/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.hibernate.cfg; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn; import org.hibernate.AnnotationException; import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure; import org.hibernate.MappingException; import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper; import org.hibernate.annotations.JoinColumnOrFormula; import org.hibernate.annotations.JoinColumnsOrFormulas; import org.hibernate.annotations.JoinFormula; import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass; import org.hibernate.mapping.Column; import org.hibernate.mapping.Join; import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass; import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue; import org.hibernate.mapping.Table; import org.hibernate.mapping.Value; /** * Wrap state of an EJB3 @JoinColumn annotation * and build the Hibernate column mapping element * * @author Emmanuel Bernard */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class Ejb3JoinColumn extends Ejb3Column { /** * property name repated to this column */ private String referencedColumn; private String mappedBy; //property name on the mapped by side if any private String mappedByPropertyName; //table name on the mapped by side if any private String mappedByTableName; private String mappedByEntityName; private boolean JPA2ElementCollection; public void setJPA2ElementCollection(boolean JPA2ElementCollection) { this.JPA2ElementCollection = JPA2ElementCollection; } // TODO hacky solution to get the information at property ref resolution public String getManyToManyOwnerSideEntityName() { return manyToManyOwnerSideEntityName; } public void setManyToManyOwnerSideEntityName(String manyToManyOwnerSideEntityName) { this.manyToManyOwnerSideEntityName = manyToManyOwnerSideEntityName; } private String manyToManyOwnerSideEntityName; public void setReferencedColumn(String referencedColumn) { this.referencedColumn = referencedColumn; } public String getMappedBy() { return mappedBy; } public void setMappedBy(String mappedBy) { this.mappedBy = mappedBy; } //Due to @AnnotationOverride overriding rules, I don't want the constructor to be public private Ejb3JoinColumn() { setMappedBy( BinderHelper.ANNOTATION_STRING_DEFAULT ); } //Due to @AnnotationOverride overriding rules, I don't want the constructor to be public //TODO get rid of it and use setters private Ejb3JoinColumn( String sqlType, String name, boolean nullable, boolean unique, boolean insertable, boolean updatable, String referencedColumn, String secondaryTable, Map<String, Join> joins, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, String propertyName, String mappedBy, boolean isImplicit, Mappings mappings) { super(); setImplicit( isImplicit ); setSqlType( sqlType ); setLogicalColumnName( name ); setNullable( nullable ); setUnique( unique ); setInsertable( insertable ); setUpdatable( updatable ); setSecondaryTableName( secondaryTable ); setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder ); setJoins( joins ); setMappings( mappings ); setPropertyName( BinderHelper.getRelativePath( propertyHolder, propertyName ) ); bind(); this.referencedColumn = referencedColumn; this.mappedBy = mappedBy; } public String getReferencedColumn() { return referencedColumn; } public static Ejb3JoinColumn[] buildJoinColumnsOrFormulas( JoinColumnsOrFormulas anns, String mappedBy, Map<String, Join> joins, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, String propertyName, Mappings mappings) { JoinColumnOrFormula [] ann = anns.value(); Ejb3JoinColumn [] joinColumns = new Ejb3JoinColumn[ann.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ann.length; i++) { JoinColumnOrFormula join = (JoinColumnOrFormula) ann[i]; JoinFormula formula = join.formula(); if (formula.value() != null && !formula.value().equals("")) { joinColumns[i] = buildJoinFormula( formula, mappedBy, joins, propertyHolder, propertyName, mappings ); } else { joinColumns[i] = buildJoinColumns( new JoinColumn[] { join.column() }, mappedBy, joins, propertyHolder, propertyName, mappings )[0]; } } return joinColumns; } /** * build join formula */ public static Ejb3JoinColumn buildJoinFormula( JoinFormula ann, String mappedBy, Map<String, Join> joins, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, String propertyName, Mappings mappings) { Ejb3JoinColumn formulaColumn = new Ejb3JoinColumn(); formulaColumn.setFormula( ann.value() ); formulaColumn.setReferencedColumn(ann.referencedColumnName()); formulaColumn.setMappings( mappings ); formulaColumn.