/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Mateusz Matela and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Mateusz Matela <mateusz.matela@gmail.com> - [formatter] Formatter does not format Java code correctly, especially when max line width is set - https://bugs.eclipse.org/303519 * Mateusz Matela <mateusz.matela@gmail.com> - [formatter] IndexOutOfBoundsException in TokenManager - https://bugs.eclipse.org/462945 *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameNotAToken; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameStringLiteral; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNamepackage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTVisitor; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.BlockComment; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Javadoc; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.LineComment; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MemberRef; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodRef; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.QualifiedName; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TagElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.CodeFormatter; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.ScannerHelper; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.Token.WrapMode; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.Token.WrapPolicy; public class CommentsPreparator extends ASTVisitor { public static final int COMMENT_LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH = 3; private final static Pattern NLS_TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("//\\$NON-NLS-([0-9]+)\\$"); //$NON-NLS-1$ private final static Pattern STRING_LITERAL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\".*?(\\\\(\\\\\\\\)*\".*?)*\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ private final static Pattern HTML_TAG_PATTERN; private final static Pattern HTML_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN; static { String formatCodeTags = "(pre)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String separateLineTags = "(dl|hr|nl|p|ul|ol|table|tr)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String breakBeforeTags = "(dd|dt|li|td|th|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|q)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String breakAfterTags = "(br)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String noFormatTags = "(code|em|tt)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String otherTags = "([^<>&&\\S]++)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String ws = "(?>[ \\t]++|[\\r\\n]++[ \\t]*+\\*?)"; // whitespace or line break with optional asterisk //$NON-NLS-1$ String attributeValue = "(?>\"[^\"]*\")|(?>\'[^\']*\')|[^/>\"\'&&\\S]++"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String attribute = "(?>" + ws + "+[^=&&\\S]+" + ws + "*(=)" + ws + "*(?>" + attributeValue + "))"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ //$NON-NLS-5$ HTML_TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<(/)?+(?:" //$NON-NLS-1$ + formatCodeTags + '|' + separateLineTags + '|' + breakBeforeTags + '|' + breakAfterTags + '|' + noFormatTags + '|' + otherTags + ')' + "(" + attribute + "*)" + ws + "*/?>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ HTML_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(attribute); } private final static Pattern HTML_ENTITY_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("&(#x[0-9a-fA-F]+)?(#[0-9]+)?(lt)?(gt)?(nbsp)?(amp)?(circ)?(tilde)?(quot)?;"); //$NON-NLS-1$ private final static String HTML_ENTITY_REPLACE = " <> &^~\""; //$NON-NLS-1$ // Param tags list copied from IJavaDocTagConstants in legacy formatter for compatibility. // There were the following comments: // TODO (frederic) should have another name than 'param' for the following tags // TODO (frederic) investigate how and why this list was created private final static List<String> PARAM_TAGS = Arrays.asList( TagElement.TAG_PARAM, TagElement.TAG_EXCEPTION, TagElement.TAG_SERIALFIELD, TagElement.TAG_THROWS); private final static List<String> IMMUTABLE_TAGS = Arrays.asList(TagElement.TAG_CODE, TagElement.TAG_LITERAL); private final TokenManager tm; private final DefaultCodeFormatterOptions options; private final String sourceLevel; private final String formatDisableTag; private final String formatEnableTag; private Token lastLineComment; private int lastLineCommentPosition; private Token lastFormatOffComment; private TokenManager ctm; private List<Token> commentStructure; private int commentIndent; /** Index: position within current comment; Value: whether wrapping on special characters is allowed */ private boolean[] noSubstituteWrapping; private int noFormatTagOpenStart = -1; private int formatCodeTagOpenEnd = -1; private int lastFormatCodeClosingTagIndex = -1; private Token firstTagToken; private DefaultCodeFormatter commentCodeFormatter; public CommentsPreparator(TokenManager tm, DefaultCodeFormatterOptions options, String sourceLevel) { this.tm = tm; this.options = options; this.sourceLevel = sourceLevel; this.formatDisableTag = options.disabling_tag != null ? new String(options.disabling_tag) : null; this.formatEnableTag = options.enabling_tag != null ? new String(options.enabling_tag) : null; } @Override public boolean preVisit2(ASTNode node) { boolean isMalformed = (node.