package de.tud.socom.client.gui.batch; import; import; /** holding all information of a Socom / facebook Account to create, read, save * * @author jkonert * */ public class BatchAccount { private static final String SEPERATOR = ";"; private String firstname; private String lastname; private String password; private String groupID = null; private int socomID = -1; private long facebookID = -1; private String fbEmail = null; private String fbPassword = null; private String socomFbAccessToken = null; private String fbLoginUrl = null; private BatchAccount() { } public BatchAccount(String firstname, String lastname, String password) { this.firstname = firstname; this.lastname = lastname; this.password = password; } protected String getGroupID() { return groupID; } protected void setGroupID(String groupID) { this.groupID = groupID; } protected int getSocomID() { return socomID; } protected void setSocomID(int socomID) { this.socomID = socomID; } protected long getFacebookID() { return facebookID; } protected void setFacebookID(long facebookID) { this.facebookID = facebookID; } protected String getFbEmail() { return fbEmail; } protected void setFbEmail(String fbEmail) { this.fbEmail = fbEmail; } public void setFbPassword(String password) { this.fbPassword = password; } protected String getFBPassword() { return fbPassword; } protected String getSocomFbAccessToken() { return socomFbAccessToken; } protected void setSocomFbAccessToken(String socomFbAccessToken) { this.socomFbAccessToken = socomFbAccessToken; } protected String getFbLoginUrl() { return fbLoginUrl; } protected void setFbLoginUrl(String fbLoginUrl) { this.fbLoginUrl = fbLoginUrl; } public boolean isSocomRegistered() { return this.socomID != -1; } public boolean isFacebookRegistered() { return this.facebookID != -1; } public boolean isAppRegistered() { return this.socomFbAccessToken != null; } public boolean isDone() { return isSocomRegistered() & isFacebookRegistered() & isAppRegistered(); } /** * * @param account2 * @return false if this groupID is not set or account2 is null, otherwise only returns true if both IDs are equal */ public boolean EqualGroup (BatchAccount account2) { return this.groupID!= null && account2 !=null && this.groupID.equals(account2.getGroupID()); } public boolean isValid() { return this.firstname != null && this.lastname !=null; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 0; result += (firstname!=null)?firstname.hashCode():0; result += (lastname!=null)?lastname.hashCode():0; // result += (password!=null)?password.hashCode():0; as password is now set via facebook the account is defined by name return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == null || !(other instanceof BatchAccount)) return false; return this.hashCode() == other.hashCode(); } /** Parses and converts data from a line from a file. * Format: Vorname; Nachname; Passwort[; groupID][; Socom ID; facebook-ID; fb-email; access-token] * Password min 6 chars * groupID (optional) to make all accounts with same groupID friends on facebook * * @param line expects a semicolon serperated line from file. * @return */ public static BatchAccount createFromString(String line) { String[] parts = line.split(SEPERATOR); if (parts.length<3) return new BatchAccount(); BatchAccount newAccount = new BatchAccount(parts[0].trim(),parts[1].trim(),parts[2].trim()); if (parts.length<4) return newAccount; newAccount.setGroupID(parts[3].trim()); if (parts.length<5) return newAccount; newAccount.setSocomID(Integer.parseInt(parts[4].trim())); if (parts.length<6) return newAccount; newAccount.setFacebookID(Long.parseLong(parts[5].trim())); if (parts.length<7) return newAccount; newAccount.setFbEmail(parts[6].trim()); if (parts.length<8) return newAccount; newAccount.setSocomFbAccessToken(parts[7].trim()); return newAccount; } public String getName() { return (lastname != null && lastname.length() > 0)?firstname+" "+lastname:firstname; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void writeTo(Writer writer) throws IOException { writer.append(firstname).append(SEPERATOR); writer.append(lastname).append(SEPERATOR); writer.append(password); writeIfNotEmpty(writer,getGroupID()); writeIfNotEmpty(writer,getSocomID()); writeIfNotEmpty(writer,getFacebookID()); writeIfNotEmpty(writer,getFbEmail()); writeIfNotEmpty(writer,getSocomFbAccessToken()); } private void writeIfNotEmpty(Writer writer, long value) throws IOException { if (value != -1) { writeIfNotEmpty(writer, String.valueOf(value)); // subobtimal String creation here... } } private void writeIfNotEmpty(Writer writer, String value) throws IOException { if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { writer.append(SEPERATOR).append(value); } } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } }