package de.tud.kom.socom.components.content; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import de.tud.kom.socom.SocomComponent; import de.tud.kom.socom.SocomCore; import de.tud.kom.socom.GlobalConfig; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.content.GameContentDatabase; import de.tud.kom.socom.database.content.HSQLGameContentDatabase; import; import; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.SocomRequest; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.JSONUtils; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.NumberParser; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.datatypes.GameContent; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.enums.ContentCategory; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.ContentNotAvailableException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.SocomException; import de.tud.kom.socom.util.exceptions.IllegalParameterException; /** * * @author Rhaban Hark * * Game-Content-Manager is used to handle Game-Content e.g. Hints, * Videos, Level and more. In this manager are methods to upload, * download and fetch information of game-content. * */ public class ContentManager extends SocomComponent { private static final String URL_PATTERN = "content"; private static GameContentDatabase db; private static ContentManager instance = new ContentManager(); private ContentManager() { db = HSQLGameContentDatabase.getInstance(); } public static ContentManager getInstance() { return instance; } /** * With this method you can allocate space for your game-content which you * can upload after allocating the space. Here you have to specify all * information for the content. * * The method puts a "contentident"-cookie in the response, containing a key * you need when uploading the real content. * * @param visibility * @param title * @param description * @param type * (text | image | audio | binary) * @param category: (QUESTION, INFORMATION, HINT, SOLUTION) * @param Optional * : contextid To which context do this content relate * @param all * other parameters will be handled as metadata for this content * @return success boolean with contentident cookie * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int createUserContent(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { try { int visibility = Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("visibility")); return createGameContent(req, visibility); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException("visibility must be of type integer between 0 and 4."); } } private int createGameContent(SocomRequest req, int visibility) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); long gameinstid = req.getCurrentGameInst(); long contextid = HSQLGameDatabase.getInstance().getGameContextId(req.getParam("contextid"), gameinstid); String title = req.getParam("title"); String description = req.getParam("description"); // type must be either 'text' or 'binary' String type = req.getParam("type"); String cat = req.getParam("category"); ContentCategory category = null; try { category = ContentCategory.valueOf(cat.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException("category"); } if (!(type.equals("text") || type.equals("binary") || type.equals("audio") || type.equals("image"))) return 10; Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(req.getParams()); // Remove known values attributes.remove("contextid"); attributes.remove("type"); attributes.remove("title"); attributes.remove("description"); attributes.remove("visibility"); attributes.remove("category"); String ident = db.createGameContent(uid, contextid, title, description, category, attributes, type, visibility); req.addCookie("contentident", ident); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); return 0; } /** * Equal method to createUserContent. Difference is the visibility is * restricted to the game (non-user content). * * @see(createUserContent) * * @param title * @param description * @param type * (text | image | audio | binary) * @param category * @param Optional * : contextid To which context do this content relate * @param all * other parameters will be handled as metadata for this content * @return success boolean with contentident cookie * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int createGameContent(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { int visibility = GlobalConfig.VISIBILITY_NON_USER; return createGameContent(req, visibility); } /** * HTTP-POST-Method * * After allocating space for a content you can upload the content using the * key sent in the "contentident" cookie. The cookie must be sent back (as * cookie) here for identification. * * @param contentident * as cookie * @return The new contentid * @throws JSONException * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException */ public int uploadContent(SocomRequest req) throws JSONException, IOException, SQLException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); String identifier = req.getCookieVal("contentident"); InputStream is = req.getInputStream(); long contentid = db.uploadGameContent(uid, identifier, is); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("contentid", contentid))); return 0; } /** * Fetch information about content in the given context. * * @param context * The context-id where the content should be related to * @param Optional * : since Either a date in the form "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" or the * date in ms from 01.01.1970 00:00 * @return List of Content * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException * @throws SQLException */ public int getContentInfoForContext(SocomRequest req) throws IOException, JSONException, SQLException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); long gameinstid = req.getCurrentGameInst(); long contextid = HSQLGameDatabase.getInstance().getGameContextId(req.getParam("context"), gameinstid); Date sinceDate = null; if (req.getParams().containsKey("since")) { sinceDate = determineSinceDate(req.getParam("since")); } List<GameContent> contentList = db.fetchContent(uid, contextid, sinceDate); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("content", contentList))); return 0; } /** * Fetch content-informations for the given filter options. * * @param Optional * : contexts Comma-Separated list of contextids where the * content must relate to * @param Optional * : sincle Either a date in the form "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" or * the date in ms from 01.01.1970 00:00 * @param Optional * : type Comma-Separated list of types the should could be of * one of it * @param Optional * : keywords Comma-Separated list of keywords the description * must contain * @param Optional * : metadata Form: key1:value1,key2:value2,... which the content * MUST contain, escape double-points with /: and commatas with * /, * @return List of contents * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int getContentInfo(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { long uid = req.getUid(); long gameinstid = req.getCurrentGameInst(); String[] contexts = req.containsParam("contexts") ? req.getParam("contexts").split(",") : null; String[] contextids = null; if (contexts != null) { contextids = new String[contexts.length]; GameDatabase gamedb = HSQLGameDatabase.getInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) { contextids[i] = String.valueOf(gamedb.getGameContextId(contexts[i], gameinstid)); } } Date since = req.containsParam("since") ? determineSinceDate(req.getParam("since")) : null; String[] types = req.containsParam("type") ? req.getParam("type").split(",") : null; String[] titles = req.containsParam("title") ? req.getParam("title").split(",") : null; String[] keywords = req.containsParam("keywords") ? req.getParam("keywords").split(",") : null; String[] metadata = req.containsParam("metadata") ? req.getParam("metadata").split("(?<!/),") : null; // regex "(?<!/)," explains that a comma (,) but not a comma with a // leading / (/,) is selected (negative lookbehind) List<GameContent> contentList = db.fetchContent(uid, gameinstid, contextids, since, types, titles, keywords, metadata); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("content", contentList))); return 0; } private Date determineSinceDate(String time) throws SocomException { Date sinceDate; try { long sinceInMillis = Long.parseLong(time); sinceDate = new Date(sinceInMillis); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { sinceDate = SocomCore.getDateFormat().parse(time); } catch (ParseException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalParameterException("since"); } } return sinceDate; } /** * Download the content specified with its id, you could have received using * the getContentInfo method. * * @param contentid * @return a File * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException */ public int downloadContent(SocomRequest req) throws IOException, SQLException, SocomException { try { long uid = req.getUid(); long contentid = Long.valueOf(req.getParam("contentid")); byte[] result = db.downloadContent(uid, contentid, true); if (result == null) throw new ContentNotAvailableException(); String type = db.getType(contentid); String extension = type.equalsIgnoreCase("image") ? ".png" : type.equalsIgnoreCase("audio") ? ".ogg" : type.equalsIgnoreCase("text") ? ".txt" : ""; // TODO what about other download file types req.setOutputFilename("socom_" + contentid + extension); req.getOutputStream().write(result); req.getOutputStream().flush(); req.getOutputStream().close(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException("contentid must be of type long"); } return 0; } /** * Rates a content. * * @param contentid * @param rating * (Double between 0 and 1) * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int rateContent(SocomRequest req) throws JSONException, SQLException, SocomException { String param = "contentid", type = "long"; try { long uid = req.getUid(); long contentid = Long.valueOf(req.getParam("contentid")); param = "rating"; type = "double between 0 and 1"; double rating = NumberParser.parseDouble(req.getParam("rating")); if (rating < 0 || rating > 1) { throw new IllegalParameterException("rating has to be between 0 and 1 or"); } db.rateContent(uid, contentid, rating); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException(param + " (of type " + type + ") has wrong format or"); } return 0; } /** * Adds a comment to a specific content * * @param contentid * @param message * @return the commentid * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int addComment(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { try { long uid = req.getUid(); long contentid = Long.valueOf(req.getParam("contentid")); String message = req.getParam("message"); long commentid = db.addComment(uid, contentid, message); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.JSONToString(new JSONObject().put("commentid", commentid))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException("contentid must be of type long."); } return 0; } /** * Deletes a specific comment * * @param commentid * @param Optional * : delete value * @return success boolean * @throws SQLException * @throws JSONException */ public int deleteComment(SocomRequest req) throws SQLException, JSONException, SocomException { String param = "commentid", type = "long"; try { long uid = req.getUid(); long contentid = Long.valueOf(req.getParam("commentid")); param = "delete"; type = "integer between 0 and 2"; int delete = req.getParams().containsKey("delete") ? Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("delete")) : 1; boolean success = db.deleteComment(uid, contentid, delete); req.addOutput(JSONUtils.getSuccessJsonString(success)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalParameterException(param + " must be of type " + type + "."); } return 0; } /** * URL PATTERN IS "content" */ @Override public String getUrlPattern() { return URL_PATTERN; } }