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) != 0; return !isMalformed; } @Override public boolean visit(LineComment node) { int commentIndex = this.tm.firstIndexIn(node, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); handleLineComment(commentIndex); return true; } public void handleLineComment(int commentIndex) { Token commentToken = this.tm.get(commentIndex); boolean isOnFirstColumn = handleWhitespaceAround(commentIndex); if (handleFormatOnOffTags(commentToken)) return; if (isOnFirstColumn) { if (this.options.comment_format_line_comment && !this.options.comment_format_line_comment_starting_on_first_column) { this.lastLineComment = null; commentToken.setIndent(0); commentToken.setWrapPolicy(null); return; } if (this.options.never_indent_line_comments_on_first_column) { commentToken.setIndent(0); commentToken.setWrapPolicy(null); } } handleNLSTags(commentToken, commentIndex); int positionInLine = this.tm.findSourcePositionInLine(commentToken.originalStart); boolean isContinuation = commentIndex > 0 && this.tm.get(commentIndex - 1) == this.lastLineComment && (positionInLine >= this.lastLineCommentPosition - this.options.indentation_size + 1) && this.tm.countLineBreaksBetween(this.lastLineComment, commentToken) == 1; boolean isHeader = this.tm.isInHeader(commentIndex); boolean formattingEnabled = (this.options.comment_format_line_comment && !isHeader) || (this.options.comment_format_header && isHeader); if (!formattingEnabled) { preserveWhitespace(commentToken, commentIndex); if (isContinuation) { WrapPolicy policy = this.lastLineComment.getWrapPolicy(); if (policy == null) { int lineStart = this.tm.getPositionInLine(this.tm.findFirstTokenInLine(commentIndex - 1)); int commentStart = this.tm.getPositionInLine(commentIndex - 1); policy = new WrapPolicy(WrapMode.WHERE_NECESSARY, commentIndex - 1, commentStart - lineStart); } commentToken.setWrapPolicy(policy); this.lastLineComment = commentToken; } else if (commentToken.getLineBreaksBefore() == 0) { this.lastLineComment = commentToken; this.lastLineCommentPosition = positionInLine; } return; } List<Token> structure = tokenizeLineComment(commentToken); if (isContinuation) { Token first = structure.get(0); first.breakBefore(); first.setWrapPolicy( new WrapPolicy(WrapMode.WHERE_NECESSARY, commentIndex - 1, this.lastLineCommentPosition)); // merge previous and current line comment Token previous = this.lastLineComment; Token merged = new Token(previous, previous.originalStart, commentToken.originalEnd, previous.tokenType); this.tm.remove(commentIndex - 1); this.tm.insert(commentIndex - 1, merged); this.tm.remove(commentIndex); List<Token> lastStructure = this.lastLineComment.getInternalStructure(); lastStructure.addAll(structure); structure = lastStructure; commentToken = merged; } else { this.lastLineCommentPosition = positionInLine; } commentToken.setInternalStructure(structure); preserveWhitespace(commentToken, commentIndex); this.lastLineComment = commentToken; } private void preserveWhitespace(Token commentToken, int commentIndex) { if (this.options.comment_preserve_white_space_between_code_and_line_comments && commentToken.getLineBreaksBefore() == 0 && commentIndex > 0) { commentToken.clearSpaceBefore(); List<Token> structure = commentToken.getInternalStructure(); if (structure != null && !structure.isEmpty()) structure.get(0).clearSpaceBefore(); Token previous = this.tm.get(commentIndex - 1); previous.clearSpaceAfter(); if (previous.originalEnd + 1 >= commentToken.originalStart) return; if (structure == null || structure.isEmpty()) { structure = new ArrayList<Token>(); structure.add(new Token(previous.originalEnd + 1, commentToken.originalEnd, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE)); commentToken.setInternalStructure(structure); } else { structure.add(0, new Token(previous.originalEnd + 1, commentToken.originalStart - 1, TokenNameWHITESPACE)); } } } /** * @return true if the comment contains on/off tag and should not be formatted */ private boolean handleFormatOnOffTags(Token commentToken) { if (!this.options.use_tags) return false; String commentString = this.tm.toString(commentToken); int offIndex = this.formatDisableTag != null ? commentString.lastIndexOf(this.formatDisableTag) : -1; int onIndex = this.formatEnableTag != null ? commentString.lastIndexOf(this.formatEnableTag) : -1; if (this.lastFormatOffComment == null) { if (offIndex > onIndex) this.lastFormatOffComment = commentToken; } else { if (onIndex > offIndex) { this.tm.addDisableFormatTokenPair(this.lastFormatOffComment, commentToken); this.lastFormatOffComment = null; } } return offIndex >= 0 || onIndex >= 0; } private void handleNLSTags(Token comment, int commentIndex) { List<Token> stringLiterals = findStringLiteralsInLine(commentIndex); if (stringLiterals.isEmpty()) return; List<Token> commentFragments = new ArrayList<Token>(); Matcher matcher = NLS_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(this.tm.toString(comment)); int previousMatcherEnd = 0; boolean nlsFound = false; while (matcher.find()) { int nlsNumber = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)); if (nlsNumber > 0 && nlsNumber <= stringLiterals.size()) { if (matcher.start() > previousMatcherEnd) { Token fragment = new Token(comment.originalStart + previousMatcherEnd, comment.originalStart + matcher.start() - 1, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); commentFragments.add(fragment); } Token nlsTag = new Token(comment.originalStart + matcher.start(), comment.originalStart + matcher.end() - 1, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); stringLiterals.get(nlsNumber - 1).setNLSTag(nlsTag); nlsTag.setNLSTag(stringLiterals.get(nlsNumber - 1)); commentFragments.add(nlsTag); nlsFound = true; previousMatcherEnd = matcher.end(); } } if (nlsFound) { comment.setInternalStructure(commentFragments); if (comment.originalStart + previousMatcherEnd <= comment.originalEnd) { Token fragment = new Token(comment.originalStart + previousMatcherEnd, comment.originalEnd, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); commentFragments.add(fragment); } } } private List<Token> findStringLiteralsInLine(int lastTokenIndex) { List<Token> stringLiterals = new ArrayList<Token>(); Token previous = this.tm.get(lastTokenIndex); for (int i = lastTokenIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Token token = this.tm.get(i); if (this.tm.countLineBreaksBetween(token, previous) > 0) break; if (token.tokenType == TokenNameStringLiteral) stringLiterals.add(token); previous = token; } Collections.reverse(stringLiterals); return stringLiterals; } private List<Token> tokenizeLineComment(Token commentToken) { List<Token> fragments = commentToken.getInternalStructure(); if (fragments == null) { fragments = Arrays.asList(commentToken); } ArrayList<Token> result = new ArrayList<Token>(); for (int i = 0; i < fragments.size(); i++) { Token token = fragments.get(i); if (token.hasNLSTag()) { if (ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(this.tm.charAt(token.originalStart - 1))) token.spaceBefore(); result.add(token); continue; } int sourcePosition = token.originalStart; if (sourcePosition == commentToken.originalStart) { // separate starting slashes while (sourcePosition <= token.originalEnd && this.tm.charAt(sourcePosition) == '/') sourcePosition++; result.add(new Token(commentToken.originalStart, sourcePosition - 1, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE)); } int tokenStart = sourcePosition; while (sourcePosition <= token.originalEnd + 1) { if (sourcePosition == token.originalEnd + 1 || ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(this.tm.charAt(sourcePosition))) { if (tokenStart < sourcePosition) { Token outputToken = new Token(tokenStart, sourcePosition - 1, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); outputToken.spaceBefore(); result.add(outputToken); } tokenStart = sourcePosition + 1; } sourcePosition++; } } if (this.tm.getSource().startsWith("$FALL-THROUGH$", result.get(0).originalEnd + 1)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ result.get(1).clearSpaceBefore(); } return result; } @Override public boolean visit(BlockComment node) { int commentIndex = this.tm.firstIndexIn(node, TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK); handleBlockComment(commentIndex); return true; } public void handleBlockComment(int commentIndex) { Token commentToken = this.tm.get(commentIndex); boolean isFirstColumn = handleWhitespaceAround(commentIndex); if (handleFormatOnOffTags(commentToken)) return; boolean isHeader = this.tm.isInHeader(commentIndex); boolean formattingEnabled = (this.options.comment_format_block_comment && !isHeader) || (this.options.comment_format_header && isHeader); formattingEnabled = formattingEnabled && this.tm.charAt(commentToken.originalStart + 2) != '-'; if (formattingEnabled && tokenizeMultilineComment(commentToken)) { this.commentStructure = commentToken.getInternalStructure(); this.ctm = new TokenManager(this.commentStructure, this.tm); handleStringLiterals(this.tm.toString(commentToken), commentToken.originalStart); addSubstituteWraps(); } else { commentToken.setInternalStructure(commentToLines(commentToken, -1)); } if (this.options.never_indent_block_comments_on_first_column && isFirstColumn) { commentToken.setIndent(0); commentToken.setWrapPolicy(null); } } private boolean handleWhitespaceAround(int commentIndex) { Token commentToken = this.tm.get(commentIndex); char charBefore = commentToken.originalStart > 0 ? this.tm.charAt(commentToken.originalStart - 1) : 0; if (charBefore == ' ' || charBefore == '\t') commentToken.spaceBefore(); if (commentToken.originalEnd < this.tm.getSourceLength() - 1) { char charAfter = this.tm.charAt(commentToken.originalEnd + 1); if (charAfter == ' ' || charAfter == '\t') commentToken.spaceAfter(); } Token previous = null, next = null; int existingBreaksBefore = 2, existingBreaksAfter = 2; if (commentIndex > 0) { previous = this.tm.get(commentIndex - 1); existingBreaksBefore = this.tm.countLineBreaksBetween(previous, commentToken); if (existingBreaksBefore > 0) { commentToken.breakBefore(); commentToken.clearSpaceBefore(); } } if (commentIndex < this.tm.size() - 1) { next = this.tm.get(commentIndex + 1); existingBreaksAfter = this.tm.countLineBreaksBetween(commentToken, next); if (existingBreaksAfter > 0) commentToken.breakAfter(); } if (existingBreaksBefore <= 1 && (previous.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE || previous.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK)) { commentToken.setWrapPolicy(previous.getWrapPolicy()); } else { int i = commentIndex + 2; while (existingBreaksAfter <= 1 && i < this.tm.size() && (next.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE || next.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK)) { Token next2 = this.tm.get(i++); existingBreaksAfter = this.tm.countLineBreaksBetween(next, next2); next = next2; } if (existingBreaksBefore < existingBreaksAfter && previous != null) { commentToken.putLineBreaksAfter(previous.getLineBreaksAfter()); previous.clearLineBreaksAfter(); } else if (existingBreaksAfter <= existingBreaksBefore && next != null && next.tokenType != TokenNamepackage /* doesn't apply to a comment before the package declaration */) { commentToken.putLineBreaksBefore(next.getLineBreaksBefore()); next.clearLineBreaksBefore(); } } boolean isFirstColumn = (charBefore == '\r' || charBefore == '\n' || commentToken.originalStart == 0); return isFirstColumn; } private List<Token> commentToLines(Token commentToken, int commentStartPositionInLine) { List<Token> lines = new ArrayList<Token>(); int tab = this.options.tab_size; String commentText = this.tm.toString(commentToken); int