/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2015 GK Software AG, IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.NullAnnotationMatching; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.NullAnnotationMatching.CheckMode; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions; /** * Extracted slice from MethodVerifier15, which is responsible only for implicit null annotations. * First, if enabled, it detects overridden methods from which null annotations are inherited. * Next, also default nullness is filled into remaining empty slots. * After all implicit annotations have been filled in compatibility is checked and problems are complained. */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public class ImplicitNullAnnotationVerifier { /** * Simple record to store nullness info for one argument or return type * while iterating over a set of overridden methods. */ static class InheritedNonNullnessInfo { Boolean inheritedNonNullness; MethodBinding annotationOrigin; boolean complained; } // delegate which to ask for recursive analysis of super methods // can be 'this', but is never a MethodVerifier (to avoid infinite recursion). ImplicitNullAnnotationVerifier buddyImplicitNullAnnotationsVerifier; private boolean inheritNullAnnotations; protected LookupEnvironment environment; public ImplicitNullAnnotationVerifier(LookupEnvironment environment, boolean inheritNullAnnotations) { this.buddyImplicitNullAnnotationsVerifier = this; this.inheritNullAnnotations = inheritNullAnnotations; this.environment = environment; } // for sub-classes: ImplicitNullAnnotationVerifier(LookupEnvironment environment) { CompilerOptions options = environment.globalOptions; this.buddyImplicitNullAnnotationsVerifier = new ImplicitNullAnnotationVerifier(environment, options.inheritNullAnnotations); this.inheritNullAnnotations = options.inheritNullAnnotations; this.environment = environment; } /** * Check and fill in implicit annotations from overridden methods and from default. * Precondition: caller has checked whether annotation-based null analysis is enabled. */ public void checkImplicitNullAnnotations(MethodBinding currentMethod, AbstractMethodDeclaration srcMethod, boolean complain, Scope scope) { // check inherited nullness from superclass and superInterfaces try { ReferenceBinding currentType = currentMethod.declaringClass; if (currentType.id == TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject) { return; } boolean usesTypeAnnotations = scope.environment().usesNullTypeAnnotations(); boolean needToApplyReturnNonNullDefault = currentMethod.hasNonNullDefaultFor(Binding.DefaultLocationReturnType, usesTypeAnnotations); boolean needToApplyParameterNonNullDefault = currentMethod.hasNonNullDefaultFor(Binding.DefaultLocationParameter, usesTypeAnnotations); boolean needToApplyNonNullDefault = needToApplyReturnNonNullDefault | needToApplyParameterNonNullDefault; // compatibility & inheritance do not consider constructors / static methods: boolean isInstanceMethod = !currentMethod.isConstructor() && !currentMethod.isStatic(); complain &= isInstanceMethod; if (!needToApplyNonNullDefault && !complain && !(this.inheritNullAnnotations && isInstanceMethod)) { return; // short cut, no work to be done } if (isInstanceMethod) { List superMethodList = new ArrayList(); // need super types connected: if (currentType instanceof SourceTypeBinding && !currentType.isHierarchyConnected() && !currentType.isAnonymousType()) { ((SourceTypeBinding) currentType).scope.connectTypeHierarchy(); } int paramLen = currentMethod.parameters.length; findAllOverriddenMethods(currentMethod.original(), currentMethod.selector, paramLen, currentType, new HashSet(), superMethodList); // prepare interim storage for nullness info so we don't pollute currentMethod before we know its conflict-free: InheritedNonNullnessInfo[] inheritedNonNullnessInfos = new InheritedNonNullnessInfo[paramLen+1]; // index 0 is for the return type for (int i=0; i<paramLen+1; i++) inheritedNonNullnessInfos[i] = new InheritedNonNullnessInfo(); int length = superMethodList.size(); for (int i = length; --i >= 0;) { MethodBinding currentSuper = (MethodBinding) superMethodList.get(i); if ((currentSuper.tagBits & TagBits.IsNullnessKnown) == 