package; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.openlca.core.database.CategoryDao; import org.openlca.core.model.Category; import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType; abstract class AbstractCategoryImport<C> { private CategoryDao dao; private ModelType modelType; public AbstractCategoryImport(ImportConfig config, ModelType modelType) { this.modelType = modelType; dao = new CategoryDao(config.db); } /** Hook method that needs to be implemented by the concrete sub-class */ protected abstract String getName(C ilcdCategory); public Category run(List<C> input) throws ImportException { if (input == null || input.isEmpty()) return null; try { Category category = findRoot(input.get(0)); if (category != null) { // root exists category = importCategories(category, input); } else { // all new category = createNew(input.get(0)); dao.insert(category); for (int i = 1; i < input.size(); i++) category = createAndSave(category, input.get(i)); } return category; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImportException("Failed to insert categories", e); } } private Category findRoot(C c) { List<Category> roots = dao.getRootCategories(modelType); if (roots == null || roots.isEmpty()) return null; String cName = getName(c); for (Category root : roots) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(root.getName(), cName)) return root; } return null; } private Category importCategories(Category rootCategory, List<C> ilcdCategories) throws ImportException { Category nextRootCategory = rootCategory; for (C ilcdCategory : ilcdCategories) { Category category = findCategory(nextRootCategory, ilcdCategory); if (category == null) { category = createAndSave(nextRootCategory, ilcdCategory); } nextRootCategory = category; } return nextRootCategory; } private Category findCategory(Category rootCategory, C ilcdCategory) { if (equals(rootCategory, ilcdCategory)) return rootCategory; List<Category> categories = rootCategory.getChildCategories(); Category equalCategory = null; for (Category category : categories) { if (equals(category, ilcdCategory)) { equalCategory = category; break; } } return equalCategory; } private boolean equals(Category category, C ilcdCategory) { String name = getName(ilcdCategory); return category.getName() != null && category.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name); } private Category createAndSave(Category parentCategory, C ilcdCategory) throws ImportException { try { Category newCategory = createNew(ilcdCategory); newCategory.setCategory(parentCategory); parentCategory.getChildCategories().add(newCategory); dao.insert(newCategory); dao.update(parentCategory); return newCategory; } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Cannot save category in database."; throw new ImportException(message, e); } } private Category createNew(C ilcdCategory) { Category category = new Category(); category.setModelType(modelType); category.setRefId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); String name = getName(ilcdCategory); category.setName(name); return category; } }