/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.search.indexing; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ExtraFlags; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ISourceElementRequestor; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ImportReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.search.processing.JobManager; /** * This class is used by the JavaParserIndexer. When parsing the java file, the requestor * recognizes the java elements (methods, fields, ...) and add them to an index. */ public class SourceIndexerRequestor implements ISourceElementRequestor, IIndexConstants { SourceIndexer indexer; char[] packageName = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; char[][] enclosingTypeNames = new char[5][]; int depth = 0; int methodDepth = 0; public SourceIndexerRequestor(SourceIndexer indexer) { this.indexer = indexer; } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptAnnotationTypeReference(char[][], int, int) */ public void acceptAnnotationTypeReference(char[][] typeName, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { int length = typeName.length; for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) acceptUnknownReference(typeName[i], 0); acceptAnnotationTypeReference(typeName[length - 1], 0); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptAnnotationTypeReference(char[], int) */ public void acceptAnnotationTypeReference(char[] simpleTypeName, int sourcePosition) { this.indexer.addAnnotationTypeReference(simpleTypeName); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptConstructorReference(char[], int, int) */ public void acceptConstructorReference(char[] typeName, int argCount, int sourcePosition) { if (CharOperation.indexOf(Signature.C_GENERIC_START, typeName) > 0) { typeName = Signature.toCharArray(Signature.getTypeErasure(Signature.createTypeSignature(typeName, false)).toCharArray()); } this.indexer.addConstructorReference(typeName, argCount); int lastDot = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('.', typeName); if (lastDot != -1) { char[][] qualification = CharOperation.splitOn('.', CharOperation.subarray(typeName, 0, lastDot)); for (int i = 0, length = qualification.length; i < length; i++) { this.indexer.addNameReference(qualification[i]); } } } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptFieldReference(char[], int) */ public void acceptFieldReference(char[] fieldName, int sourcePosition) { this.indexer.addFieldReference(fieldName); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptImport(int, int, char[][], boolean, int) */ public void acceptImport(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, char[][] tokens, boolean onDemand, int modifiers) { // imports have already been reported while creating the ImportRef node (see SourceElementParser#comsume*ImportDeclarationName() methods) } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptLineSeparatorPositions(int[]) */ public void acceptLineSeparatorPositions(int[] positions) { // implements interface method } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptMethodReference(char[], int, int) */ public void acceptMethodReference(char[] methodName, int argCount, int sourcePosition) { this.indexer.addMethodReference(methodName, argCount); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptPackage(ImportReference) */ public void acceptPackage(ImportReference importReference) { this.packageName = CharOperation.concatWith(importReference.getImportName(), '.'); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptProblem(CategorizedProblem) */ public void acceptProblem(CategorizedProblem problem) { // implements interface method } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptTypeReference(char[][], int, int) */ public void acceptTypeReference(char[][] typeName, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { int length = typeName.length; for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) acceptUnknownReference(typeName[i], 0); // ? acceptTypeReference(typeName[length - 1], 0); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptTypeReference(char[], int) */ public void acceptTypeReference(char[] simpleTypeName, int sourcePosition) { this.indexer.addTypeReference(simpleTypeName); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptUnknownReference(char[][], int, int) */ public void acceptUnknownReference(char[][] name, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { acceptUnknownReference(name[i], 0); } } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#acceptUnknownReference(char[], int) */ public void acceptUnknownReference(char[] name, int sourcePosition) { this.indexer.addNameReference(name); } private void addDefaultConstructorIfNecessary(TypeInfo typeInfo) { boolean hasConstructor = false; TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = typeInfo.node; AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methods = typeDeclaration.methods; int methodCounter = methods == null ? 