/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IBuffer; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMember; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IOpenable; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ISourceRange; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.WorkingCopyOwner; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.IJavaSearchConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.IJavaSearchScope; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchPattern; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.TypeNameMatch; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.TypeNameMatchRequestor; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.impl.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.select.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileReader; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.HashtableOfObject; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.ObjectVector; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.BinaryTypeConverter; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClassFile; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SearchableEnvironment; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SelectionRequestor; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SourceType; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SourceTypeElementInfo; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.search.BasicSearchEngine; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.search.TypeNameMatchRequestorWrapper; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.ASTNodeFinder; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.HashSetOfCharArrayArray; /** * The selection engine is intended to infer the nature of a selected name in some * source code. This name can be qualified. * * Selection is resolving context using a name environment (no need to search), assuming * the source where selection occurred is correct and will not perform any completion * attempt. If this was the desired behavior, a call to the CompletionEngine should be * performed instead. */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public final class SelectionEngine extends Engine implements ISearchRequestor { private static class SelectionTypeNameMatchRequestorWrapper extends TypeNameMatchRequestorWrapper { class AcceptedType { public int modifiers; public char[] packageName; public char[] simpleTypeName; public String path; public AccessRestriction access; public AcceptedType(int modifiers, char[] packageName, char[] simpleTypeName, String path, AccessRestriction access) { this.modifiers = modifiers; this.packageName = packageName; this.simpleTypeName = simpleTypeName; this.path = path; this.access = access; } } private ImportReference[] importReferences; private boolean importCachesNodeInitialized = false; private ImportReference[] onDemandImportsNodeCache; private int onDemandImportsNodeCacheCount; private char[][][] importsNodeCache; private int importsNodeCacheCount; private HashtableOfObject onDemandFound = new HashtableOfObject(); private ObjectVector notImportedFound = new ObjectVector(); public SelectionTypeNameMatchRequestorWrapper(TypeNameMatchRequestor requestor, IJavaSearchScope scope, ImportReference[] importReferences) { super(requestor, scope); this.importReferences = importReferences; } public void acceptType(int modifiers, char[] packageName, char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames, String path, AccessRestriction access) { if (enclosingTypeNames != null && enclosingTypeNames.length > 0) return; if (!this.importCachesNodeInitialized) initializeImportNodeCaches(); char[] fullyQualifiedTypeName = CharOperation.concat(packageName, simpleTypeName, '.'); for (int i = 0; i < this.importsNodeCacheCount; i++) { char[][] importName = this.importsNodeCache[i]; if (CharOperation.equals(importName[0], simpleTypeName)) { if(CharOperation.equals(importName[1], fullyQualifiedTypeName)) { super.acceptType(modifiers, packageName, simpleTypeName, enclosingTypeNames, path, access); } return; } } for (int i = 0; i < this.onDemandImportsNodeCacheCount; i++) { char[][] importName = this.onDemandImportsNodeCache[i].tokens; char[] importFlatName = CharOperation.concatWith(importName, '.'); if (CharOperation.equals(importFlatName, packageName)) { this.onDemandFound.put(simpleTypeName, simpleTypeName); super.acceptType(modifiers, packageName, simpleTypeName, enclosingTypeNames, path, access); return; } } this.notImportedFound.add(new AcceptedType(modifiers, packageName, simpleTypeName, path, access)); } public void acceptNotImported() { int size = this.notImportedFound.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { AcceptedType acceptedType = (AcceptedType)this.notImportedFound.elementAt(i); if (this.onDemandFound.get(acceptedType.simpleTypeName) == null) { super.acceptType( acceptedType.modifiers, acceptedType.packageName, acceptedType.simpleTypeName, null, acceptedType.path, acceptedType.access); } } } public void initializeImportNodeCaches() { int length = this.importReferences == null ? 0 : this.importReferences.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ImportReference importReference = this.importReferences[i]; if((importReference.bits & ASTNode.OnDemand) != 0) { if(this.onDemandImportsNodeCache == null) { this.onDemandImportsNodeCache = new ImportReference[length - i]; } this.onDemandImportsNodeCache[this.onDemandImportsNodeCacheCount++] = importReference; } else { if(this.importsNodeCache == null) { this.importsNodeCache = new char[length - i][][]; } this.importsNodeCache[this.importsNodeCacheCount++] = new char[][]{ importReference.tokens[importReference.tokens.length - 1], CharOperation.concatWith(importReference.tokens, '.') }; } } this.importCachesNodeInitialized = true; } } public static boolean DEBUG = false; public static boolean PERF = false; SelectionParser parser; ISelectionRequestor requestor; WorkingCopyOwner owner; boolean acceptedAnswer; private int actualSelectionStart; private int actualSelectionEnd; private char[] selectedIdentifier; private char[][][] acceptedClasses; private int[] acceptedClassesModifiers; private char[][][] acceptedInterfaces; private int[] acceptedInterfacesModifiers; private char[][][] acceptedEnums; private int[] acceptedEnumsModifiers; private char[][][] acceptedAnnotations; private int[] acceptedAnnotationsModifiers; int acceptedClassesCount; int acceptedInterfacesCount; int acceptedEnumsCount; int acceptedAnnotationsCount; boolean noProposal = true; CategorizedProblem problem = null; /** * The SelectionEngine is responsible for computing the selected object. * * It requires a searchable name environment, which supports some * specific search APIs, and a requestor to feed back the results to a UI. * * @param nameEnvironment org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SearchableEnvironment * used to resolve type/package references and search for types/packages * based on partial names. * * @param requestor org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.ISelectionRequestor * since the engine might produce answers of various forms, the engine * is associated with a requestor able to accept all possible completions. * * @param settings java.util.Map * set of options used to configure the code assist engine. */ public SelectionEngine( SearchableEnvironment nameEnvironment, ISelectionRequestor requestor, Map settings, WorkingCopyOwner owner) { super(settings); this.requestor = requestor; this.nameEnvironment = nameEnvironment; ProblemReporter problemReporter = new ProblemReporter( DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), this.compilerOptions, new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())) { public CategorizedProblem createProblem( char[] fileName, int problemId, String[] problemArguments, String[] messageArguments, int severity, int problemStartPosition, int problemEndPosition, int lineNumber, int columnNumber) { CategorizedProblem pb = super.createProblem( fileName, problemId, problemArguments, messageArguments, severity, problemStartPosition, problemEndPosition, lineNumber, columnNumber); if(SelectionEngine.this.problem == null && pb.isError() && (pb.getID() & IProblem.Syntax) == 0) { SelectionEngine.this.problem = pb; } return pb; } }; this.lookupEnvironment = new LookupEnvironment(this, this.compilerOptions, problemReporter, nameEnvironment); this.parser = new SelectionParser(problemReporter); this.owner = owner; } public void acceptConstructor( int modifiers, char[] simpleTypeName, int parameterCount, char[] signature, char[][] parameterTypes, char[][] parameterNames, int typeModifiers, char[] packageName, int extraFlags, String path, AccessRestriction access) { // constructors aren't searched } public void acceptType(char[] packageName, char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames, int modifiers, AccessRestriction accessRestriction) { char[] typeName = enclosingTypeNames == null ? simpleTypeName : CharOperation.concat( CharOperation.concatWith(enclosingTypeNames, '.'), simpleTypeName, '.'); if (CharOperation.equals(simpleTypeName, this.selectedIdentifier)) { char[] flatEnclosingTypeNames = enclosingTypeNames == null || enclosingTypeNames.length == 0 ? null : CharOperation.concatWith(enclosingTypeNames, '.'); if(mustQualifyType(packageName, simpleTypeName, flatEnclosingTypeNames, modifiers)) { int length = 0; int kind = modifiers & (ClassFileConstants.AccInterface | ClassFileConstants.AccEnum | ClassFileConstants.AccAnnotation); switch (kind) { case ClassFileConstants.AccAnnotation: case ClassFileConstants.AccAnnotation | ClassFileConstants.AccInterface: char[][] acceptedAnnotation = new char[2][]; acceptedAnnotation[0] = packageName; acceptedAnnotation[1] = typeName; if(this.acceptedAnnotations == null) { this.acceptedAnnotations = new char[10][][]; this.acceptedAnnotationsModifiers = new int[10]; this.acceptedAnnotationsCount = 0; } length = this.acceptedAnnotations.length; if(length == this.acceptedAnnotationsCount) { int newLength = (length + 1)* 2; System.arraycopy(this.acceptedAnnotations, 0, this.acceptedAnnotations = new char[newLength][][], 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.acceptedAnnotationsModifiers, 0, this.acceptedAnnotationsModifiers = new int[newLength], 0, length); } this.acceptedAnnotationsModifiers[this.acceptedAnnotationsCount] = modifiers; this.acceptedAnnotations[this.acceptedAnnotationsCount++] = acceptedAnnotation; break; case ClassFileConstants.AccEnum: char[][] acceptedEnum = new char[2][]; acceptedEnum[0] = packageName; acceptedEnum[1] = typeName; if(this.acceptedEnums == null) { this.acceptedEnums = new char[10][][]; this.acceptedEnumsModifiers = new int[10]; this.acceptedEnumsCount = 0; } length = this.acceptedEnums.length; if(length == this.acceptedEnumsCount) { int newLength = (length + 1)* 2; System.arraycopy(this.acceptedEnums, 0, this.acceptedEnums = new char[newLength][][], 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.acceptedEnumsModifiers, 0, this.acceptedEnumsModifiers = new int[newLength], 0, length); } this.acceptedEnumsModifiers[this.acceptedEnumsCount] = modifiers; this.acceptedEnums[this.acceptedEnumsCount++] = acceptedEnum; break; case ClassFileConstants.AccInterface: char[][] acceptedInterface= new char[2][]; acceptedInterface[0] = packageName; acceptedInterface[1] = typeName; if(this.acceptedInterfaces == null) { this.acceptedInterfaces = new char[10][][]; this.acceptedInterfacesModifiers = new int[10]; this.acceptedInterfacesCount = 0; } length = this.acceptedInterfaces.length; if(length == this.acceptedInterfacesCount) { int newLength = (length + 1)* 2; System.arraycopy(this.acceptedInterfaces, 0, this.acceptedInterfaces = new char[newLength][][], 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.acceptedInterfacesModifiers, 0, this.acceptedInterfacesModifiers = new int[newLength], 0, length); } this.acceptedInterfacesModifiers[this.acceptedInterfacesCount] = modifiers; this.acceptedInterfaces[this.acceptedInterfacesCount++] = acceptedInterface; break; default: char[][] acceptedClass = new char[2][]; acceptedClass[0] = packageName; acceptedClass[1] = typeName; if(this.acceptedClasses == null) { this.acceptedClasses = new char[10][][]; this.acceptedClassesModifiers = new int[10]; this.acceptedClassesCount = 0; } length = this.acceptedClasses.length; if(length == this.acceptedClassesCount) { int newLength = (length + 1)* 2; System.arraycopy(this.acceptedClasses, 0, this.acceptedClasses = new char[newLength][][], 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.acceptedClassesModifiers, 0, this.acceptedClassesModifiers = new int[newLength], 0, length); } this.acceptedClassesModifiers[this.acceptedClassesCount] = modifiers; this.acceptedClasses[this.acceptedClassesCount++] = acceptedClass; break; } } else { this.noProposal = false; this.requestor.acceptType( packageName, typeName, modifiers, false, null, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); this.acceptedAnswer = true; } } } /** * One result of the search consists of a new package. * @param packageName char[] * * NOTE - All package names are presented in their readable form: * Package names are in the form "a.b.c". * The default package is represented by an empty array. */ public void acceptPackage(char[] packageName) { // implementation of interface method } private void acceptQualifiedTypes() { if(this.acceptedClasses != null){ this.acceptedAnswer = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.acceptedClassesCount; i++) { this.noProposal = false; this.requestor.acceptType( this.acceptedClasses[i][0], this.acceptedClasses[i][1], this.acceptedClassesModifiers[i], false, null, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); } this.acceptedClasses = null; this.acceptedClassesModifiers = null; this.acceptedClassesCount = 0; } if(this.acceptedInterfaces != null){ this.acceptedAnswer = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.acceptedInterfacesCount; i++) { this.noProposal = false; this.requestor.acceptType( this.acceptedInterfaces[i][0], this.acceptedInterfaces[i][1], this.acceptedInterfacesModifiers[i], false, null, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); } this.acceptedInterfaces = null; this.acceptedInterfacesModifiers = null; this.acceptedInterfacesCount = 0; } if(this.acceptedAnnotations != null){ this.acceptedAnswer = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.acceptedAnnotationsCount; i++) { this.noProposal = false; this.requestor.acceptType( this.acceptedAnnotations[i][0], this.acceptedAnnotations[i][1], this.acceptedAnnotationsModifiers[i], false, null, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); } this.acceptedAnnotations = null; this.acceptedAnnotationsModifiers = null; this.acceptedAnnotationsCount = 0; } if(this.acceptedEnums != null){ this.acceptedAnswer = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.acceptedEnumsCount; i++) { this.noProposal = false; this.requestor.acceptType( this.acceptedEnums[i][0], this.acceptedEnums[i][1], this.acceptedEnumsModifiers[i], false, null, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); } this.acceptedEnums = null; this.acceptedEnumsModifiers = null; this.acceptedEnumsCount = 0; } } private boolean checkSelection( char[] source, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner( false /*comment*/, false /*whitespace*/, false /*nls*/, this.compilerOptions.sourceLevel, this.compilerOptions.complianceLevel, null/*taskTag*/, null/*taskPriorities*/, true /*taskCaseSensitive*/); scanner.setSource(source); int lastIdentifierStart = -1; int lastIdentifierEnd = -1; char[] lastIdentifier = null; int token; if(selectionStart > selectionEnd){ int end = source.length - 1; // compute start position of current line int currentPosition = selectionStart - 1; int nextCharacterPosition = selectionStart; char currentCharacter = ' '; try { lineLoop: while(currentPosition > 0){ if(source[currentPosition] == '\\' && source[currentPosition+1] == 'u') { int pos = currentPosition + 2; int c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, c4 = 0; while (source[pos] == 'u') { pos++; } int endOfUnicode = pos + 3; if (end < endOfUnicode) { if (endOfUnicode < source.length) { end = endOfUnicode; } else { return false; // not enough characters to decode an unicode } } if ((c1 = ScannerHelper.getHexadecimalValue(source[pos++])) > 15 || c1 < 0 || (c2 = ScannerHelper.getHexadecimalValue(source[pos++])) > 15 || c2 < 0 || (c3 = ScannerHelper.getHexadecimalValue(source[pos++])) > 15 || c3 < 0 || (c4 = ScannerHelper.getHexadecimalValue(source[pos++])) > 15 || c4 < 0) { return false; } else { currentCharacter = (char) (((c1 * 16 + c2) * 16 + c3) * 16 + c4); nextCharacterPosition = pos; } } else { currentCharacter = source[currentPosition]; nextCharacterPosition = currentPosition+1; } switch(currentCharacter) { case '\r': case '\n': case '/': case '"': case '\'': break lineLoop; case '-': if (source[nextCharacterPosition] == '>') { nextCharacterPosition--; // nextCharacterPosition = currentPosition break lineLoop; } break; case ':': if (source[nextCharacterPosition] == ':') { nextCharacterPosition--; // nextCharacterPosition = currentPosition break lineLoop; } } currentPosition--; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return false; } // compute start and end of the last token scanner.resetTo(nextCharacterPosition, end); isolateLastName: do { try { token = scanner.getNextToken(); } catch (InvalidInputException e) { return false; } switch (token) { case TerminalTokens.TokenNamethis: case TerminalTokens.TokenNamesuper: case TerminalTokens.TokenNamenew: case TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier: if (scanner.startPosition <= selectionStart && selectionStart <= scanner.currentPosition) { if (scanner.currentPosition == scanner.eofPosition) { int temp = scanner.eofPosition; scanner.eofPosition = scanner.source.length; while(scanner.getNextCharAsJavaIdentifierPart()){/*empty*/} scanner.eofPosition = temp; } lastIdentifierStart = scanner.startPosition; lastIdentifierEnd = scanner.currentPosition - 1; lastIdentifier = scanner.getCurrentTokenSource(); break isolateLastName; } break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameARROW: case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOLON_COLON: if (scanner.startPosition <= selectionStart && selectionStart <= scanner.currentPosition) { lastIdentifierStart = scanner.startPosition; lastIdentifierEnd = scanner.currentPosition - 1; lastIdentifier = scanner.getCurrentTokenSource(); break isolateLastName; } break; } } while (token != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF); } else { if (selectionStart == selectionEnd) { // Widen the selection to scan -> || :: if needed. No unicode handling for now. if (selectionStart > 0 && selectionEnd < source.length - 1) { if ((source[selectionStart] == '>' && source[selectionStart - 1] == '-') || source[selectionStart] == ':' && source[selectionStart - 1] == ':') { selectionStart--; } else { if ((source[selectionStart] == '-' && source[selectionEnd + 1] == '>') || source[selectionStart] == ':' && source[selectionEnd + 1] == ':') { selectionEnd++; } } } } // there could be some innocuous widening, shouldn't matter. scanner.resetTo(selectionStart, selectionEnd); boolean expectingIdentifier = true; do { try { token = scanner.getNextToken(); } catch (InvalidInputException e) { return false; } switch (token) { case TerminalTokens.TokenNamethis : case TerminalTokens.TokenNamesuper : case TerminalTokens.TokenNamenew : case TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier : if (!expectingIdentifier) return false; lastIdentifier = scanner.getCurrentTokenSource(); lastIdentifierStart = scanner.startPosition; lastIdentifierEnd = scanner.currentPosition - 1; if(lastIdentifierEnd > selectionEnd) { lastIdentifierEnd = selectionEnd; lastIdentifier = CharOperation.subarray(lastIdentifier, 0,lastIdentifierEnd - lastIdentifierStart + 1); } expectingIdentifier = false; break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOLON_COLON: if (selectionStart >= scanner.startPosition && selectionEnd < scanner.currentPosition) { this.actualSelectionStart = selectionStart; this.actualSelectionEnd = selectionEnd; this.selectedIdentifier = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; return true; } //$FALL-THROUGH$ case TerminalTokens.TokenNameDOT : if (expectingIdentifier) return false; expectingIdentifier = true; break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF : if (expectingIdentifier) return false; break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameLESS : if(!checkTypeArgument(scanner)) return false; break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameAT: if(scanner.startPosition != scanner.initialPosition) return false; break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameARROW: if (selectionStart >= scanner.startPosition && selectionEnd < scanner.currentPosition) { this.actualSelectionStart = selectionStart; this.actualSelectionEnd = selectionEnd; this.selectedIdentifier = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; return true; } return false; default : return false; } } while (token != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF); } if (lastIdentifierStart > 0) { this.actualSelectionStart = lastIdentifierStart; this.actualSelectionEnd = lastIdentifierEnd; this.selectedIdentifier = lastIdentifier; return true; } return false; } private boolean checkTypeArgument(Scanner scanner) { int depth = 1; int token; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); do { try { token = scanner.getNextToken(); } catch (InvalidInputException e) { return false; } switch(token) { case TerminalTokens.TokenNameLESS : depth++; buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource()); break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameGREATER : depth--; buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource()); break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT : depth-=2; buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource()); break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT : depth-=3; buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource()); break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameextends : case TerminalTokens.TokenNamesuper : buffer.append(' '); buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource()); buffer.append(' '); break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMA : if(depth == 1) { int length = buffer.length(); char[] typeRef = new char[length]; buffer.getChars(0, length, typeRef, 0); try { Signature.createTypeSignature(typeRef, true); buffer = new StringBuffer(); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { return false; } } break; default : buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource()); break; } if(depth < 0) { return false; } } while (depth != 0 && token != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF); if(depth == 0) { int length = buffer.length() - 1; char[] typeRef = new char[length]; buffer.getChars(0, length, typeRef, 0); try { Signature.createTypeSignature(typeRef, true); return true; } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { return false; } } return false; } /* * find all types outside the project scope */ private void findAllTypes(char[] prefix) { try { IProgressMonitor progressMonitor = new IProgressMonitor() { boolean isCanceled = false; public void beginTask(String name, int totalWork) { // implements interface method } public void done() { // implements interface method } public void internalWorked(double work) { // implements interface method } public boolean isCanceled() { return this.isCanceled; } public void setCanceled(boolean value) { this.isCanceled = value; } public void setTaskName(String name) { // implements interface method } public void subTask(String name) { // implements interface method } public void worked(int work) { // implements interface method } }; TypeNameMatchRequestor typeNameMatchRequestor = new TypeNameMatchRequestor() { public void acceptTypeNameMatch(TypeNameMatch match) { if (SelectionEngine.this.requestor instanceof SelectionRequestor) { SelectionEngine.this.noProposal = false; ((SelectionRequestor)SelectionEngine.this.requestor).acceptType(match.getType()); } } }; IJavaSearchScope scope = BasicSearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope(); SelectionTypeNameMatchRequestorWrapper requestorWrapper = new SelectionTypeNameMatchRequestorWrapper( typeNameMatchRequestor, scope, this.unitScope == null ? null : this.unitScope.referenceContext.imports); org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies = this.owner == null ? null : JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getWorkingCopies(this.owner, true/*add primary WCs*/); try { new BasicSearchEngine(workingCopies).searchAllTypeNames( null, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH, prefix, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE, IJavaSearchConstants.TYPE, scope, requestorWrapper, IJavaSearchConstants.CANCEL_IF_NOT_READY_TO_SEARCH, progressMonitor); } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { // do nothing } requestorWrapper.acceptNotImported(); } catch (JavaModelException e) { // do nothing } } public AssistParser getParser() { return this.parser; } /* * Returns whether the given binding is a local/anonymous reference binding, or if its declaring class is * local. */ private boolean isLocal(ReferenceBinding binding) { if(binding instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding) { return isLocal(((ParameterizedTypeBinding)binding).genericType()); } if (!(binding instanceof SourceTypeBinding)) return false; if (binding instanceof LocalTypeBinding) return true; if (binding instanceof MemberTypeBinding) { return isLocal(((MemberTypeBinding)binding).enclosingType); } return false; } /** * Ask the engine to compute the selection at the specified position * of the given compilation unit. * @param sourceUnit org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit * the source of the current compilation unit. * * @param selectionSourceStart int * @param selectionSourceEnd int * a range in the source where the selection is. */ public void select( ICompilationUnit sourceUnit, int selectionSourceStart, int selectionSourceEnd) { char[] source = sourceUnit.getContents(); if(DEBUG) { System.out.print("SELECTION IN "); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.print(sourceUnit.getFileName()); System.out.print(" FROM "); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.print(selectionSourceStart); System.out.print(" TO "); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println(selectionSourceEnd); System.out.println("SELECTION - Source :"); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println(source); } if (!checkSelection(source, selectionSourceStart, selectionSourceEnd)) { return; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.print("SELECTION - Checked : \""); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.print(new String(source, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd-this.actualSelectionStart+1)); System.out.println('"'); } try { this.acceptedAnswer = false; CompilationResult result = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 1, 1, this.compilerOptions.maxProblemsPerUnit); CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit = this.parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, result, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); if (parsedUnit != null) { if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("SELECTION - Diet AST :"); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println(parsedUnit.toString()); } // scan the package & import statements first if (parsedUnit.currentPackage instanceof SelectionOnPackageReference) { char[][] tokens = ((SelectionOnPackageReference) parsedUnit.currentPackage).tokens; this.noProposal = false; this.requestor.acceptPackage(CharOperation.concatWith(tokens, '.')); return; } ImportReference[] imports = parsedUnit.imports; if (imports != null) { for (int i = 0, length = imports.length; i < length; i++) { ImportReference importReference = imports[i]; if (importReference instanceof SelectionOnImportReference) { char[][] tokens = ((SelectionOnImportReference) importReference).tokens; this.noProposal = false; this.requestor.acceptPackage(CharOperation.concatWith(tokens, '.')); this.nameEnvironment.findTypes(CharOperation.concatWith(tokens, '.'), false, false, IJavaSearchConstants.TYPE, this); this.lookupEnvironment.buildTypeBindings(parsedUnit, null /*no access restriction*/); if ((this.unitScope = parsedUnit.scope) != null) { int tokenCount = tokens.length; char[] lastToken = tokens[tokenCount - 1]; char[][] qualifierTokens = CharOperation.subarray(tokens, 0, tokenCount - 1); if(qualifierTokens != null && qualifierTokens.length > 0) { Binding binding = this.unitScope.getTypeOrPackage(qualifierTokens); if(binding != null && binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) { ReferenceBinding ref = (ReferenceBinding) binding; selectMemberTypeFromImport(parsedUnit, lastToken, ref, importReference.isStatic()); if(importReference.isStatic()) { selectStaticFieldFromStaticImport(parsedUnit, lastToken, ref); selectStaticMethodFromStaticImport(parsedUnit, lastToken, ref); } } } } // accept qualified types only if no unqualified type was accepted if(!this.acceptedAnswer) { acceptQualifiedTypes(); if (!this.acceptedAnswer) { this.nameEnvironment.findTypes(this.selectedIdentifier, false, false, IJavaSearchConstants.TYPE, this); // try with simple type name if(!this.acceptedAnswer) { acceptQualifiedTypes(); } } } if(this.noProposal && this.problem != null) { this.requestor.acceptError(this.problem); } return; } } } if (parsedUnit.types != null || parsedUnit.isPackageInfo()) { if(selectDeclaration(parsedUnit)) return; this.lookupEnvironment.buildTypeBindings(parsedUnit, null /*no access restriction*/); if ((this.unitScope = parsedUnit.scope) != null) { try { this.lookupEnvironment.completeTypeBindings(parsedUnit, true); CompilationUnitDeclaration previousUnitBeingCompleted = this.lookupEnvironment.unitBeingCompleted; this.lookupEnvironment.unitBeingCompleted = parsedUnit; parsedUnit.scope.faultInTypes(); this.lookupEnvironment.unitBeingCompleted = previousUnitBeingCompleted; ASTNode node = null; if (parsedUnit.types != null) node = parseBlockStatements(parsedUnit, selectionSourceStart); if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("SELECTION - AST :"); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println(parsedUnit.toString()); } parsedUnit.resolve(); if (node != null) { selectLocalDeclaration(node); } } catch (SelectionNodeFound e) { if (e.binding != null) { if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("SELECTION - Selection binding:"); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println(e.binding.toString()); } // if null then we found a problem in the selection node selectFrom(e.binding, parsedUnit, sourceUnit, e.isDeclaration); } } } } } // only reaches here if no selection could be derived from the parsed tree // thus use the selected source and perform a textual type search if (!this.acceptedAnswer) { this.nameEnvironment.findTypes(this.selectedIdentifier, false, false, IJavaSearchConstants.TYPE, this); // accept qualified types only if no unqualified type was accepted if(!this.acceptedAnswer) { acceptQualifiedTypes(); // accept types from all the workspace only if no type was found in the project scope if (this.noProposal) { findAllTypes(this.selectedIdentifier); } } } if(this.noProposal && this.problem != null) { this.requestor.acceptError(this.problem); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // work-around internal failure - 1GEMF6D if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("Exception caught by SelectionEngine:"); //$NON-NLS-1$ e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } catch (AbortCompilation e) { // ignore this exception for now since it typically means we cannot find java.lang.Object if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("Exception caught by SelectionEngine:"); //$NON-NLS-1$ e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } finally { reset(true); } } private void selectMemberTypeFromImport(CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit, char[] lastToken, ReferenceBinding ref, boolean staticOnly) { int fieldLength = lastToken.length; ReferenceBinding[] memberTypes = ref.memberTypes(); next : for (int j = 0; j < memberTypes.length; j++) { ReferenceBinding memberType = memberTypes[j]; if (fieldLength > memberType.sourceName.length) continue next; if (staticOnly && !memberType.isStatic()) continue next; if (!CharOperation.equals(lastToken, memberType.sourceName, true)) continue next; selectFrom(memberType, parsedUnit, false); } } private void selectStaticFieldFromStaticImport(CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit, char[] lastToken, ReferenceBinding ref) { int fieldLength = lastToken.length; FieldBinding[] fields = ref.availableFields(); next : for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { FieldBinding field = fields[j]; if (fieldLength > field.name.length) continue next; if (field.isSynthetic()) continue next; if (!field.isStatic()) continue next; if (!CharOperation.equals(lastToken, field.name, true)) continue next; selectFrom(field, parsedUnit, false); } } private void selectStaticMethodFromStaticImport(CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit, char[] lastToken, ReferenceBinding ref) { int methodLength = lastToken.length; MethodBinding[] methods = ref.availableMethods(); next : for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) { MethodBinding method = methods[j]; if (method.isSynthetic()) continue next; if (method.isDefaultAbstract()) continue next; if (method.isConstructor()) continue next; if (!method.isStatic()) continue next; if (methodLength > method.selector.length) continue next; if (!CharOperation.equals(lastToken, method.selector, true)) continue next; selectFrom(method, parsedUnit, false); } } private void selectFrom(Binding binding, CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit, boolean isDeclaration) { selectFrom(binding, parsedUnit, null, isDeclaration); } private void selectFrom(Binding binding, CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit, ICompilationUnit unit, boolean isDeclaration) { if(binding instanceof TypeVariableBinding) { TypeVariableBinding typeVariableBinding = (TypeVariableBinding) binding; Binding enclosingElement = typeVariableBinding.declaringElement; this.noProposal = false; if(enclosingElement instanceof SourceTypeBinding) { SourceTypeBinding enclosingType = (SourceTypeBinding) enclosingElement; if (isLocal(enclosingType) && this.requestor instanceof SelectionRequestor) { ((SelectionRequestor)this.requestor).acceptLocalTypeParameter(typeVariableBinding); } else { this.requestor.acceptTypeParameter( enclosingType.qualifiedPackageName(), enclosingType.qualifiedSourceName(), typeVariableBinding.sourceName(), false, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); } } else if(enclosingElement instanceof MethodBinding) { MethodBinding enclosingMethod = (MethodBinding) enclosingElement; if (isLocal(enclosingMethod.declaringClass) && this.requestor instanceof SelectionRequestor) { ((SelectionRequestor)this.requestor).acceptLocalMethodTypeParameter(typeVariableBinding); } else { this.requestor.acceptMethodTypeParameter( enclosingMethod.declaringClass.qualifiedPackageName(), enclosingMethod.declaringClass.qualifiedSourceName(), enclosingMethod.isConstructor() ? enclosingMethod.declaringClass.sourceName() : enclosingMethod.selector, enclosingMethod.sourceStart(), enclosingMethod.sourceEnd(), typeVariableBinding.sourceName(), false, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); } } this.acceptedAnswer = true; } else if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) { ReferenceBinding typeBinding = (ReferenceBinding) binding; if(typeBinding instanceof ProblemReferenceBinding) { TypeBinding closestMatch = typeBinding.closestMatch(); if (closestMatch instanceof ReferenceBinding) { typeBinding = (ReferenceBinding) closestMatch; } else { typeBinding = null; } } if (typeBinding == null) return; if (isLocal(typeBinding) && this.requestor instanceof SelectionRequestor) { this.noProposal = false; ((SelectionRequestor)this.requestor).acceptLocalType(typeBinding); } else { this.noProposal = false; this.requestor.acceptType( typeBinding.qualifiedPackageName(), typeBinding.qualifiedSourceName(), typeBinding.modifiers, false, typeBinding.computeUniqueKey(), this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); } this.acceptedAnswer = true; } else if (binding instanceof MethodBinding) { MethodBinding methodBinding = getCorrectMethodBinding((MethodBinding) binding); this.noProposal = false; boolean isValuesOrValueOf = false; if(binding instanceof SyntheticMethodBinding) { SyntheticMethodBinding syntheticMethodBinding = (SyntheticMethodBinding) binding; if(syntheticMethodBinding.purpose == SyntheticMethodBinding.EnumValues || syntheticMethodBinding.purpose == SyntheticMethodBinding.EnumValueOf) { isValuesOrValueOf = true; } } if(!isValuesOrValueOf && !methodBinding.isSynthetic()) { TypeBinding[] parameterTypes = methodBinding.original().parameters; int length = parameterTypes.length; char[][] parameterPackageNames = new char[length][]; char[][] parameterTypeNames = new char[length][]; String[] parameterSignatures = new String[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { parameterPackageNames[i] = parameterTypes[i].qualifiedPackageName(); parameterTypeNames[i] = parameterTypes[i].qualifiedSourceName(); parameterSignatures[i] = new String(getSignature(parameterTypes[i])).replace('/', '.'); } TypeVariableBinding[] typeVariables = methodBinding.original().typeVariables; length = typeVariables == null ? 0 : typeVariables.length; char[][] typeParameterNames = new char[length][]; char[][][] typeParameterBoundNames = new char[length][][]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { TypeVariableBinding typeVariable = typeVariables[i]; typeParameterNames[i] = typeVariable.sourceName; if (typeVariable.firstBound == null) { typeParameterBoundNames[i] = new char[0][]; } else if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(typeVariable.firstBound, typeVariable.superclass)) { int boundCount = 1 + (typeVariable.superInterfaces == null ? 0 : typeVariable.superInterfaces.length); typeParameterBoundNames[i] = new char[boundCount][]; typeParameterBoundNames[i][0] = typeVariable.superclass.sourceName; for (int j = 1; j < boundCount; j++) { typeParameterBoundNames[i][j] = typeVariables[i].superInterfaces[j - 1].sourceName; } } else { int boundCount = typeVariable.superInterfaces == null ? 0 : typeVariable.superInterfaces.length; typeParameterBoundNames[i] = new char[boundCount][]; for (int j = 0; j < boundCount; j++) { typeParameterBoundNames[i][j] = typeVariables[i].superInterfaces[j].sourceName; } } } ReferenceBinding declaringClass = methodBinding.declaringClass; if (isLocal(declaringClass) && this.requestor instanceof SelectionRequestor) { ((SelectionRequestor)this.requestor).acceptLocalMethod(methodBinding); } else { this.requestor.acceptMethod( declaringClass.qualifiedPackageName(), declaringClass.qualifiedSourceName(), declaringClass.enclosingType() == null ? null : new String(getSignature(declaringClass.enclosingType())), methodBinding.isConstructor() ? declaringClass.sourceName() : methodBinding.selector, parameterPackageNames, parameterTypeNames, parameterSignatures, typeParameterNames, typeParameterBoundNames, methodBinding.isConstructor(), isDeclaration, methodBinding.computeUniqueKey(), this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); } } this.acceptedAnswer = true; } else if (binding instanceof FieldBinding) { FieldBinding fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) binding; ReferenceBinding declaringClass = fieldBinding.declaringClass; if (declaringClass != null) { // arraylength this.noProposal = false; if (isLocal(declaringClass) && this.requestor instanceof SelectionRequestor) { ((SelectionRequestor)this.requestor).acceptLocalField(fieldBinding); } else { // if the binding is a problem field binding, we want to make sure // we can retrieve the closestMatch if the problem reason is NotVisible FieldBinding currentFieldBinding = fieldBinding; while (currentFieldBinding instanceof ProblemFieldBinding) { ProblemFieldBinding problemFieldBinding = (ProblemFieldBinding) currentFieldBinding; if (problemFieldBinding.problemId() == ProblemReasons.NotVisible) { currentFieldBinding = problemFieldBinding.closestMatch; } else { currentFieldBinding = null; } } char[] fieldName = null; char[] key = null; if (currentFieldBinding != null) { fieldName = currentFieldBinding.name; key = currentFieldBinding.computeUniqueKey(); } else { fieldName = fieldBinding.name; key = fieldBinding.computeUniqueKey(); } this.requestor.acceptField( declaringClass.qualifiedPackageName(), declaringClass.qualifiedSourceName(), fieldName, false, key, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); } this.acceptedAnswer = true; } } else if (binding instanceof LocalVariableBinding) { if (this.requestor instanceof SelectionRequestor) { ((SelectionRequestor)this.requestor).acceptLocalVariable((LocalVariableBinding)binding, unit); this.acceptedAnswer = true; } else { // open on the type of the variable selectFrom(((LocalVariableBinding) binding).type, parsedUnit, false); } } else if (binding instanceof ArrayBinding) { selectFrom(((ArrayBinding) binding).leafComponentType, parsedUnit, false); // open on the type of the array } else if (binding instanceof PackageBinding) { PackageBinding packageBinding = (PackageBinding) binding; this.noProposal = false; this.requestor.acceptPackage(packageBinding.readableName()); this.acceptedAnswer = true; } else if(binding instanceof BaseTypeBinding) { this.acceptedAnswer = true; } } /* * Checks if a local declaration got selected in this method/initializer/field. */ private void selectLocalDeclaration(ASTNode node) { // the selected identifier is not identical to the parser one (equals but not identical), // for traversing the parse tree, the parser assist identifier is necessary for identitiy checks final char[] assistIdentifier = getParser().assistIdentifier(); if (assistIdentifier == null) return; class Visitor extends ASTVisitor { public boolean visit(ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration, ClassScope scope) { if (constructorDeclaration.selector == assistIdentifier){ if (constructorDeclaration.binding != null) { throw new SelectionNodeFound(constructorDeclaration.binding); } else { if (constructorDeclaration.scope != null) { throw new SelectionNodeFound(new MethodBinding(constructorDeclaration.modifiers, constructorDeclaration.selector, null, null, null, constructorDeclaration.scope.referenceType().binding)); } } } return true; } public boolean visit(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, MethodScope scope) { if (fieldDeclaration.name == assistIdentifier){ throw new SelectionNodeFound(fieldDeclaration.binding); } return true; } public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration localTypeDeclaration, BlockScope scope) { if (localTypeDeclaration.name == assistIdentifier) { throw new SelectionNodeFound(localTypeDeclaration.binding); } return true; } public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration memberTypeDeclaration, ClassScope scope) { if (memberTypeDeclaration.name == assistIdentifier) { throw new SelectionNodeFound(memberTypeDeclaration.binding); } return true; } public boolean visit(MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, ClassScope scope) { if (methodDeclaration.selector == assistIdentifier){ if (methodDeclaration.binding != null) { throw new SelectionNodeFound(methodDeclaration.binding); } else { if (methodDeclaration.scope != null) { throw new SelectionNodeFound(new MethodBinding(methodDeclaration.modifiers, methodDeclaration.selector, null, null, null, methodDeclaration.scope.referenceType().binding)); } } } return true; } public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, CompilationUnitScope scope) { if (typeDeclaration.name == assistIdentifier) { throw new SelectionNodeFound(typeDeclaration.binding); } return true; } public boolean visit(TypeParameter typeParameter, BlockScope scope) { if (typeParameter.name == assistIdentifier) { throw new SelectionNodeFound(typeParameter.binding); } return true; } public boolean visit(TypeParameter typeParameter, ClassScope scope) { if (typeParameter.name == assistIdentifier) { throw new SelectionNodeFound(typeParameter.binding); } return true; } } if (node instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) { ((AbstractMethodDeclaration)node).traverse(new Visitor(), (ClassScope)null); } else { ((FieldDeclaration)node).traverse(new Visitor(), (MethodScope)null); } } /** * Asks the engine to compute the selection of the given type * from the given context * * @param typeName char[] * a type name which is to be resolved in the context of a compilation unit. * NOTE: the type name is supposed to be correctly reduced (no whitespaces, no unicodes left) * * @param context org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType * the context in which code assist is invoked. */ public void selectType(char[] typeName, IType context) throws JavaModelException { try { this.acceptedAnswer = false; // only the type erasure are returned by IType.resolvedType(...) if (CharOperation.indexOf('<', typeName) != -1) { char[] typeSig = Signature.createCharArrayTypeSignature(typeName, false/*not resolved*/); typeSig = Signature.getTypeErasure(typeSig); typeName = Signature.toCharArray(typeSig); } CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit = null; TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = null; org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit cu = context.getCompilationUnit(); if (cu != null) { IType[] topLevelTypes = cu.getTypes(); int length = topLevelTypes.length; SourceTypeElementInfo[] topLevelInfos = new SourceTypeElementInfo[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { topLevelInfos[i] = (SourceTypeElementInfo) ((SourceType)topLevelTypes[i]).getElementInfo(); } CompilationResult result = new CompilationResult((org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit) cu, 1, 1, this.compilerOptions.maxProblemsPerUnit); int flags = SourceTypeConverter.FIELD_AND_METHOD | SourceTypeConverter.MEMBER_TYPE; if (context.isAnonymous() || context.isLocal()) flags |= SourceTypeConverter.LOCAL_TYPE; parsedUnit = SourceTypeConverter.buildCompilationUnit( topLevelInfos, flags, this.parser.problemReporter(), result); if (parsedUnit != null && parsedUnit.types != null) { if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("SELECTION - Diet AST :"); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println(parsedUnit.toString()); } // find the type declaration that corresponds to the original source type while (context.isLambda() && context.getParent() != null) { // It is easier to find the first enclosing proper type than the corresponding // lambda expression ast to add the selection node to. context = (IType) context.getParent().getAncestor(IJavaElement.TYPE); } typeDeclaration = new ASTNodeFinder(parsedUnit).findType(context); } } else { // binary type ClassFile classFile = (ClassFile) context.getClassFile(); ClassFileReader reader = (ClassFileReader) classFile.getBinaryTypeInfo((IFile) classFile.resource(), false/*don't fully initialize so as to keep constant pool (used below)*/); CompilationResult result = new CompilationResult(reader.getFileName(), 1, 1, this.compilerOptions.maxProblemsPerUnit); parsedUnit = new CompilationUnitDeclaration(this.parser.problemReporter(), result, 0); HashSetOfCharArrayArray typeNames = new HashSetOfCharArrayArray(); BinaryTypeConverter converter = new BinaryTypeConverter(this.parser.problemReporter(), result, typeNames); typeDeclaration = converter.buildTypeDeclaration(context, parsedUnit); parsedUnit.imports = converter.buildImports(reader); } if (typeDeclaration != null) { // add fake field with the type we're looking for // note: since we didn't ask for fields above, there is no field defined yet FieldDeclaration field = new FieldDeclaration(); int dot; if ((dot = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('.', typeName)) == -1) { this.selectedIdentifier = typeName; field.type = new SelectionOnSingleTypeReference(typeName, -1); // position not used } else { char[][] previousIdentifiers = CharOperation.splitOn('.', typeName, 0, dot); char[] selectionIdentifier = CharOperation.subarray(typeName, dot + 1, typeName.length); this.selectedIdentifier = selectionIdentifier; field.type = new SelectionOnQualifiedTypeReference( previousIdentifiers, selectionIdentifier, new long[previousIdentifiers.length + 1]); } field.name = "<fakeField>".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ typeDeclaration.fields = new FieldDeclaration[] { field }; // build bindings this.lookupEnvironment.buildTypeBindings(parsedUnit, null /*no access restriction*/); if ((this.unitScope = parsedUnit.scope) != null) { try { // build fields // note: this builds fields only in the parsed unit (the buildFieldsAndMethods flag is not passed along) this.lookupEnvironment.completeTypeBindings(parsedUnit, true); // resolve parsedUnit.scope.faultInTypes(); parsedUnit.resolve(); } catch (SelectionNodeFound e) { if (e.binding != null) { if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("SELECTION - Selection binding :"); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.out.println(e.binding.toString()); } // if null then we found a problem in the selection node selectFrom(e.binding, parsedUnit, e.isDeclaration); } } } } if(this.noProposal && this.problem != null) { this.requestor.acceptError(this.problem); } } catch (AbortCompilation e) { // ignore this exception for now since it typically means we cannot find java.lang.Object } finally { reset(true); } } // Check if a declaration got selected in this unit private boolean selectDeclaration(CompilationUnitDeclaration compilationUnit){ // the selected identifier is not identical to the parser one (equals but not identical), // for traversing the parse tree, the parser assist identifier is necessary for identitiy checks char[] assistIdentifier = getParser().assistIdentifier(); if (assistIdentifier == null) return false; ImportReference currentPackage = compilationUnit.currentPackage; char[] packageName = currentPackage == null ? CharOperation.NO_CHAR : CharOperation.concatWith(currentPackage.tokens, '.'); // iterate over the types TypeDeclaration[] types = compilationUnit.types; for (int i = 0, length = types == null ? 0 : types.length; i < length; i++){ if(selectDeclaration(types[i], assistIdentifier, packageName)) return true; } return false; } // Check if a declaration got selected in this type private boolean selectDeclaration(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, char[] assistIdentifier, char[] packageName){ if (typeDeclaration.name == assistIdentifier){ char[] qualifiedSourceName = null; TypeDeclaration enclosingType = typeDeclaration; while(enclosingType != null) { qualifiedSourceName = CharOperation.concat(enclosingType.name, qualifiedSourceName, '.'); enclosingType = enclosingType.enclosingType; } char[] uniqueKey = typeDeclaration.binding != null ? typeDeclaration.binding.computeUniqueKey() : null; this.requestor.acceptType( packageName, qualifiedSourceName, typeDeclaration.modifiers, true, uniqueKey, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); this.noProposal = false; return true; } TypeDeclaration[] memberTypes = typeDeclaration.memberTypes; for (int i = 0, length = memberTypes == null ? 0 : memberTypes.length; i < length; i++){ if(selectDeclaration(memberTypes[i], assistIdentifier, packageName)) return true; } FieldDeclaration[] fields = typeDeclaration.fields; for (int i = 0, length = fields == null ? 0 : fields.length; i < length; i++){ if (fields[i].name == assistIdentifier){ char[] qualifiedSourceName = null; TypeDeclaration enclosingType = typeDeclaration; while(enclosingType != null) { qualifiedSourceName = CharOperation.concat(enclosingType.name, qualifiedSourceName, '.'); enclosingType = enclosingType.enclosingType; } FieldDeclaration field = fields[i]; this.requestor.acceptField( packageName, qualifiedSourceName, field.name, true, field.binding != null ? field.binding.computeUniqueKey() : null, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); this.noProposal = false; return true; } } AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methods = typeDeclaration.methods; for (int i = 0, length = methods == null ? 0 : methods.length; i < length; i++){ AbstractMethodDeclaration method = methods[i]; if (method.selector == assistIdentifier){ char[] qualifiedSourceName = null; TypeDeclaration enclosingType = typeDeclaration; while(enclosingType != null) { qualifiedSourceName = CharOperation.concat(enclosingType.name, qualifiedSourceName, '.'); enclosingType = enclosingType.enclosingType; } this.requestor.acceptMethod( packageName, qualifiedSourceName, null, // SelectionRequestor does not need of declaring type signature for method declaration method.selector, null, // SelectionRequestor does not need of parameters type for method declaration null, // SelectionRequestor does not need of parameters type for method declaration null, // SelectionRequestor does not need of parameters type for method declaration null, // SelectionRequestor does not need of type parameters name for method declaration null, // SelectionRequestor does not need of type parameters bounds for method declaration method.isConstructor(), true, method.binding != null ? method.binding.computeUniqueKey() : null, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); this.noProposal = false; return true; } TypeParameter[] methodTypeParameters = method.typeParameters(); for (int j = 0, length2 = methodTypeParameters == null ? 