package de.tud.kom.socom.components.user; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import de.tud.kom.socom.GlobalConfig; import de.tud.kom.socom.SocomComponent; import; import; import; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.HSQLAccess; import; import; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.user.HSQLUserDatabase; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.user.HSQLUserGameInfoDatabase; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.user.UserDatabase; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.user.UserGameInfoDatabase; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.EasyEncrypter; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.JSONUtils; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.ResourceLoader; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.SocomRequest; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.datatypes.JournalEntry; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.datatypes.SimpleGameContext; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.datatypes.User; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.datatypes.UserMetadata; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.ContextNotFoundException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.CurrentContextNotFoundException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.CurrentGameInstanceNotIncludedException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.SocomException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.IllegalParameterException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.ParseException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.UIDNotIncludedException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.UserNotFoundException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.playerstate.ObservedUIDs; /** * * @author rhaban * */ public class UserManager extends SocomComponent { /* * first character letter * min 4 characters, max 15 * only letters, numbers, underscore */ private static final String PASSWORD_REGEX = "^[a-zA-Z]\\w{3,14}$"; private static final String URL_PATTERN = "user"; private static UserManager instance = new UserManager(); private UserDatabase udb; private UserGameInfoDatabase uidb; private GameDatabase gamedb; private UserManager() { this.udb = HSQLUserDatabase.getInstance(); this.uidb = HSQLUserGameInfoDatabase.getInstance(); this.gamedb = HSQLGameDatabase.getInstance(); } public static UserManager getInstance() { return instance; } /** * Shows information about the current user or the user with the given id * (iff the profile is visible) * * @param uid * in session * @param Optional * : id (long) socom id of the user to show * @return Userinformation * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException * @throws SocomException */ public int getUser(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); long profileId; try { profileId = Long.parseLong(req.getParam("id")); } catch (IllegalParameterException e) { profileId = uid; } User user = udb.fetchUser(uid, profileId); if (user == null) throw new UserNotFoundException(profileId); req.addOutput(user.toJSONString()); return 0; } /** * Loggs a user in. Starts a new session with his id. * * @param username * Name of the user * @param password * User's password * @param game * Name of the current game * @param version * Current game's version * @param gamepassword * Game's Password * @return The users id. * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int loginUser(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { // User already logged id? try { req.getUid(); return 11; } catch (UIDNotIncludedException e) { } String gamename = req.getParam("game"); String gameversion = req.getParam("version"); String gamepassword = req.getParam("gamepassword"); String username = req.getParam("username"); String password = req.getParam("password"); long gameinstanceid = gamedb.authenticateGameInstance(gamename, gameversion, gamepassword); password = EasyEncrypter.getSHA(password); long[] ids = udb.validateUser(gameinstanceid, username, password); udb.updateUsersGame(ids[0], gameinstanceid); ObservedUIDs.getInstance().setOnline(ids[0]); req.setUid(ids[0]); req.setCurrentGameInst(ids[1]); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("uid", ids[0]))); return 0; } /** * Logs the current user out. Does not delete anything except the session.. * * @param uid * in session * @return success boolean * @throws JSONException */ public int logout(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { udb.setUserOffline(req.getUid()); udb.updateUsersGame(req.getUid(), req.getCurrentGameInst()); req.removeUid(); req.removeGameInst(); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Creates a new user. After this the user is logged in and bound to the * current game instance. * * @param username * @param password * @param game * @param version * Game's version * @param gamepassword * @param visibility * (int, 0 = private, 1 = friends, 2 = public) * @return uid of the new user * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int createUser(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { // User already logged id? try { req.getUid(); return 11; } catch (UIDNotIncludedException e) { } String username = req.getParam("username"); if (username.startsWith("GeneratedUser")) // forbidden