/* * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.eclipse.jdt.core.groovy.tests.builder; import static org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.util.GroovyUtils.isAtLeastGroovy; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue; import java.io.File; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.FieldNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.GenericsType; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.MethodNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Parameter; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.PropertyNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ConstructorCallExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.Expression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ReturnStatement; import org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.VMPluginFactory; import org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.internal.compiler.ast.JDTClassNode; import org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.internal.compiler.ast.JDTResolver; import org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.model.GroovyCompilationUnit; import org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.model.ModuleNodeMapper.ModuleNodeInfo; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.builder.Problem; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.util.GroovyUtils; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.util.Util; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.CompilerUtils; import org.eclipse.jdt.groovy.search.VariableScope; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.AbstractImageBuilder; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.osgi.framework.Version; /** * Basic tests for the builder - compiling and running some very simple java and groovy code */ public final class BasicGroovyBuildTests extends BuilderTestSuite { @After public void tearDown() { JDTResolver.recordInstances = false; } private static MethodNode getMethodNode(ClassNode jcn, String selector, int paramCount) { List<MethodNode> mns = jcn.getDeclaredMethods(selector); for (MethodNode mn : mns) { if (mn.getParameters().length == paramCount) { return mn; } } return null; } private static void compareMethodNodes(MethodNode jmn, MethodNode mn) { System.out.println("\n\n\nComparing method nodes jmn=" + jmn + " mn=" + mn); System.out.println("Comparing return types"); compareClassNodes(jmn.getReturnType(), mn.getReturnType(), 1); compareParameterArrays(jmn.getParameters(), mn.getParameters(), 1); } private static void compareParameterArrays(Parameter[] jps, Parameter[] ps, int d) { if (ps == null) { if (jps != null) { fail("Expected null parameters but was " + Arrays.toString(jps)); } } else { if (ps.length != jps.length) { fail("Expected same number of parameters, should be " + Arrays.toString(ps) + " but was " + Arrays.toString(jps)); } for (int p = 0; p < ps.length; p++) { System.out.println("Comparing parameters jp=" + jps[p] + " p=" + ps[p]); compareParameters(jps[p], ps[p], d + 1); } } } private static void compareParameters(Parameter jp, Parameter p,int d) { compareClassNodes(jp.getType(),p.getType(),d+1); } // check whether these are identical (in everything except name!) private static void compareClassNodes(ClassNode jcn, ClassNode cn, int d) { System.out.println("Comparing ClassNodes\njcn=" + jcn.toString() + "\n cn=" + cn.toString()); assertEquals(cn.isGenericsPlaceHolder(), jcn.isGenericsPlaceHolder()); // Check GenericsType info GenericsType[] gt_cn = cn.getGenericsTypes(); GenericsType[] gt_jcn = jcn.getGenericsTypes(); if (gt_cn == null) { if (gt_jcn != null) { fail("Should have been null but was " + Arrays.toString(gt_jcn)); } } else { if (gt_jcn == null) { fail("Did not expect genericstypes to be null, should be " + Arrays.toString(gt_cn)); } assertNotNull(gt_jcn); assertEquals(gt_cn.length, gt_jcn.length); for (int i = 0; i < gt_cn.length; i++) { System.out.println("Comparing generics types information, index #" + i); compareGenericsTypes(gt_jcn[i], gt_cn[i], d + 1); } } } private static void compareGenericsTypes(GenericsType jgt, GenericsType gt, int d) { // assertEquals(jgt.getText(),gt.getText()); assertEquals(jgt.getName(), gt.getName()); assertEquals(jgt.isPlaceholder(), gt.isPlaceholder()); assertEquals(jgt.isResolved(), gt.isResolved()); assertEquals(jgt.isWildcard(), gt.isWildcard()); compareType(jgt.getType(), gt.getType(), d + 1); compareUpperBounds(jgt.getUpperBounds(), gt.getUpperBounds(), d + 1); compareLowerBound(jgt.getLowerBound(), gt.getLowerBound(), d + 1); } private static void compareType(ClassNode jcn, ClassNode cn, int d) { System.out.println("Compare type of GenericsType: jcn=" + jcn + " cn=" + cn); compareClassNodes(jcn, cn, d + 1); } private static void compareUpperBounds(ClassNode[] jcnlist, ClassNode[] cnlist, int d) { System.out.println("Comparing upper bounds: jcn=" + Arrays.toString(jcnlist) + " cn=" + Arrays.toString(cnlist)); if (cnlist == null) { if (jcnlist != null) { fail("Should be null but is " + Arrays.toString(jcnlist)); } } else { if (jcnlist == null) { fail("Array not expected to be null, should be " + Arrays.toString(cnlist)); } assertEquals(cnlist.length, cnlist.length); for (int i = 0; i < cnlist.length; i++) { compareClassNodes(jcnlist[i].redirect(), cnlist[i].redirect(), d + 1); } } } private static void compareLowerBound(ClassNode jcn, ClassNode cn, int d) { System.out.println("Comparing lower bound"); if (jcn == null) { assertNull(cn); } else { assertNotNull(cn); compareClassNodes(jcn.redirect(), cn.redirect(), d + 1); } } private static String toTask(String tasktag, String message) { return tasktag + message; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Testing that the classpath computation works for multi dependent * projects. This classpath will be used for the ast transform loader. */ @Test public void testMultiProjectDependenciesAndAstTransformClasspath() throws Exception { // Construct ProjectA IPath projectAPath = env.addProject("ProjectA"); env.addExternalJars(projectAPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); fullBuild(projectAPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectAPath, ""); IPath