/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.hibernate.cfg; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.JoinTable; import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass; import org.hibernate.annotations.common.AssertionFailure; import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.EntityBinder; import org.hibernate.mapping.Component; import org.hibernate.mapping.Join; import org.hibernate.mapping.KeyValue; import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass; import org.hibernate.mapping.Property; import org.hibernate.mapping.Table; import org.hibernate.mapping.MappedSuperclass; /** * @author Emmanuel Bernard */ public class ClassPropertyHolder extends AbstractPropertyHolder { private PersistentClass persistentClass; private Map<String, Join> joins; private transient Map<String, Join> joinsPerRealTableName; private EntityBinder entityBinder; private final Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass; public ClassPropertyHolder( PersistentClass persistentClass, XClass clazzToProcess, Map<String, Join> joins, Mappings mappings, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass) { super( persistentClass.getEntityName(), null, clazzToProcess, mappings ); this.persistentClass = persistentClass; this.joins = joins; this.inheritanceStatePerClass = inheritanceStatePerClass; } public ClassPropertyHolder( PersistentClass persistentClass, XClass clazzToProcess, EntityBinder entityBinder, Mappings mappings, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass) { this( persistentClass, clazzToProcess, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(), mappings, inheritanceStatePerClass ); this.entityBinder = entityBinder; } public String getEntityName() { return persistentClass.getEntityName(); } public void addProperty(Property prop, Ejb3Column[] columns, XClass declaringClass) { //Ejb3Column.checkPropertyConsistency( ); //already called earlier if ( columns != null && columns[0].isSecondary() ) { //TODO move the getJoin() code here? final Join join = columns[0].getJoin(); addPropertyToJoin( prop, declaringClass, join ); } else { addProperty( prop, declaringClass ); } } public void addProperty(Property prop, XClass declaringClass) { if ( prop.getValue() instanceof Component ) { //TODO handle quote and non quote table comparison String tableName = prop.getValue().getTable().getName(); if ( getJoinsPerRealTableName().containsKey( tableName ) ) { final Join join = getJoinsPerRealTableName().get( tableName ); addPropertyToJoin( prop, declaringClass, join ); } else { addPropertyToPersistentClass( prop, declaringClass ); } } else { addPropertyToPersistentClass( prop, declaringClass ); } } public Join addJoin(JoinTable joinTableAnn, boolean noDelayInPkColumnCreation) { Join join = entityBinder.addJoin( joinTableAnn, this, noDelayInPkColumnCreation ); this.joins = entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(); return join; } private void addPropertyToPersistentClass(Property prop, XClass declaringClass) { if ( declaringClass != null ) { final InheritanceState inheritanceState = inheritanceStatePerClass.get( declaringClass ); if ( inheritanceState == null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Declaring class is not found in the inheritance state hierarchy: " + declaringClass ); } if ( inheritanceState.isEmbeddableSuperclass() ) { persistentClass.addMappedsuperclassProperty(prop); addPropertyToMappedSuperclass( prop, declaringClass ); } else { persistentClass.addProperty( prop ); } } else { persistentClass.addProperty( prop ); } } private void addPropertyToMappedSuperclass(Property prop, XClass declaringClass) { final Mappings mappings = getMappings(); final Class type = mappings.getReflectionManager().toClass( declaringClass ); MappedSuperclass superclass = mappings.getMappedSuperclass( type ); superclass.addDeclaredProperty( prop ); } private void addPropertyToJoin(Property prop, XClass declaringClass, Join join) { if ( declaringClass != null ) { final InheritanceState inheritanceState = inheritanceStatePerClass.get( declaringClass ); if ( inheritanceState == null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Declaring class is not found in the inheritance state hierarchy: " + declaringClass ); } if ( inheritanceState.isEmbeddableSuperclass() ) { join.addMappedsuperclassProperty(prop); addPropertyToMappedSuperclass( prop, declaringClass ); } else { join.addProperty( prop ); } } else { join.addProperty( prop ); } } /** * Needed for proper compliance with naming strategy, the property table * can be overriden if the properties are part of secondary tables */ private Map<String, Join> getJoinsPerRealTableName() { if ( joinsPerRealTableName == null ) { joinsPerRealTableName = new HashMap<String, Join>( joins.size() ); for (Join join : joins.values()) { joinsPerRealTableName.put( join.getTable().getName(), join ); } } return joinsPerRealTableName; } public String getClassName() { return persistentClass.getClassName(); } public String getEntityOwnerClassName() { return getClassName(); } public Table getTable() { return persistentClass.getTable(); } public boolean isComponent() { return false; } public boolean isEntity() { return true; } public PersistentClass getPersistentClass() { return persistentClass; } public KeyValue getIdentifier() { return persistentClass.getIdentifier(); } public boolean isOrWithinEmbeddedId() { return false; } }