/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.hibernate.dialect; import org.hibernate.dialect.function.NoArgSQLFunction; import org.hibernate.dialect.function.StandardSQLFunction; import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionTemplate; import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.*; import java.sql.Types; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.LockMode; import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Lockable; import org.hibernate.sql.CaseFragment; import org.hibernate.sql.DecodeCaseFragment; import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This is the Hibernate dialect for the Unisys 2200 Relational Database (RDMS). * This dialect was developed for use with Hibernate 3.0.5. Other versions may * require modifications to the dialect. * * Version History: * Also change the version displayed below in the constructor * 1.1 * 1.0 2005-10-24 CDH - First dated version for use with CP 11 * * @author Ploski and Hanson */ public class RDMSOS2200Dialect extends Dialect { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RDMSOS2200Dialect.class); public RDMSOS2200Dialect() { super(); // Display the dialect version. log.info("RDMSOS2200Dialect version: 1.0"); /** * This section registers RDMS Biult-in Functions (BIFs) with Hibernate. * The first parameter is the 'register' function name with Hibernate. * The second parameter is the defined RDMS SQL Function and it's * characteristics. If StandardSQLFunction(...) is used, the RDMS BIF * name and the return type (if any) is specified. If * SQLFunctionTemplate(...) is used, the return type and a template * string is provided, plus an optional hasParenthesesIfNoArgs flag. */ registerFunction( "abs", new StandardSQLFunction("abs") ); registerFunction( "sign", new StandardSQLFunction("sign", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("ascii", new StandardSQLFunction("ascii", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("char_length", new StandardSQLFunction("char_length", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("character_length", new StandardSQLFunction("character_length", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); // The RDMS concat() function only supports 2 parameters registerFunction( "concat", new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.STRING, "concat(?1, ?2)") ); registerFunction( "instr", new StandardSQLFunction("instr", StandardBasicTypes.STRING) ); registerFunction( "lpad", new StandardSQLFunction("lpad", StandardBasicTypes.STRING) ); registerFunction( "replace", new StandardSQLFunction("replace", StandardBasicTypes.STRING) ); registerFunction( "rpad", new StandardSQLFunction("rpad", StandardBasicTypes.STRING) ); registerFunction( "substr", new StandardSQLFunction("substr", StandardBasicTypes.STRING) ); registerFunction("lcase", new StandardSQLFunction("lcase") ); registerFunction("lower", new StandardSQLFunction("lower") ); registerFunction("ltrim", new StandardSQLFunction("ltrim") ); registerFunction("reverse", new StandardSQLFunction("reverse") ); registerFunction("rtrim", new StandardSQLFunction("rtrim") ); // RDMS does not directly support the trim() function, we use rtrim() and ltrim() registerFunction("trim", new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER, "ltrim(rtrim(?1))" ) ); registerFunction("soundex", new StandardSQLFunction("soundex") ); registerFunction("space", new StandardSQLFunction("space", StandardBasicTypes.STRING) ); registerFunction("ucase", new StandardSQLFunction("ucase") ); registerFunction("upper", new StandardSQLFunction("upper") ); registerFunction("acos", new StandardSQLFunction("acos", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("asin", new StandardSQLFunction("asin", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("atan", new StandardSQLFunction("atan", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("cos", new StandardSQLFunction("cos", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("cosh", new StandardSQLFunction("cosh", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("cot", new StandardSQLFunction("cot", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("exp", new StandardSQLFunction("exp", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("ln", new StandardSQLFunction("ln", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("log", new StandardSQLFunction("log", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("log10", new StandardSQLFunction("log10", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("pi", new NoArgSQLFunction("pi", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("rand", new NoArgSQLFunction("rand", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("sin", new StandardSQLFunction("sin", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("sinh", new StandardSQLFunction("sinh", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("sqrt", new StandardSQLFunction("sqrt", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("tan", new