package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType; import; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status; public class RepositoryClient { private final RepositoryConfig config; // Method to call if token is required, if no callback is specified a // TokenRequiredException will be thrown when a token is required private String sessionId; public RepositoryClient(RepositoryConfig config) { this.config = config; } public RepositoryConfig getConfig() { return config; } private boolean login() throws WebRequestException { LoginInvocation invocation = new LoginInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.credentials = config.getCredentials(); sessionId = invocation.execute(); return sessionId != null; } public void logout() throws WebRequestException { if (sessionId == null) return; LogoutInvocation invocation = new LogoutInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; try { invocation.execute(); } catch (WebRequestException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() != Status.UNAUTHORIZED.getStatusCode()) if (e.getErrorCode() != Status.CONFLICT.getStatusCode()) throw e; } sessionId = null; } public boolean hasAccess(String repositoryId) throws WebRequestException { Boolean result = executeLoggedIn(() -> { CheckAccessInvocation invocation = new CheckAccessInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = repositoryId; try { invocation.execute(); return true; } catch (WebRequestException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode()) return false; throw e; } }); if (result == null) return false; return result; } public boolean requestCommit() throws WebRequestException { Boolean result = executeLoggedIn(() -> { CommitRequestInvocation invocation = new CommitRequestInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.lastCommitId = config.getLastCommitId(); try { invocation.execute(); } catch (WebRequestException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == Status.CONFLICT.getStatusCode()) return false; throw e; } return true; }); if (result == null) return false; return result; } public void commit(String message, Set<Dataset> data, Consumer<Dataset> callback) throws WebRequestException { executeLoggedIn(() -> { CommitInvocation invocation = new CommitInvocation(config.getDatabase()); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.lastCommitId = config.getLastCommitId(); invocation.message = message; = data; config.setLastCommitId(invocation.execute(callback)); }); } public List<Commit> fetchCommitHistory() throws WebRequestException { List<Commit> result = executeLoggedIn(() -> { HistoryInvocation invocation = new HistoryInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); return invocation.execute(); }); if (result == null) return new ArrayList<>(); return result; } public List<Commit> fetchNewCommitHistory() throws WebRequestException { List<Commit> result = executeLoggedIn(() -> { HistoryInvocation invocation = new HistoryInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.lastCommitId = config.getLastCommitId(); return invocation.execute(); }); if (result == null) return new ArrayList<>(); return result; } public Map<Dataset, String> performLibraryCheck(Set<Dataset> datasets) throws WebRequestException { Map<Dataset, String> result = executeLoggedIn(() -> { LibraryCheckInvocation invocation = new LibraryCheckInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.datasets = datasets; return invocation.execute(); }); if (result == null) return new HashMap<>(); return result; } public List<FetchRequestData> getReferences(String commitId) throws WebRequestException { List<FetchRequestData> result = executeLoggedIn(() -> { ReferencesInvocation invocation = new ReferencesInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.commitId = commitId; return invocation.execute(); }); if (result == null) return new ArrayList<>(); return result; } public String getPreviousReference(ModelType type, String refId, String beforeCommitId) throws WebRequestException { return executeLoggedIn(() -> { PreviousCommitInvocation invocation = new PreviousCommitInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.type = type; invocation.refId = refId; invocation.commitId = beforeCommitId; return invocation.execute(); }); } public Set<FetchRequestData> requestFetch() throws WebRequestException { Set<FetchRequestData> result = executeLoggedIn(() -> { FetchRequestInvocation invocation = new FetchRequestInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.lastCommitId = config.getLastCommitId(); return invocation.execute(); }); if (result == null) return new HashSet<>(); return result; } public Set<FetchRequestData> sync(String untilCommitId) throws WebRequestException { Set<FetchRequestData> result = executeLoggedIn(() -> { SyncInvocation invocation = new SyncInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.untilCommitId = untilCommitId; return invocation.execute(); }); if (result == null) return new HashSet<>(); return result; } public void download(Set<FileReference> requestData, String commitId, FetchNotifier notifier) throws WebRequestException { executeLoggedIn(() -> { DownloadInvocation invocation = new DownloadInvocation(config.getDatabase(), notifier); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.untilCommitId = commitId; invocation.requestData = requestData; invocation.execute(); }); } public void fetch(Set<FileReference> fetchData, Map<Dataset, JsonObject> mergedData, FetchNotifier notifier) throws WebRequestException { executeLoggedIn(() -> { FetchInvocation invocation = new FetchInvocation(config.getDatabase(), notifier); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.lastCommitId = config.getLastCommitId(); invocation.fetchData = fetchData; invocation.mergedData = mergedData; config.setLastCommitId(invocation.execute()); }); } public void checkout(String commitId, FetchNotifier notifier) throws WebRequestException { if (commitId == null) return; executeLoggedIn(() -> { CheckoutInvocation invocation = new CheckoutInvocation(config.getDatabase(), notifier); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.commitId = commitId; invocation.execute(); config.setLastCommitId(commitId); }); } public JsonObject getDataset(ModelType type, String refId) throws WebRequestException { return getDataset(type, refId, null); } public JsonObject getDataset(ModelType type, String refId, String commitId) throws WebRequestException { return executeLoggedIn(() -> { DatasetContentInvocation invocation = new DatasetContentInvocation(); invocation.baseUrl = config.getBaseUrl(); invocation.sessionId = sessionId; invocation.repositoryId = config.getRepositoryId(); invocation.type = type; invocation.refId = refId; invocation.commitId = commitId; return invocation.execute(); }); } private void executeLoggedIn(Invocation runnable) throws WebRequestException { if (sessionId == null) if (!login()) return; try {; } catch (WebRequestException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == Status.UNAUTHORIZED.getStatusCode()) { login();; } else throw e; } } private <T> T executeLoggedIn(InvocationWithResult<T> runnable) throws WebRequestException { if (sessionId == null) if (!login()) return null; try { return; } catch (WebRequestException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == Status.UNAUTHORIZED.getStatusCode()) { login(); return; } else throw e; } } private interface Invocation { public void run() throws WebRequestException; } private interface InvocationWithResult<T> { public T run() throws WebRequestException; } }