0) { // recurse to prepare currentSuper checkImplicitNullAnnotations(currentSuper, null, false, scope); // TODO (stephan) complain=true if currentSuper is source method?? } checkNullSpecInheritance(currentMethod, srcMethod, needToApplyReturnNonNullDefault, needToApplyParameterNonNullDefault, complain, currentSuper, null, scope, inheritedNonNullnessInfos); needToApplyNonNullDefault = false; } // transfer collected information into currentMethod: InheritedNonNullnessInfo info = inheritedNonNullnessInfos[0]; if (!info.complained) { long tagBits = 0; if (info.inheritedNonNullness == Boolean.TRUE) { tagBits = TagBits.AnnotationNonNull; } else if (info.inheritedNonNullness == Boolean.FALSE) { tagBits = TagBits.AnnotationNullable; } if (tagBits != 0) { if (!usesTypeAnnotations) { currentMethod.tagBits |= tagBits; } else { if (!currentMethod.returnType.isBaseType()) { LookupEnvironment env = scope.environment(); currentMethod.returnType = env.createAnnotatedType(currentMethod.returnType, env.nullAnnotationsFromTagBits(tagBits)); } } } } for (int i=0; i<paramLen; i++) { info = inheritedNonNullnessInfos[i+1]; if (!info.complained && info.inheritedNonNullness != null) { Argument currentArg = srcMethod == null ? null : srcMethod.arguments[i]; if (!usesTypeAnnotations) recordArgNonNullness(currentMethod, paramLen, i, currentArg, info.inheritedNonNullness); else recordArgNonNullness18(currentMethod, i, currentArg, info.inheritedNonNullness, scope.environment()); } } } if (needToApplyNonNullDefault) { if (!usesTypeAnnotations) currentMethod.fillInDefaultNonNullness(srcMethod); else currentMethod.fillInDefaultNonNullness18(srcMethod, scope.environment()); } } finally { currentMethod.tagBits |= TagBits.IsNullnessKnown; } } /* * Recursively traverse the tree of ancestors but whenever we find a matching method prune the super tree. * Collect all matching methods in 'result'. */ private void findAllOverriddenMethods(MethodBinding original, char[] selector, int suggestedParameterLength, ReferenceBinding currentType, Set ifcsSeen, List result) { if (currentType.id == TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject) return; // superclass: ReferenceBinding superclass = currentType.superclass(); if (superclass == null) return; // pseudo root of inheritance, happens in eval contexts collectOverriddenMethods(original, selector, suggestedParameterLength, superclass, ifcsSeen, result); // superInterfaces: ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces = currentType.superInterfaces(); int ifcLen = superInterfaces.length; for (int i = 0; i < ifcLen; i++) { ReferenceBinding currentIfc = superInterfaces[i]; if (ifcsSeen.add(currentIfc.original())) { // process each interface at most once collectOverriddenMethods(original, selector, suggestedParameterLength, currentIfc, ifcsSeen, result); } } } /* collect matching methods from one supertype. */ private void collectOverriddenMethods(MethodBinding original, char[] selector, int suggestedParameterLength, ReferenceBinding superType, Set ifcsSeen, List result) { MethodBinding [] ifcMethods = superType.getMethods(selector, suggestedParameterLength); int length = ifcMethods.length; boolean added = false; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) { MethodBinding currentMethod = ifcMethods[i]; if (currentMethod.isStatic()) continue; if (MethodVerifier.doesMethodOverride(original, currentMethod, this.environment)) { result.add(currentMethod); added = true; // when overriding one or more methods from superType don't traverse to transitive superTypes } } if (!added) findAllOverriddenMethods(original, selector, suggestedParameterLength, superType, ifcsSeen, result); } /** * The main algorithm in this class. * @param currentMethod focus method * @param srcMethod AST of 'currentMethod' if present * @param hasReturnNonNullDefault is a @NonNull default applicable for the return type of currentMethod? * @param hasParameterNonNullDefault is a @NonNull default applicable for parameters of currentMethod? * @param shouldComplain should we report any errors found? * (see also comment about flows into this method, below). * @param inheritedMethod one overridden method from a super type * @param allInheritedMethods look here to see if nonnull-unannotated