(String game, String password) throws SQLException, GameNotAuthenticatedException { String query; ResultSet rs; long gameid = findGame(game, password); query = "SELECT " + "SUM(CASE WHEN users.currentstate = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS userscurrentlyplaying, " + "COUNT(*) AS usersplaying, " + "(SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN games.gameid = " + gameid + " THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM " + "((gamecontent INNER JOIN gamecontexts ON gamecontent.contextid = " + "INNER JOIN gameinstances ON gamecontexts.gameinstid = " + "INNER JOIN games ON gameinstances.gameid = games.gameid " + ") AS contentcount " + "FROM " + "(usergames INNER JOIN gameinstances ON usergames.gameinstanceid = " + "INNER JOIN users ON usergames.uid = users.uid " + "WHERE " + "gameid = " + gameid + ";"; rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if(! throw new GameNotAuthenticatedException(game); long userPlaying = rs.getLong("usersplaying"); long usersCurrentlyPlaying = rs.getLong("userscurrentlyplaying"); long contentCount = rs.getLong("contentcount"); GameStatistic stats = new GameStatistic(game, gameid, -1, userPlaying, usersCurrentlyPlaying, contentCount); query = "SELECT " + ", " + "gameinstances.version, " + "gameinstances.description, " + "COUNT(usergames.uid) AS usersplaying, " + "SUM(CASE WHEN users.currentstate = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS userscurrentlyplaying " + "FROM " + "((gameinstances INNER JOIN games ON gameinstances.gameid = games.gameid) " + "INNER JOIN usergames ON = usergames.gameinstanceid) " + "INNER JOIN users ON users.uid = usergames.uid " + "WHERE " + "games.gameid = 0 " + "GROUP BY " + "id, " + "version, " + "description;"; rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); int instanceCount = 0; while({ String description = rs.getString("description"); String version = rs.getString("version"); long id = rs.getLong("id"); long currentlyPlaying = rs.getLong("userscurrentlyplaying"); ShortGameInstanceStatistic instStat = ShortGameInstanceStatistic(description, id, version, currentlyPlaying); stats.addGameInstanceStatistic(instStat); instanceCount++; } stats.setInstanceCount(instanceCount); return stats; } @Override public GameInstanceStatistic getInstanceStats(String gamename, String password, String version) throws SQLException, SocomException { long gameid = findGame(gamename, password); String query = "SELECT " + "id, " + "description " + "FROM " + "gameinstances " + "WHERE " + "gameid = " + gameid + " AND version = '" + version+ "';"; ResultSet rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if(! throw new GameInstanceNotFoundException(gamename, version); String description = rs.getString("description"); long instanceid = rs.getLong("id"); query = "SELECT " + "DISTINCT userprogress.uid, " + "users.currentstate " + "FROM " + "(userprogress LEFT JOIN gamecontexts ON = userprogress.scnid) " + "LEFT JOIN users ON users.uid = userprogress.uid " + "WHERE " + "gameinstid = " + instanceid + ";"; rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); long usersplaying = 0L, userscurrentlyplaying = 0L; while( { usersplaying++; if(rs.getInt("currentstate") == 2) userscurrentlyplaying++; } GameInstanceStatistic stat = new GameInstanceStatistic(gamename, version, description, instanceid, usersplaying, userscurrentlyplaying); addContexts(instanceid, stat); return stat; } private void addContexts(long instanceid, GameInstanceStatistic stat) throws SQLException { String query = "SELECT " + ", " + "gamecontexts.externalid, " + "gamecontexts.autogenerated, " + ", " + "COUNT(DISTINCT AS contentcount, " + "SUM(DISTINCT gamecontent.hits) AS contenthitstotal, " + "COUNT(DISTINCT AS influencecount, " + "COUNT(DISTINCT userprogress.uid) AS usersseen, " + "SUM(userprogress.playtime) AS timespenttotal " + "FROM " + "((gamecontexts LEFT JOIN gamecontent ON gamecontent.contextid = " + "LEFT JOIN influence ON influence.contextid = " + "LEFT JOIN userprogress ON userprogress.scnid = " + "WHERE " + "gamecontexts.gameinstid = " + instanceid + " " + "GROUP BY " + "name, " + "externalid," + "autogenerated, " + "id;"; ResultSet rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); while( { long id = rs.getLong("id"); boolean autogenerated = rs.getBoolean("autogenerated"); String name = rs.getString("name"); long timeSpentTotal = rs.getLong("timespenttotal"); long usersSeen = rs.getLong("usersseen"); long timeSpentAvg = usersSeen > 0 ? timeSpentTotal / usersSeen : 0; long contentCount = rs.getLong("contentcount"); long influenceCount = rs.getLong("influenceCount"); long contentHits = rs.getLong("contenthitstotal"); GameContextStatistic contextstat = GameContextStatistic(id, autogenerated, name, timeSpentTotal, timeSpentAvg, usersSeen, contentCount, influenceCount, contentHits); addRelations(id, contextstat); stat.addContextStat(contextstat); } } private void addRelations(long contextid, GameContextStatistic contextstat) throws SQLException { String query = "SELECT * FROM gamecontextrelations WHERE parentid = " + contextid; ResultSet rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); while( { long source = contextid; long dest = rs.getLong("childid"); long timesUsed = rs.getLong("timesused"); boolean autogenerated = rs.getBoolean("autogenerated"); contextstat.addToRelation( ContextRelationStatistic(source, dest, timesUsed, autogenerated)); } query = "SELECT * FROM gamecontextrelations WHERE childid = " + contextid; rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); while( { long source = rs.getLong("parentid");; long dest = contextid; long timesUsed = rs.getLong("timesused"); boolean autogenerated = rs.getBoolean("autogenerated"); contextstat.addFromRelation( ContextRelationStatistic(source, dest, timesUsed, autogenerated)); } } private long findGame(String game, String password) throws SQLException, GameNotAuthenticatedException { String query = "SELECT name, gameid FROM games WHERE name = '" + game + "' AND password = '" + password + "';"; ResultSet rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); if(! throw new GameNotAuthenticatedException(game); long gameid = rs.getLong("gameid"); return gameid; } }