/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ package org.hibernate.cache; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.hibernate.EntityMode; import org.hibernate.transform.AliasToBeanResultTransformer; import org.hibernate.transform.RootEntityResultTransformer; import org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer; import org.hibernate.transform.DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer; import org.hibernate.transform.AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer; import org.hibernate.transform.PassThroughResultTransformer; import org.hibernate.transform.DistinctResultTransformer; import org.hibernate.util.SerializationHelper; import org.hibernate.util.ArrayHelper; /** * Tests relating to {@link QueryKey} instances. * * @author Steve Ebersole */ public class QueryKeyTest extends TestCase { private static final String QUERY_STRING = "the query string"; public static class AClass implements Serializable { private String propAccessedByField; private String propAccessedByMethod; public String getPropAccessedByMethod() { return propAccessedByMethod; } public void setPropAccessedByMethod(String propAccessedByMethod) { this.propAccessedByMethod = propAccessedByMethod; } } public void testSerializedEquality() { doTest( buildBasicKey( null ) ); } public void testSerializedEqualityWithResultTransformer() { doTest( buildBasicKey( RootEntityResultTransformer.INSTANCE ) ); doTest( buildBasicKey( DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer.INSTANCE ) ); doTest( buildBasicKey( DistinctResultTransformer.INSTANCE ) ); doTest( buildBasicKey( AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer.INSTANCE ) ); doTest( buildBasicKey( PassThroughResultTransformer.INSTANCE ) ); // settings are lazily initialized when calling transformTuple(), // so they have not been initialized for the following test // (it *should* be initialized before creating a QueryKey) doTest( buildBasicKey( new AliasToBeanResultTransformer( AClass.class ) ) ); // initialize settings for the next test AliasToBeanResultTransformer transformer = new AliasToBeanResultTransformer( AClass.class ); transformer.transformTuple( new Object[] { "abc", "def" }, new String[] { "propAccessedByField", "propAccessedByMethod" } ); doTest( buildBasicKey( transformer ) ); } private QueryKey buildBasicKey(ResultTransformer resultTransformer) { return new QueryKey( QUERY_STRING, ArrayHelper.EMPTY_TYPE_ARRAY, // positional param types ArrayHelper.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY, // positional param values Collections.EMPTY_MAP, // named params null, // firstRow selection null, // maxRows selection Collections.EMPTY_SET, // filter keys EntityMode.POJO, // entity mode resultTransformer // the result transformer ); } private void doTest(QueryKey key) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put( key, "" ); assert map.size() == 1 : "really messed up"; Object old = map.put( key, "value" ); assert old != null && map.size() == 1 : "apparent QueryKey equals/hashCode issue"; // finally, lets serialize it and see what happens QueryKey key2 = ( QueryKey ) SerializationHelper.clone( key ); assert key != key2 : "deep copy issue"; old = map.put( key2, "new value" ); assert old != null && map.size() == 1 : "deserialization did not set hashCode or equals properly"; } }