package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.openlca.core.model.Category; import org.openlca.core.model.Flow; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowPropertyFactor; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowType; import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType; import org.openlca.core.model.Unit; import org.openlca.core.model.UnitGroup; import org.openlca.ecospold.IExchange; import org.openlca.ecospold.IReferenceFunction; import; import org.openlca.util.KeyGen; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Returns flows from the database or creates them using unit- and * flow-mappings. Flows can be imported from EcoSpold 1 exchanges representing * process inputs or outputs, exchanges representing impact assessment factors, * or reference functions of processes. */ class FlowImport { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private DB db; private UnitMapping unitMapping; private FlowMap flowMap; private Map<String, FlowBucket> cache = new HashMap<>(); public FlowImport(DB db, UnitMapping unitMapping, FlowMap flowMap) { this.db = db; this.unitMapping = unitMapping; this.flowMap = flowMap; } /** Import a flow from a process import or export. */ public FlowBucket handleProcessExchange(IExchange exchange) { String flowKey = ES1KeyGen.forFlow(exchange); return handleExchange(flowKey, exchange); } /** Import a flow from an impact assessment factor. */ public FlowBucket handleImpactFactor(IExchange exchange) { String flowKey = ES1KeyGen.forElementaryFlow(exchange); return handleExchange(flowKey, exchange); } /** Import a flow from an exchange. */ private FlowBucket handleExchange(String flowKey, IExchange exchange) { FlowBucket cached = getCachedOrMapped(flowKey); if (cached != null) return cached; FlowBucket db = getDbFlow(flowKey, exchange); if (db != null) return cache(flowKey, db); Flow flow = new Flow(); flow.setRefId(flowKey); flow.setName(exchange.getName()); mapExchangeData(exchange, flow); String unit = exchange.getUnit(); FlowBucket created = createFlow(flowKey, flow, unit); return cache(flowKey, created); } /** Import a flow from a reference function. */ public FlowBucket handleProcessProduct(DataSet dataSet) { if (dataSet == null || dataSet.getReferenceFunction() == null) return null; String flowKey = ES1KeyGen.forProduct(dataSet); FlowBucket cached = getCachedOrMapped(flowKey); if (cached != null) return cached; FlowBucket db = getDbFlow(flowKey, dataSet); if (db != null) return cache(flowKey, db); IReferenceFunction refFun = dataSet.getReferenceFunction(); Flow flow = new Flow(); flow.setRefId(flowKey); flow.setName(refFun.getName()); mapDataSetData(dataSet, flow); String unit = refFun.getUnit(); FlowBucket created = createFlow(flowKey, flow, unit); return cache(flowKey, created); } /** Get a cached or mapped flow: no unit info is required. */ private FlowBucket getCachedOrMapped(String flowKey) { FlowBucket cached = cache.get(flowKey); if (cached != null) return cached; FlowBucket mapped = getMappedFlow(flowKey); if (mapped != null) return cache(flowKey, mapped); return null; } /** Cache the bucket for the generated key. */ private FlowBucket cache(String flowKey, FlowBucket bucket) { if (bucket == null || !bucket.isValid()) { log.warn("Could not create valid flow {}", flowKey); return null; } cache.put(flowKey, bucket); return bucket; } /** Try to find a flow from the mapping tables. */ private FlowBucket getMappedFlow(String genKey) { FlowMapEntry entry = flowMap.getEntry(genKey); if (entry == null) return null; Flow flow = db.get(Flow.class, entry.getOpenlcaFlowKey()); if (flow == null) return null; FlowBucket bucket = new FlowBucket(); bucket.conversionFactor = entry.getConversionFactor(); bucket.flow = flow; bucket.flowProperty = flow.getReferenceFactor(); Unit unit = getReferenceUnit(bucket.flowProperty); bucket.unit = unit; if (!bucket.isValid()) { log.warn("invalid flow mapping for {}", genKey); return null; } return bucket; } private Unit getReferenceUnit(FlowPropertyFactor flowProperty) { if (flowProperty == null || flowProperty.getFlowProperty() == null) return null; UnitGroup group = flowProperty.getFlowProperty().getUnitGroup(); if (group == null) return null; return group.getReferenceUnit(); } private FlowBucket getDbFlow(String flowKey, IExchange inExchange) { Flow flow = db.findFlow(inExchange, flowKey, unitMapping.getEntry(inExchange.getUnit())); if (flow == null) return null; return createBucket(flow, inExchange.getUnit()); } private FlowBucket getDbFlow(String flowKey, DataSet dataSet) { if (dataSet.getReferenceFunction() == null) return null; IReferenceFunction refFun = dataSet.getReferenceFunction(); Flow flow = db.findFlow(dataSet, flowKey, unitMapping.getEntry(refFun.getUnit())); if (flow == null) return null; return createBucket(flow, refFun.getUnit()); } private void mapExchangeData(IExchange inExchange, Flow flow) { flow.setCasNumber(inExchange.getCASNumber()); flow.setFormula(inExchange.getFormula()); if (inExchange.isInfrastructureProcess() != null) flow.setInfrastructureFlow(inExchange.isInfrastructureProcess()); Category flowCategory = db.getPutCategory(ModelType.FLOW, inExchange.getCategory(), inExchange.getSubCategory()); if (flowCategory != null) flow.setCategory(flowCategory); String locationCode = inExchange.getLocation(); if (locationCode != null) { String locKey = KeyGen.get(locationCode); flow.setLocation(db.findLocation(locationCode, locKey)); } FlowType flowType = Mapper.getFlowType(inExchange); flow.setFlowType(flowType); } private void mapDataSetData(DataSet dataset, Flow flow) { IReferenceFunction refFun = dataset.getReferenceFunction(); flow.setCasNumber(refFun.getCASNumber()); flow.setFormula(refFun.getFormula()); Category flowCategory = db.getPutCategory(ModelType.FLOW, refFun.getCategory(), refFun.getSubCategory()); if (flowCategory != null) flow.setCategory(flowCategory); if (dataset.getGeography() != null && dataset.getGeography().getLocation() != null) { String code = dataset.getGeography().getLocation(); String locKey = KeyGen.get(code); flow.setLocation(db.findLocation(code, locKey)); } flow.setFlowType(FlowType.PRODUCT_FLOW); } /** Creates a new flow and inserts it in the database. */ private FlowBucket createFlow(String flowKey, Flow flow, String unit) { UnitMappingEntry entry = unitMapping.getEntry(unit); if (entry == null || !entry.isValid()) return null; flow.setReferenceFlowProperty(entry.flowProperty); FlowPropertyFactor factor = new FlowPropertyFactor(); factor.setFlowProperty(entry.flowProperty); factor.setConversionFactor(1.0); flow.getFlowPropertyFactors().add(factor); db.put(flow, flowKey); return createBucket(flow, unit); } /** Create the flow bucket for the given flow and unit. */ private FlowBucket createBucket(Flow flow, String unit) { UnitMappingEntry mapEntry = unitMapping.getEntry(unit); if (mapEntry == null || !mapEntry.isValid()) return null; FlowPropertyFactor factor = flow.getFactor(mapEntry.flowProperty); if (factor == null) { log.error("The unit/property for flow {}/{} " + "changed in the database", flow, unit); return null; } FlowBucket bucket = new FlowBucket(); bucket.conversionFactor = 1.0; bucket.flow = flow; bucket.flowProperty = factor; bucket.unit = mapEntry.unit; return bucket; } }