0 : methods.length; done : for (int i = 0; i < methodCounter; i++) { AbstractMethodDeclaration method = methods[i]; if (method.isConstructor() && !method.isDefaultConstructor()) { hasConstructor = true; break done; } } if (!hasConstructor) { this.indexer.addDefaultConstructorDeclaration( typeInfo.name, this.packageName == null ? CharOperation.NO_CHAR : this.packageName, typeInfo.modifiers, getMoreExtraFlags(typeInfo.extraFlags)); } } /* * Rebuild the proper qualification for the current source type: * * java.lang.Object ---> null * java.util.Hashtable$Entry --> [Hashtable] * x.y.A$B$C --> [A, B] */ public char[][] enclosingTypeNames(){ if (this.depth == 0) return null; char[][] qualification = new char[this.depth][]; System.arraycopy(this.enclosingTypeNames, 0, qualification, 0, this.depth); return qualification; } private void enterAnnotationType(TypeInfo typeInfo) { char[][] typeNames; if (this.methodDepth > 0) { typeNames = ONE_ZERO_CHAR; } else { typeNames = enclosingTypeNames(); } this.indexer.addAnnotationTypeDeclaration(typeInfo.modifiers, this.packageName, typeInfo.name, typeNames, typeInfo.secondary); addDefaultConstructorIfNecessary(typeInfo); pushTypeName(typeInfo.name); } private void enterClass(TypeInfo typeInfo) { // eliminate possible qualifications, given they need to be fully resolved again if (typeInfo.superclass != null) { typeInfo.superclass = getSimpleName(typeInfo.superclass); // add implicit constructor reference to default constructor this.indexer.addConstructorReference(typeInfo.superclass, 0); } if (typeInfo.superinterfaces != null){ for (int i = 0, length = typeInfo.superinterfaces.length; i < length; i++) { typeInfo.superinterfaces[i] = getSimpleName(typeInfo.superinterfaces[i]); } } char[][] typeNames; if (this.methodDepth > 0) { // set specific ['0'] value for local and anonymous to be able to filter them typeNames = ONE_ZERO_CHAR; } else { typeNames = enclosingTypeNames(); } char[][] typeParameterSignatures = null; if (typeInfo.typeParameters != null) { int typeParametersLength = typeInfo.typeParameters.length; typeParameterSignatures = new char[typeParametersLength][]; for (int i = 0; i < typeParametersLength; i++) { ISourceElementRequestor.TypeParameterInfo typeParameterInfo = typeInfo.typeParameters[i]; typeParameterSignatures[i] = Signature.createTypeParameterSignature(typeParameterInfo.name, typeParameterInfo.bounds == null ? CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR : typeParameterInfo.bounds); } } this.indexer.addClassDeclaration(typeInfo.modifiers, this.packageName, typeInfo.name, typeNames, typeInfo.superclass, typeInfo.superinterfaces, typeParameterSignatures, typeInfo.secondary); addDefaultConstructorIfNecessary(typeInfo); pushTypeName(typeInfo.name); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#enterCompilationUnit() */ public void enterCompilationUnit() { // implements interface method } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#enterConstructor(ISourceElementRequestor.MethodInfo) */ public void enterConstructor(MethodInfo methodInfo) { int argCount = methodInfo.parameterTypes == null ? 0 : methodInfo.parameterTypes.length; this.indexer.addConstructorDeclaration( methodInfo.name, argCount, null, methodInfo.parameterTypes, methodInfo.parameterNames, methodInfo.modifiers, methodInfo.declaringPackageName, methodInfo.declaringTypeModifiers, methodInfo.exceptionTypes, getMoreExtraFlags(methodInfo.extraFlags)); this.methodDepth++; } private void enterEnum(TypeInfo typeInfo) { // eliminate possible qualifications, given they need to be fully resolved again if (typeInfo.superinterfaces != null){ for (int i = 0, length = typeInfo.superinterfaces.length; i < length; i++){ typeInfo.superinterfaces[i] = getSimpleName(typeInfo.superinterfaces[i]); } } char[][] typeNames; if (this.methodDepth > 0) { typeNames = ONE_ZERO_CHAR; } else { typeNames = enclosingTypeNames(); } char[] superclass = typeInfo.superclass == null ? CharOperation.concatWith(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_ENUM, '.'): typeInfo.superclass; this.indexer.addEnumDeclaration(typeInfo.modifiers, this.packageName, typeInfo.name, typeNames, superclass, typeInfo.superinterfaces, typeInfo.secondary); addDefaultConstructorIfNecessary(typeInfo); pushTypeName(typeInfo.name); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#enterField(ISourceElementRequestor.FieldInfo) */ public void enterField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) { this.indexer.addFieldDeclaration(fieldInfo.type, fieldInfo.name); this.methodDepth++; } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#enterInitializer(int, int) */ public void enterInitializer(int declarationSourceStart, int modifiers) { this.methodDepth++; } private void enterInterface(TypeInfo typeInfo) { // eliminate possible qualifications, given they need to be fully resolved again if (typeInfo.superinterfaces != null){ for (int i = 0, length = typeInfo.superinterfaces.length; i < length; i++){ typeInfo.superinterfaces[i] = getSimpleName(typeInfo.superinterfaces[i]); } } char[][] typeNames; if (this.methodDepth > 0) { typeNames = ONE_ZERO_CHAR; } else { typeNames = enclosingTypeNames(); } char[][] typeParameterSignatures = null; if (typeInfo.typeParameters != null) { int typeParametersLength = typeInfo.typeParameters.length; typeParameterSignatures = new char[typeParametersLength][]; for (int i = 0; i < typeParametersLength; i++) { ISourceElementRequestor.TypeParameterInfo typeParameterInfo = typeInfo.typeParameters[i]; typeParameterSignatures[i] = Signature.createTypeParameterSignature(typeParameterInfo.name, typeParameterInfo.bounds); } } this.indexer.addInterfaceDeclaration(typeInfo.modifiers, this.packageName, typeInfo.name, typeNames, typeInfo.superinterfaces, typeParameterSignatures, typeInfo.secondary); addDefaultConstructorIfNecessary(typeInfo); pushTypeName(typeInfo.name); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#enterMethod(ISourceElementRequestor.MethodInfo) */ public void enterMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo) { this.indexer.addMethodDeclaration(methodInfo.name, methodInfo.parameterTypes, methodInfo.returnType, methodInfo.exceptionTypes); this.methodDepth++; } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#enterType(ISourceElementRequestor.TypeInfo) */ public void enterType(TypeInfo typeInfo) { // TODO (jerome) might want to merge the 4 methods switch (TypeDeclaration.kind(typeInfo.modifiers)) { case TypeDeclaration.CLASS_DECL: enterClass(typeInfo); break; case TypeDeclaration.ANNOTATION_TYPE_DECL: enterAnnotationType(typeInfo); break; case TypeDeclaration.INTERFACE_DECL: enterInterface(typeInfo); break; case TypeDeclaration.ENUM_DECL: enterEnum(typeInfo); break; } } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#exitCompilationUnit(int) */ public void exitCompilationUnit(int declarationEnd) { // implements interface method } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#exitConstructor(int) */ public void exitConstructor(int declarationEnd) { this.methodDepth--; } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#exitField(int, int, int) */ public void exitField(int initializationStart, int declarationEnd, int declarationSourceEnd) { this.methodDepth--; } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#exitInitializer(int) */ public void exitInitializer(int declarationEnd) { this.methodDepth--; } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#exitMethod(int, Expression) */ public void exitMethod(int declarationEnd, Expression defaultValue) { this.methodDepth--; } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor#exitType(int) */ public void exitType(int declarationEnd) { popTypeName(); } /* * Returns the unqualified name without parameters from the given type name. */ private char[] getSimpleName(char[] typeName) { int lastDot = -1, lastGenericStart = -1; int depthCount = 0; int length = typeName.length; lastDotLookup: for (int i = length -1; i >= 0; i--) { switch (typeName[i]) { case '.': if (depthCount == 0) { lastDot = i; break lastDotLookup; } break; case '<': depthCount--; if (depthCount == 0) lastGenericStart = i; break; case '>': depthCount++; break; } } if (lastGenericStart < 0) { if (lastDot < 0) { return typeName; } return CharOperation.subarray(typeName, lastDot + 1, length); } return CharOperation.subarray(typeName, lastDot + 1, lastGenericStart); } private int getMoreExtraFlags(int extraFlags) { if (this.methodDepth > 0) { extraFlags |= ExtraFlags.IsLocalType; } return extraFlags; } public void popTypeName() { if (this.depth > 0) { this.enclosingTypeNames[--this.depth] = null; } else if (JobManager.VERBOSE) { // dump a trace so it can be tracked down try { this.enclosingTypeNames[-1] = null; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void pushTypeName(char[] typeName) { if (this.depth == this.enclosingTypeNames.length) System.arraycopy(this.enclosingTypeNames, 0, this.enclosingTypeNames = new char[this.depth*2][], 0, this.depth); this.enclosingTypeNames[this.depth++] = typeName; } }