StandardSQLFunction("tan", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction("tanh", new StandardSQLFunction("tanh", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction( "round", new StandardSQLFunction("round") ); registerFunction( "trunc", new StandardSQLFunction("trunc") ); registerFunction( "ceil", new StandardSQLFunction("ceil") ); registerFunction( "floor", new StandardSQLFunction("floor") ); registerFunction( "chr", new StandardSQLFunction("chr", StandardBasicTypes.CHARACTER) ); registerFunction( "initcap", new StandardSQLFunction("initcap") ); registerFunction( "user", new NoArgSQLFunction("user", StandardBasicTypes.STRING, false) ); registerFunction( "current_date", new NoArgSQLFunction("current_date", StandardBasicTypes.DATE, false) ); registerFunction( "current_time", new NoArgSQLFunction("current_timestamp", StandardBasicTypes.TIME, false) ); registerFunction( "current_timestamp", new NoArgSQLFunction("current_timestamp", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP, false) ); registerFunction("curdate", new NoArgSQLFunction("curdate",StandardBasicTypes.DATE) ); registerFunction("curtime", new NoArgSQLFunction("curtime",StandardBasicTypes.TIME) ); registerFunction("days", new StandardSQLFunction("days",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("dayofmonth", new StandardSQLFunction("dayofmonth",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("dayname", new StandardSQLFunction("dayname",StandardBasicTypes.STRING) ); registerFunction("dayofweek", new StandardSQLFunction("dayofweek",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("dayofyear", new StandardSQLFunction("dayofyear",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("hour", new StandardSQLFunction("hour",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("last_day", new StandardSQLFunction("last_day",StandardBasicTypes.DATE) ); registerFunction("microsecond", new StandardSQLFunction("microsecond",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("minute", new StandardSQLFunction("minute",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("month", new StandardSQLFunction("month",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("monthname", new StandardSQLFunction("monthname",StandardBasicTypes.STRING) ); registerFunction("now", new NoArgSQLFunction("now",StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP) ); registerFunction("quarter", new StandardSQLFunction("quarter",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("second", new StandardSQLFunction("second",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("time", new StandardSQLFunction("time",StandardBasicTypes.TIME) ); registerFunction("timestamp", new StandardSQLFunction("timestamp",StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP) ); registerFunction("week", new StandardSQLFunction("week",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("year", new StandardSQLFunction("year",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction("atan2", new StandardSQLFunction("atan2",StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); registerFunction( "mod", new StandardSQLFunction("mod",StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) ); registerFunction( "nvl", new StandardSQLFunction("nvl") ); registerFunction( "power", new StandardSQLFunction("power", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) ); /** * For a list of column types to register, see section A-1 * in 7862 7395, the Unisys JDBC manual. * * Here are column sizes as documented in Table A-1 of * 7831 0760, "Enterprise Relational Database Server * for ClearPath OS2200 Administration Guide" * Numeric - 21 * Decimal - 22 (21 digits plus one for sign) * Float - 60 bits * Char - 28000 * NChar - 14000 * BLOB+ - 4294967296 (4 Gb) * + RDMS JDBC driver does not support BLOBs * * DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP literal formats are * are all described in section 2.3.4 DATE Literal Format * in 7830 8160. * The DATE literal format is: YYYY-MM-DD * The TIME literal format is: HH:MM:SS[.[FFFFFF]] * The TIMESTAMP literal format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.[FFFFFF]] * * Note that $l (dollar-L) will use the length value if provided. * Also new for Hibernate3 is the $p percision and $s (scale) parameters */ registerColumnType(Types.BIT, "SMALLINT"); registerColumnType(Types.TINYINT, "SMALLINT"); registerColumnType(Types.BIGINT, "NUMERIC(21,0)"); registerColumnType(Types.SMALLINT, "SMALLINT"); registerColumnType(Types.CHAR, "CHARACTER(1)"); registerColumnType(Types.DOUBLE, "DOUBLE PRECISION"); registerColumnType(Types.FLOAT, "FLOAT"); registerColumnType(Types.REAL, "REAL"); registerColumnType(Types.INTEGER, "INTEGER"); registerColumnType(Types.NUMERIC, "NUMERIC(21,$l)"); registerColumnType(Types.DECIMAL, "NUMERIC(21,$l)"); registerColumnType(Types.DATE, "DATE"); registerColumnType(Types.TIME, "TIME"); registerColumnType(Types.TIMESTAMP, "TIMESTAMP"); registerColumnType(Types.VARCHAR, "CHARACTER($l)"); registerColumnType(Types.BLOB, "BLOB($l)" ); /* * The