username throw new IllegalParameterException("username must not start with GeneratedUser.."); String password = req.getParam("password"); if(!password.matches(PASSWORD_REGEX)) throw new IllegalParameterException("password", "Password must start with letter, have at least 4 " + "and at maximum 14 characters " + "and contain at least one number"); password = EasyEncrypter.getSHA(password); String gamename = req.getParam("game"); String gameversion = req.getParam("version"); String gamepassword = req.getParam("gamepassword"); int visibility = Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("visibility")); long gameinstanceid = gamedb.authenticateGameInstance(gamename, gameversion, gamepassword); long[] ids = udb.createUser(gameinstanceid, username, password, visibility); udb.updateUsersGame(ids[0], gameinstanceid); req.setUid(ids[0]); req.setCurrentGameInst(ids[1]); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("uid", ids[0]))); return 0; } public int changeUser(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { // User already logged id? long uid = req.getUid(); String username = req.getParam("username", null); if (username != null && username.startsWith("GeneratedUser")) // forbidden username throw new IllegalParameterException("username must not start with GeneratedUser.."); String password = req.getParam("password"); int visibility = req.getParam("visibility", -1); if(username != null) { udb.changeUsername(uid, password, username); } if(visibility != -1) { udb.changeVisibility(uid, password, visibility); } req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Generates a user and returns a url to login via facebook. * * @param game * @param version * @param gamepassword * @param visibility * (int, 0 = private, 1 = friends, 2 = public) * @param network * (Facebook, VZNet, Google+) where the user wants to login with * @return uid of the new user, his username and password, a loginUrl * leading to the social network login * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int createUserWithSocialNetwork(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { try { req.getUid(); return 11; } catch (UIDNotIncludedException e) { } String gamename = req.getParam("game"); String version = req.getParam("version"); String gamepassword = req.getParam("gamepassword"); long gameinstanceid = gamedb.authenticateGameInstance(gamename, version, gamepassword); int visibility = Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("visibility")); String network = req.getParam("network"); SNConnection nwconn = SocialNetworkManager.getInstance().getConnection(network, gameinstanceid); if (nwconn == null) return 4; String username = udb.getNextGeneratableUserName(); String password = EasyEncrypter.getInstance().getRandomPassword(); String passwordHash = EasyEncrypter.getSHA(password); long[] ids = udb.createUser(gameinstanceid, username, passwordHash, visibility); long uid = ids[0]; String loginUrl = nwconn.getLoginURL(uid, gameinstanceid); udb.updateUsersGame(uid, gameinstanceid); req.setUid(uid); req.setCurrentGameInst(ids[1]); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("uid", uid).put("username", username).put("password", password).put("loginUrl", loginUrl))); return 0; } /** * Deletes a user. (Can be re-activated in the web-application) * * @param password User's password * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int deleteUser(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); String password = req.getParam("password"); password = EasyEncrypter.getSHA(password); boolean success = udb.deleteUser(uid, password); logout(req); req.setOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString(success)); return 0; } /** * Sets the current user as admin * @param password User's password * @param mastersecret * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int becomeAdmin(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { if (req.getParam("mastersecret").equals(ResourceLoader.getResource("mastersecret"))) { long uid = req.getUid(); String password = req.getParam("password"); password = EasyEncrypter.getSHA(password); udb.becomeAdmin(uid, password); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); } else return 19; // illegal access return 0; } /** * Shows a list of the users game instances he is/was playing * * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int getUsersGames(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); List<GameInstance> result = udb.getUsersGames(uid); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("games", new JSONArray(result)))); return 0; } /** * Sets the current context for the player (contexts may be: scenes, level, mapparts, ..) * * If the context does not exist it will be created, furthermore a relation between two contexts will be created * * @param context External ID of the current context * @param isNewGame true if the game is currently restarted to * prevent autogenerated relations to beginning scene (default: false) * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int setCurrentContext(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); String context = req.getParam("context"); boolean isNewGame = req.getParam("isNewGame", false); long gameInstance = req.getCurrentGameInst(); long contextId = -1L; long lastContextId = -1L; while (true) { try { // get new context contextId = gamedb.getGameContextId(context, gameInstance); // save last context lastContextId = uidb.getCurrentContext(uid, gameInstance); // autogenerate relation (if it doesn't already exist, and its not game restart) if (lastContextId != contextId && !isNewGame) gamedb.addContextRelation(gameInstance, lastContextId, contextId, true); // go further break; } catch (ContextNotFoundException e) { // if the new context does not exist -> autogenerate it and use given id context = gamedb.autogenerateContext(gameInstance, context); // try again continue; } catch (CurrentContextNotFoundException e) { // current context not present -> skip autogen relation break; } } uidb.setCurrentContext(uid, lastContextId, contextId); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Show all contexts the user ever visited. * * @return List of contexts * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int getVisitedContexts(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); long gameInst = req.getCurrentGameInst(); List<SimpleGameContext> contexts = uidb.getVisitedContexts(uid, gameInst); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("contexts", contexts))); return 0; } /** * Adds a gamelog (mostly debug-msgs for game-developers) * * @param type * @param message * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException * @throws SocomException */ public int addLog(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { int visibility = GlobalConfig.VISIBILITY_NON_USER; return createLog(req, visibility); } /** * Adds a journal entry for the user * * @param type * @param message * @param Optional: visibility * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException * @throws IllegalAccessException */ public int addJournalEntry(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { int visibility = GlobalConfig.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC; if (req.getParams().containsKey("visibility")) { visibility = Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("visibility")); } return createLog(req, visibility); } private int createLog(SocomRequest req, int visibility) throws SocomException, SQLException, JSONException { long uid = req.getUid(); long currentGameInst = req.getCurrentGameInst(); String type = req.getParam("type").toUpperCase(); String message = req.getParam("message"); uidb.addJournalEntry(uid, currentGameInst, new JournalEntry(type, message, visibility)); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Shows all Journal Entries for the current user. * * @param Optional: limit (max. entries to show) * @param Optional: offset (sql-like limit & offset) * @param Optional: type Which types should only be shown * @return List of Journal-Entries * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int getJournalEntries(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { boolean gameLogs = false; return getLogs(req, gameLogs); } /** * Shows all GameLogs for the current user (only accessible for the game itself) * * @param gamepassword * @param Optional: limit (max. entries to show) * @param Optional: offset (sql-like limit & offset) * @param Optional: type Which types should only be shown * @throws SocomException * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int getLogs(SocomRequest req) throws SocomException, SQLException, JSONException{ String gamepassword = req.getParam("gamepassword"); long gameinstid = req.getCurrentGameInst(); HSQLGameDatabase.getInstance().authenticateGameInstance(gameinstid, gamepassword); boolean gameLogs = true; return getLogs(req, gameLogs); } private int getLogs(SocomRequest req, boolean gameLogs) throws UIDNotIncludedException, CurrentGameInstanceNotIncludedException, ParseException, SQLException, JSONException, IllegalParameterException { String debugParamString = "limit"; try { long uid = req.getUid(); long gameinstid = req.getCurrentGameInst(); Map<String, String> params = req.getParams(); String limitParam = params.get("limit"); String offsetParam = params.get("offset"); String type = params.get("type"); int limit = limitParam == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(limitParam); debugParamString = "offset"; int offset = offsetParam == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(offsetParam); if (limit < 0 || offset < 0) return 4; if (type == null) type = "all"; else type = type.toUpperCase(); List<JournalEntry> logs = uidb.getUserJournal(uid, gameinstid, limit, offset, type, gameLogs); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("logs", logs))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException(debugParamString + " must be of type integer."); } return 0; } /** * Adds time (in seconds) to the 'already played time' for the player in his current context * * @param time in s * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int addTimePlayed(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { try { long uid = req.getUid(); long currentGameInst = req.getCurrentGameInst(); long contextId = uidb.getCurrentContext(uid, currentGameInst); long time = Long.parseLong(req.getParam("time")); uidb.addTimePlayed(uid, contextId, time); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException("time must be of type long."); } return 0; } /** * Resets the 'time already played' (=0) for the player in his current context * * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int