package de.tud.kom.socom.components.influence; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import de.tud.kom.socom.SocomComponent; import; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.influence.HSQLInfluenceDatabase; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.influence.InfluenceDatabase; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.SocomRequest; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.JSONUtils; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.LoggerFactory; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.datatypes.InfluenceConfiguration; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.datatypes.InfluenceResult; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.CurrentGameInstanceNotIncludedException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.SocomException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.IllegalAccessException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.IllegalParameterException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.InfluenceNotAvailableException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.InfluenceTemplateException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.ParseException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.UIDNotIncludedException; /** * * @author rhaban * */ public class InfluenceManager extends SocomComponent { private static final String URL_PATTERN = "influence"; private static final InfluenceManager instance = new InfluenceManager(); private static InfluenceDatabase db; private InfluenceManager() { db = HSQLInfluenceDatabase.getInstance(); if (!InfluenceUploadHandler.DATA_DIR.exists() || !InfluenceUploadHandler.DATA_DIR.isDirectory()) { InfluenceUploadHandler.DATA_DIR.mkdir(); } } public static InfluenceManager getInstance() { return instance; } @Override public String getUrlPattern() { return URL_PATTERN; } /** * Prepares a template for polls, which can later be used in createInfluence inheriting * settings of the template * * @param see createInfluence * @return Influence-ID * @throws JSONException * @throws SQLException * @throws SocomException * @throws IOException */ public int createInfluenceTemplate(SocomRequest req) throws JSONException, SQLException, SocomException, IOException { try { int vis = Integer.valueOf(req.getParam("visibility")); return createInfluence(req, vis, true); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException("visibility must be of type integer."); } } /** * Prepares a poll which can be shown in the webapplication. Answeres with * the id of the created Poll. * * @param visibility * @param question * @param type * @param allowfreeanswers (boolean) * @param freeanswersvotable (boolean) * @param Optional * : publish (boolean if the influence should be published in the * SN's) * @param Optional * : message If the influence should be published via SNs this is * the message for the post * @param Optional * : time If the influence should be published the influence must * be started directly. This is the time when it should end * * @return Influence-ID and Post-Ids if published * @throws JSONException * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException */ public int createInfluence(SocomRequest req) throws JSONException, SQLException, SocomException, IOException { try { if(req.containsParam("templateid")) { String templateid = req.getParam("templateid"); return createInfluenceFromTemplate(req, templateid); } int vis = Integer.valueOf(req.getParam("visibility")); return createInfluence(req, vis, false); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException("visibility must be of type integer."); } } private int createInfluenceFromTemplate(SocomRequest req, String templateid) throws JSONException, UIDNotIncludedException, SQLException, CurrentGameInstanceNotIncludedException, InfluenceNotAvailableException, InfluenceTemplateException { long uid = req.getUid(); long gid = req.getCurrentGameInst(); String externalId = db.copyInfluenceTemplate(uid, gid, templateid); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("id", externalId); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(json)); return 0; } private int createInfluence(SocomRequest req, int visibility, boolean template) throws JSONException, SQLException, SocomException, IOException { try { long uid = req.getUid(); long gid = req.getCurrentGameInst(); String question = req.getParam("question"); String type = req.getParam("type"); String externalId = InfluenceFactory.createInfluence(uid, gid, question, type, visibility, req, template); if (externalId == null) return 1; // unknown error JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("id", externalId); if (req.containsParam("publish") && !template) { boolean publish = Boolean.parseBoolean(req.getParam("publish")); if (publish) { String message = req.getParam("message"); boolean publishOnPage = req.getParam("publishonpage", false); int time = Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("time")); db.startInfluence(uid, externalId, time); json.put("postids", SocialNetworkManager.getInstance().publishInfluence(publishOnPage, uid, gid, message, externalId)); } } req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(json)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException("time must be of type long"); } return 0; } /** * Creates a predefined answer for a text-influence. * * @param id * @param answer * * @return success boolean * @throws JSONException * @throws SQLException */ public int addPredefinedAnswer(SocomRequest req) throws JSONException, SQLException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); String externalid = req.getParam("id"); String answer = req.getParam("answer"); long id = db.addPredefinedAnswer(uid, externalid, answer); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("answerid", id))); return 0; } /** * HTTP-POST-Method * Creates a predefined answer with binary content * * All Parameters are expected as cookies. Furthermore the stream should contain the content * * @param id Influence-ID * @param answer * @param fileextension * @return success boolean * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int addPredefinedAnswerWithData(SocomRequest req) throws IOException, SQLException, JSONException { return InfluenceUploadHandler.addPredefinedData(req); } /** * (Hard-)Removes a predefined answer with the given id in the given influence * if the current user id administrator or the owner * @param influenceid external-id of the influence * @param answerid id of the answer * @return success boolean * @throws NumberFormatException * @throws SocomException * @throws SQLException */ public int removePredefinedAnswer(SocomRequest req) throws NumberFormatException, SocomException, SQLException { long uid = req.getUid(); String externalid = req.getParam("influenceid"); long answerid = Long.parseLong(req.getParam("answerid")); boolean success = db.removePredefinedAnswer(uid, externalid, answerid); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString(success)); return 0; } /** * Starts an influence with the given timeout. * * @param id of the Influence * @param time in s ('permanent' or negative value for unlimited time) * * @return success boolean * @throws JSONException * @throws SQLException */ public int startInfluence(SocomRequest req) throws JSONException, SQLException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); String externalid = req.getParam("id"); String timeParam = req.getParam("time"); if(timeParam.equalsIgnoreCase("permanent")) timeParam = "-1"; int time = Integer.parseInt(timeParam); db.startInfluence(uid, externalid, time); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Stops an influence. * * @param id Influence-ID * @return success boolean * * @throws JSONException * @throws SQLException */ public int stopInfluence(SocomRequest req) throws JSONException, SQLException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); String externalid = req.getParam("id"); db.stopInfluence(uid, externalid); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Shows the current results of a voting or inquiry. * * @param id Influence-Id * * @return error code */ public int fetchResult(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); String externalid = req.getParam("id"); InfluenceResult result = db.fetchResult(uid, externalid); req.addOutput(result.toJSONString()); return 0; } /** * shows the configuration of the correspoding influence * * @param id externalid of influence to see * @return configuration (de.tud.kom.socom.util.datatypes.InfluenceConfiguration) * @throws SocomException * @throws SQLException */ public int getInfluence(SocomRequest req) throws SocomException, SQLException { long uid = req.getUid(); String externalid = req.getParam("id"); InfluenceResult result = db.fetchResult(uid, externalid); InfluenceConfiguration config = db.readConfiguration(uid, externalid); JSONObject infl = config.getJSON(); try { infl.put("result", result.getJSON()); } catch (JSONException e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger().Error(e); } req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(infl)); return 0; } /** * change the configuration of an influence or an influence template using the given parameter * * all parameter (except externalid) are optional and only the specified are overwritten * * @param externalid * @param question * @param type * @param minchoices * @param maxchoices * @param maxdigits * @param maxlines * @param maxbyes * @param visibility * @param allowfreeanswers * @param freeanswersvotable * * @return success boolean * @throws ParseException * @throws IllegalParameterException * @throws UIDNotIncludedException * @throws SQLException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InfluenceNotAvailableException */ public int changeInfluence(SocomRequest req) throws SocomException, SQLException { String externalid = req.getParam("id"); long uid = req.getUid(); String question = req.containsParam("question") ? req.getParam("question") : null; String type = req.containsParam("type") ? req.getParam("type") : null; boolean success = false; try{ int minchoices = req.containsParam("minchoices") ? Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("minchoices")) : -1; int maxchoices = req.containsParam("maxchoices") ? Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("maxchoices")) : -1; int maxdigits = req.containsParam("maxdigits") ? Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("maxdigits")) : -1; int maxlines = req.containsParam("maxlines") ? Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("maxlines")) : -1; int maxBytes = req.containsParam("maxbytes") ? Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("maxbytes")) : -1; int visibility = req.containsParam("visibility") ? Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("visibility")) : -1; boolean containsAllowFree = req.containsParam("allowfreeanswers"); boolean containsFreeVotable = req.containsParam("freeanswersvotable"); boolean allowFree = containsAllowFree ? Boolean.parseBoolean(req.getParam("allowfreeanswers")) : false; boolean freeVotable = containsFreeVotable? Boolean.parseBoolean(req.getParam("freeanswersvotable")) : false; success = db.changeConfiguration(uid, externalid, question, type, minchoices, maxchoices, maxdigits, maxlines, maxBytes, visibility, containsAllowFree, allowFree, containsFreeVotable, freeVotable); }catch(NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException(e.getMessage()); } req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString(success)); return 0; } /** * Only used from Web-Application to upload an Influence Image */ public int uploadInfluenceData(SocomRequest req) throws FileUploadException, IOException, SQLException, JSONException { if (!req.isMultipartContent()) return 19; return InfluenceUploadHandler.addFreeData(req); } }