package org.openlca.core.database; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public final class NativeSql { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private final int MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 1000; private final IDatabase database; public static NativeSql on(IDatabase database) { return new NativeSql(database); } private NativeSql(IDatabase database) { this.database = database; } public int getCount(String query) throws SQLException { log.trace("execute query {}", query); try (Connection con = database.createConnection(); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(query)) { if ( return result.getInt(1); } return 0; } public void query(String query, QueryResultHandler handler) throws SQLException { log.trace("execute query {}", query); try (Connection con = database.createConnection()) { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(query); while ( { boolean b = handler.nextResult(result); if (!b) break; } result.close(); stmt.close(); } } public void runUpdate(String statement) throws SQLException { log.trace("run update statement {}", statement); try (Connection con = database.createConnection()) { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(statement); con.commit(); stmt.close(); log.trace("update done"); } } public void batchInsert(String preparedStatement, int size, BatchInsertHandler fn) throws SQLException { log.trace("execute batch insert {}", preparedStatement); if (size <= 0) { log.trace("size {} <= 0; nothing to do", size); return; } try (Connection con = database.createConnection()) { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(preparedStatement); insertRows(size, fn, ps); con.commit(); ps.close(); log.trace("inserts done"); } } private void insertRows(int size, BatchInsertHandler fn, PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { boolean b = fn.addBatch(i, ps); if (!b) { log.trace("stop inserting at {} of {}", i, size); break; } ps.addBatch(); if (i % MAX_BATCH_SIZE == 0) { int[] rows = ps.executeBatch(); log.trace("executed batch with {} rows", rows.length); } } int[] rows = ps.executeBatch(); log.trace("executed batch with {} rows", rows.length); } public void batchUpdate(Iterable<String> statements) throws SQLException { log.trace("execute batch update"); try (Connection con = database.createConnection()) { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); int batchSize = 0; for (String statement : statements) { stmt.addBatch(statement); if (batchSize % MAX_BATCH_SIZE == 0) { int[] s = stmt.executeBatch(); log.trace("{} statements executed", s.length); } batchSize++; } int[] s = stmt.executeBatch(); log.trace("{} statements executed", s.length); con.commit(); stmt.close(); } } public interface BatchInsertHandler { boolean addBatch(int i, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException; } public interface QueryResultHandler { boolean nextResult(ResultSet result) throws SQLException; } }