commentStartPosition = commentStartPositionInLine; if (commentStartPosition < 0) commentStartPosition = this.tm.findSourcePositionInLine(commentToken.originalStart); int positionInLine = commentStartPosition; int lineStart = 0; int breaksBeforeFirstLine = 0; boolean firstLine = true; // all lines except first will be NotAToken to disable asterisk adding boolean emptyLine = true; for (int i = 0; i < commentText.length(); i++) { char c = commentText.charAt(i); switch (c) { case ' ': if ((lineStart == i && positionInLine < commentStartPosition) || (emptyLine && positionInLine == commentToken.getIndent() - 1)) lineStart = i + 1; positionInLine++; break; case '\t': if ((lineStart == i && positionInLine < commentStartPosition) || (emptyLine && positionInLine == commentToken.getIndent() - 1)) lineStart = i + 1; if (tab > 0) positionInLine += tab - positionInLine % tab; break; case '\r': case '\n': if (lineStart < i) { Token line = new Token(commentToken.originalStart + lineStart, commentToken.originalStart + i - 1, firstLine ? commentToken.tokenType : TokenNameNotAToken); line.breakAfter(); if (lines.isEmpty()) line.putLineBreaksBefore(breaksBeforeFirstLine); lines.add(line); } else if (!lines.isEmpty()) { Token previousLine = lines.get(lines.size() - 1); previousLine.putLineBreaksAfter(previousLine.getLineBreaksAfter() + 1); } else { breaksBeforeFirstLine++; } if (i + 1 < commentText.length() && commentText.charAt(i + 1) == (c == '\r' ? '\n' : '\r')) i++; lineStart = i + 1; positionInLine = 0; firstLine = false; emptyLine = true; break; default: positionInLine++; emptyLine = false; } } if (lineStart < commentText.length()) { Token line = new Token(commentToken.originalStart + lineStart, commentToken.originalEnd, firstLine ? commentToken.tokenType : TokenNameNotAToken); line.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); lines.add(line); } return lines; } @Override public boolean visit(Javadoc node) { this.noFormatTagOpenStart = -1; this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd = -1; this.lastFormatCodeClosingTagIndex = -1; this.firstTagToken = null; this.ctm = null; int commentIndex = this.tm.firstIndexIn(node, TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC); Token commentToken = this.tm.get(commentIndex); if (node.getParent() == null) { // not a proper javadoc, treat as block comment handleWhitespaceAround(commentIndex); } if (commentIndex < this.tm.size() - 1) commentToken.breakAfter(); if (handleFormatOnOffTags(commentToken)) return false; boolean isHeader = this.tm.isInHeader(commentIndex); boolean formattingEnabled = (this.options.comment_format_javadoc_comment && !isHeader) || (this.options.comment_format_header && isHeader); if (!formattingEnabled || !tokenizeMultilineComment(commentToken)) { commentToken.setInternalStructure(commentToLines(commentToken, -1)); return false; } this.commentStructure = commentToken.getInternalStructure(); this.commentIndent = this.tm.toIndent(commentToken.getIndent(), true); this.ctm = new TokenManager(commentToken.getInternalStructure(), this.tm); return true; } @Override public void endVisit(Javadoc node) { if (this.ctm == null) return; if (this.options.comment_insert_empty_line_before_root_tags && this.firstTagToken != null && this.ctm.indexOf(this.firstTagToken) > 1) { this.firstTagToken.putLineBreaksBefore(2); } addSubstituteWraps(); } @Override public boolean visit(TagElement node) { String tagName = node.getTagName(); if (tagName == null || tagName.length() <= 1) return true; int startIndex = tokenStartingAt(node.getStartPosition()); int nodeEnd = node.getStartPosition() + node.getLength() - 1; while (ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(this.ctm.charAt(nodeEnd))) nodeEnd--; int endIndex = tokenEndingAt(nodeEnd); this.ctm.get(startIndex + 1).setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); if (node.getParent() instanceof Javadoc) { assert this.ctm.toString(startIndex).startsWith(tagName); boolean isParamTag = PARAM_TAGS.contains(tagName); if (isParamTag && this.options.comment_insert_new_line_for_parameter && startIndex < endIndex) { Token token = this.ctm.get(startIndex + 2); token.breakBefore(); } if (this.options.comment_indent_root_tags) { int indent = this.ctm.getLength(this.ctm.get(startIndex), 0) + 1; if (isParamTag && this.options.comment_indent_parameter_description) indent += this.options.indentation_size; for (int i = startIndex + 1; i <= endIndex; i++) { Token token = this.ctm.get(i); token.setIndent(indent); // indent is used temporarily, tokens that are actually first in line // will have this changed to align (indent is reserved for code inside <pre> tags) } } Token startTokeen = this.ctm.get(startIndex); if (startIndex > 1) startTokeen.breakBefore(); int firstTagIndex; if (this.firstTagToken == null || (firstTagIndex = this.ctm.indexOf(this.firstTagToken)) < 0 || startIndex < firstTagIndex) this.firstTagToken = startTokeen; handleHtml(node); } else if (IMMUTABLE_TAGS.contains(tagName)) { if (startIndex < endIndex) disableFormatting(startIndex, endIndex); noSubstituteWrapping(node.getStartPosition(), nodeEnd); } else if (node.isNested()) { noSubstituteWrapping(node.getStartPosition(), nodeEnd); } return true; } @Override public void endVisit(TagElement node) { String tagName = node.getTagName(); if (tagName == null || tagName.length() <= 1) handleHtml(node); handleStringLiterals(this.tm.toString(node), node.getStartPosition()); } private void handleHtml(TagElement node) { if (!this.options.comment_format_html && !this.options.comment_format_source) return; String text = this.tm.toString(node); Matcher matcher = HTML_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(text); while (matcher.find()) { int startPos = matcher.start() + node.getStartPosition(); int endPos = matcher.end() - 1 + node.getStartPosition(); boolean isOpeningTag = (matcher.start(1) == matcher.end(1)); int firstTokenIndex = 0, lastTokenIndex = 0; if (this.options.comment_format_html) { // make sure tokens inside the tag are wrapped only as a substitute firstTokenIndex = tokenStartingAt(startPos); lastTokenIndex = tokenEndingAt(endPos); Token startToken = this.ctm.get(firstTokenIndex); if (!isOpeningTag && startToken.getWrapPolicy() == null) startToken.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.SUBSTITUTE_ONLY); for (int i = firstTokenIndex + 1; i <= lastTokenIndex; i++) { Token token = this.ctm.get(i); if (token.getWrapPolicy() == null) token.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.SUBSTITUTE_ONLY); } Token nextToken = this.ctm.get(lastTokenIndex + 1); if (isOpeningTag && nextToken.getWrapPolicy() == null) nextToken.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.SUBSTITUTE_ONLY); // never break tags on special characters noSubstituteWrapping(startPos, endPos - 1); // ... except for equals sign in attributes String attributesText = matcher.group(8); Matcher attrMatcher = HTML_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN.matcher(attributesText); final int commentStart = this.ctm.get(0).originalStart; while (attrMatcher.find()) { int equalPos = node.getStartPosition() + matcher.start(8) + attrMatcher.start(1); assert this.tm.charAt(equalPos) == '='; this.noSubstituteWrapping[equalPos - commentStart] = false; } } int matchedGroups = 0; for (int i = 2; i <= 7; i++) if (matcher.start(i) < matcher.end(i)) matchedGroups++; if (matchedGroups != 1) continue; if (matcher.start(2) < matcher.end(2)) { handleFormatCodeTag(startPos, endPos, isOpeningTag); } if (this.options.comment_format_html) { if (TagElement.TAG_PARAM.equals(node.getTagName()) && this.ctm.findIndex(startPos, -1, false) == 1 + this.ctm.firstIndexIn(node, -1)) { continue; // it's a generic class parameter name, not an HTML tag } if (matcher.start(3) < matcher.end(3)) { handleSeparateLineTag(startPos, endPos); } else if (matcher.start(4) < matcher.end(4)) { handleBreakBeforeTag(startPos, endPos, isOpeningTag); } else if (matcher.start(5) < matcher.end(5)) { handleBreakAfterTag(startPos, endPos); } else if (matcher.start(6) < matcher.end(6)) { handleNoFormatTag(startPos, endPos, isOpeningTag); } } } } @Override public boolean visit(MethodRef node) { handleReference(node); return true; } @Override public boolean visit(MemberRef node) { handleReference(node); return true; } @Override public boolean visit(QualifiedName node) { handleReference(node); return false; } private void handleReference(ASTNode node) { ASTNode parent = node.getParent(); if ((parent instanceof TagElement) && ((TagElement) parent).isNested()) { int firstIndex = tokenStartingAt(node.getStartPosition()); int lastIndex = tokenEndingAt(node.getStartPosition() + node.getLength() - 1); if (this.ctm.charAt(this.ctm.get(lastIndex + 1).originalStart) == '}') lastIndex++; for (int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) { Token token = this.ctm.get(i); token.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); } } noSubstituteWrapping(node.getStartPosition(), node.getStartPosition() + node.getLength() - 1); } private void handleStringLiterals(String text, int textStartPosition) { Matcher matcher = STRING_LITERAL_PATTERN.matcher(text); while (matcher.find()) { int startPosition = textStartPosition + matcher.start(); int startIndex = this.ctm.findIndex(startPosition, -1, false); int endPosition = textStartPosition + matcher.end() - 1; int endIndex = this.ctm.findIndex(endPosition, -1, false); if (startIndex != endIndex) disableFormatting(tokenStartingAt(startPosition), tokenEndingAt(endPosition)); noSubstituteWrapping(startPosition, endPosition); } } private void handleSeparateLineTag(int startPos, int endPos) { int openingTagIndex = tokenStartingAt(startPos); if (openingTagIndex > 1 && this.lastFormatCodeClosingTagIndex == openingTagIndex - 1) { Token token = this.ctm.get(openingTagIndex - 1); assert token.getLineBreaksAfter() == 2; token.clearLineBreaksAfter(); token.breakAfter(); } handleBreakBeforeTag(startPos, endPos, true); handleBreakAfterTag(startPos, endPos); } private void handleBreakBeforeTag(int start, int end, boolean isOpeningTag) { int firstPartIndex = tokenStartingAt(start); int lastPartIndex = tokenEndingAt(end); Token firstPartToken = this.ctm.get(firstPartIndex); firstPartToken.setWrapPolicy(null); if (isOpeningTag) { firstPartToken.breakBefore(); this.ctm.get(lastPartIndex + 1).clearSpaceBefore(); } else { firstPartToken.clearSpaceBefore(); } } private void handleBreakAfterTag(int start, int end) { int tokenIndex = tokenEndingAt(end); this.ctm.get(tokenIndex).breakAfter(); } private void handleNoFormatTag(int start, int end, boolean isOpeningTag) { if (isOpeningTag) { if (this.noFormatTagOpenStart < 0) this.noFormatTagOpenStart = start; } else if (this.noFormatTagOpenStart >= 0) { int openingTagIndex = tokenStartingAt(this.noFormatTagOpenStart); int closingTagIndex = tokenEndingAt(end); if (openingTagIndex < closingTagIndex) disableFormatting(openingTagIndex, closingTagIndex); closingTagIndex = tokenEndingAt(end); cleanupHTMLElement(openingTagIndex, closingTagIndex, false); noSubstituteWrapping(this.noFormatTagOpenStart, end); this.noFormatTagOpenStart = -1; } } private void handleFormatCodeTag(int startPos, int endPos, boolean isOpeningTag) { if (!this.options.comment_format_source) { handleNoFormatTag(startPos, endPos, isOpeningTag); return; } // add empty lines before opening and after closing token handleSeparateLineTag(startPos, endPos); if (isOpeningTag) { int startIndex = tokenStartingAt(startPos); if (startIndex > 1) this.ctm.get(startIndex).putLineBreaksBefore(2); if (this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd < 0) this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd = endPos; } else if (this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd >= 0) { int endTagIndex = tokenEndingAt(endPos); if (endTagIndex < this.ctm.size() - 2) this.ctm.get(endTagIndex).putLineBreaksAfter(2); formatCode(startPos, endPos); this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd = -1; this.lastFormatCodeClosingTagIndex = this.ctm.findIndex(startPos, -1, true); } } private void cleanupHTMLElement(int openingTagIndex, int closingTagIndex, boolean formattedCode) { Token previous = this.ctm.get(openingTagIndex); int indent = previous.getIndent(); for (int i = openingTagIndex + 1; i < closingTagIndex; i++) { Token token = this.ctm.get(i); token.setToEscape(true); if (formattedCode && (token.getLineBreaksBefore() > 0 || previous.getLineBreaksAfter() > 0)) token.setAlign(indent); previous = token; } for (int i = closingTagIndex; i < this.ctm.size(); i++) { Token token = this.ctm.get(i); if (token.getIndent() == 0) break; token.setIndent(indent); previous = token; } } private void disableFormatting(int startIndex, int endIndex) { Token startToken = this.ctm.get(startIndex), endToken = this.ctm.get(endIndex); Token noFormatToken = new Token(startToken.originalStart, endToken.originalEnd, TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC); List<Token> tokensToReplace = this.commentStructure.subList(startIndex, endIndex + 1); if (this.ctm.countLineBreaksBetween(startToken, endToken) == 0) { tokensToReplace.clear(); tokensToReplace.add(noFormatToken); } else { int commentStart = findCommentLineIndent(startIndex); tokensToReplace.clear(); tokensToReplace.addAll(commentToLines(noFormatToken, commentStart)); } if (startToken.isSpaceBefore()) tokensToReplace.get(0).spaceBefore(); tokensToReplace.get(0).putLineBreaksBefore(startToken.getLineBreaksBefore()); Token lastToReplace = tokensToReplace.get(tokensToReplace.size() - 1); if (endToken.isSpaceAfter()) lastToReplace.spaceAfter(); lastToReplace.putLineBreaksAfter(endToken.getLineBreaksAfter()); for (Token token : tokensToReplace) if (token.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC) token.setIndent(startToken.getIndent()); } private void disableFormattingExclusively(int openingTagIndex, int closingTagIndex) { Token openingTag = this.ctm.get(openingTagIndex); int noFormatStart = openingTag.originalEnd + 1; int noFormatEnd = this.ctm.get(closingTagIndex - 1).originalEnd; if (noFormatStart <= noFormatEnd) { Token noFormatToken = new Token(noFormatStart, noFormatEnd, TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC); int commentStart = findCommentLineIndent(openingTagIndex); List<Token> lines = commentToLines(noFormatToken, commentStart); List<Token> tokensToReplace = this.commentStructure.subList(openingTagIndex + 1, closingTagIndex); tokensToReplace.clear(); tokensToReplace.addAll(lines); noSubstituteWrapping(noFormatStart, noFormatEnd); } else { this.commentStructure.subList(openingTagIndex + 1, closingTagIndex).clear(); Token closingTag = this.ctm.get(closingTagIndex); if (this.ctm.countLineBreaksBetween(openingTag, closingTag) == 0) { openingTag.clearLineBreaksAfter(); closingTag.clearLineBreaksBefore(); } } } private int findCommentLineIndent(int commentFragmentIndex) { int position = this.ctm.get(commentFragmentIndex).originalStart; int lastNonWhitespace = position; while (--position > 0) { char c = this.ctm.charAt(position); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') break; if (!ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(c)) lastNonWhitespace = position; } if (lastNonWhitespace > 0 && this.ctm.charAt(lastNonWhitespace - 1) == ' ') lastNonWhitespace--; return this.ctm.getLength(position, lastNonWhitespace - 1, 0); } private int tokenStartingAt(int start) { int tokenIndex = this.ctm.findIndex(start, -1, false); Token token = this.ctm.get(tokenIndex); if (token.originalStart == start) return tokenIndex; assert start > token.originalStart && start <= token.originalEnd; splitToken(token, tokenIndex, start); return tokenIndex + 1; } private int tokenEndingAt(int end) { int tokenIndex = this.ctm.findIndex(end, -1, true); Token token = this.ctm.get(tokenIndex); if (token.originalEnd == end) return tokenIndex; assert end < token.originalEnd && end >= token.originalStart; splitToken(token, tokenIndex, end + 1); return tokenIndex; } private void splitToken(Token token, int tokenIndex, int splitPosition) { assert splitPosition > token.originalStart && splitPosition <= token.originalEnd; Token part1 = new Token(token.originalStart, splitPosition - 1, token.tokenType); Token part2 = new Token(splitPosition, token.originalEnd, token.tokenType); if (token.isSpaceBefore()) part1.spaceBefore(); part1.putLineBreaksBefore(token.getLineBreaksBefore()); if (token.isSpaceAfter()) part2.spaceAfter(); part2.putLineBreaksAfter(token.getLineBreaksAfter()); part1.setIndent(token.getIndent()); part2.setIndent(token.getIndent()); part1.setWrapPolicy(token.getWrapPolicy()); this.commentStructure.set(tokenIndex, part1); this.commentStructure.add(tokenIndex + 1, part2); } private boolean tokenizeMultilineComment(Token commentToken) { if (this.noSubstituteWrapping == null || this.noSubstituteWrapping.length < commentToken.countChars()) { this.noSubstituteWrapping = new boolean[commentToken.countChars()]; } else { Arrays.fill(this.noSubstituteWrapping, 0, commentToken.countChars(), false); } final boolean cleanBlankLines = commentToken.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC ? this.options.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_javadoc_comment : this.options.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_block_comment; List<Token> structure = new ArrayList<Token>(); int firstTokenEnd = commentToken.originalStart + 1; while (firstTokenEnd < commentToken.originalEnd - 1 && this.tm.charAt(firstTokenEnd + 1) == '*') firstTokenEnd++; Token first = new Token(commentToken.originalStart, firstTokenEnd, commentToken.tokenType); first.spaceAfter(); structure.add(first); int lastTokenStart = commentToken.originalEnd - 1; while (lastTokenStart - 1 > firstTokenEnd && this.tm.charAt(lastTokenStart - 1) == '*') lastTokenStart--; int position = firstTokenEnd + 1; int lineBreaks = 0; while (position <= commentToken.originalEnd) { // find line start for (int i = position; i < lastTokenStart; i++) { char c = this.tm.charAt(i); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { lineBreaks++; char c2 = this.tm.charAt(i + 1); if ((c2 == '\r' || c2 == '\n') && c2 != c) i++; position = i + 1; } else if (!ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(c)) { while (this.tm.charAt(i) == '*' && lineBreaks > 0) i++; position = i; break; } } int tokenStart = position; while (position <= commentToken.originalEnd + 1) { char c = 0; if (position == commentToken.originalEnd + 1 || position == lastTokenStart || ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(c = this.tm.charAt(position))) { if (tokenStart < position) { Token outputToken = new Token(tokenStart, position - 1, commentToken.tokenType); outputToken.spaceBefore(); if (lineBreaks > 0) { if (cleanBlankLines) lineBreaks = 1; if (lineBreaks > 1 || !this.options.join_lines_in_comments) outputToken.putLineBreaksBefore(lineBreaks); } if (this.tm.charAt(tokenStart) == '@') { outputToken.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); if (commentToken.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK && lineBreaks == 1 && structure.size() > 1) outputToken.putLineBreaksBefore(cleanBlankLines ? 1 : 2); if (this.tm.charAt(tokenStart + 1) == '@' && lineBreaks > 0 && this.firstTagToken == null) { // Commons Attributes annotation, see bug 237051 this.firstTagToken = outputToken; } } structure.add(outputToken); lineBreaks = 0; } if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') break; tokenStart = position == lastTokenStart ? position : position + 1; } position++; } } Token last = structure.get(structure.size() - 1); boolean newLinesAtBoundries = commentToken.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC ? this.options.comment_new_lines_at_javadoc_boundaries : this.options.comment_new_lines_at_block_boundaries; if (newLinesAtBoundries && this.tm.countLineBreaksBetween(first, last) > 0) { first.breakAfter(); last.breakBefore(); last.setAlign(1); } if (structure.size() == 2) return false; commentToken.setInternalStructure(structure); return true; } private void noSubstituteWrapping(int from, int to) { int commentStart = this.ctm.get(0).originalStart; assert commentStart <= from && from <= to && to <= this.ctm.get(this.ctm.size() - 1).originalEnd; Arrays.fill(this.noSubstituteWrapping, from - commentStart, to - commentStart + 1, true); } private void addSubstituteWraps() { int commentStart = this.ctm.get(0).originalStart; for (int i = 1; i < this.ctm.size() - 1; i++) { Token token = this.ctm.get(i); for (int pos = token.originalStart + 1; pos < token.originalEnd; pos++) { if (this.noSubstituteWrapping[pos - commentStart]) continue; char c = this.ctm.charAt(pos); if (!ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) && c != '@'/* wrapping on @ would create a javadoc tag */) { this.ctm.get(tokenStartingAt(pos)).setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.SUBSTITUTE_ONLY); this.ctm.get(tokenStartingAt(pos + 1)).setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.SUBSTITUTE_ONLY); } } } } private void formatCode(int javadocNoFormatCloseStart, int javadocNoFormatCloseEnd) { int openingTagLastIndex = tokenEndingAt(this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd); int closingTagFirstIndex = tokenStartingAt(javadocNoFormatCloseStart); int codeStartPosition = this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd + 1; int codeEndPosition = javadocNoFormatCloseStart - 1; StringBuilder codeBuilder = new StringBuilder(codeEndPosition - codeStartPosition + 1); int[] positionMapping = new int[codeEndPosition - codeStartPosition + 1]; // ^ index: original source position (minus startPosition), value: position in code string getCodeToFormat(codeStartPosition, codeEndPosition, codeBuilder, positionMapping); List<Token> formattedTokens = getCommentCodeFormatter().prepareFormattedCode(codeBuilder.toString(), CodeFormatter.K_UNKNOWN); if (formattedTokens == null) { disableFormattingExclusively(openingTagLastIndex, closingTagFirstIndex); closingTagFirstIndex = tokenStartingAt(javadocNoFormatCloseStart); cleanupHTMLElement(openingTagLastIndex, closingTagFirstIndex, false); return; } formattedTokens = translateFormattedTokens(codeStartPosition, formattedTokens, positionMapping, null); // there are too few linebreaks at the start and end Token start = formattedTokens.get(0); start.putLineBreaksBefore(start.getLineBreaksBefore() + 1); Token end = formattedTokens.get(formattedTokens.size() - 1); end.putLineBreaksAfter(end.getLineBreaksAfter() + 1); // and there may be too many line breaks before closing tag this.ctm.get(closingTagFirstIndex).clearLineBreaksBefore(); List<Token> tokensToReplace = this.commentStructure.subList(openingTagLastIndex + 1, closingTagFirstIndex); tokensToReplace.clear(); tokensToReplace.addAll(formattedTokens); cleanupHTMLElement(openingTagLastIndex, openingTagLastIndex + formattedTokens.size() + 1, true); noSubstituteWrapping(codeStartPosition, codeEndPosition); } private DefaultCodeFormatter getCommentCodeFormatter() { if (this.commentCodeFormatter == null) { Map<String, String> options2 = this.options.getMap(); options2.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_COMMENT_LINE_LENGTH, String.valueOf(this.options.comment_line_length - this.commentIndent - COMMENT_LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH)); options2.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_LINE_SPLIT, String.valueOf(this.options.page_width - this.commentIndent - COMMENT_LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH)); options2.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, this.sourceLevel); this.commentCodeFormatter = new DefaultCodeFormatter(options2); } return this.commentCodeFormatter; } private void getCodeToFormat(int startPos, int endPos, StringBuilder sb, int[] posMapping) { int position = 0; // original source position (minus startPos) // skip excessive line break at the beginning char c, c2; if ((c = this.ctm.charAt(position + startPos)) == '\r' || c == '\n') { posMapping[position++] = sb.length() - 1; if (((c2 = this.ctm.charAt(position + startPos)) == '\r' || c2 == '\n') && c2 != c) posMapping[position++] = sb.length() - 1; } while (position + startPos <= endPos) { int lineStart = position + startPos; for (int i = lineStart;; i++) { c = this.ctm.charAt(i); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { sb.append(c); lineStart = i + 1; } else if (!ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(c)) { if (c == '*') lineStart = (this.ctm.charAt(i + 1) == ' ') ? i + 2 : i + 1; break; } } int lineEnd = endPos + 1; for (int i = lineStart; i <= endPos; i++) { c = this.ctm.charAt(i); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { lineEnd = i; break; } } while (position + startPos < lineStart) { posMapping[position++] = sb.length() - 1; } int htmlEntityStart = -1; for (int i = lineStart; i < lineEnd; i++) { c = this.ctm.charAt(i); sb.append(c); posMapping[position++] = sb.length() - 1; if (c == '&') { htmlEntityStart = i; } else if (c == ';' && htmlEntityStart >= 0) { char replacementChar = getHtmlEntityChar(this.ctm.getSource().substring(htmlEntityStart, i + 1)); if (replacementChar != 0) { sb.setLength(sb.length() - (i + 1 - htmlEntityStart)); sb.append(replacementChar); for (int k = position - (i + 1 - htmlEntityStart); k < position; k++) posMapping[k] = sb.length() - 1; } htmlEntityStart = -1; } } } // remove last line if empty while (sb.length() > 0 && ((c = sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1)) == ' ' || c == '\t')) sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); if (sb.length() > 0 && ((c = sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1)) == '\r' || c == '\n')) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); if (sb.length() > 0 && ((c2 = sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1)) == '\r' || c2 == '\n') && c2 != c) sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); } } private char getHtmlEntityChar(String entity) { Matcher matcher = HTML_ENTITY_PATTERN.matcher(entity); if (matcher.find()) { char replaceChar = 0; for (int i = 1; i < HTML_ENTITY_REPLACE.length(); i++) { int start = matcher.start(i); int end = matcher.end(i); if (start == end) continue; // group not matched if (replaceChar != 0) return 0; // more than one group matched switch (i) { case 1: replaceChar = (char) Integer.parseInt(entity.substring(start + 2, end), 16); break; case 2: replaceChar = (char) Integer.parseInt(entity.substring(start + 1, end), 10); break; default: replaceChar = HTML_ENTITY_REPLACE.charAt(i); } } return replaceChar; } return 0; } private List<Token> translateFormattedTokens(int startPosition, List<Token> formattedTokens, int[] positionMapping, HashMap<Token, Token> translationMap) { int previousLineBreaks = 0; List<Token> result = new ArrayList<Token>(); for (Token token : formattedTokens) { int newStart = Arrays.binarySearch(positionMapping, token.originalStart); while (newStart > 0 && positionMapping[newStart - 1] == token.originalStart) newStart--; int newEnd = Arrays.binarySearch(positionMapping, token.originalEnd); while (newEnd + 1 < positionMapping.length && positionMapping[newEnd + 1] == token.originalEnd) newEnd++; Token translated = new Token(token, newStart + startPosition, newEnd + startPosition, token.tokenType); if (translated.getWrapPolicy() == null) translated.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); if (token.hasNLSTag()) translationMap.put(token, translated); int lineBreaks = Math.max(previousLineBreaks, token.getLineBreaksBefore()); List<Token> structure = token.getInternalStructure(); if (structure != null && !structure.isEmpty()) { if (translationMap == null) translationMap = new HashMap<Token, Token>(); translated.setInternalStructure(translateFormattedTokens(startPosition, structure, positionMapping, translationMap)); } translated.putLineBreaksBefore(lineBreaks); result.add(translated); previousLineBreaks = token.getLineBreaksAfter(); } result.get(result.size() - 1).putLineBreaksAfter(previousLineBreaks); for (Token translated : result) { if (translated.getNLSTag() != null) { Token nlsTagToken = translationMap.get(translated.getNLSTag()); translated.setNLSTag(nlsTagToken); nlsTagToken.setNLSTag(translated); assert translated.getNLSTag() != null; } } return result; } public void finishUp() { if (this.lastFormatOffComment != null) this.tm.addDisableFormatTokenPair(this.lastFormatOffComment, this.tm.get(this.tm.size() - 1)); } }