resetTimePlayed(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); long currentGameInst = req.getCurrentGameInst(); long contextId = uidb.getCurrentContext(uid, currentGameInst); uidb.setTimePlayed(uid, contextId, 0); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Sets the 'already played time' (in seconds) for the player in his current context * * @param time in s * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int setTimePlayed(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { try { long uid = req.getUid(); long currentGameInst = req.getCurrentGameInst(); long contextId = uidb.getCurrentContext(uid, currentGameInst); long time = Long.parseLong(req.getParam("time")); uidb.setTimePlayed(uid, contextId, time); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException("time must be of type long."); } return 0; } /** * Show the time played in the current context * * @return time in s * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int getTimePlayed(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); long currentGameInst = req.getCurrentGameInst(); long contextId = uidb.getCurrentContext(uid, currentGameInst); long timeplayed = uidb.getTimePlayed(uid, contextId); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("timeplayed", timeplayed))); return 0; } /** * Creates a new Metadata key-value-Pair for the user * The Metadata have public visibility if nothing else is defined * * @param key * @param value * @param Optional: visibility (Integer) (if not specified its 0 (private) * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int createMetadata(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); String key = req.getParam("key"); String value = req.getParam("value"); int visibility = GlobalConfig.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE; if(req.containsParam("visibility")) visibility = Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("visibility")); udb.createMetadata(uid, key, value, visibility); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Changes an existing Metadata * * @param key Existing key * @param value * @param Optional: visibility (Integer) * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int updateMetadata(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); String key = req.getParam("key"); String value = req.getParam("value"); int visibility = -1; if(req.containsParam("visibility")) visibility = Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("visibility")); udb.updateMetadata(uid, key, value, visibility); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Delete an existing Metadata * * @param key Existing metadata-key * @param Optional: deleted The deleted value * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int deleteMetadata(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); String key = req.getParam("key"); int deleted = 1; if (req.getParams().containsKey("deleted")) deleted = Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("deleted")); udb.deleteMetadata(uid, key, deleted); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Shows existing, visible Metadata * * @return The metadata * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int getMetadata(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long currentUid = req.getUid(); long ofUid = req.containsParam("of") ? Long.parseLong(req.getParam("of")) : currentUid; List<UserMetadata> result = udb.fetchMetadata(currentUid, ofUid); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("data", result))); return 0; } /** * Changes the username * @param username The new usersname the user wishes to have * @param password the actual password to authenticate again * @return success boolean * @throws JSONException */ public int changeUsername(SocomRequest req) throws SocomException, SQLException, JSONException { long uid = req.getUid(); String newUsername = req.getParam("username"); String password = req.getParam("password"); password = EasyEncrypter.getSHA(password); udb.changeUsername(uid, password, newUsername); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Changes the users password * @param password the actual password to authenticate again * @param newPassword the new password the users wishes to have * @return success boolean * @throws JSONException */ public int changeUserPassword(SocomRequest req) throws SocomException, SQLException, JSONException { long uid = req.getUid(); String password = req.getParam("password"); String newPassword = req.getParam("newpassword"); if(!newPassword.matches(PASSWORD_REGEX)) throw new IllegalParameterException("newpassword", "Password must start with letter, have at least 4 " + "and at maximum 14 characters " + "and contain at least one number"); password = EasyEncrypter.getSHA(password); newPassword = EasyEncrypter.getSHA(newPassword); udb.changePassword(uid, password, newPassword); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /* * hacked in method to stop socom (when someone forgets to shutdown the server ;) ) */ public int exit(SocomRequest req) throws SocomException, SQLException { if (req.getParam("mastersecret").equals(ResourceLoader.getResource("mastersecret"))) { HSQLAccess.getInstance().execQuery("SHUTDOWN"); System.exit(0); return 0; } return 19; // illegal access } /** * URL PATTERN IS "user" */ @Override public String getUrlPattern() { return URL_PATTERN; } }