package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.openlca.core.database.ImpactMethodDao; import org.openlca.core.model.ImpactMethod; import org.openlca.ilcd.methods.LCIAMethod; import org.openlca.ilcd.methods.LCIAMethodType; import org.openlca.ilcd.methods.MethodInfo; import org.openlca.ilcd.methods.Modelling; import org.openlca.util.KeyGen; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; final class MethodFetch { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final ImpactMethodDao dao; private final LCIAMethod ilcdMethod; private MethodFetch(ImportConfig config, LCIAMethod ilcdMethod) { this.dao = new ImpactMethodDao(config.db); this.ilcdMethod = ilcdMethod; } /** * Gets the LCIA method(s) for the given ILCD data set from the openLCA * database. If no method can be found a new one is created. Note that a * LCIA-Method data set in ILCD is the same as an LCIA-Category data set in * openLCA. */ public static List<ImpactMethod> getOrCreate(LCIAMethod ilcdMethod, ImportConfig config) { if (ilcdMethod == null || config.db == null) return Collections.emptyList(); else return new MethodFetch(config, ilcdMethod).run(); } private List<ImpactMethod> run() { try { ImpactMethod method = getFromExtension(); if (method != null) return Arrays.asList(method); else return getFromNames(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to search / create LCIA method in database", e); return Collections.emptyList(); } } public ImpactMethod getFromExtension() { QName refIdAtt = new QName("", "olca_method_uuid"); String refId = ilcdMethod.otherAttributes.get(refIdAtt); if (refId == null) return null; ImpactMethod method = dao.getForRefId(refId); return method != null ? method : createFromExtension(refId); } private ImpactMethod createFromExtension(String refId) { ImpactMethod method = new ImpactMethod(); method.setRefId(refId); List<String> names = getMethodNames(); String name = names.isEmpty() ? "LCIA Method" : names.get(0); method.setName(name); dao.insert(method); return method; } private List<ImpactMethod> getFromNames() { List<ImpactMethod> methods = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> names = getMethodNames(); String type = getType(); for (String methodName : names) { String name = methodName; if (type != null) name += " (" + type + ")"; ImpactMethod method = getFromName(name); if (method != null) methods.add(method); } return methods; } private ImpactMethod getFromName(String name) { String refId = KeyGen.get(name); org.openlca.core.model.ImpactMethod method = dao.getForRefId(refId); if (method == null) { method = new org.openlca.core.model.ImpactMethod(); method.setRefId(refId); method.setName(name); dao.insert(method); } return method; } private List<String> getMethodNames() { MethodInfo info = ilcdMethod.methodInfo; if (info == null || info.dataSetInfo == null) return Collections.emptyList(); return info.dataSetInfo.methods; } private String getType() { Modelling mav = ilcdMethod.modelling; if (mav == null || mav.normalisationAndWeighting == null) return null; LCIAMethodType type = mav.normalisationAndWeighting.type; return type == null ? null : type.value(); } }