/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.hibernate.jmx; import java.io.InvalidObjectException; import java.io.ObjectStreamException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.Reference; import javax.naming.StringRefAddr; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Interceptor; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.StatelessSession; import org.hibernate.Cache; import org.hibernate.TypeHelper; import org.hibernate.engine.FilterDefinition; import org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerator; import org.hibernate.id.UUIDGenerator; import org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory; import org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata; import org.hibernate.metadata.CollectionMetadata; import org.hibernate.stat.Statistics; /** * A flyweight for <tt>SessionFactory</tt>. If the MBean itself does not * have classpath to the persistent classes, then a stub will be registered * with JNDI and the actual <tt>SessionFactoryImpl</tt> built upon first * access. * @author Gavin King */ public class SessionFactoryStub implements SessionFactory { private static final IdentifierGenerator UUID_GENERATOR = UUIDGenerator.buildSessionFactoryUniqueIdentifierGenerator(); private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( SessionFactoryStub.class ); private transient SessionFactory impl; private transient HibernateService service; private String uuid; private String name; SessionFactoryStub(HibernateService service) { this.service = service; this.name = service.getJndiName(); try { uuid = (String) UUID_GENERATOR.generate(null, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionFailure("Could not generate UUID"); } SessionFactoryObjectFactory.addInstance( uuid, name, this, service.getProperties() ); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session openSession(Connection connection, Interceptor interceptor) { return getImpl().openSession(connection, interceptor); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session openSession(Interceptor interceptor) throws HibernateException { return getImpl().openSession(interceptor); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session openSession() throws HibernateException { return getImpl().openSession(); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session openSession(Connection conn) { return getImpl().openSession(conn); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session getCurrentSession() { return getImpl().getCurrentSession(); } private synchronized SessionFactory getImpl() { if (impl==null) impl = service.buildSessionFactory(); return impl; } //readResolveObject private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { // look for the instance by uuid Object result = SessionFactoryObjectFactory.getInstance(uuid); if (result==null) { // in case we were deserialized in a different JVM, look for an instance with the same name // (alternatively we could do an actual JNDI lookup here....) result = SessionFactoryObjectFactory.getNamedInstance(name); if (result==null) { throw new InvalidObjectException("Could not find a stub SessionFactory named: " + name); } else { log.debug("resolved stub SessionFactory by name"); } } else { log.debug("resolved stub SessionFactory by uid"); } return result; } /** * @see javax.naming.Referenceable#getReference() */ public Reference getReference() throws NamingException { return new Reference( SessionFactoryStub.class.getName(), new StringRefAddr("uuid", uuid), SessionFactoryObjectFactory.class.getName(), null ); } public ClassMetadata getClassMetadata(Class persistentClass) throws HibernateException { return getImpl().getClassMetadata(persistentClass); } public ClassMetadata getClassMetadata(String entityName) throws HibernateException { return getImpl().getClassMetadata(entityName); } public CollectionMetadata getCollectionMetadata(String roleName) throws HibernateException { return getImpl().getCollectionMetadata(roleName); } public Map<String,ClassMetadata> getAllClassMetadata() throws HibernateException { return getImpl().getAllClassMetadata(); } public Map getAllCollectionMetadata() throws HibernateException { return getImpl().getAllCollectionMetadata(); } public void close() throws HibernateException { } public boolean isClosed() { return false; } public Cache getCache() { return getImpl().getCache(); } public void evict(Class persistentClass, Serializable id) throws HibernateException { getImpl().evict(persistentClass, id); } public void evict(Class persistentClass) throws HibernateException { getImpl().evict(persistentClass); } public void evictEntity(String entityName, Serializable id) throws HibernateException { getImpl().evictEntity(entityName, id); } public void evictEntity(String entityName) throws HibernateException { getImpl().evictEntity(entityName); } public void evictCollection(String roleName, Serializable id) throws HibernateException { getImpl().evictCollection(roleName, id); } public void evictCollection(String roleName) throws HibernateException { getImpl().evictCollection(roleName); } public void evictQueries() throws HibernateException { getImpl().evictQueries(); } public void evictQueries(String cacheRegion) throws HibernateException { getImpl().evictQueries(cacheRegion); } public Statistics getStatistics() { return getImpl().getStatistics(); } public StatelessSession openStatelessSession() { return getImpl().openStatelessSession(); } public StatelessSession openStatelessSession(Connection conn) { return getImpl().openStatelessSession(conn); } public Set getDefinedFilterNames() { return getImpl().getDefinedFilterNames(); } public FilterDefinition getFilterDefinition(String filterName) throws HibernateException { return getImpl().getFilterDefinition( filterName ); } public boolean containsFetchProfileDefinition(String name) { return getImpl().containsFetchProfileDefinition( name ); } public TypeHelper getTypeHelper() { return getImpl().getTypeHelper(); } }