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder ); formulaColumn.setJoins( joins ); formulaColumn.setPropertyName( BinderHelper.getRelativePath( propertyHolder, propertyName ) ); formulaColumn.bind(); return formulaColumn; } public static Ejb3JoinColumn[] buildJoinColumns( JoinColumn[] anns, String mappedBy, Map<String, Join> joins, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, String propertyName, Mappings mappings) { return buildJoinColumnsWithDefaultColumnSuffix( anns, mappedBy, joins, propertyHolder, propertyName, "", mappings ); } public static Ejb3JoinColumn[] buildJoinColumnsWithDefaultColumnSuffix( JoinColumn[] anns, String mappedBy, Map<String, Join> joins, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, String propertyName, String suffixForDefaultColumnName, Mappings mappings) { JoinColumn[] actualColumns = propertyHolder.getOverriddenJoinColumn( StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), propertyName ) ); if ( actualColumns == null ) actualColumns = anns; if ( actualColumns == null || actualColumns.length == 0 ) { return new Ejb3JoinColumn[] { buildJoinColumn( (JoinColumn) null, mappedBy, joins, propertyHolder, propertyName, suffixForDefaultColumnName, mappings ) }; } else { int size = actualColumns.length; Ejb3JoinColumn[] result = new Ejb3JoinColumn[size]; for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { result[index] = buildJoinColumn( actualColumns[index], mappedBy, joins, propertyHolder, propertyName, suffixForDefaultColumnName, mappings ); } return result; } } /** * build join column for SecondaryTables */ private static Ejb3JoinColumn buildJoinColumn( JoinColumn ann, String mappedBy, Map<String, Join> joins, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, String propertyName, String suffixForDefaultColumnName, Mappings mappings) { if ( ann != null ) { if ( BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( mappedBy ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Illegal attempt to define a @JoinColumn with a mappedBy association: " + BinderHelper.getRelativePath( propertyHolder, propertyName ) ); } Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn = new Ejb3JoinColumn(); joinColumn.setJoinAnnotation( ann, null ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( joinColumn.getLogicalColumnName() ) && ! StringHelper.isEmpty( suffixForDefaultColumnName ) ) { joinColumn.setLogicalColumnName( propertyName + suffixForDefaultColumnName ); } joinColumn.setJoins( joins ); joinColumn.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder ); joinColumn.setPropertyName( BinderHelper.getRelativePath( propertyHolder, propertyName ) ); joinColumn.setImplicit( false ); joinColumn.setMappings( mappings ); joinColumn.bind(); return joinColumn; } else { Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn = new Ejb3JoinColumn(); joinColumn.setMappedBy( mappedBy ); joinColumn.setJoins( joins ); joinColumn.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder ); joinColumn.setPropertyName( BinderHelper.getRelativePath( propertyHolder, propertyName ) ); // property name + suffix is an "explicit" column name if ( !StringHelper.isEmpty( suffixForDefaultColumnName ) ) { joinColumn.setLogicalColumnName( propertyName + suffixForDefaultColumnName ); joinColumn.setImplicit( false ); } else { joinColumn.setImplicit( true ); } joinColumn.setMappings( mappings ); joinColumn.bind(); return joinColumn; } } // TODO default name still useful in association table public void setJoinAnnotation(JoinColumn annJoin, String defaultName) { if ( annJoin == null ) { setImplicit( true ); } else { setImplicit( false ); if ( !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( annJoin.columnDefinition() ) ) setSqlType( annJoin.columnDefinition() ); if ( !