/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Stephan Herrmann - Contributions for * bug 319201 - [null] no warning when unboxing SingleNameReference causes NPE * bug 349326 - [1.7] new warning for missing try-with-resources * bug 360328 - [compiler][null] detect null problems in nested code (local class inside a loop) * bug 186342 - [compiler][null] Using annotations for null checking * bug 365835 - [compiler][null] inconsistent error reporting. * bug 365519 - editorial cleanup after bug 186342 and bug 365387 * bug 358903 - Filter practically unimportant resource leak warnings * bug 368546 - [compiler][resource] Avoid remaining false positives found when compiling the Eclipse SDK * bug 370639 - [compiler][resource] restore the default for resource leak warnings * bug 365859 - [compiler][null] distinguish warnings based on flow analysis vs. null annotations * bug 345305 - [compiler][null] Compiler misidentifies a case of "variable can only be null" * bug 388996 - [compiler][resource] Incorrect 'potential resource leak' * bug 394768 - [compiler][resource] Incorrect resource leak warning when creating stream in conditional * bug 383368 - [compiler][null] syntactic null analysis for field references * bug 400761 - [compiler][null] null may be return as boolean without a diagnostic *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.flow.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.Constant; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*; public class ReturnStatement extends Statement { public Expression expression; public SubRoutineStatement[] subroutines; public LocalVariableBinding saveValueVariable; public int initStateIndex = -1; public ReturnStatement(Expression expression, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { this.sourceStart = sourceStart; this.sourceEnd = sourceEnd; this.expression = expression ; } public FlowInfo analyseCode(BlockScope currentScope, FlowContext flowContext, FlowInfo flowInfo) { // here requires to generate a sequence of finally blocks invocations depending corresponding // to each of the traversed try statements, so that execution will terminate properly. // lookup the label, this should answer the returnContext MethodScope methodScope = currentScope.methodScope(); if (this.expression != null) { flowInfo = this.expression.analyseCode(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo); this.expression.checkNPEbyUnboxing(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo); if (flowInfo.reachMode() == FlowInfo.REACHABLE) checkAgainstNullAnnotation(currentScope, flowContext, this.expression.nullStatus(flowInfo, flowContext)); if (currentScope.compilerOptions().analyseResourceLeaks) { FakedTrackingVariable trackingVariable = FakedTrackingVariable.getCloseTrackingVariable(this.expression, flowInfo, flowContext); if (trackingVariable != null) { if (methodScope != trackingVariable.methodScope) trackingVariable.markClosedInNestedMethod(); // by returning the method passes the responsibility to the caller: flowInfo = FakedTrackingVariable.markPassedToOutside(currentScope, this.expression, flowInfo, flowContext, true); } } } this.initStateIndex = methodScope.recordInitializationStates(flowInfo); // compute the return sequence (running the finally blocks) FlowContext traversedContext = flowContext; int subCount = 0; boolean saveValueNeeded = false; boolean hasValueToSave = needValueStore(); boolean noAutoCloseables = true; do { SubRoutineStatement sub; if ((sub = traversedContext.subroutine()) != null) { if (this.subroutines == null){ this.subroutines = new SubRoutineStatement[5]; } if (subCount == this.subroutines.length) { System.arraycopy(this.subroutines, 0, (this.subroutines = new SubRoutineStatement[subCount*2]), 0, subCount); // grow } this.subroutines[subCount++] = sub; if (sub.isSubRoutineEscaping()) { saveValueNeeded = false; this.bits |= ASTNode.IsAnySubRoutineEscaping; break; } if (sub instanceof TryStatement) { if (((TryStatement) sub).resources.length > 0) { noAutoCloseables = false; } } } traversedContext.recordReturnFrom(flowInfo.unconditionalInits()); if (traversedContext instanceof InsideSubRoutineFlowContext) { ASTNode node = traversedContext.associatedNode; if (node instanceof SynchronizedStatement) { this.bits |= ASTNode.IsSynchronized; } else if (node instanceof TryStatement) { TryStatement