rootA = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectAPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectAPath, "bin"); env.addClass(rootA, "p1", "Hello", "package p1;\n" + "public class Hello {\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " System.out.println(\"Hello world\");\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); // Construct ProjectB IPath projectBPath = env.addProject("ProjectB"); env.addExternalJars(projectBPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); fullBuild(projectBPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectBPath, ""); IPath rootB = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectBPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectBPath, "bin"); env.addClass(rootB, "p1", "Hello", "package p1;\n" + "public class Hello {\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " System.out.println(\"Hello world\");\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); env.addRequiredProject(projectBPath, projectAPath, new IPath[] {}/* include all */, new IPath[] {}/* exclude none */, true); // Construct ProjectC IPath projectCPath = env.addProject("ProjectC"); env.addExternalJars(projectCPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); fullBuild(projectCPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectCPath, ""); IPath rootC = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectCPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectCPath, "bin"); env.addClass(rootC, "p1", "Hello", "package p1;\n" + "public class Hello {\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " System.out.println(\"Hello world\");\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); env.addRequiredProject(projectCPath, projectBPath, new IPath[] {}/* include all */, new IPath[] {}/* exclude none */, true); // Construct ProjectD IPath projectDPath = env.addProject("ProjectD"); env.addExternalJars(projectDPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); fullBuild(projectDPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectDPath, ""); IPath rootD = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectDPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectDPath, "bin"); env.addClass(rootD, "p1", "Hello", "package p1;\n" + "public class Hello {\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " System.out.println(\"Hello world\");\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); env.addRequiredProject(projectDPath, projectCPath, new IPath[] {}/* include all */, new IPath[] {}/* exclude none */, true); // incrementalBuild(projectAPath); // expectingCompiledClasses("p1.Hello"); // expectingNoProblems(); // executeClass(projectAPath, "p1.Hello", "Hello world", ""); incrementalBuild(projectDPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p1.Hello"); expectingNoProblems(); // executeClass(projectDPath, "p1.Hello", "Hello world", ""); String classpathForProjectD = CompilerUtils.calculateClasspath(env.getJavaProject(projectDPath)); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(classpathForProjectD, File.pathSeparator); // look at how project A and B manifest in this classpath boolean foundAndCheckedA = false; boolean foundAndCheckedB = false; boolean foundAndCheckedC = false; while (st.hasMoreElements()) { String pathElement = st.nextToken(); // ProjectA is on ProjectDs classpath indirectly. It is on ProjectBs // classpath and re-exported if (pathElement.indexOf("ProjectA") != -1) { // System.out.println("ProjectA element is ["+pathElement+"]"); if (pathElement.indexOf("ProjectA") == 1) { fail("Path element looks incorrect. Path for ProjectA should be an absolute location, not [" + pathElement + "]"); } if (!pathElement.endsWith("bin")) { fail("Expected pathelement to end with the output folder 'bin', but it did not: [" + pathElement + "]"); } foundAndCheckedA = true; } // ProjectB is on ProjectDs classpath indirectly. It is on ProjectCs // classpath and re-exported if (pathElement.indexOf("ProjectB") != -1) { System.out.println("ProjectB element is [" + pathElement + "]"); if (pathElement.indexOf("ProjectB") == 1) { fail("Path element looks incorrect. Path for ProjectB should be an absolute location, not [" + pathElement + "]"); } if (!pathElement.endsWith("bin")) { fail("Expected pathelement to end with the output folder 'bin', but it did not: [" + pathElement + "]"); } foundAndCheckedB = true; } // ProjectB is directly on ProjectCs classpath if (pathElement.indexOf("ProjectC") != -1) { System.out.println("ProjectC element is [" + pathElement + "]"); if (pathElement.indexOf("ProjectC") == 1) { fail("Path element looks incorrect. Path for ProjectC should be an absolute location, not [" + pathElement + "]"); } if (!pathElement.endsWith("bin")) { fail("Expected pathelement to end with the output folder 'bin', but it did not: [" + pathElement + "]"); } foundAndCheckedC = true; } } if (!foundAndCheckedC) { fail("Unable to check entry for ProjectC in the classpath, didn't find it:\n" + classpathForProjectD); } if (!foundAndCheckedB) { fail("Unable to check entry for ProjectB in the classpath, didn't find it:\n" + classpathForProjectD); } if (!foundAndCheckedA) { fail("Unable to check entry for ProjectA in the classpath, didn't find it:\n" + classpathForProjectD); } // System.out.println(">>"+classpathForProjectD); } @Test public void testBuildJavaHelloWorld() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "p1", "Hello", "package p1;\n" + "public class Hello {\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " System.out.println(\"Hello world\");\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p1.Hello"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "p1.Hello", "Hello world", ""); } @Test public void testGenericsDefaultParams_1717() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "p1", "Demo", "package p1;\n" + "public class Demo {\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " SomeGroovyHelper.doit(String.class,null);\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p1", "SomeGroovyHelper", "package p1;\n" + "class SomeGroovyHelper {\n" + " static <T> List<T> doit(Class<T> factoryClass, ClassLoader classLoader = SomeGroovyHelper.class.classLoader) {\n" + " null\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p1.Demo","p1.SomeGroovyHelper"); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void testNPEAnno_1398() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project", "1.5"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "", "Anno", "public @interface Anno {\n" + " String[] value();\n" + "}"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Const", "public class Const {\n" + " public static final String instance= \"abc\";\n" + "}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("Anno", "Const"); expectingNoProblems(); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "A", "@Anno(Const.instance)\n" + "class A {}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("A"); } @Test @Ignore public void testCompileStatic_1505() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project","1.6"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); JDTResolver.recordInstances = true; env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Foo", "import groovy.transform.CompileStatic\n"+ "@CompileStatic\n"+ "void method(String message) {\n"+ " Collection<Integer> cs;\n"+ // " List<Integer> ls = new ArrayList<Integer>();\n"+ // " ls.add(123);\n"+ // " ls.add('abc');\n"+ // GRECLIPSE-1511 code " List<String> second = []\n"+ " List<String> artefactResources2\n"+ " second.addAll(artefactResources2)\n"+ "}\n" // "interface List2<E> extends Collection<E> {\n"+ // " boolean add(E e);\n" + // "}" ); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // expectingCompiledClasses("Foo","List2"); expectingNoProblems(); // Now compare the generics structure for List (built by jdtresolver mapping into groovy) against List2 (built by groovy) // Access the jdtresolver bits and pieces JDTClassNode jcn = JDTResolver.getCachedNode("java.util.Collection<E>"); assertNotNull(jcn); System.out.println("JDT ClassNode="+jcn); // JDTClassNode jcn2 = jdtr.getCachedNode("List2"); // System.out.println(jcn2); ClassNode listcn = new ClassNode(java.util.Collection.class); VMPluginFactory.getPlugin().setAdditionalClassInformation(listcn); listcn.lazyClassInit(); System.out.println("Groovy ClassNode="+listcn); // IJavaProject ijp = env.getJavaProject("Project"); // GroovyCompilationUnit unit = (GroovyCompilationUnit) ijp.findType("Foo") // .getCompilationUnit(); // now find the class reference // ClassNode cn = unit.getModuleNode().getClasses().get(1); // System.out.println(cn); // Compare java.util.List from JDTClassNode and List2 from groovy compareClassNodes(jcn.redirect(),listcn.redirect(),0); MethodNode jmn = getMethodNode(jcn,"add",1); // boolean add(E) MethodNode rmn = getMethodNode(listcn,"add",1); compareMethodNodes(jmn,rmn); jmn = getMethodNode(jcn,"addAll",1); rmn = getMethodNode(listcn,"addAll",1); compareMethodNodes(jmn,rmn); // Want to compare type information in the // env.addClass(root, "", "Client", "public class Client {\n" // + " { new Outer.Inner(); }\n" + "}\n"); // incrementalBuild(projectPath); // expectingNoProblems(); // expectingCompiledClasses("Client"); } @Test @Ignore public void testCompileStatic_1506() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project","1.6"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); JDTResolver.recordInstances = true; env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Foo", "import groovy.transform.CompileStatic\n"+ "@CompileStatic\n"+ "void method(String message) {\n"+ " Collection<Integer> cs;\n"+ // " List<Integer> ls = new ArrayList<Integer>();\n"+ // " ls.add(123);\n"+ // " ls.add('abc');\n"+ // GRECLIPSE-1511 code " List<String> second = []\n"+ " List<String> artefactResources2\n"+ " second.addAll(artefactResources2)\n"+ "}\n"+ "interface ListOfFile extends ArrayList<File> {\n"+ "}" ); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // expectingCompiledClasses("Foo","List2"); expectingNoProblems(); // Now compare the generics structure for List (built by jdtresolver mapping into groovy) against List2 (built by groovy) // Access the jdtresolver bits and pieces JDTClassNode jcn = JDTResolver.getCachedNode("ListOfFile"); assertNotNull(jcn); System.out.println("JDT ClassNode="+jcn); // JDTClassNode jcn2 = jdtr.getCachedNode("List2"); // System.out.println(jcn2); // List<File> C = new ArrayList<File>(); ClassNode listcn = new ClassNode(java.util.Collection.class); VMPluginFactory.getPlugin().setAdditionalClassInformation(listcn); listcn.lazyClassInit(); System.out.println("Groovy ClassNode="+listcn); // IJavaProject ijp = env.getJavaProject("Project"); // GroovyCompilationUnit unit = (GroovyCompilationUnit) ijp.findType("Foo") // .getCompilationUnit(); // now find the class reference // ClassNode cn = unit.getModuleNode().getClasses().get(1); // System.out.println(cn); // Compare java.util.List from JDTClassNode and List2 from groovy compareClassNodes(jcn.redirect(),listcn.redirect(),0); MethodNode jmn = getMethodNode(jcn,"add",1); // boolean add(E) MethodNode rmn = getMethodNode(listcn,"add",1); compareMethodNodes(jmn,rmn); jmn = getMethodNode(jcn,"addAll",1); rmn = getMethodNode(listcn,"addAll",1); compareMethodNodes(jmn,rmn); // Want to compare type information in the // env.addClass(root, "", "Client", "public class Client {\n" // + " { new Outer.Inner(); }\n" + "}\n"); // incrementalBuild(projectPath); // expectingNoProblems(); // expectingCompiledClasses("Client"); } @Test public void testCompileStatic_ArrayArray() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project","1.6"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); JDTResolver.recordInstances = true; env.addClass(root, "", "ISourceRange", "class ISourceRange {}"); env.addClass(root, "", "TypeNameMatch", "class TypeNameMatch {}"); env.addClass(root, "", "IChooseImportQuery", "interface IChooseImportQuery {\n"+ " TypeNameMatch[] chooseImports(TypeNameMatch[][] matches, ISourceRange[] range);\n"+ "}" ); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "NoChoiceQuery", "class NoChoiceQuery implements IChooseImportQuery {\n"+ " public TypeNameMatch[] chooseImports(TypeNameMatch[][] matches, ISourceRange[] range) {\n"+ " throw new Exception(\"Should not have a choice, but found $matches[0][0] and $matches[0][1]\")\n"+ " return []\n"+ " }\n"+ "}" ); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("IChooseImportQuery","ISourceRange","NoChoiceQuery","TypeNameMatch"); } @Test public void testCompileStatic_FileAddAll() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project","1.6"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); JDTResolver.recordInstances = true; env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Foo", "import groovy.transform.CompileStatic\n"+ "@CompileStatic\n"+ "class Foo {\n"+ "List<String> jvmArgs = new ArrayList<String>();\n"+ " void method(String message) {\n"+ " List<String> cmd = ['java'];\n"+ " cmd.addAll(jvmArgs);\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n" ); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("Foo"); // Now compare the generics structure for List (built by jdtresolver mapping into groovy) against List2 (built by groovy) } @Test public void testCompileStatic_ListFileArgIteratedOver() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project","1.6"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); JDTResolver.recordInstances = true; env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Foo", "import groovy.transform.CompileStatic\n"+ "class Foo {\n"+ "@CompileStatic\n"+ "private populateSourceDirectories() {\n"+ " List<File> pluginDependencies\n"+ " for (zip in pluginDependencies) {\n"+ " registerPluginZipWithScope(zip);\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"+ "private void registerPluginZipWithScope(File pluginzip) {}\n"+ "}\n" ); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("Foo"); // Now compare the generics structure for List (built by jdtresolver mapping into groovy) against List2 (built by groovy) } @Test public void testCompileStatic_IterableParameter() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project","1.6"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); JDTResolver.recordInstances = true; env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Foo", "import groovy.transform.CompileStatic\n"+ "@CompileStatic\n"+ "class Foo {\n"+ "private populateSourceDirectories() {\n"+ " List<File> pluginDependencies\n"+ " foo(pluginDependencies);\n"+ "}\n"+ "private void foo(Iterable<File> iterable) {}\n"+ "}\n" ); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("Foo"); // Now compare the generics structure for List (built by jdtresolver mapping into groovy) against List2 (built by groovy) } @Test public void testCompileStatic_BuildSettings() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project","1.6"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); JDTResolver.recordInstances = true; env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "BuildSettings", "import groovy.transform.CompileStatic\n"+ "\n"+ "class BuildSettings {\n"+ "\n"+ " List<File> compileDependencies = []\n"+ " List<File> defaultCompileDependencies = []\n"+ "\n"+ " @CompileStatic\n"+ " void getCompileDependencies() {\n"+ " compileDependencies += defaultCompileDependencies\n"+ " }\n"+ "\n"+ "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("BuildSettings"); // Now compare the generics structure for List (built by jdtresolver mapping into groovy) against List2 (built by groovy) } @Test public void testInners_983() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Outer", "class Outer {\n" + " static class Inner {}\n" + "}\n"); env.addClass(root, "", "Client", "public class Client {\n" + " { new Outer.Inner(); }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("Client", "Outer", "Outer$Inner"); expectingNoProblems(); env.addClass(root, "", "Client", "public class Client {\n" + " { new Outer.Inner(); }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("Client"); } @Test public void testCompileStatic() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Outer", "import groovy.transform.CompileStatic;\n" + "@CompileStatic \n" + "int fact(int n) {\n" + " if (n==1) {return 1;\n" + " } else {return n+fact(n-1);}\n" + "}\n"); // env.addClass(root, "", "Client", // "public class Client {\n"+ // " { new Outer.Inner(); }\n"+ // "}\n" // ); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("Outer"); expectingNoProblems(); // env.addClass(root, "", "Client", "public class Client {\n" // + " { new Outer.Inner(); }\n" + "}\n"); // incrementalBuild(projectPath); // expectingNoProblems(); // expectingCompiledClasses("Client"); } @Test // verify generics are correct for the 'Closure<?>' as CompileStatic will attempt an exact match public void testCompileStatic2() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "A", "class A {\n"+ " public void profile(String name, groovy.lang.Closure<?> callable) { }\n"+ "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("A"); expectingNoProblems(); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "B", "@groovy.transform.CompileStatic\n"+ "class B extends A {\n"+ "\n"+ " def foo() {\n"+ " profile(\"creating plugin manager with classes\") {\n"+ " System.out.println('abc');\n"+ " }\n"+ " }\n"+ "\n"+ "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("B","B$_foo_closure1"); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void testCompileStatic3() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Foo", "class Foo {\n"+ " @groovy.transform.CompileStatic\n"+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n"+ " ((GroovyObject)new Foo());\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("Foo"); } @Test public void testCompileStatic_MapEachClosure() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(20)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Demo", "@groovy.transform.CompileStatic\n"+ "class Demo {\n"+ " void doit() {\n" + " def c = {\n" + " Map<String, String> data = [:]\n" + " Map<String, Set<String>> otherData = [:]\n" + " data.each { String k, String v ->\n" + " def foo = otherData.get(k)\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void test1167() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project", "1.5"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass( root, "brooklyn.event.adapter", "HttpSensorAdapter", "package brooklyn.event.adapter\n" + "\n" + "public class HttpSensorAdapter {}\n" + "\n" + "public class Foo implements ValueProvider<String> {\n" + "public String compute() {\n" + " return null\n" + "}\n" + "}"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "brooklyn.event.adapter", "ValueProvider", "package brooklyn.event.adapter\n" + "\n" + "public interface ValueProvider<T> {\n" + " public T compute();\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("brooklyn.event.adapter.Foo", "brooklyn.event.adapter.HttpSensorAdapter", "brooklyn.event.adapter.ValueProvider"); expectingNoProblems(); env.addGroovyClass( root, "brooklyn.event.adapter", "HttpSensorAdapter", "package brooklyn.event.adapter\n" + "\n" + "public class HttpSensorAdapter {}\n" + "\n" + "public class Foo implements ValueProvider<String> {\n" + "public String compute() {\n" + " return null\n" + "}\n" + "}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("brooklyn.event.adapter.Foo", "brooklyn.event.adapter.HttpSensorAdapter"); } @Test @Ignore public void testScriptSupport() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); // The fact that this is 'scripts' should cause us to suppress the .class file IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "scripts"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p1", "Hello", "package p1;\n" + "public class Hello {\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " System.out.println('Hello world')\n" + " }\n" + "}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses(""); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void testTypeDuplication_GRE796_1() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "Foo", "package p;\n" + "class Foo{}\n"); IPath root2 = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src2"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToSecond = env.addGroovyClass(root2, "p", "Foo", "package p;\n" + "class Foo {}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); Problem[] probs = env.getProblemsFor(pathToSecond); boolean p1found = false; boolean p2found = false; for (int i = 0; i < probs.length; i++) { if (probs[i].getMessage().equals("The type Foo is already defined")) { p1found = true; } if (probs[i].getMessage().startsWith( "Groovy:Invalid duplicate class definition of class p.Foo")) { p2found = true; } } if (!p1found) { printProblemsFor(pathToSecond); fail("Didn't get expected message 'The type Foo is already defined'\n"); } if (!p2found) { printProblemsFor(pathToSecond); fail("Didn't get expected message 'Groovy:Invalid duplicate class definition of class p.Foo'\n"); } } @Test public void testTypeDuplication_GRE796_2() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "Foo", "package p;\n" + "class Foo {}\n"); IPath root2 = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src2"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToSecond = env.addGroovyClass(root2, "p", "Foo", "package p;\n" + "class Foo {}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); Problem[] probs = env.getProblemsFor(pathToSecond); boolean p1found = false; boolean p2found = false; for (int i = 0; i < probs.length; i++) { if (probs[i].getMessage().equals("The type Foo is already defined")) { p1found = true; } if (probs[i].getMessage().startsWith( "Groovy:Invalid duplicate class definition of class p.Foo")) { p2found = true; } } if (!p1found) { printProblemsFor(pathToSecond); fail("Didn't get expected message 'The type Foo is already defined'\n"); } if (!p2found) { printProblemsFor(pathToSecond); fail("Didn't get expected message 'Groovy:Invalid duplicate class definition of class p.Foo'\n"); } } @Test // script has no package statement public void testClashingPackageAndType_1214() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath cuPath = env.addClass(root, "com.acme", "Foo", "package com.acme;\n" + "public class Foo {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "com.acme.Foo", "xyz", "print 'abc'"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingSpecificProblemFor(cuPath, new Problem("", "The type Foo collides with a package", cuPath, 31, 34, CategorizedProblem.CAT_TYPE, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING)); expectingCompiledClasses("com.acme.Foo", "xyz"); executeClass(projectPath, "xyz", "abc", null); } @Test public void testSlowAnotherAttempt_GRE870() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "Helper1", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class Helper1 {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "Helper2", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class Helper2 {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "Helper3", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class Helper3 {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "Helper4", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class Helper4 {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "Helper5", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class Helper5 {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "Helper6", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class Helper6 {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "Helper7", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class Helper7 {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "Helper8", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class Helper8 {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "Helper9", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class Helper9 {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "HelperBase", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class HelperBase {\n" + " static final String TYPE = 'test'\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "SomeHelper", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "class SomeHelper extends HelperBase {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "a.b.c.d.e.f", "SomeTests", "package a.b.c.d.e.f\n" + "\n" + "import static a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper1.*\n" + "import static a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper2.