conflict already exists in one super type * @param scope provides context for error reporting etc. * @param inheritedNonNullnessInfos if non-null, this array of non-null elements is used for * interim recording of nullness information from inheritedMethod rather than prematurely updating currentMethod. * Index position 0 is used for the return type, positions i+1 for argument i. */ void checkNullSpecInheritance(MethodBinding currentMethod, AbstractMethodDeclaration srcMethod, boolean hasReturnNonNullDefault, boolean hasParameterNonNullDefault, boolean shouldComplain, MethodBinding inheritedMethod, MethodBinding[] allInheritedMethods, Scope scope, InheritedNonNullnessInfo[] inheritedNonNullnessInfos) { // Note that basically two different flows lead into this method: // (1) during MethodVerifyer15.checkMethods() we want to report errors (against srcMethod or against the current type) // In this case this method is directly called from MethodVerifier15 (checkAgainstInheritedMethod / checkConcreteInheritedMethod) // (2) during on-demand invocation we are mainly interested in the side effects of copying inherited null annotations // In this case this method is called via checkImplicitNullAnnotations from // - MessageSend.resolveType(..) // - SourceTypeBinding.createArgumentBindings(..) // - recursive calls within this class // Still we *might* want to complain about problems found (controlled by 'complain') if ((inheritedMethod.tagBits & TagBits.IsNullnessKnown) == 0) { // TODO (stephan): even here we may need to report problems? How to discriminate? this.buddyImplicitNullAnnotationsVerifier.checkImplicitNullAnnotations(inheritedMethod, null, false, scope); } boolean useTypeAnnotations = this.environment.usesNullTypeAnnotations(); long inheritedNullnessBits = getReturnTypeNullnessTagBits(inheritedMethod, useTypeAnnotations); long currentNullnessBits = getReturnTypeNullnessTagBits(currentMethod, useTypeAnnotations); boolean shouldInherit = this.inheritNullAnnotations; // return type: returnType: { if (currentMethod.returnType == null || currentMethod.returnType.isBaseType()) break returnType; // no nullness for primitive types if (currentNullnessBits == 0) { // unspecified, may fill in either from super or from default if (shouldInherit) { if (inheritedNullnessBits != 0) { if (hasReturnNonNullDefault) { // both inheritance and default: check for conflict? if (shouldComplain && inheritedNullnessBits == TagBits.AnnotationNullable) scope.problemReporter().conflictingNullAnnotations(currentMethod, ((MethodDeclaration) srcMethod).returnType, inheritedMethod); // still use the inherited bits to avoid incompatibility } if (inheritedNonNullnessInfos != null && srcMethod != null) { recordDeferredInheritedNullness(scope, ((MethodDeclaration) srcMethod).returnType, inheritedMethod, Boolean.valueOf(inheritedNullnessBits == TagBits.AnnotationNonNull), inheritedNonNullnessInfos[0]); } else { // no need to defer, record this info now: applyReturnNullBits(currentMethod, inheritedNullnessBits); } break returnType; // compatible by construction, skip complain phase below } } if (hasReturnNonNullDefault && (!useTypeAnnotations || currentMethod.returnType.acceptsNonNullDefault())) { // conflict with inheritance already checked currentNullnessBits = TagBits.AnnotationNonNull; applyReturnNullBits(currentMethod, currentNullnessBits); } } if (shouldComplain) { if ((inheritedNullnessBits & TagBits.AnnotationNonNull) != 0 && currentNullnessBits != TagBits.AnnotationNonNull) { if (srcMethod != null) { scope.problemReporter().illegalReturnRedefinition(srcMethod, inheritedMethod, this.environment.getNonNullAnnotationName()); break returnType; } else { scope.problemReporter().cannotImplementIncompatibleNullness(currentMethod, inheritedMethod, useTypeAnnotations); return; } } if (useTypeAnnotations) { TypeBinding substituteReturnType = null; // for TVB identity checks inside NullAnnotationMatching.analyze() TypeVariableBinding[] typeVariables = inheritedMethod.original().typeVariables; if (typeVariables != null && currentMethod.returnType.id != TypeIds.T_void) { ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding substitute = this.environment.createParameterizedGenericMethod(currentMethod, typeVariables); substituteReturnType = substitute.returnType; } if (NullAnnotationMatching.analyse(inheritedMethod.returnType, currentMethod.returnType, substituteReturnType, null, 0, null, CheckMode.OVERRIDE_RETURN).isAnyMismatch()) { if (srcMethod != null) scope.problemReporter().illegalReturnRedefinition(srcMethod, inheritedMethod, this.environment.getNonNullAnnotationName()); else scope.problemReporter().cannotImplementIncompatibleNullness(currentMethod, inheritedMethod, useTypeAnnotations); return; } } } } // parameters: TypeBinding[] substituteParameters = null; // for TVB identity checks inside NullAnnotationMatching.analyze() if (shouldComplain) { TypeVariableBinding[] typeVariables = currentMethod.original().typeVariables; if (typeVariables != Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) { ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding substitute = this.environment.createParameterizedGenericMethod(inheritedMethod, typeVariables); substituteParameters = substitute.parameters; } } Argument[] currentArguments = srcMethod == null ? null : srcMethod.arguments; int length = 0; if (currentArguments != null) length = currentArguments.length; if (useTypeAnnotations) // need to look for type annotations on all parameters: length = currentMethod.parameters.length; else if (inheritedMethod.parameterNonNullness != null) length = inheritedMethod.parameterNonNullness.length; else if (currentMethod.parameterNonNullness != null) length = currentMethod.parameterNonNullness.length; parameterLoop: for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (currentMethod.parameters[i].isBaseType()) continue; Argument currentArgument = currentArguments == null ? null : currentArguments[i]; Boolean inheritedNonNullNess = getParameterNonNullness(inheritedMethod, i, useTypeAnnotations); Boolean currentNonNullNess = getParameterNonNullness(currentMethod, i, useTypeAnnotations); if (currentNonNullNess == null) { // unspecified, may fill in either from super or from default if (inheritedNonNullNess != null) { if (shouldInherit) { if (hasParameterNonNullDefault) { // both inheritance and default: check for conflict? if (shouldComplain && inheritedNonNullNess == Boolean.FALSE && currentArgument != null) { scope.problemReporter().conflictingNullAnnotations(currentMethod, currentArgument, inheritedMethod); } // still use the inherited info to avoid incompatibility } if (inheritedNonNullnessInfos != null && srcMethod != null) { recordDeferredInheritedNullness(scope, srcMethod.arguments[i].type, inheritedMethod, inheritedNonNullNess, inheritedNonNullnessInfos[i+1]); } else { // no need to defer, record this info now: if (!useTypeAnnotations) recordArgNonNullness(currentMethod, length, i, currentArgument, inheritedNonNullNess); else recordArgNonNullness18(currentMethod, i, currentArgument, inheritedNonNullNess, this.environment); } continue; // compatible by construction, skip complain phase below } } if (hasParameterNonNullDefault) { // conflict with inheritance already checked currentNonNullNess = Boolean.TRUE; if (!useTypeAnnotations) recordArgNonNullness(currentMethod, length, i, currentArgument, Boolean.TRUE); else if (currentMethod.parameters[i].acceptsNonNullDefault()) recordArgNonNullness18(currentMethod, i, currentArgument, Boolean.TRUE, this.environment); else currentNonNullNess = null; // cancel if parameter doesn't accept the default } } if (shouldComplain) { char[][] annotationName; if (inheritedNonNullNess == Boolean.TRUE) { annotationName = this.environment.getNonNullAnnotationName(); } else { annotationName = this.environment.getNullableAnnotationName(); } if (inheritedNonNullNess != Boolean.TRUE // super parameter is not restricted to @NonNull && currentNonNullNess == Boolean.TRUE) // current parameter is restricted to @NonNull { // incompatible if (currentArgument != null) { scope.problemReporter().illegalRedefinitionToNonNullParameter( currentArgument, inheritedMethod.declaringClass, (inheritedNonNullNess == null) ? null : this.environment.getNullableAnnotationName()); } else { scope.problemReporter().cannotImplementIncompatibleNullness(currentMethod, inheritedMethod, false); } continue; } else if (currentNonNullNess == null) { // unannotated strictly conflicts only with