tryStatement = (TryStatement) node; flowInfo.addInitializationsFrom(tryStatement.subRoutineInits); // collect inits if (hasValueToSave) { if (this.saveValueVariable == null){ // closest subroutine secret variable is used prepareSaveValueLocation(tryStatement); } saveValueNeeded = true; this.initStateIndex = methodScope.recordInitializationStates(flowInfo); } } } else if (traversedContext instanceof InitializationFlowContext) { currentScope.problemReporter().cannotReturnInInitializer(this); return FlowInfo.DEAD_END; } } while ((traversedContext = traversedContext.getLocalParent()) != null); // resize subroutines if ((this.subroutines != null) && (subCount != this.subroutines.length)) { System.arraycopy(this.subroutines, 0, (this.subroutines = new SubRoutineStatement[subCount]), 0, subCount); } // secret local variable for return value (note that this can only occur in a real method) if (saveValueNeeded) { if (this.saveValueVariable != null) { this.saveValueVariable.useFlag = LocalVariableBinding.USED; } } else { this.saveValueVariable = null; if (((this.bits & ASTNode.IsSynchronized) == 0) && this.expression != null && this.expression.resolvedType == TypeBinding.BOOLEAN) { if (noAutoCloseables) { // can't abruptly return in the presence of autocloseables. See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=367566 this.expression.bits |= ASTNode.IsReturnedValue; } } } currentScope.checkUnclosedCloseables(flowInfo, flowContext, this, currentScope); // inside conditional structure respect that a finally-block may conditionally be entered directly from here flowContext.recordAbruptExit(); return FlowInfo.DEAD_END; } void checkAgainstNullAnnotation(BlockScope scope, FlowContext flowContext, int nullStatus) { if (nullStatus != FlowInfo.NON_NULL) { // if we can't prove non-null check against declared null-ness of the enclosing method: long tagBits; MethodBinding methodBinding; try { methodBinding = scope.methodScope().referenceMethod().binding; tagBits = methodBinding.tagBits; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { // chain of references in try-block has several potential nulls; // any null means we cannot perform the following check return; } if ((tagBits & TagBits.AnnotationNonNull) != 0) { flowContext.recordNullityMismatch(scope, this.expression, this.expression.resolvedType, methodBinding.returnType, nullStatus); } } } /** * Retrun statement code generation * * generate the finallyInvocationSequence. * * @param currentScope org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope * @param codeStream org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.CodeStream */ public void generateCode(BlockScope currentScope, CodeStream codeStream) { if ((this.bits & ASTNode.IsReachable) == 0) { return; } int pc = codeStream.position; boolean alreadyGeneratedExpression = false; // generate the expression if (needValueStore()) { alreadyGeneratedExpression = true; this.expression.generateCode(currentScope, codeStream, needValue()); // no value needed if non-returning subroutine generateStoreSaveValueIfNecessary(codeStream); } // generation of code responsible for invoking the finally blocks in sequence if (this.subroutines != null) { Object reusableJSRTarget = this.expression == null ? (Object)TypeBinding.VOID : this.expression.reusableJSRTarget(); for (int i = 0, max = this.subroutines.length; i < max; i++) { SubRoutineStatement sub = this.subroutines[i]; boolean didEscape = sub.generateSubRoutineInvocation(currentScope, codeStream, reusableJSRTarget, this.initStateIndex, this.saveValueVariable); if (didEscape) { codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(pc, this.sourceStart); SubRoutineStatement.reenterAllExceptionHandlers(this.subroutines, i, codeStream); return; } } } if (this.saveValueVariable != null) { codeStream.load(this.saveValueVariable); } if (this.expression != null && !alreadyGeneratedExpression) { this.expression.generateCode(currentScope, codeStream, true); // hook necessary for Code Snippet generateStoreSaveValueIfNecessary(codeStream); } // output the suitable return bytecode or wrap the value inside a descriptor for doits generateReturnBytecode(codeStream); if (this.saveValueVariable != null) { codeStream.removeVariable(this.saveValueVariable); } if (this.initStateIndex != -1) { codeStream.removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, this.initStateIndex); codeStream.addDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, this.initStateIndex); } codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(pc, this.sourceStart); SubRoutineStatement.reenterAllExceptionHandlers(this.subroutines, -1, codeStream); } /** * Dump the suitable return bytecode for a return statement * */ public void generateReturnBytecode(CodeStream codeStream) { codeStream.generateReturnBytecode(this.expression); } public void generateStoreSaveValueIfNecessary(CodeStream codeStream){ if (this.saveValueVariable != null) { codeStream.store(this.saveValueVariable, false); // the variable is visible as soon as the local is stored codeStream.addVariable(this.saveValueVariable); } } private boolean needValueStore() { return this.expression != null && (this.expression.constant == Constant.NotAConstant || (this.expression.implicitConversion & TypeIds.BOXING)!= 0) && !(this.expression instanceof NullLiteral); } public boolean needValue() { return this.saveValueVariable != null || (this.bits & ASTNode.IsSynchronized) != 0 || ((this.bits & ASTNode.IsAnySubRoutineEscaping) == 0); } public void prepareSaveValueLocation(TryStatement targetTryStatement){ this.saveValueVariable = targetTryStatement.secretReturnValue; } public StringBuffer printStatement(int tab, StringBuffer output){ printIndent(tab, output).append("return "); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (this.expression != null ) this.expression.printExpression(0, output) ; return output.append(';'); } public void resolve(BlockScope scope) { MethodScope methodScope = scope.methodScope(); MethodBinding methodBinding; TypeBinding methodType = (methodScope.referenceContext instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) ? ((methodBinding = ((AbstractMethodDeclaration) methodScope.referenceContext).binding) == null ? null : methodBinding.returnType) : TypeBinding.VOID; TypeBinding expressionType; if (methodType == TypeBinding.VOID) { // the expression should be null if (this.expression == null) return; if ((expressionType = this.expression.resolveType(scope)) != null) scope.problemReporter().attemptToReturnNonVoidExpression(this, expressionType); return; } if (this.expression == null) { if (methodType != null) scope.problemReporter().shouldReturn(methodType, this); return; } this.expression.setExpectedType(methodType); // needed in case of generic method invocation if ((expressionType = this.expression.resolveType(scope)) == null) return; if (expressionType == TypeBinding.VOID) { scope.problemReporter().attemptToReturnVoidValue(this); return; } if (methodType == null) return; if (methodType != expressionType) // must call before computeConversion() and typeMismatchError() scope.compilationUnitScope().recordTypeConversion(methodType, expressionType); if (this.expression.isConstantValueOfTypeAssignableToType(expressionType, methodType) || expressionType.isCompatibleWith(methodType)) { this.expression.computeConversion(scope, methodType, expressionType); if (expressionType.needsUncheckedConversion(methodType)) { scope.problemReporter().unsafeTypeConversion(this.expression, expressionType, methodType); } if (this.expression instanceof CastExpression && (this.expression.bits & (ASTNode.UnnecessaryCast|ASTNode.DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck)) == 0) { CastExpression.checkNeedForAssignedCast(scope, methodType, (CastExpression) this.expression); } return; } else if (isBoxingCompatible(expressionType, methodType, this.expression, scope)) { this.expression.computeConversion(scope, methodType, expressionType); if (this.expression instanceof CastExpression && (this.expression.bits & (ASTNode.UnnecessaryCast|ASTNode.DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck)) == 0) { CastExpression.checkNeedForAssignedCast(scope, methodType, (CastExpression) this.expression); } return; } if ((methodType.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) == 0) { // no need to complain if return type was missing (avoid secondary error : 220967) scope.problemReporter().typeMismatchError(expressionType, methodType, this.expression, null); } } public void traverse(ASTVisitor visitor, BlockScope scope) { if (visitor.visit(this, scope)) { if (this.expression != null) this.expression.traverse(visitor, scope); } visitor.endVisit(this, scope); } }