package org.openlca.jsonld.input; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.openlca.core.database.IDatabase; import org.openlca.core.database.NativeSql; import org.openlca.core.model.Exchange; import org.openlca.core.model.Flow; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowPropertyFactor; import org.openlca.core.model.Process; import org.openlca.core.model.ProcessLink; import org.openlca.core.model.ProductSystem; import org.openlca.core.model.Unit; import org.openlca.core.model.UnitGroup; import org.openlca.util.RefIdMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; /** * Maps the reference exchange and exchange IDs of the process links of a * product system and generates the process links. This function should be * called at the end of a product system import when all the referenced data are * already imported. */ class ProductSystemExchanges { private final IDatabase db; private final RefIdMap<String, Long> refIds; private ProductSystemExchanges(ImportConfig conf) { db = conf.db.getDatabase(); refIds = RefIdMap.refToInternal(db, Process.class, Flow.class, Unit.class); } static void map(JsonObject json, ImportConfig conf, ProductSystem system) { new ProductSystemExchanges(conf).map(json, system); } private void map(JsonObject json, ProductSystem system) { if (json == null || system == null) return; setReferenceExchange(json, system); JsonArray array = In.getArray(json, "processLinks"); if (array == null || array.size() == 0) return; for (JsonElement element : array) { JsonObject obj = element.getAsJsonObject(); ProcessLink link = new ProcessLink(); link.providerId = getId(obj, "provider", Process.class); link.processId = getId(obj, "process", Process.class); link.flowId = getId(obj, "flow", Flow.class); link.exchangeId = findExchangeId(link.processId, In.getObject(obj, "exchange")); if (valid(link)) { system.getProcessLinks().add(link); } } } private boolean valid(ProcessLink link) { return link.providerId != 0 && link.processId != 0 && link.flowId != 0 && link.exchangeId != 0; } private void setReferenceExchange(JsonObject json, ProductSystem system) { Process refProcess = system.getReferenceProcess(); if (refProcess == null) return; JsonObject refJson = In.getObject(json, "referenceExchange"); long id = findExchangeId(refProcess.getId(), refJson); if (id <= 0) return; Exchange refExchange = db.createDao(Exchange.class).getForId(id); system.setReferenceExchange(refExchange); system.setTargetFlowPropertyFactor(findFactor(json, system)); system.setTargetUnit(findUnit(json, system)); } private FlowPropertyFactor findFactor(JsonObject json, ProductSystem s) { Exchange e = s.getReferenceExchange(); if (e == null) return null; String propertyRefId = In.getRefId(json, "targetFlowProperty"); for (FlowPropertyFactor f : e.getFlow().getFlowPropertyFactors()) if (f.getFlowProperty().getRefId().equals(propertyRefId)) return f; return null; } private Unit findUnit(JsonObject json, ProductSystem s) { FlowPropertyFactor f = s.getTargetFlowPropertyFactor(); if (f == null) return null; String unitRefId = In.getRefId(json, "targetUnit"); UnitGroup ug = f.getFlowProperty().getUnitGroup(); for (Unit u : ug.getUnits()) if (u.getRefId().equals(unitRefId)) return u; return null; } /** * Try to find an exchange of the given process with the matching attributes * from the database. Returns -1 if nothing were found */ private long findExchangeId(long processId, JsonObject json) { if (processId <= 0 || json == null) return -1; long flowId = getId(json, "flow", Flow.class); long unitId = getId(json, "unit", Unit.class); long providerId = getId(json, "defaultProvider", Process.class); int input = In.getBool(json, "input", true) ? 1 : 0; double amount = In.getDouble(json, "amount", 0); String sql = "select id, resulting_amount_value from tbl_exchanges " + "where f_owner=" + processId + " and f_flow=" + flowId + " and f_unit=" + unitId + " and f_default_provider=" + providerId + " and is_input=" + input; try { return queryId(amount, sql); } catch (Exception e) { Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); log.error("failed to search exchange: " + sql, e); return -1; } } private long queryId(double amount, String sql) throws SQLException { TLongDoubleHashMap vals = new TLongDoubleHashMap(); NativeSql.on(db).query(sql, r -> { vals.put(r.getLong(1), r.getDouble(2)); return true; }); long exchangeId = -1; double delta = 0; for (long id : vals.keys()) { double dist = Math.abs(amount - vals.get(id)); if (exchangeId == -1 || dist < delta) { exchangeId = id; delta = dist; } } return exchangeId; } private long getId(JsonObject json, String key, Class<?> type) { JsonObject refObj = In.getObject(json, key); if (refObj == null) return 0; String refId = In.getString(refObj, "@id"); Long id = refIds.get(type, refId); return id == null ? 0 : id; } }