package; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import org.openlca.core.database.IDatabase; import org.openlca.core.database.NativeSql; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status; class CheckoutInvocation { private static final String PATH = "/checkout/"; private final IDatabase database; private final FetchNotifier notifier; String baseUrl; String sessionId; String repositoryId; String commitId; CheckoutInvocation(IDatabase database, FetchNotifier notifier) { this.database = database; this.notifier = notifier; } /** * Retrieves all data sets until the specified commit * * @return The commit id * @throws WebRequestException * If user is out of sync or has no access to the specified * repository */ void execute() throws WebRequestException { Valid.checkNotEmpty(baseUrl, "base url"); Valid.checkNotEmpty(sessionId, "session id"); Valid.checkNotEmpty(repositoryId, "repository id"); if (commitId == null || commitId.isEmpty()) commitId = "null"; String url = baseUrl + PATH + repositoryId + "/" + commitId; ClientResponse response =, url, sessionId); if (response.getStatus() == Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) return; clearDatabase(); new FetchHandler(database, notifier).handleResponse(response.getEntityInputStream()); } private void clearDatabase() { try { List<String> tables = new ArrayList<>(); NativeSql.on(database).query("SELECT TABLENAME FROM SYS.SYSTABLES WHERE TABLETYPE = 'T'", (rs) -> { tables.add(rs.getString(1)); return true; }); for (String table : tables) { if (table.toUpperCase().equals("SEQUENCE")) continue; if (table.toUpperCase().equals("OPENLCA_VERSION")) continue; NativeSql.on(database).runUpdate("DELETE FROM " + table); } NativeSql.on(database).runUpdate("UPDATE SEQUENCE SET SEQ_COUNT = 0"); database.getEntityFactory().getCache().evictAll(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }