/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.hibernate.cfg.annotations; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId; import javax.persistence.Id; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.hibernate.AnnotationException; import org.hibernate.annotations.Generated; import org.hibernate.annotations.GenerationTime; import org.hibernate.annotations.Immutable; import org.hibernate.annotations.NaturalId; import org.hibernate.annotations.OptimisticLock; import org.hibernate.annotations.common.AssertionFailure; import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass; import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XProperty; import org.hibernate.cfg.AccessType; import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder; import org.hibernate.cfg.BinderHelper; import org.hibernate.cfg.Ejb3Column; import org.hibernate.cfg.InheritanceState; import org.hibernate.cfg.Mappings; import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyHolder; import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyPreloadedData; import org.hibernate.mapping.Component; import org.hibernate.mapping.KeyValue; import org.hibernate.mapping.Property; import org.hibernate.mapping.PropertyGeneration; import org.hibernate.mapping.RootClass; import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue; import org.hibernate.mapping.Value; import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper; /** * @author Emmanuel Bernard */ public class PropertyBinder { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( PropertyBinder.class ); private String name; private String returnedClassName; private boolean lazy; private AccessType accessType; private Ejb3Column[] columns; private PropertyHolder holder; private Mappings mappings; private Value value; private boolean insertable = true; private boolean updatable = true; private String cascade; private SimpleValueBinder simpleValueBinder; private XClass declaringClass; private boolean declaringClassSet; private boolean embedded; private EntityBinder entityBinder; private boolean isXToMany; private String referencedEntityName; public void setReferencedEntityName(String referencedEntityName) { this.referencedEntityName = referencedEntityName; } public void setEmbedded(boolean embedded) { this.embedded = embedded; } public void setEntityBinder(EntityBinder entityBinder) { this.entityBinder = entityBinder; } /* * property can be null * prefer propertyName to property.getName() since some are overloaded */ private XProperty property; private XClass returnedClass; private boolean isId; private Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass; private Property mappingProperty; public void setInsertable(boolean insertable) { this.insertable = insertable; } public void setUpdatable(boolean updatable) { this.updatable = updatable; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setReturnedClassName(String returnedClassName) { this.returnedClassName = returnedClassName; } public void setLazy(boolean lazy) { this.lazy = lazy; } public void setAccessType(AccessType accessType) { this.accessType = accessType; } public void setColumns(Ejb3Column[] columns) { insertable = columns[0].isInsertable(); updatable = columns[0].isUpdatable(); //consistency is checked later when we know the property name this.columns = columns; } public void setHolder(PropertyHolder holder) { this.holder = holder; } public void setValue(Value value) { this.value = value; } public void setCascade(String cascadeStrategy) { this.cascade = cascadeStrategy; } public void setMappings(Mappings mappings) { this.mappings = mappings; } public void setDeclaringClass(XClass declaringClass) { this.declaringClass = declaringClass; this.declaringClassSet = true; } private void validateBind() { if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Immutable.class ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "@Immutable on property not allowed. " + "Only allowed on entity level or on a collection." ); } if ( !declaringClassSet ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "declaringClass has not been set before a bind" ); } } private void validateMake() { //TODO check necessary params for a make } private Property makePropertyAndValue() { validateBind(); log.debug( "binding property {} with lazy={}", name, lazy ); String containerClassName = holder == null ? null : holder.getClassName(); simpleValueBinder = new SimpleValueBinder(); simpleValueBinder.setMappings( mappings ); simpleValueBinder.setPropertyName( name ); simpleValueBinder.setReturnedClassName( returnedClassName ); simpleValueBinder.setColumns( columns ); simpleValueBinder.setPersistentClassName( containerClassName ); simpleValueBinder.setType( property, returnedClass ); simpleValueBinder.setMappings( mappings ); simpleValueBinder.setReferencedEntityName( referencedEntityName ); SimpleValue propertyValue = simpleValueBinder.make(); setValue( propertyValue ); return makeProperty(); } //used when value is provided public Property makePropertyAndBind() { return bind( makeProperty() ); } //used to build everything from scratch public Property makePropertyValueAndBind() { return bind( makePropertyAndValue() ); } public void setXToMany(boolean xToMany) { this.isXToMany = xToMany; } private Property bind(Property prop) { if (isId) { final RootClass rootClass = ( RootClass ) holder.getPersistentClass(); //if an xToMany, it as to be wrapped today. //FIXME this pose a problem as the PK is the class instead of the associated class which is not really compliant with the spec if ( isXToMany || entityBinder.wrapIdsInEmbeddedComponents() ) { Component identifier = (Component) rootClass.getIdentifier(); if (identifier == null) { identifier = AnnotationBinder.createComponent( holder, new PropertyPreloadedData(null, null, null), true, false, mappings ); rootClass.setIdentifier( identifier ); identifier.setNullValue( "undefined" ); rootClass.setEmbeddedIdentifier( true ); rootClass.setIdentifierMapper( identifier ); } //FIXME is it good enough? identifier.addProperty( prop ); } else { rootClass.setIdentifier( ( KeyValue ) getValue() ); if (embedded) { rootClass.setEmbeddedIdentifier( true ); } else { rootClass.setIdentifierProperty( prop ); final org.hibernate.mapping.MappedSuperclass superclass = BinderHelper.getMappedSuperclassOrNull( declaringClass, inheritanceStatePerClass, mappings ); if (superclass != null) { superclass.setDeclaredIdentifierProperty(prop); } else { //we know the property is on the actual entity rootClass.setDeclaredIdentifierProperty( prop ); } } } } else { holder.addProperty( prop, columns, declaringClass ); } return prop; } //used when the value is provided and the binding is done elsewhere public Property makeProperty() { validateMake(); log.debug( "Building property " + name ); Property prop = new Property(); prop.setName( name ); prop.setNodeName( name ); prop.setValue( value ); prop.setLazy( lazy ); prop.setCascade( cascade ); prop.setPropertyAccessorName( accessType.getType() ); Generated ann = property != null ? property.getAnnotation( Generated.class ) : null; GenerationTime generated = ann != null ? ann.value() : null; if ( generated != null ) { if ( !GenerationTime.NEVER.equals( generated ) ) { if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( javax.persistence.Version.class ) && GenerationTime.INSERT.equals( generated ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "@Generated(INSERT) on a @Version property not allowed, use ALWAYS: " + StringHelper.qualify( holder.getPath(), name ) ); } insertable = false; if ( GenerationTime.ALWAYS.equals( generated ) ) { updatable = false; } prop.setGeneration( PropertyGeneration.parse( generated.toString().toLowerCase() ) ); } } NaturalId naturalId = property != null ? property.getAnnotation( NaturalId.class ) : null; if ( naturalId != null ) { if ( !naturalId.mutable() ) { updatable = false; } prop.setNaturalIdentifier( true ); } prop.setInsertable( insertable ); prop.setUpdateable( updatable ); OptimisticLock lockAnn = property != null ? property.getAnnotation( OptimisticLock.class ) : null; if ( lockAnn != null ) { prop.setOptimisticLocked( !lockAnn.excluded() ); //TODO this should go to the core as a mapping validation checking if ( lockAnn.excluded() && ( property.isAnnotationPresent( javax.persistence.Version.class ) || property.isAnnotationPresent( Id.class ) || property.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "@OptimisticLock.exclude=true incompatible with @Id, @EmbeddedId and @Version: " + StringHelper.qualify( holder.getPath(), name ) ); } } log.trace( "Cascading " + name + " with " + cascade ); this.mappingProperty = prop; return prop; } public void setProperty(XProperty property) { this.property = property; } public void setReturnedClass(XClass returnedClass) { this.returnedClass = returnedClass; } public SimpleValueBinder getSimpleValueBinder() { return simpleValueBinder; } public Value getValue() { return value; } public void setId(boolean id) { this.isId = id; } public void setInheritanceStatePerClass(Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass) { this.inheritanceStatePerClass = inheritanceStatePerClass; } }