inherited @Nullable if (inheritedNonNullNess == Boolean.FALSE) { if (currentArgument != null) { scope.problemReporter().parameterLackingNullableAnnotation( currentArgument, inheritedMethod.declaringClass, annotationName); } else { scope.problemReporter().cannotImplementIncompatibleNullness(currentMethod, inheritedMethod, false); } continue; } else if (inheritedNonNullNess == Boolean.TRUE) { // not strictly a conflict, but a configurable warning is given anyway: if (allInheritedMethods != null) { // avoid this optional warning if the conflict already existed in one supertype (merging of two methods into one?) for (MethodBinding one : allInheritedMethods) if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(inheritedMethod.declaringClass, one.declaringClass) && getParameterNonNullness(one, i, useTypeAnnotations) != Boolean.TRUE) continue parameterLoop; } scope.problemReporter().parameterLackingNonnullAnnotation( currentArgument, inheritedMethod.declaringClass, annotationName); continue; } } if (useTypeAnnotations) { TypeBinding inheritedParameter = inheritedMethod.parameters[i]; TypeBinding substituteParameter = substituteParameters != null ? substituteParameters[i] : null; if (NullAnnotationMatching.analyse(currentMethod.parameters[i], inheritedParameter, substituteParameter, null, 0, null, CheckMode.OVERRIDE).isAnyMismatch()) { if (currentArgument != null) scope.problemReporter().illegalParameterRedefinition(currentArgument, inheritedMethod.declaringClass, inheritedParameter); else scope.problemReporter().cannotImplementIncompatibleNullness(currentMethod, inheritedMethod, false); } } } } if (shouldComplain && useTypeAnnotations && srcMethod != null) { TypeVariableBinding[] currentTypeVariables = currentMethod.typeVariables(); TypeVariableBinding[] inheritedTypeVariables = inheritedMethod.typeVariables(); if (currentTypeVariables != Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES && currentTypeVariables.length == inheritedTypeVariables.length) { for (int i = 0; i < currentTypeVariables.length; i++) { TypeVariableBinding inheritedVariable = inheritedTypeVariables[i]; if (NullAnnotationMatching.analyse(inheritedVariable, currentTypeVariables[i], null, null, -1, null, CheckMode.BOUND_CHECK).isAnyMismatch()) scope.problemReporter().cannotRedefineTypeArgumentNullity(inheritedVariable, inheritedMethod, srcMethod.typeParameters()[i]); } } } } void applyReturnNullBits(MethodBinding method, long nullnessBits) { if (this.environment.usesNullTypeAnnotations()) { if (!method.returnType.isBaseType()) { method.returnType = this.environment.createAnnotatedType(method.returnType, this.environment.nullAnnotationsFromTagBits(nullnessBits)); } } else { method.tagBits |= nullnessBits; } } private Boolean getParameterNonNullness(MethodBinding method, int i, boolean useTypeAnnotations) { if (useTypeAnnotations) { TypeBinding parameter = method.parameters[i]; if (parameter != null) { long nullBits = NullAnnotationMatching.validNullTagBits(parameter.tagBits); if (nullBits != 0L) return Boolean.valueOf(nullBits == TagBits.AnnotationNonNull); } return null; } return (method.parameterNonNullness == null) ? null : method.parameterNonNullness[i]; } private long getReturnTypeNullnessTagBits(MethodBinding method, boolean useTypeAnnotations) { if (useTypeAnnotations) { if (method.returnType == null) return 0L; return NullAnnotationMatching.validNullTagBits(method.returnType.tagBits); } return method.tagBits & TagBits.AnnotationNullMASK; } /* check for conflicting annotations and record here the info 'inheritedNonNullness' found in 'inheritedMethod'. */ protected void recordDeferredInheritedNullness(Scope scope, ASTNode location, MethodBinding inheritedMethod, Boolean inheritedNonNullness, InheritedNonNullnessInfo nullnessInfo) { if (nullnessInfo.inheritedNonNullness != null && nullnessInfo.inheritedNonNullness != inheritedNonNullness) { scope.problemReporter().conflictingInheritedNullAnnotations(location, nullnessInfo.inheritedNonNullness.booleanValue(), nullnessInfo.annotationOrigin, inheritedNonNullness.booleanValue(), inheritedMethod); nullnessInfo.complained = true; // leave previous info intact, so subsequent errors are reported against the same first method } else { nullnessInfo.inheritedNonNullness = inheritedNonNullness; nullnessInfo.annotationOrigin = inheritedMethod; } } /* record declared nullness of a parameter into the method and into the argument (if present). */ void recordArgNonNullness(MethodBinding method, int paramCount, int paramIdx, Argument currentArgument, Boolean nonNullNess) { if (method.parameterNonNullness == null) method.parameterNonNullness = new Boolean[paramCount]; method.parameterNonNullness[paramIdx] = nonNullNess; if (currentArgument != null) { currentArgument.binding.tagBits |= nonNullNess.booleanValue() ? TagBits.AnnotationNonNull : TagBits.AnnotationNullable; } } void recordArgNonNullness18(MethodBinding method, int paramIdx, Argument currentArgument, Boolean nonNullNess, LookupEnvironment env) { AnnotationBinding annotationBinding = nonNullNess.booleanValue() ? env.getNonNullAnnotation() : env.getNullableAnnotation(); method.parameters[paramIdx] = env.createAnnotatedType(method.parameters[paramIdx], new AnnotationBinding[]{ annotationBinding}); if (currentArgument != null) { currentArgument.binding.type = method.parameters[paramIdx]; } } // ==== minimal set of utility methods previously from MethodVerifier15: ==== static boolean areParametersEqual(MethodBinding one, MethodBinding two) { TypeBinding[] oneArgs = one.parameters; TypeBinding[] twoArgs = two.parameters; if (oneArgs == twoArgs) return true; int length = oneArgs.length; if (length != twoArgs.length) return false; // methods with raw parameters are considered equal to inherited methods // with parameterized parameters for backwards compatibility, need a more complex check int i; foundRAW: for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!areTypesEqual(oneArgs[i], twoArgs[i])) { if (oneArgs[i].leafComponentType().isRawType()) { if (oneArgs[i].dimensions() == twoArgs[i].dimensions() && oneArgs[i].leafComponentType().isEquivalentTo(twoArgs[i].leafComponentType())) { // raw mode does not apply if the method defines its own type variables if (one.typeVariables != Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) return false; // one parameter type is raw, hence all parameters types must be raw or non generic // otherwise we have a mismatch check backwards for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) if (oneArgs[j].leafComponentType().isParameterizedTypeWithActualArguments()) return false; // switch to all raw mode break foundRAW; } } return false; } } // all raw mode for remaining parameters (if any) for (i++; i < length; i++) { if (!areTypesEqual(oneArgs[i], twoArgs[i])) { if (oneArgs[i].leafComponentType().isRawType()) if (oneArgs[i].dimensions() == twoArgs[i].dimensions() && oneArgs[i].leafComponentType().isEquivalentTo(twoArgs[i].leafComponentType())) continue; return false; } else if (oneArgs[i].leafComponentType().isParameterizedTypeWithActualArguments()) { return false; // no remaining parameter can be a Parameterized type (if one has been converted then all RAW types must be converted) } } return true; } static boolean areTypesEqual(TypeBinding one, TypeBinding two) { if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(one, two)) return true; // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=329584 switch(one.kind()) { case Binding.TYPE: switch (two.kind()) { case Binding.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE: case Binding.RAW_TYPE: if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(one, two.erasure())) return true; } break; case Binding.RAW_TYPE: case Binding.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE: switch(two.kind()) { case Binding.TYPE: if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(one.erasure(), two)) return true; } } // need to consider X<?> and X<? extends Object> as the same 'type' if (one.isParameterizedType() && two.isParameterizedType()) return one.isEquivalentTo(two) && two.isEquivalentTo(one); // Can skip this since we resolved each method before comparing it, see computeSubstituteMethod() // if (one instanceof UnresolvedReferenceBinding) // return ((UnresolvedReferenceBinding) one).resolvedType == two; // if (two instanceof UnresolvedReferenceBinding) // return ((UnresolvedReferenceBinding) two).resolvedType == one; return false; // all other type bindings are identical } }