package de.tud.kom.socom.database.content; import; import; import; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import de.tud.kom.socom.SocomCore; import de.tud.kom.socom.GlobalConfig; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.HSQLDatabase; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.user.HSQLUserDatabase; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.ContentMediaConverter; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.datatypes.GameContent; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.enums.ContentCategory; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.ContentNotAvailableException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.ContentNotFoundException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.IllegalAccessException; /** * @author Rhaban Hark * @see(GameContentDatabase) * * HSQLGameContentDatabase implements * GameContentDatabase Database connection to the HSQL * DB */ public class HSQLGameContentDatabase extends HSQLDatabase implements GameContentDatabase, GlobalConfig { private static HSQLGameContentDatabase instance = new HSQLGameContentDatabase(); private static HSQLUserDatabase userdb = HSQLUserDatabase.getInstance(); private HSQLGameContentDatabase() { super(); } public static HSQLGameContentDatabase getInstance() { return instance; } @Override public String createGameContent(long uid, long contextID, String title, String description, ContentCategory category, Map<String, String> attributes, String type, int visibility) throws SQLException { long typeId = lazyInsert("contenttypes", type); String query = "INSERT INTO gamecontent (owner, contextid, title, description, " + "metadata, content, type, secretident, visibility, time, hits, category) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), 0, ?)"; PreparedStatement selectQuery = db .getPreparedStatement("SELECT id FROM gamecontent WHERE secretident = ?;"); PreparedStatement statement = db.getPreparedStatement(query); statement.setLong(1, uid); statement.setLong(2, contextID); statement.setString(3, title); statement.setString(4, description); statement.setObject(5, attributes); statement.setLong(6, typeId); String secret = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt()) + ""; selectQuery.setString(1, secret); while (selectQuery.executeQuery().next()) { secret = new Random().nextInt() + ""; selectQuery.setString(1, secret); } statement.setString(7, secret); statement.setInt(8, visibility); statement.setInt(9, category.ordinal()); statement.execute(); return secret; } @Override public long uploadGameContent(long uid, String identifier, InputStream is) throws SQLException, ContentNotFoundException { String query = "UPDATE gamecontent SET content = ?, secretident = NULL WHERE secretident = ?;"; PreparedStatement statement = db.getPreparedStatementGetKey(query); statement.setBlob(1, is); statement.setString(2, identifier); statement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet keys = statement.getGeneratedKeys();; long id = keys.getLong(1); ContentMediaConverter.convertIfNecessary(id); return id; } @Override public String getType(long id) throws SQLException, ContentNotFoundException { String query = "SELECT name " + "FROM gamecontent INNER JOIN contenttypes on = gamecontent.type " + "WHERE = ?;"; PreparedStatement statement = db.getPreparedStatement(query); statement.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); if(! throw new ContentNotFoundException(); return rs.getString(1); } @Override public void setContent(long id, InputStream in) throws SQLException{ String query = "UPDATE gamecontent SET content = ? WHERE id = ?;"; PreparedStatement statement = db.getPreparedStatement(query); statement.setBlob(1, in); statement.setLong(2, id); statement.execute(); } @Override public List<GameContent> fetchContent(long uid, long contextid, Date since) throws SQLException { boolean isAdmin = userdb.userIsAdmin(uid); String query = "SELECT " + ", " + "gamecontent.owner, " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.category, "+ "gamecontent.contextid, " + "gamecontent.description, " + " AS typename, " + ", " + "gamecontent.metadata, " + "gamecontent.time, " + "gamecontent.hits, " + "gamecontent.visibility " + "FROM " + "((gamecontent INNER JOIN contenttypes ON gamecontent.type = " + "INNER JOIN users ON users.uid = gamecontent.owner) " + "WHERE " + "gamecontent.contextid = ? AND gamecontent.deleted = 0 " + (since != null ? ("AND gamecontent.time >= '" + SocomCore.getDateFormat().format(since) + "';") : ";"); PreparedStatement statement = db.getPreparedStatement(query); statement.setLong(1, contextid); return fetchContentDetails(uid, statement.executeQuery(), isAdmin); } @Override public List<GameContent> fetchContent(long uid, long gameInstanceId, String[] contextids, Date since, String[] types, String[] titles, String[] keywords, String[] metadata) throws SQLException { boolean isAdmin = userdb.userIsAdmin(uid); //FIXME TODO no security agains sql-attacks, use PreparedStatements to ensure secure parameter setting (rh) String whereClause = "WHERE " + "gamecontent.deleted = 0 " + (since != null ? ("AND gamecontent.time >= '" + SocomCore.getDateFormat().format(since) + "' ") : ""); whereClause += appendWhereClause(contextids, "gamecontent.contextid", "=", false); whereClause += appendWhereClause(types, "", "=", true); for(int i = 0; i < (titles != null ? titles.length : 0); i++) titles[i] = "%" + titles[i] + "%"; whereClause += appendWhereClause(titles, "gamecontent.title", "LIKE", true); for(int i = 0; i < (keywords != null ? keywords.length : 0); i++) keywords[i] = "%" + keywords[i] + "%"; whereClause += appendWhereClause(keywords, "gamecontent.description", "LIKE", true); String query = "SELECT " + ", " + "gamecontent.owner, " + "gamecontent.title, " + "gamecontent.category, " + "gamecontent.contextid, " + "gamecontent.description, " + " AS typename, " + ", " + "gamecontent.metadata, " + "gamecontent.time, " + "gamecontent.hits, " + "gamecontent.visibility " + "FROM " + "((gamecontent INNER JOIN contenttypes ON gamecontent.type = " + "INNER JOIN users ON users.uid = gamecontent.owner) " + whereClause + ";"; ResultSet rs = db.execQueryWithResult(query); List<GameContent> tmp = fetchContentDetails(uid, rs, isAdmin); if(metadata == null) return tmp; List<GameContent> result = new LinkedList<GameContent>(); contents: for(GameContent gc : tmp){ metas: for(String meta : metadata){ String[] metaParts = meta.split("(?<!/):"); if(metaParts.length < 2){ continue metas; } String deescapedKey = metaParts[0].replaceAll("/,",",").replaceAll("/:", ":"); String deescapedValue = metaParts[1].replaceAll("/,",",").replaceAll("/:", ":"); if(gc.getMetadata().containsKey(deescapedKey) && gc.getMetadata().get(deescapedKey).equals(deescapedValue)){ result.add(gc); continue contents; } } } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<GameContent> fetchContentDetails(long uid, ResultSet rs, boolean isAdmin) throws SQLException{ List<GameContent> result = new LinkedList<GameContent>(); PreparedStatement commentStatement = db.getPreparedStatement( "SELECT, contentcomments.uid,, contentcomments.text, contentcomments.time " + "FROM (contentcomments INNER JOIN users ON users.uid = contentcomments.uid) " + "WHERE contentid = ? AND deleted = 0;"); PreparedStatement ratingsStatement = db.getPreparedStatement("SELECT * FROM contentratings WHERE contentid = ?;"); while({ long ownerId = rs.getLong("owner"); boolean isFriend = userdb.isFriendOf(ownerId, uid); if(isAdmin || rs.getInt("visibility") == 2 || (rs.getInt("visibility") == 1 && isFriend)){ long contentid = rs.getLong("id"); GameContent content = new GameContent(contentid, rs.getLong("contextid"), ownerId, rs.getString("title"), rs.getString("description"), ContentCategory.values()[rs.getInt("category")], rs.getString("typename"), rs.getString("name"), (Map<String, String>) rs.getObject("metadata"),rs.getTimestamp("time"), rs.getInt("hits"), -1, -1, -1); commentStatement.setLong(1, contentid); ratingsStatement.setLong(1, contentid); ResultSet commentResult = commentStatement.executeQuery(); ResultSet ratingsResult = ratingsStatement.executeQuery(); while({ content.addComment( ContentComment(commentResult.getLong("id"), commentResult.getLong("uid"), contentid, commentResult.getString("name"), commentResult.getString("text"), commentResult.getTimestamp("time"))); } double val = 0; int count = 0; while({ if(ratingsResult.getLong("uid") == uid) content.setCurrentUsersRating(ratingsResult.getDouble("value")); val += ratingsResult.getDouble("value"); count++; } content.setRating(count > 0 ? (Math.ceil((val / (double)count)*100))/100 : -1); content.setRatingCount(count); result.add(content); } } return result; } private String appendWhereClause(String[] data, String fieldToMatch, String matchOperator, boolean caseInsensitive){ //FIXME not secure (see line 151) if(data != null && data.length > 0){ String clause = "AND ( " + (caseInsensitive ? "UPPER(" : "(") + fieldToMatch + ") " + matchOperator + (caseInsensitive ? " UPPER('" : "('") + data[0] + "')"; for(int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) clause += " OR " + (caseInsensitive ? "UPPER(" : "(") + fieldToMatch + ") " + matchOperator + (caseInsensitive ? " UPPER('" : "('") + data[i] + "')"; return clause + ") "; } return ""; } @Override public byte[] downloadContent(long uid, long id, boolean increaseHits) throws SQLException, IOException, ContentNotAvailableException, IllegalAccessException { if(increaseHits) { String query = "UPDATE gamecontent SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE id = ?;"; PreparedStatement statement = db.getPreparedStatement(query); statement.setLong(1, id); statement.executeUpdate(); } String query = "SELECT content, visibility, owner FROM gamecontent WHERE id = ?;"; PreparedStatement statement = db.getPreparedStatement(query); statement.setLong(1, id); ResultSet queryResult = statement.executeQuery();; if (! throw new ContentNotAvailableException(); long ownerId = queryResult.getLong("owner"); int visibility = queryResult.getInt("visibility"); //uid -2 (call by ContentMediaConverter.convertAudio(long)) if(!(uid == -2 || visibility == 2 || ownerId == uid || userdb.userIsAdmin(uid) || (visibility == 1 && userdb.isFriendOf(ownerId, uid)))) throw new IllegalAccessException(); Blob blob = queryResult.getBlob("content"); if(blob == null) throw new ContentNotAvailableException(); InputStream input = blob.getBinaryStream(); if (input == null) return null; ByteArrayOutputStream byteout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while (input.available() > 0) byteout.write(; return byteout.toByteArray(); } @Override public void rateContent(long uid, long id, double rating) throws SQLException { // Already rated? String query = "SELECT " + "uid " + "FROM " + "contentratings " + "WHERE " + "uid = ? " + "AND contentid = ?;"; PreparedStatement statement = db.getPreparedStatement(query); statement.setLong(1, uid); statement.setLong(2, id); ResultSet queryResult = statement.executeQuery(); if (! { // Insert new entry query = "INSERT INTO " + "contentratings " + "VALUES (?,?,?, NOW());"; statement = db.getPreparedStatement(query); statement.setLong(1, uid); statement.setLong(2, id); statement.setDouble(3, rating); statement.executeUpdate(); } else { // Update old entry query = "UPDATE " + "contentratings " + "SET " + "value = ?, " + "time = NOW() " + "WHERE " + "uid = ? " + "AND contentid = ?;"; statement = db.getPreparedStatement(query); statement.setDouble(1, rating); statement.setLong(2, uid); statement.setLong(3, id); statement.executeUpdate(); } } @Override public long addComment(long uid, long contentid, String message) throws SQLException { String query = "INSERT INTO contentcomments(uid, contentid, text, time) VALUES (?,?,?, NOW());"; PreparedStatement statement = db.getPreparedStatementGetKey(query); statement.setLong(1, uid); statement.setLong(2, contentid); statement.setString(3, message); statement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet keys = statement.getGeneratedKeys();; return keys.getLong(1); } @Override public boolean deleteComment(long uid, long commentid, int delete) throws SQLException, IllegalAccessException { String query = "SELECT " + "users.isadmin, contentcomments.uid " + "FROM " + "users, contentcomments " + "WHERE " + "users.uid = ? AND = ?;"; PreparedStatement statement = db.getPreparedStatement(query); statement.setLong(1, uid); statement.setLong(2, commentid); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();; boolean isAdmin = rs.getBoolean("isadmin"); boolean isOwner = rs.getLong("uid") == uid; if(!isAdmin && !isOwner) throw new IllegalAccessException(); statement = db.getPreparedStatement("UPDATE contentcomments SET deleted = ? WHERE id = ?;"); statement.setInt(1, delete); statement.setLong(2, commentid); return statement.executeUpdate() > 0; } }