package org.openlca.core.matrix.product.index; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.openlca.core.matrix.CalcExchange; import org.openlca.core.matrix.LongPair; import org.openlca.core.matrix.TechIndex; import org.openlca.core.matrix.cache.MatrixCache; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowType; import org.openlca.core.model.ProcessLink; import org.openlca.core.model.ProcessType; import org.openlca.core.model.ProductSystem; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class ProductIndexCutoffBuilder implements IProductIndexBuilder { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private MatrixCache cache; private ProviderSearch providerSearch; private ProductSystem system; private double cutoff; public ProductIndexCutoffBuilder(MatrixCache cache, ProductSystem system, double cutoff) { this.cache = cache; this.cutoff = cutoff; this.system = system; this.providerSearch = new ProviderSearch(cache.getProcessTable(), ProcessType.LCI_RESULT); } @Override public void setPreferredType(ProcessType type) { providerSearch.setPreferredType(type); } @Override public TechIndex build(LongPair refProduct) { return build(refProduct, 1.0); } @Override public TechIndex build(LongPair refProduct, double demand) { log.trace("build product index for {} with cutoff=", refProduct, cutoff); TechIndex index = new TechIndex(refProduct); index.setDemand(demand); addSystemLinks(index); Graph g = new Graph(refProduct, demand); while (! g.handleNext(); fillIndex(g, index); log.trace("created the index with {} products", index.size()); return index; } private void addSystemLinks(TechIndex index) { if (system == null) return; for (ProcessLink link : system.getProcessLinks()) { LongPair provider = new LongPair(link.providerId, link.flowId); LongPair exchange = new LongPair(link.processId, link.exchangeId); index.putLink(exchange, provider); } } private void fillIndex(Graph g, TechIndex index) { for (Node node : g.nodes.values()) { if (node.state != NodeState.FOLLOWED) continue; for (Link link : node.inputLinks) { if (link.demand < cutoff) continue; Node provider = link.provider; LongPair exchange = LongPair.of(node.product.getFirst(), link.exchangeId); index.putLink(exchange, provider.product); } } } private class Graph { Node root; List<Node> next = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<LongPair, Node> nodes = new HashMap<>(); Graph(LongPair refProduct, double demand) { this.root = new Node(refProduct, demand); root.product = refProduct; root.state = NodeState.WAITING; nodes.put(refProduct, root); next.add(root); } void handleNext() { log.trace("handle next layer with {} product nodes", next.size()); // to minimize the re-scale calls we first sort the nodes by their // demands (see the compareTo method in Node) Collections.sort(next); Map<Long, List<CalcExchange>> nextExchanges = fetchNextExchanges(); List<Node> nextLayer = new ArrayList<>(); for (Node node : next) { node.state = NodeState.PROGRESS; List<CalcExchange> exchanges = nextExchanges.get( node.product.getFirst()); CalcExchange output = getOutput(node, exchanges); if (output == null) continue; node.outputAmount = amount(output); node.scalingFactor = node.demand / node.outputAmount; followInputs(node, exchanges, nextLayer); node.state = NodeState.FOLLOWED; } next.clear(); next.addAll(nextLayer); } private void followInputs(Node node, List<CalcExchange> exchanges, List<Node> nextLayer) { for (CalcExchange input : getInputs(node, exchanges)) { LongPair inputProduct = providerSearch.find(input); if (inputProduct == null) continue; double inputAmount = amount(input); double inputDemand = node.scalingFactor * inputAmount; Node provider = nodes.get(inputProduct); if (provider != null) checkSubGraph(inputDemand, provider, nextLayer, false); else { provider = createNode(inputDemand, inputProduct, nextLayer); } Link link = new Link(provider, input.exchangeId, inputAmount, inputDemand); node.inputLinks.add(link); } } private Node createNode(double inputDemand, LongPair product, List<Node> nextLayer) { Node node = new Node(product, inputDemand); nodes.put(product, node); if (inputDemand < cutoff) node.state = NodeState.EXCLUDED; else { node.state = NodeState.WAITING; nextLayer.add(node); } return node; } private void checkSubGraph(double demand, Node provider, List<Node> nextLayer, boolean recursion) { if (demand <= provider.demand || demand < cutoff) return; provider.demand = demand; if (provider.state == NodeState.EXCLUDED) { provider.state = NodeState.WAITING; nextLayer.add(provider); } if (provider.state == NodeState.FOLLOWED) { provider.state = NodeState.RESCALED; rescaleSubGraph(provider, nextLayer); if (!recursion) { log.trace("rescaled a sub graph"); unsetScaleState(); } } } private void rescaleSubGraph(Node start, List<Node> nextLayer) { start.scalingFactor = start.demand / start.outputAmount; for (Link link : start.inputLinks) { double inputDemand = link.inputAmount * start.scalingFactor; link.demand = inputDemand; Node provider = link.provider; checkSubGraph(inputDemand, provider, nextLayer, true); } } private void unsetScaleState() { for (Node node : nodes.values()) { if (node.state == NodeState.RESCALED) { node.state = NodeState.FOLLOWED; } } } private CalcExchange getOutput(Node node, List<CalcExchange> all) { for (CalcExchange e : all) { if (e.input || e.flowType != FlowType.PRODUCT_FLOW || e.flowId != node.product.getSecond()) continue; return e; } return null; } private List<CalcExchange> getInputs(Node node, List<CalcExchange> all) { List<CalcExchange> inputs = new ArrayList<>(); for (CalcExchange e : all) { if (e.input && e.flowType == FlowType.PRODUCT_FLOW) inputs.add(e); } return inputs; } private double amount(CalcExchange e) { if (e == null) return 0; return e.amount * e.conversionFactor; } private Map<Long, List<CalcExchange>> fetchNextExchanges() { if (next.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap(); Set<Long> processIds = new HashSet<>(); for (Node node : next) processIds.add(node.product.getFirst()); try { return cache.getExchangeCache().getAll(processIds); } catch (Exception e) { Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); log.error("failed to load exchanges from cache", e); return Collections.emptyMap(); } } } }