/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ package org.hibernate.util; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; /** * Defines support for various externally configurable SessionFactory(s), for * example, {@link org.hibernate.jmx.HibernateService JMX} or the JCA * adapter. * * @author Steve Ebersole */ public abstract class ExternalSessionFactoryConfig { private String mapResources; private String dialect; private String defaultSchema; private String defaultCatalog; private String maximumFetchDepth; private String jdbcFetchSize; private String jdbcBatchSize; private String batchVersionedDataEnabled; private String jdbcScrollableResultSetEnabled; private String getGeneratedKeysEnabled; private String streamsForBinaryEnabled; private String reflectionOptimizationEnabled; private String querySubstitutions; private String showSqlEnabled; private String commentsEnabled; private String cacheProviderClass; private String cacheProviderConfig; private String cacheRegionPrefix; private String secondLevelCacheEnabled; private String minimalPutsEnabled; private String queryCacheEnabled; private Map additionalProperties; private Set excludedPropertyNames = new HashSet(); private Map customListeners; protected Set getExcludedPropertyNames() { return excludedPropertyNames; } public final String getMapResources() { return mapResources; } public final void setMapResources(String mapResources) { this.mapResources = mapResources; } public void addMapResource(String mapResource) { if ( mapResources==null || mapResources.length()==0 ) { mapResources = mapResource.trim(); } else { mapResources += ", " + mapResource.trim(); } } public final String getDialect() { return dialect; } public final void setDialect(String dialect) { this.dialect = dialect; } public final String getDefaultSchema() { return defaultSchema; } public final void setDefaultSchema(String defaultSchema) { this.defaultSchema = defaultSchema; } public final String getDefaultCatalog() { return defaultCatalog; } public final void setDefaultCatalog(String defaultCatalog) { this.defaultCatalog = defaultCatalog; } public final String getMaximumFetchDepth() { return maximumFetchDepth; } public final void setMaximumFetchDepth(String maximumFetchDepth) { verifyInt( maximumFetchDepth ); this.maximumFetchDepth = maximumFetchDepth; } public final String getJdbcFetchSize() { return jdbcFetchSize; } public final void setJdbcFetchSize(String jdbcFetchSize) { verifyInt( jdbcFetchSize ); this.jdbcFetchSize = jdbcFetchSize; } public final String getJdbcBatchSize() { return jdbcBatchSize; } public final void setJdbcBatchSize(String jdbcBatchSize) { verifyInt( jdbcBatchSize ); this.jdbcBatchSize = jdbcBatchSize; } public final String getBatchVersionedDataEnabled() { return batchVersionedDataEnabled; } public final void setBatchVersionedDataEnabled(String batchVersionedDataEnabled) { this.batchVersionedDataEnabled = batchVersionedDataEnabled; } public final String getJdbcScrollableResultSetEnabled() { return jdbcScrollableResultSetEnabled; } public final void setJdbcScrollableResultSetEnabled(String jdbcScrollableResultSetEnabled) { this.jdbcScrollableResultSetEnabled = jdbcScrollableResultSetEnabled; } public final String getGetGeneratedKeysEnabled() { return getGeneratedKeysEnabled; } public final void setGetGeneratedKeysEnabled(String getGeneratedKeysEnabled) { this.getGeneratedKeysEnabled = getGeneratedKeysEnabled; } public final String getStreamsForBinaryEnabled() { return streamsForBinaryEnabled; } public final void setStreamsForBinaryEnabled(String streamsForBinaryEnabled) { this.streamsForBinaryEnabled = streamsForBinaryEnabled; } public final String getReflectionOptimizationEnabled() { return reflectionOptimizationEnabled; } public final void setReflectionOptimizationEnabled(String reflectionOptimizationEnabled) { this.reflectionOptimizationEnabled = reflectionOptimizationEnabled; } public final String getQuerySubstitutions() { return querySubstitutions; } public final void setQuerySubstitutions(String querySubstitutions) { this.querySubstitutions = querySubstitutions; } public final String getShowSqlEnabled() { return showSqlEnabled; } public final void setShowSqlEnabled(String showSqlEnabled) { this.showSqlEnabled = showSqlEnabled; } public final String getCommentsEnabled() { return commentsEnabled; } public final void setCommentsEnabled(String commentsEnabled) { this.commentsEnabled = commentsEnabled; } public final String getSecondLevelCacheEnabled() { return secondLevelCacheEnabled; } public final void setSecondLevelCacheEnabled(String secondLevelCacheEnabled) { this.secondLevelCacheEnabled = secondLevelCacheEnabled; } public final String getCacheProviderClass() { return cacheProviderClass; } public final void setCacheProviderClass(String cacheProviderClass) { this.cacheProviderClass = cacheProviderClass; } public String getCacheProviderConfig() { return cacheProviderConfig; } public void setCacheProviderConfig(String cacheProviderConfig) { this.cacheProviderConfig = cacheProviderConfig; } public final String getCacheRegionPrefix() { return cacheRegionPrefix; } public final void setCacheRegionPrefix(String cacheRegionPrefix) { this.cacheRegionPrefix = cacheRegionPrefix; } public final String getMinimalPutsEnabled() { return minimalPutsEnabled; } public final void setMinimalPutsEnabled(String minimalPutsEnabled) { this.minimalPutsEnabled = minimalPutsEnabled; } public final String getQueryCacheEnabled() { return queryCacheEnabled; } public final void setQueryCacheEnabled(String queryCacheEnabled) { this.queryCacheEnabled = queryCacheEnabled; } public final Map getCustomListeners() { return customListeners; } public void setCustomListeners(Map customListeners) { this.customListeners = customListeners; } public void setCustomListenersAsString(String customListenersString) { // Note : expected in the syntax: // type=listenerClass // ({sep}type=listenerClass)* // where {sep} is any whitespace or comma if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( customListenersString) ) { String[] listenerEntries = PropertiesHelper.toStringArray( customListenersString, " ,\n\t\r\f" ); for ( int i = 0; i < listenerEntries.length; i++ ) { final int keyValueSepPosition = listenerEntries[i].indexOf( '=' ); final String type = listenerEntries[i].substring( 0, keyValueSepPosition ); final String listenerClass = listenerEntries[i].substring( keyValueSepPosition + 1 ); setCustomListener( type, listenerClass ); } } } public void setCustomListener(String type, String listenerClass) { if ( customListeners == null ) { customListeners = new HashMap(); } customListeners.put( type, listenerClass ); } public final void addAdditionalProperty(String name, String value) { if ( !getExcludedPropertyNames().contains( name ) ) { if ( additionalProperties == null ) { additionalProperties = new HashMap(); } additionalProperties.put( name, value ); } } protected final Configuration buildConfiguration() { Configuration cfg = new Configuration().setProperties( buildProperties() ); String[] mappingFiles = PropertiesHelper.toStringArray( mapResources, " ,\n\t\r\f" ); for ( int i = 0; i < mappingFiles.length; i++ ) { cfg.addResource( mappingFiles[i] ); } if ( customListeners != null && !customListeners.isEmpty() ) { Iterator entries = customListeners.entrySet().iterator(); while ( entries.hasNext() ) { final Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) entries.next(); final String type = ( String ) entry.getKey(); final Object value = entry.getValue(); if ( value != null ) { if ( String.class.isAssignableFrom( value.getClass() ) ) { // Its the listener class name cfg.setListener( type, ( ( String ) value ) ); } else { // Its the listener instance (or better be) cfg.setListener( type, value ); } } } } return cfg; } protected final Properties buildProperties() { Properties props = new Properties(); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.DIALECT, dialect ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.DEFAULT_SCHEMA, defaultSchema ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.DEFAULT_CATALOG, defaultCatalog ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.MAX_FETCH_DEPTH, maximumFetchDepth ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.STATEMENT_FETCH_SIZE, jdbcFetchSize ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.STATEMENT_BATCH_SIZE, jdbcBatchSize ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.BATCH_VERSIONED_DATA, batchVersionedDataEnabled ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.USE_SCROLLABLE_RESULTSET, jdbcScrollableResultSetEnabled ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.USE_GET_GENERATED_KEYS, getGeneratedKeysEnabled ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.USE_STREAMS_FOR_BINARY, streamsForBinaryEnabled ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.USE_REFLECTION_OPTIMIZER, reflectionOptimizationEnabled ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.QUERY_SUBSTITUTIONS, querySubstitutions ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.SHOW_SQL, showSqlEnabled ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.USE_SQL_COMMENTS, commentsEnabled ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.CACHE_PROVIDER, cacheProviderClass ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.CACHE_PROVIDER_CONFIG, cacheProviderConfig ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.CACHE_REGION_PREFIX, cacheRegionPrefix ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.USE_MINIMAL_PUTS, minimalPutsEnabled ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.USE_SECOND_LEVEL_CACHE, secondLevelCacheEnabled ); setUnlessNull( props, Environment.USE_QUERY_CACHE, queryCacheEnabled ); Map extraProperties = getExtraProperties(); if ( extraProperties != null ) { addAll( props, extraProperties ); } if ( additionalProperties != null ) { addAll( props, additionalProperties ); } return props; } protected void addAll( Properties target, Map source ) { Iterator itr = source.entrySet().iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { final Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) itr.next(); final String propertyName = ( String ) entry.getKey(); final String propertyValue = ( String ) entry.getValue(); if ( propertyName != null && propertyValue != null ) { // Make sure we don't override previous set values if ( !target.keySet().contains( propertyName ) ) { if ( !getExcludedPropertyNames().contains( propertyName) ) { target.put( propertyName, propertyValue ); } } } } } protected Map getExtraProperties() { return null; } private void setUnlessNull(Properties props, String key, String value) { if ( value != null ) { props.setProperty( key, value ); } } private void verifyInt(String value) { if ( value != null ) { Integer.parseInt( value ); } } }