following types are not supported in RDMS/JDBC and therefore commented out. * However, in some cases, mapping them to CHARACTER columns works * for many applications, but does not work for all cases. */ // registerColumnType(Types.VARBINARY, "CHARACTER($l)"); // registerColumnType(Types.BLOB, "CHARACTER($l)" ); // For use prior to CP 11.0 // registerColumnType(Types.CLOB, "CHARACTER($l)" ); } // Dialect method overrides ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /** * RDMS does not support qualifing index names with the schema name. */ public boolean qualifyIndexName() { return false; } /** * The RDMS DB supports the 'FOR UPDATE OF' clause. However, the RDMS-JDBC * driver does not support this feature, so a false is return. * The base dialect also returns a false, but we will leave this over-ride * in to make sure it stays false. */ public boolean forUpdateOfColumns() { return false; } /** * Since the RDMS-JDBC driver does not support for updates, this string is * set to an empty string. Whenever, the driver does support this feature, * the returned string should be " FOR UPDATE OF". Note that RDMS does not * support the string 'FOR UPDATE' string. */ public String getForUpdateString() { return ""; // Original Dialect.java returns " for update"; } /** * RDMS does not support adding Unique constraints via create and alter table. */ public boolean supportsUniqueConstraintInCreateAlterTable() { return true; } // Verify the state of this new method in Hibernate 3.0 Dialect.java /** * RDMS does not support Cascade Deletes. * Need to review this in the future when support is provided. */ public boolean supportsCascadeDelete() { return false; // Origial Dialect.java returns true; } /** * Currently, RDMS-JDBC does not support ForUpdate. * Need to review this in the future when support is provided. */ public boolean supportsOuterJoinForUpdate() { return false; } public String getAddColumnString() { return "add"; } public String getNullColumnString() { // The keyword used to specify a nullable column. return " null"; } // *** Sequence methods - start. The RDMS dialect needs these // methods to make it possible to use the Native Id generator public boolean supportsSequences() { return true; } public String getSequenceNextValString(String sequenceName) { // The where clause was added to eliminate this statement from Brute Force Searches. return "select permuted_id('NEXT',31) from rdms.rdms_dummy where key_col = 1 "; } public String getCreateSequenceString(String sequenceName) { // We must return a valid RDMS/RSA command from this method to // prevent RDMS/RSA from issuing *ERROR 400 return ""; } public String getDropSequenceString(String sequenceName) { // We must return a valid RDMS/RSA command from this method to // prevent RDMS/RSA from issuing *ERROR 400 return ""; } // *** Sequence methods - end public String getCascadeConstraintsString() { // Used with DROP TABLE to delete all records in the table. return " including contents"; } public CaseFragment createCaseFragment() { return new DecodeCaseFragment(); } public boolean supportsLimit() { return true; } public boolean supportsLimitOffset() { return false; } public String getLimitString(String sql, int offset, int limit) { if ( offset > 0 ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "query result offset is not supported" ); } return new StringBuffer( sql.length() + 40 ) .append( sql ) .append( " fetch first " ) .append( limit ) .append( " rows only " ) .toString(); } public boolean supportsVariableLimit() { return false; } public boolean supportsUnionAll() { // RDMS supports the UNION ALL clause. return true; } public LockingStrategy getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode) { // RDMS has no known variation of a "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" syntax... if ( lockMode==LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT) { return new PessimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode); } else if ( lockMode==LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE) { return new PessimisticWriteUpdateLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode); } else if ( lockMode==LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_READ) { return new PessimisticReadUpdateLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode); } else if ( lockMode==LockMode.OPTIMISTIC) { return new OptimisticLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode); } else if ( lockMode==LockMode.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT) { return new OptimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode); } else if ( lockMode.greaterThan( LockMode.READ ) ) { return new UpdateLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode ); } else { return new SelectLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode ); } } }