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( annJoin.name() ) ) setLogicalColumnName( annJoin.name() ); setNullable( annJoin.nullable() ); setUnique( annJoin.unique() ); setInsertable( annJoin.insertable() ); setUpdatable( annJoin.updatable() ); setReferencedColumn( annJoin.referencedColumnName() ); setSecondaryTableName( annJoin.table() ); } } /** * Build JoinColumn for a JOINED hierarchy */ public static Ejb3JoinColumn buildJoinColumn( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn pkJoinAnn, JoinColumn joinAnn, Value identifier, Map<String, Join> joins, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, Mappings mappings) { Column col = (Column) identifier.getColumnIterator().next(); String defaultName = mappings.getLogicalColumnName( col.getQuotedName(), identifier.getTable() ); if ( pkJoinAnn != null || joinAnn != null ) { String colName; String columnDefinition; String referencedColumnName; if ( pkJoinAnn != null ) { colName = pkJoinAnn.name(); columnDefinition = pkJoinAnn.columnDefinition(); referencedColumnName = pkJoinAnn.referencedColumnName(); } else { colName = joinAnn.name(); columnDefinition = joinAnn.columnDefinition(); referencedColumnName = joinAnn.referencedColumnName(); } String sqlType = "".equals( columnDefinition ) ? null : mappings.getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( columnDefinition ); String name = "".equals( colName ) ? defaultName : colName; name = mappings.getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( name ); return new Ejb3JoinColumn( sqlType, name, false, false, true, true, referencedColumnName, null, joins, propertyHolder, null, null, false, mappings ); } else { defaultName = mappings.getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( defaultName ); return new Ejb3JoinColumn( (String) null, defaultName, false, false, true, true, null, (String) null, joins, propertyHolder, null, null, true, mappings ); } } /** * Override persistent class on oneToMany Cases for late settings * Must only be used on second level pass binding */ public void setPersistentClass( PersistentClass persistentClass, Map<String, Join> joins, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass) { // TODO shouldn't we deduce the classname from the persistentclasS? this.propertyHolder = PropertyHolderBuilder.buildPropertyHolder( persistentClass, joins, getMappings(), inheritanceStatePerClass ); } public static void checkIfJoinColumn(Object columns, PropertyHolder holder, PropertyData property) { if ( !( columns instanceof Ejb3JoinColumn[] ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "@Column cannot be used on an association property: " + holder.getEntityName() + "." + property.getPropertyName() ); } } public void copyReferencedStructureAndCreateDefaultJoinColumns( PersistentClass referencedEntity, Iterator columnIterator, SimpleValue value) { if ( !isNameDeferred() ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Building implicit column but the column is not implicit" ); } while ( columnIterator.hasNext() ) { Column synthCol = (Column) columnIterator.next(); this.linkValueUsingDefaultColumnNaming( synthCol, referencedEntity, value ); } //reset for the future setMappingColumn( null ); } public void linkValueUsingDefaultColumnNaming( Column referencedColumn, PersistentClass referencedEntity, SimpleValue value) { String columnName; String logicalReferencedColumn = getMappings().getLogicalColumnName( referencedColumn.getQuotedName(), referencedEntity.getTable() ); columnName = buildDefaultColumnName( referencedEntity, logicalReferencedColumn ); //yuk side effect on an implicit column setLogicalColumnName( columnName ); setReferencedColumn( logicalReferencedColumn ); initMappingColumn( columnName, null, referencedColumn.getLength(), referencedColumn.getPrecision(), referencedColumn.getScale(), getMappingColumn() != null ? getMappingColumn().isNullable() : false, referencedColumn.getSqlType(), getMappingColumn() != null ? getMappingColumn().isUnique() : false, false ); linkWithValue( value ); } public void addDefaultJoinColumnName(PersistentClass referencedEntity, String logicalReferencedColumn) { final String columnName = buildDefaultColumnName( referencedEntity, logicalReferencedColumn ); getMappingColumn().setName( columnName ); setLogicalColumnName( columnName ); } private String buildDefaultColumnName(PersistentClass referencedEntity, String logicalReferencedColumn) { String columnName; boolean mappedBySide = mappedByTableName != null || mappedByPropertyName != null; boolean ownerSide = getPropertyName() != null; Boolean isRefColumnQuoted = StringHelper.isQuoted( logicalReferencedColumn ); String unquotedLogicalReferenceColumn = isRefColumnQuoted ? StringHelper.unquote( logicalReferencedColumn ) : logicalReferencedColumn; if ( mappedBySide ) { String unquotedMappedbyTable = StringHelper.unquote( mappedByTableName ); final String ownerObjectName = JPA2ElementCollection && mappedByEntityName != null ? StringHelper.unqualify( mappedByEntityName ) : unquotedMappedbyTable; columnName = getMappings().getNamingStrategy().foreignKeyColumnName( mappedByPropertyName, mappedByEntityName, ownerObjectName, unquotedLogicalReferenceColumn ); //one element was quoted so we quote if ( isRefColumnQuoted || StringHelper.isQuoted( mappedByTableName ) ) { columnName = StringHelper.quote( columnName ); } } else if ( ownerSide ) { String logicalTableName = getMappings().getLogicalTableName( referencedEntity.getTable() ); String unquotedLogicalTableName = StringHelper.unquote( logicalTableName ); columnName = getMappings().getNamingStrategy().foreignKeyColumnName( getPropertyName(), referencedEntity.getEntityName(), unquotedLogicalTableName, unquotedLogicalReferenceColumn ); //one element was quoted so we quote if ( isRefColumnQuoted || StringHelper.isQuoted( logicalTableName ) ) { columnName = StringHelper.quote( columnName ); } } else { //is an intra-entity hierarchy table join so copy the name by default String logicalTableName = getMappings().getLogicalTableName( referencedEntity.getTable() ); String unquotedLogicalTableName = StringHelper.unquote( logicalTableName ); columnName = getMappings().getNamingStrategy().joinKeyColumnName( unquotedLogicalReferenceColumn, unquotedLogicalTableName ); //one element was quoted so we quote if ( isRefColumnQuoted || StringHelper.isQuoted( logicalTableName ) ) { columnName = StringHelper.quote( columnName ); } } return columnName; } /** * used for mappedBy cases */ public void linkValueUsingAColumnCopy(Column column, SimpleValue value) { initMappingColumn( //column.getName(), column.getQuotedName(), null, column.getLength(), column.getPrecision(), column.getScale(), getMappingColumn().isNullable(), column.getSqlType(), getMappingColumn().isUnique(), false //We do copy no strategy here ); linkWithValue( value ); } protected void addColumnBinding(SimpleValue value) { if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( mappedBy ) ) { String unquotedLogColName = StringHelper.unquote( getLogicalColumnName() ); String unquotedRefColumn = StringHelper.unquote( getReferencedColumn() ); String logicalColumnName = getMappings().getNamingStrategy() .logicalCollectionColumnName( unquotedLogColName, getPropertyName(), unquotedRefColumn ); if ( StringHelper.isQuoted( getLogicalColumnName() ) || StringHelper.isQuoted( getLogicalColumnName() ) ) { logicalColumnName = StringHelper.quote( logicalColumnName ); } getMappings().addColumnBinding( logicalColumnName, getMappingColumn(), value.getTable() ); } } //keep it JDK 1.4 compliant //implicit way public static final int NO_REFERENCE = 0; //reference to the pk in an explicit order public static final int PK_REFERENCE = 1; //reference to non pk columns public static final int NON_PK_REFERENCE = 2; public static int checkReferencedColumnsType( Ejb3JoinColumn[] columns, PersistentClass referencedEntity, Mappings mappings) { //convenient container to find whether a column is an id one or not Set<Column> idColumns = new HashSet<Column>(); Iterator idColumnsIt = referencedEntity.getKey().getColumnIterator(); while ( idColumnsIt.hasNext() ) { idColumns.add( (Column) idColumnsIt.next() ); } boolean isFkReferencedColumnName = false; boolean noReferencedColumn = true; //build the list of potential tables if ( columns.length == 0 ) return NO_REFERENCE; //shortcut Object columnOwner = BinderHelper.findColumnOwner( referencedEntity, columns[0].getReferencedColumn(), mappings ); if ( columnOwner == null ) { try { throw new MappingException( "Unable to find column with logical name: " + columns[0].getReferencedColumn() + " in " + referencedEntity.getTable() + " and its related " + "supertables and secondary tables" ); } catch (MappingException e) { throw new RecoverableException(e); } } Table matchingTable = columnOwner instanceof PersistentClass ? ( (PersistentClass) columnOwner ).getTable() : ( (Join) columnOwner ).getTable(); //check each referenced column for (Ejb3JoinColumn ejb3Column : columns) { String logicalReferencedColumnName = ejb3Column.getReferencedColumn(); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( logicalReferencedColumnName ) ) { String referencedColumnName; try { referencedColumnName = mappings.getPhysicalColumnName( logicalReferencedColumnName, matchingTable ); } catch (MappingException me) { //rewrite the exception throw new MappingException( "Unable to find column with logical name: " + logicalReferencedColumnName + " in " + matchingTable.getName() ); } noReferencedColumn = false; Column refCol = new Column( referencedColumnName ); boolean contains = idColumns.contains( refCol ); if ( !contains ) { isFkReferencedColumnName = true; break; //we know the state } } } if ( isFkReferencedColumnName ) { return NON_PK_REFERENCE; } else if ( noReferencedColumn ) { return NO_REFERENCE; } else if ( idColumns.size() != columns.length ) { //reference use PK but is a subset or a superset return NON_PK_REFERENCE; } else { return PK_REFERENCE; } } /** * Called to apply column definitions from the referenced FK column to this column. * * @param column the referenced column. */ public void overrideFromReferencedColumnIfNecessary(org.hibernate.mapping.Column column) { if (getMappingColumn() != null) { // columnDefinition can also be specified using @JoinColumn, hence we have to check // whether it is set or not if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( sqlType ) ) { sqlType = column.getSqlType(); getMappingColumn().setSqlType( sqlType ); } // these properties can only be applied on the referenced column - we can just take them over getMappingColumn().setLength(column.getLength()); getMappingColumn().setPrecision(column.getPrecision()); getMappingColumn().setScale(column.getScale()); } } @Override public void redefineColumnName(String columnName, String propertyName, boolean applyNamingStrategy) { if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( columnName ) ) { getMappingColumn().setName( applyNamingStrategy ? getMappings().getNamingStrategy().columnName( columnName ) : columnName ); } } public static Ejb3JoinColumn[] buildJoinTableJoinColumns( JoinColumn[] annJoins, Map<String, Join> secondaryTables, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, String propertyName, String mappedBy, Mappings mappings) { Ejb3JoinColumn[] joinColumns; if ( annJoins == null ) { Ejb3JoinColumn currentJoinColumn = new Ejb3JoinColumn(); currentJoinColumn.setImplicit( true ); currentJoinColumn.setNullable( false ); //I break the spec, but it's for good currentJoinColumn.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder ); currentJoinColumn.setJoins( secondaryTables ); currentJoinColumn.setMappings( mappings ); currentJoinColumn.setPropertyName( BinderHelper.getRelativePath( propertyHolder, propertyName ) ); currentJoinColumn.setMappedBy( mappedBy ); currentJoinColumn.bind(); joinColumns = new Ejb3JoinColumn[] { currentJoinColumn }; } else { joinColumns = new Ejb3JoinColumn[annJoins.length]; JoinColumn annJoin; int length = annJoins.length; for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) { annJoin = annJoins[index]; Ejb3JoinColumn currentJoinColumn = new Ejb3JoinColumn(); currentJoinColumn.setImplicit( true ); currentJoinColumn.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder ); currentJoinColumn.setJoins( secondaryTables ); currentJoinColumn.setMappings( mappings ); currentJoinColumn.setPropertyName( BinderHelper.getRelativePath( propertyHolder, propertyName ) ); currentJoinColumn.setMappedBy( mappedBy ); currentJoinColumn.setJoinAnnotation( annJoin, propertyName ); currentJoinColumn.setNullable( false ); //I break the spec, but it's for good //done after the annotation to override it currentJoinColumn.bind(); joinColumns[index] = currentJoinColumn; } } return joinColumns; } public void setMappedBy(String entityName, String logicalTableName, String mappedByProperty) { this.mappedByEntityName = entityName; this.mappedByTableName = logicalTableName; this.mappedByPropertyName = mappedByProperty; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "Ejb3JoinColumn" ); sb.append( "{logicalColumnName='" ).append( getLogicalColumnName() ).append( '\'' ); sb.append( ", referencedColumn='" ).append( referencedColumn ).append( '\'' ); sb.append( ", mappedBy='" ).append( mappedBy ).append( '\'' ); sb.append( '}' ); return sb.toString(); } }