/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.hibernate.engine; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import org.hibernate.EntityMode; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.LockMode; import org.hibernate.intercept.FieldInterceptionHelper; import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister; import org.hibernate.persister.entity.UniqueKeyLoadable; import org.hibernate.pretty.MessageHelper; /** * We need an entry to tell us all about the current state * of an object with respect to its persistent state * * @author Gavin King */ public final class EntityEntry implements Serializable { private LockMode lockMode; private Status status; private Status previousStatus; private final Serializable id; private Object[] loadedState; private Object[] deletedState; private boolean existsInDatabase; private Object version; private transient EntityPersister persister; // for convenience to save some lookups private final EntityMode entityMode; private final String entityName; private transient EntityKey cachedEntityKey; // cached EntityKey (lazy-initialized) private boolean isBeingReplicated; private boolean loadedWithLazyPropertiesUnfetched; //NOTE: this is not updated when properties are fetched lazily! private final transient Object rowId; EntityEntry( final Status status, final Object[] loadedState, final Object rowId, final Serializable id, final Object version, final LockMode lockMode, final boolean existsInDatabase, final EntityPersister persister, final EntityMode entityMode, final boolean disableVersionIncrement, final boolean lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched) { this.status=status; this.previousStatus = null; // only retain loaded state if the status is not Status.READ_ONLY if ( status != Status.READ_ONLY ) { this.loadedState = loadedState; } this.id=id; this.rowId=rowId; this.existsInDatabase=existsInDatabase; this.version=version; this.lockMode=lockMode; this.isBeingReplicated=disableVersionIncrement; this.loadedWithLazyPropertiesUnfetched = lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched; this.persister=persister; this.entityMode = entityMode; this.entityName = persister == null ? null : persister.getEntityName(); } private EntityEntry( final SessionFactoryImplementor factory, final String entityName, final Serializable id, final EntityMode entityMode, final Status status, final Status previousStatus, final Object[] loadedState, final Object[] deletedState, final Object version, final LockMode lockMode, final boolean existsInDatabase, final boolean isBeingReplicated, final boolean loadedWithLazyPropertiesUnfetched) { // Used during custom deserialization this.entityName = entityName; this.persister = ( factory == null ? null : factory.getEntityPersister( entityName ) ); this.id = id; this.entityMode = entityMode; this.status = status; this.previousStatus = previousStatus; this.loadedState = loadedState; this.deletedState = deletedState; this.version = version; this.lockMode = lockMode; this.existsInDatabase = existsInDatabase; this.isBeingReplicated = isBeingReplicated; this.loadedWithLazyPropertiesUnfetched = loadedWithLazyPropertiesUnfetched; this.rowId = null; // this is equivalent to the old behavior... } public LockMode getLockMode() { return lockMode; } public void setLockMode(LockMode lockMode) { this.lockMode = lockMode; } public Status getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(Status status) { if (status==Status.READ_ONLY) { loadedState = null; //memory optimization } if ( this.status != status ) { this.previousStatus = this.status; this.status = status; } } public Serializable getId() { return id; } public Object[] getLoadedState() { return loadedState; } public Object[] getDeletedState() { return deletedState; } public void setDeletedState(Object[] deletedState) { this.deletedState = deletedState; } public boolean isExistsInDatabase() { return existsInDatabase; } public Object getVersion() { return version; } public EntityPersister getPersister() { return persister; } /** * Get the EntityKey based on this EntityEntry. * @return the EntityKey * @throws IllegalStateException if getId() is null */ public EntityKey getEntityKey() { if ( cachedEntityKey == null ) { if ( getId() == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "cannot generate an EntityKey when id is null."); } cachedEntityKey = new EntityKey( getId(), getPersister(), entityMode ); } return cachedEntityKey; } public String getEntityName() { return entityName; } public boolean isBeingReplicated() { return isBeingReplicated; } public Object getRowId() { return rowId; } /** * Handle updating the internal state of the entry after actually performing * the database update. Specifically we update the snapshot information and * escalate the lock mode * * @param entity The entity instance * @param updatedState The state calculated after the update (becomes the * new {@link #getLoadedState() loaded state}. * @param nextVersion The new version. */ public void postUpdate(Object entity, Object[] updatedState, Object nextVersion) { this.loadedState = updatedState; setLockMode(LockMode.WRITE); if ( getPersister().isVersioned() ) { this.version = nextVersion; getPersister().setPropertyValue( entity, getPersister().getVersionProperty(), nextVersion, entityMode ); } FieldInterceptionHelper.clearDirty( entity ); } /** * After actually deleting a row, record the fact that the instance no longer * exists in the database */ public void postDelete() { previousStatus = status; status = Status.GONE; existsInDatabase = false; } /** * After actually inserting a row, record the fact that the instance exists on the * database (needed for identity-column key generation) */ public void postInsert() { existsInDatabase = true; } public boolean isNullifiable(boolean earlyInsert, SessionImplementor session) { return getStatus() == Status.SAVING || ( earlyInsert ? !isExistsInDatabase() : session.getPersistenceContext().getNullifiableEntityKeys() .contains( getEntityKey() ) ); } public Object getLoadedValue(String propertyName) { int propertyIndex = ( (UniqueKeyLoadable) persister ).getPropertyIndex(propertyName); return loadedState[propertyIndex]; } public boolean requiresDirtyCheck(Object entity) { return isModifiableEntity() && ( getPersister().hasMutableProperties() || !FieldInterceptionHelper.isInstrumented( entity ) || FieldInterceptionHelper.extractFieldInterceptor( entity).isDirty() ); } /** * Can the entity be modified? * * The entity is modifiable if all of the following are true: * <ul> * <li>the entity class is mutable</li> * <li>the entity is not read-only</li> * <li>if the current status is Status.DELETED, then the entity was not read-only when it was deleted</li> * </ul> * @return true, if the entity is modifiable; false, otherwise, */ public boolean isModifiableEntity() { return ( status != Status.READ_ONLY ) && ! ( status == Status.DELETED && previousStatus == Status.READ_ONLY ) && getPersister().isMutable(); } public void forceLocked(Object entity, Object nextVersion) { version = nextVersion; loadedState[ persister.getVersionProperty() ] = version; //noinspection deprecation setLockMode( LockMode.FORCE ); // TODO: use LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT persister.setPropertyValue( entity, getPersister().getVersionProperty(), nextVersion, entityMode ); } public boolean isReadOnly() { if (status != Status.MANAGED && status != Status.READ_ONLY) { throw new HibernateException("instance was not in a valid state"); } return status == Status.READ_ONLY; } public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly, Object entity) { if ( readOnly == isReadOnly() ) { // simply return since the status is not being changed return; } if ( readOnly ) { setStatus( Status.READ_ONLY ); loadedState = null; } else { if ( ! persister.isMutable() ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot make an immutable entity modifiable." ); } setStatus( Status.MANAGED ); loadedState = getPersister().getPropertyValues( entity, entityMode ); } } public String toString() { return "EntityEntry" + MessageHelper.infoString(entityName, id) + '(' + status + ')'; } public boolean isLoadedWithLazyPropertiesUnfetched() { return loadedWithLazyPropertiesUnfetched; } /** * Custom serialization routine used during serialization of a * Session/PersistenceContext for increased performance. * * @param oos The stream to which we should write the serial data. * * @throws IOException If a stream error occurs */ void serialize(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { oos.writeObject( entityName ); oos.writeObject( id ); oos.writeObject( entityMode.toString() ); oos.writeObject( status.toString() ); oos.writeObject( ( previousStatus == null ? "" : previousStatus.toString() ) ); // todo : potentially look at optimizing these two arrays oos.writeObject( loadedState ); oos.writeObject( deletedState ); oos.writeObject( version ); oos.writeObject( lockMode.toString() ); oos.writeBoolean( existsInDatabase ); oos.writeBoolean( isBeingReplicated ); oos.writeBoolean( loadedWithLazyPropertiesUnfetched ); } /** * Custom deserialization routine used during deserialization of a * Session/PersistenceContext for increased performance. * * @param ois The stream from which to read the entry. * @param session The session being deserialized. * * @return The deserialized EntityEntry * * @throws IOException If a stream error occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException If any of the classes declared in the stream * cannot be found */ static EntityEntry deserialize( ObjectInputStream ois, SessionImplementor session) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { String previousStatusString = null; return new EntityEntry( ( session == null ? null : session.getFactory() ), ( String ) ois.readObject(), ( Serializable ) ois.readObject(), EntityMode.parse( ( String ) ois.readObject() ), Status.parse( ( String ) ois.readObject() ), ( ( previousStatusString = ( String ) ois.readObject() ).length() == 0 ? null : Status.parse( previousStatusString ) ), ( Object[] ) ois.readObject(), ( Object[] ) ois.readObject(), ois.readObject(), LockMode.parse( ( String ) ois.readObject() ), ois.readBoolean(), ois.readBoolean(), ois.readBoolean() ); } }