0 : methodTypeParameters.length; j < length2; j++){ TypeParameter methodTypeParameter = methodTypeParameters[j]; if(methodTypeParameter.name == assistIdentifier) { char[] qualifiedSourceName = null; TypeDeclaration enclosingType = typeDeclaration; while(enclosingType != null) { qualifiedSourceName = CharOperation.concat(enclosingType.name, qualifiedSourceName, '.'); enclosingType = enclosingType.enclosingType; } this.requestor.acceptMethodTypeParameter( packageName, qualifiedSourceName, method.selector, method.sourceStart, method.sourceEnd, methodTypeParameter.name, true, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); this.noProposal = false; return true; } } } TypeParameter[] typeParameters = typeDeclaration.typeParameters; for (int i = 0, length = typeParameters == null ? 0 : typeParameters.length; i < length; i++){ TypeParameter typeParameter = typeParameters[i]; if(typeParameter.name == assistIdentifier) { char[] qualifiedSourceName = null; TypeDeclaration enclosingType = typeDeclaration; while(enclosingType != null) { qualifiedSourceName = CharOperation.concat(enclosingType.name, qualifiedSourceName, '.'); enclosingType = enclosingType.enclosingType; } this.requestor.acceptTypeParameter( packageName, qualifiedSourceName, typeParameter.name, true, this.actualSelectionStart, this.actualSelectionEnd); this.noProposal = false; return true; } } return false; } /* * Returns the correct method binding according to whether the selection is on the method declaration * or on the inheritDoc tag in its javadoc. */ private MethodBinding getCorrectMethodBinding(MethodBinding binding) { if (this.parser.javadocParser instanceof SelectionJavadocParser) { if (((SelectionJavadocParser)this.parser.javadocParser).inheritDocTagSelected){ try { Object res = findMethodWithAttachedDocInHierarchy(binding); if (res instanceof MethodBinding) { return (MethodBinding) res; } } catch (JavaModelException e) { return null; } } } return binding; } protected MethodBinding findOverriddenMethodInType(ReferenceBinding overriddenType, MethodBinding overriding) throws JavaModelException { if (overriddenType == null) return null; MethodBinding[] overriddenMethods= overriddenType.availableMethods(); LookupEnvironment lookupEnv = this.lookupEnvironment; if (lookupEnv != null && overriddenMethods != null) { for (int i= 0; i < overriddenMethods.length; i++) { if (lookupEnv.methodVerifier().isMethodSubsignature(overriding, overriddenMethods[i])) { return overriddenMethods[i]; } } } return null; } private Object findMethodWithAttachedDocInHierarchy(final MethodBinding method) throws JavaModelException { ReferenceBinding type= method.declaringClass; final SelectionRequestor requestor1 = (SelectionRequestor) this.requestor; return new InheritDocVisitor() { public Object visit(ReferenceBinding currType) throws JavaModelException { MethodBinding overridden = findOverriddenMethodInType(currType, method); if (overridden == null) return InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE; TypeBinding args[] = overridden.parameters; String names[] = new String[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { names[i] = Signature.createTypeSignature(args[i].sourceName(), false); } IMember member = (IMember) requestor1.findMethodFromBinding(overridden, names, overridden.declaringClass); if (member == null) return InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE; if (member.getAttachedJavadoc(null) != null ) { // for binary methods with attached javadoc and no source attached return overridden; } IOpenable openable = member.getOpenable(); if (openable == null) return InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE; IBuffer buf= openable.getBuffer(); if (buf == null) { // no source attachment found. This method maybe the one. Stop. return InheritDocVisitor.STOP_BRANCH; } ISourceRange javadocRange= member.getJavadocRange(); if (javadocRange == null) return InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE; // this method doesn't have javadoc, continue to look. String rawJavadoc= buf.getText(javadocRange.getOffset(), javadocRange.getLength()); if (rawJavadoc != null) { return overridden; } return InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE; } }.visitInheritDoc(type); } /** * Implements the "Algorithm for Inheriting Method Comments" as specified for * <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/windows/javadoc.html#inheritingcomments">1.6</a>. * * <p> * Unfortunately, the implementation is broken in Javadoc implementations since 1.5, see * <a href="http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6376959">Sun's bug</a>. * </p> * * <p> * We adhere to the spec. * </p> */ static abstract class InheritDocVisitor { public static final Object STOP_BRANCH= new Object() { public String toString() { return "STOP_BRANCH"; } //$NON-NLS-1$ }; public static final Object CONTINUE= new Object() { public String toString() { return "CONTINUE"; } //$NON-NLS-1$ }; /** * Visits a type and decides how the visitor should proceed. * * @param currType the current type * @return <ul> * <li>{@link #STOP_BRANCH} to indicate that no Javadoc has been found and visiting * super types should stop here</li> * <li>{@link #CONTINUE} to indicate that no Javadoc has been found and visiting * super types should continue</li> * <li>an {@link Object} or <code>null</code>, to indicate that visiting should be * cancelled immediately. The returned value is the result of * {@link #visitInheritDoc(ReferenceBinding)}</li> * </ul> * @throws JavaModelException unexpected problem * @see #visitInheritDoc(ReferenceBinding) */ public abstract Object visit(ReferenceBinding currType) throws JavaModelException; /** * Visits the super types of the given <code>currentType</code>. * * @param currentType the starting type * @return the result from a call to {@link #visit(ReferenceBinding)}, or <code>null</code> if none of * the calls returned a result * @throws JavaModelException unexpected problem */ public Object visitInheritDoc(ReferenceBinding currentType) throws JavaModelException { ArrayList visited= new ArrayList(); visited.add(currentType); Object result= visitInheritDocInterfaces(visited, currentType); if (result != InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE) return result; ReferenceBinding superClass= currentType.superclass(); while (superClass != null && ! visited.contains(superClass)) { result= visit(superClass); if (result == InheritDocVisitor.STOP_BRANCH) { return null; } else if (result == InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE) { visited.add(superClass); result= visitInheritDocInterfaces(visited, superClass); if (result != InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE) return result; else superClass= superClass.superclass(); } else { return result; } } return null; } /** * Visits the super interfaces of the given type in the given hierarchy, thereby skipping already visited types. * * @param visited set of visited types * @param currentType type whose super interfaces should be visited * @return the result, or {@link #CONTINUE} if no result has been found * @throws JavaModelException unexpected problem */ private Object visitInheritDocInterfaces(ArrayList visited, ReferenceBinding currentType) throws JavaModelException { ArrayList toVisitChildren= new ArrayList(); ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces= currentType.superInterfaces(); for (int i= 0; i < superInterfaces.length; i++) { ReferenceBinding superInterface= superInterfaces[i]; if (visited.contains(superInterface)) continue; visited.add(superInterface); Object result= visit(superInterface); if (result == InheritDocVisitor.STOP_BRANCH) { //skip } else if (result == InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE) { toVisitChildren.add(superInterface); } else { return result; } } for (Iterator iter= toVisitChildren.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ReferenceBinding child= (ReferenceBinding) iter.next(); Object result= visitInheritDocInterfaces(visited, child); if (result != InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE) return result; } return InheritDocVisitor.CONTINUE; } } }