package de.tud.kom.socom.web.client.login; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.client.AppController; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.client.eventhandler.LoginEventHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.client.sharedmodels.LoginResult; import de.tud.kom.socom.web.client.util.RequestInformation; /** * central class handling the cookie management and RequestInformation update * * @author jkonert * */ public class LoginManager implements LoginEventHandler { private RequestInformation requestInformation; private HandlerManager eventBus; private AppController appController; private NetworkLoginManager networkLoginManager; // lazy loading.. public LoginManager(AppController appController) { this.appController = appController; this.eventBus = appController.getEventHandler(); this.eventBus.addHandler(LoginEvent.TYPE, this); } public void login(String username, String pw) { appController.getRPCFactory().getLoginService().login(username, pw, new AsyncCallback<LoginResult>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Error: " + caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(LoginResult result) { String sid = result.getSid(); if(sid == null) { storeLoginInformation(new LoginResult(false), true, true); return; } setSessionCookie(sid); storeLoginInformation(result, true, true); } }); } public void checkIfLoggedIn(RequestInformation rq) { this.requestInformation = rq; String sid = getSessionID(); setSessionCookie(sid); appController.getRPCFactory().getLoginService().isLoggedIn(sid, new AsyncCallback<LoginResult>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(caught.toString()); eventBus.fireEvent(new CommunicationFailureEvent(caught)); } @Override public void onSuccess(LoginResult result) { storeLoginInformation(result, true, false); } }); } public void setSessionCookie(String sid) { final long DURATION = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14; //duration remembering login. 2 weeks Date expires = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + DURATION); Cookies.setCookie("sid", sid, expires); } /** * @return sessionid or null if it doesnt exist */ public String getSessionID() { // FIXME RH: manage this cookie consistent with login/logout events. means: delete it when logout. re-set it when logged in. (JK) // FIXME don't we need a setSessionID() method as well here? encapsulated in LoginManager? return Cookies.getCookie("sid"); } public void logout() { if (!requestInformation.isLoggedIn()) return; String sid = getSessionID(); Cookies.removeCookie("sid"); appController.getRPCFactory().getLoginService().logout(sid,new AsyncCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { eventBus.fireEvent(new CommunicationFailureEvent(caught)); } @Override public void onSuccess(Boolean result) { eventBus.fireEvent(new LogoutEvent()); } }); } /** * new method to only save user information */ public void storeLoginInformation(LoginResult result, boolean fireSuccessEvent, boolean fireFailureEvent){ if(result.isSuccess() && !result.isDeleted()){ // TODO: Each login sets the user online for a short period of // time // --> realize by a timestamp in table to user "lastTimeOnline" // . Each display checks if currentTime-lastTimeOnline < // PERIOD_ONLINE // should be automatically done in API on every user-related // call requestInformation.setUserID(result.getUid()); requestInformation.setUserName(result.getUsername()); requestInformation.setUserIsAdmin(result.isAdmin()); if(fireSuccessEvent) eventBus.fireEvent(new LoginSuccessEvent(result.getUid())); } else { if(fireFailureEvent) { Window.alert("Error logging in. Username or Password incorrect."); eventBus.fireEvent(new LoginErrorWrongUserIDPasswortEvent()); } } } public NetworkLoginManager getNetworkLoginManager() { if (this.networkLoginManager == null) { this.networkLoginManager = new NetworkLoginManager(appController); } return this.networkLoginManager; } @Override public void onLoginSuccessEvent(LoginEvent event) { // caused by myself. ignore. // cookie setting etc. could be of course done here, but as we already // have some admin information that is not in // the event, it is done above on Async result directly. } @Override public void onLogoutEvent(LogoutEvent event) { requestInformation.clearUserInformation(); } @Override public void onLoginErrorNetworkUserNotFound(LoginErrorNetworkUserNotFoundEvent loginErrorNetworkUserNotFound) { // ignore } @Override public void onLoginErrorWrongUserIDPasswortEvent(LoginErrorWrongUserIDPasswortEvent loginErrorWrongUserIDPasswortEvent) { // ignore } @Override public void onLoginNetworkSuccessEvent(LoginEvent event) { // ignore } }