package org.openlca.core.matrix; import org.openlca.core.database.IDatabase; import org.openlca.core.math.IMatrix; import org.openlca.core.math.IMatrixFactory; /** * A cost vector contains the unscaled net-costs for a set of process-products. * Unscaled means that these net-costs are related to the (allocated) product * amount in the respective process. The vector is then scaled with the * respective scaling factors in the result calculation. */ public class CostVector { public final TechIndex productIndex; public final double[] values; CostVector(TechIndex products, double[] values) { this.productIndex = products; this.values = values; } public boolean isEmpty() { return productIndex == null || productIndex.size() == 0 || values == null; } public IMatrix asMatrix(IMatrixFactory<?> factory) { IMatrix m = factory.create(1, values.length); for (int col = 0; col < values.length; col++) { m.set(0, col, values[col]); } return m; } public static CostVector build(Inventory inventory, IDatabase db) { return new Builder(inventory, db).build(); } private static class Builder { private Inventory inventory; private CurrencyTable currencyTable; private double[] values; private Builder(Inventory inventory, IDatabase db) { this.inventory = inventory; this.currencyTable = CurrencyTable.create(db); } private CostVector build() { if (inventory == null || inventory.productIndex == null) return new CostVector(null, null); values = new double[inventory.productIndex.size()]; scan(inventory.technologyMatrix); scan(inventory.interventionMatrix); return new CostVector(inventory.productIndex, values); } private void scan(ExchangeMatrix matrix) { if (matrix == null) return; matrix.iterate((row, col, cell) -> { double val = cell.getCostValue(); if (val == 0 || == null) { return; } val = currencyTable.getFactor( * val; values[col] += val; }); } } }