*\n" + "import static a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper3.*\n" + "import static a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper4.*\n" + "import static a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper5.*\n" + "import static a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper6.*\n" + "import static a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper7.*\n" + "import static a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper8.*\n" + "import static a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper9.*\n" + "\n" + "import static a.b.c.d.e.f.SomeHelper.*\n" + "\n" + "class SomeTests {\n" + "\n" + " public void test1() {\n" + " def details = [:]\n" + "\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test' \n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert 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details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test' \n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " assert details[TYPE] == 'test'\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); // TODO how to create a reliable timed test? This should take about // 2-3seconds, not > 10 - at least on my machine ;) env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // lots of errors on the missing static imports expectingCompiledClasses("a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper1,a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper2,a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper3,a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper4,a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper5,a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper6,a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper7,a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper8,a.b.c.d.e.f.Helper9,a.b.c.d.e.f.HelperBase,a.b.c.d.e.f.SomeHelper,a.b.c.d.e.f.SomeTests"); } @Test public void testSlow_GRE870() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Test1", "import static some.Class0.*;\n" + "import static some.Class1.*;\n" + "import static some.Class2.*;\n" + "import static some.Class3.*;\n" + "import static some.Class4.*;\n" + "import static some.Class5.*;\n" + "import static some.Class6.*;\n" + "import static some.Class7.*;\n" + "import static some.Class8.*;\n" + "import static some.Class9.*;\n" + "import static some.Class10.*;\n" + "\n" + "class Test1 {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "some", "Foo", "\n" + "class Foo {}\n"); // TODO could guard on this test requiring execution in less than // 2mins... env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // lots of errors on the missing static imports expectingCompiledClasses("Foo", "Test1"); } @Test public void testReallySlow_GRE870() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Test1", "import static some.Class0.*;\n" + "import static some.Class1.*;\n" + "import static some.Class2.*;\n" + "import static some.Class3.*;\n" + "import static some.Class4.*;\n" + "import static some.Class5.*;\n" + "import static some.Class6.*;\n" + "import static some.Class7.*;\n" + "import static some.Class8.*;\n" + "import static some.Class9.*;\n" + "import static some.Class10.*;\n" + "import static some.Class11.*;\n" + "import static some.Class12.*;\n" + "import static some.Class13.*;\n" + "import static some.Class14.*;\n" + "import static some.Class15.*;\n" + "import static some.Class16.*;\n" + "import static some.Class17.*;\n" + "import static some.Class18.*;\n" + "import static some.Class19.*;\n" + "import static some.Class20.*;\n" + "import static some.Class21.*;\n" + "import static some.Class22.*;\n" + "import static some.Class23.*;\n" + "import static some.Class24.*;\n" + "import static some.Class25.*;\n" + "import static some.Class26.*;\n" + "import static some.Class27.*;\n" + "import static some.Class28.*;\n" + "import static some.Class29.*;\n" + "import static some.Class30.*;\n" + "import static some.Class31.*;\n" + "import static some.Class32.*;\n" + "import static some.Class33.*;\n" + "import static some.Class34.*;\n" + "import static some.Class35.*;\n" + "import static some.Class36.*;\n" + "import static some.Class37.*;\n" + "import static some.Class38.*;\n" + "import static some.Class39.*;\n" + "import static some.Class40.*;\n" + "import static some.Class41.*;\n" + "import static some.Class42.*;\n" + "import static some.Class43.*;\n" + "import static some.Class44.*;\n" + "import static some.Class45.*;\n" + "import static some.Class46.*;\n" + "import static some.Class47.*;\n" + "import static some.Class48.*;\n" + "import static some.Class49.*;\n" + "import static some.Class50.*;\n" + "\n" + "class Test1 {}\n" ); // TODO could guard on this test requiring execution in less than // 2mins... env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // lots of errors on the missing static imports expectingCompiledClasses("Test1"); } @Test public void testClosureBasics() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Coroutine", "def iterate(n, closure) {\n" + " 1.upto(n) {\n" + " closure(it);\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "iterate (3) {\n" + " print it*2\n" + "}\n"); // three classes created for that: // GroovyClass(name=Coroutine bytes=6372), // GroovyClass(name=Coroutine$_run_closure1 bytes=2875), // GroovyClass(name=Coroutine$_iterate_closure2 bytes=3178) incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("Coroutine", "Coroutine$_run_closure1", "Coroutine$_iterate_closure2"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Coroutine", "246", ""); } @Test public void testPackageNames_GRE342_1() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); // q.X declared in p.X IPath path = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "X", "package q\n" + "class X {}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingSpecificProblemFor(path, new Problem("p/X", "The declared package \"q\" does not match the expected package \"p\"", path, 8, 9, 60, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } @Test public void testPackageNames_GRE342_2() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); // q.X declared in p.X IPath path = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p.q.r", "X", "package p.s.r.q\n" + "class X {}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingSpecificProblemFor(path, new Problem("p/q/r/X", "The declared package \"p.s.r.q\" does not match the expected package \"p.q.r\"", path, 8, 15, 60, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } @Test public void testPackageNames_GRE342_3() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); // in p.q.r.X but has no package decl - should be OK env.addGroovyClass(root, "p.q.r", "X", "print 'abc'"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "X", "abc", ""); } @Test public void testAnnotationCollectorMultiProject() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(21)); assumeTrue(JavaCore.getPlugin().getBundle().getVersion().compareTo(new Version("3.9.50")) >= 0); // Construct 'annotation' project that defines annotation using 'AnnotationsCollector' IPath annotationProject = env.addProject("annotation"); env.addExternalJars(annotationProject, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(annotationProject); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(annotationProject, ""); IPath annotationRoot = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(annotationProject, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(annotationProject, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(annotationRoot, "com.demo", "MyAnnotation", "package com.demo\r\n" + "\r\n" + "@groovy.transform.AnnotationCollector\r\n" + "@Deprecated\r\n" + "@interface MyAnnotation {}\r\n" ); // Construct 'app' project that uses the annotation IPath appProject = env.addProject("app"); env.addExternalJars(appProject, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(appProject); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(appProject, ""); env.addRequiredProject(appProject, annotationProject); IPath appRoot = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(appProject, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(appProject, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(appRoot, "com.demo", "Widget", "package com.demo\r\n" + "\r\n" + "@MyAnnotation\r\n" + "class Widget {}\r\n" ); fullBuild(); expectingCompiledClasses("com.demo.MyAnnotation", "com.demo.Widget"); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void testAnnotationCollectorIncremental() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(21)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "NotNull", "import java.lang.annotation.*;\n"+ "@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface NotNull {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Length", "import java.lang.annotation.*;\n"+ "@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface Length {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "ISBN", "import java.lang.annotation.*;\n"+ "@NotNull @Length @groovy.transform.AnnotationCollector @interface ISBN {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Book", "import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;\n"+ "import java.lang.reflect.Field;\n"+ "\n"+ " class Book {\n"+ " @ISBN\n"+ " String isbn;\n"+ " \n"+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n"+ " Field f = Book.class.getDeclaredField(\"isbn\");\n"+ " for (Annotation a: f.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {\n"+ " System.out.println(a);\n"+ " } \n"+ " }\n"+ " }\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("Book","Length","NotNull","ISBN"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Book", "@NotNull()\n@Length()\n", ""); // whitespace change env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Book", "import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;\n"+ "import java.lang.reflect.Field;\n"+ "\n"+ " class Book { \n"+ " @ISBN\n"+ " String isbn;\n"+ " \n"+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n"+ " Field f = Book.class.getDeclaredField(\"isbn\");\n"+ " for (Annotation a: f.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {\n"+ " System.out.println(a);\n"+ " } \n"+ " }\n"+ " }\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("Book"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Book", "@NotNull()\n@Length()\n", ""); } @Test public void testClosureIncremental() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "", "Launch", "public class Launch {\n" + " public static void main(String[]argv) {\n" + " Runner.run(3);\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Runner", "def static run(int n) { \n" + " OtherGroovy.iterate (4) {\n" + " print it*2\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); // FIXASC this variant of the above seemed to crash groovy: // "def run(n) \n"+ // " OtherGroovy.iterate (3) {\n"+ // " print it*2\n"+ // " }\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "pkg", "OtherGroovy", "def static iterate(Integer n, closure) {\n" + " 1.upto(n) {\n" + " closure(it);\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("OtherGroovy", "OtherGroovy$_iterate_closure1", "Runner", "Runner$_run_closure1", "Launch"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Launch", "2468", ""); // modify the body of the closure env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Runner", "def static run(int n) { \n" + " OtherGroovy.iterate (4) {\n" + " print it\n" + // change // here " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("Runner", "Runner$_run_closure1"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Launch", "1234", ""); // modify how the closure is called env.addGroovyClass(root, "pkg", "OtherGroovy", "def static iterate(Integer n, closure) {\n" + " 1.upto(n*2) {\n" + // change here " closure(it);\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("OtherGroovy", "OtherGroovy$_iterate_closure1"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Launch", "12345678", ""); // change the iterate method signature from Integer to int - should // trigger build of Runner env.addGroovyClass(root, "pkg", "OtherGroovy", "def static iterate(int n, closure) {\n" + " 1.upto(n*2) {\n" + // change // here " closure(it);\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("OtherGroovy", "OtherGroovy$_iterate_closure1", "Runner", "Runner$_run_closure1"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Launch", "12345678", ""); } /** Verify the processing in ASTTransformationCollectorCodeVisitor - to check it finds everything it expects. */ @Test public void testSpock_GRE558() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); env.addJar(projectPath, "lib/junit-4.12.jar"); env.addJar(projectPath, "lib/spock-core-0.4-groovy-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar"); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass( root, "", "MyTest", "import org.junit.runner.RunWith\n" + "import spock.lang.Specification \n" + "import spock.lang.Sputnik;\n" + "\n" + "@RunWith(Sputnik)\n" + "class MyTest extends Specification {\n" + "//deleting extends Specification is sufficient to remove all 3 errors,\n" + "//necessary to remove model.SpecMetadata\n" + "\n" + "def aField; //delete line to remove the model.FieldMetadata error.\n" + "\n" + "def noSuchLuck() { expect: //delete line to remove model.FeatureMetadata error. \n" + " println hello }\n" + "public static void main(String[] argv) { print 'success';}\n" + "}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("MyTest"); executeClass(projectPath, "MyTest", "success", null); } /** * Testing that the transform occurs on an incremental change. The key thing * being looked at here is that the incremental change is not directly to a * transformed file but to a file referenced from a transformed file. */ @Test public void testSpock_GRE605_1() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); env.addJar(projectPath, "lib/junit-4.12.jar"); env.addJar(projectPath, "lib/spock-core-0.4-groovy-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar"); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "FoobarSpec", "import spock.lang.Specification\n" + "\n" + "class FoobarSpec extends Specification {\n" + " \n" + " Foobar barbar\n" + " \n" + " def example() {\n" + " when: \n" + " def foobar = new Foobar()\n" + " \n" + " then:\n" + " foobar.baz == 42\n" + " }\n" + " \n" + "}"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Foobar", "class Foobar {\n" + "\n" + "def baz = 42\n" + "//def quux = 36\n" + "\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("Foobar", "FoobarSpec"); IPath workspacePath = env.getWorkspaceRootPath(); File f = new File(workspacePath.append( env.getOutputLocation(projectPath)).toOSString(), "FoobarSpec.class"); long filesize = f.length(); // this is 9131 for groovy 1.7.0 env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Foobar", "class Foobar {\n" + "\n" + "def baz = 42\n" + "def quux = 36\n" + "\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("Foobar", "FoobarSpec"); long filesizeNow = f.length(); // drops to 7002 if transform did not run assertEquals(filesize, filesizeNow); } /** * Also found through this issue, FoobarSpec not getting a rebuild when * Foobar changes. This test is currently having a reference from * foobarspec>foobar by having a field of type Foobar. If that is removed, * even though there is still a reference to ctor for foobar from * foobarspec, there is no incremental build of foobarspec when foobar is * changed. I am not 100% sure if one is needed or not - possibly it is... * hmmm */ @Test public void testSpock_GRE605_2() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); env.addJar(projectPath, "lib/junit-4.12.jar"); env.addJar(projectPath, "lib/spock-core-0.4-groovy-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar"); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "FoobarSpec", "import spock.lang.Specification\n" + "\n" + "class FoobarSpec extends Specification {\n" + " \n" + " Foobar foob\n" + " def example() {\n" + " when: \n" + " def foobar = new Foobar()\n" + " \n" + " then:\n" + " foobar.baz == 42\n" + " }\n" + " \n" + "}"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Foobar", "class Foobar {\n" + "\n" + "def baz = 42\n" + "//def quux = 36\n" + "\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("Foobar", "FoobarSpec"); // IPath workspacePath = env.getWorkspaceRootPath(); // File f = new // File(workspacePath.append(env.getOutputLocation(projectPath)).toOSString(),"FoobarSpec.class"); // long filesize = f.length(); // this is 9131 for groovy 1.7.0 env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Foobar", "class Foobar {\n" + "\n" + "def baz = 42\n" + "def quux = 36\n" + "\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("Foobar", "FoobarSpec"); // long filesizeNow = f.length(); // drops to 7002 if transform did not // run // assertEquals(filesize,filesizeNow); } @Test // build .groovy file hello world then run it public void testBuildGroovyHelloWorld() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p1", "Hello", "package p1;\n" + "class Hello {\n" + " static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " print \"Hello Groovy world\"\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p1.Hello"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "p1.Hello", "Hello Groovy world", null); } @Test // use funky main method public void testBuildGroovyHelloWorld2() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p1", "Hello", "package p1;\n" + "class Hello {\n" + " static main(args) {\n" + " print \"Hello Groovy world\"\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p1.Hello"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "p1.Hello", "Hello Groovy world", null); } @Test public void testGenericMethods() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project", "1.5"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "", "Foo", "public class Foo<T> {\n" + " public void m() {\n" + " Bar.agent(null);\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Bar", "class Bar {\n" + " public static <PP> void agent(PP state) {\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // expectingCompiledClasses("Foo","Bar"); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void testPropertyAccessorLocationChecks() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p1", "Hello", "package p1;\n" + "class Hello {\n" + " int color;\n" + " static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " print \"Hello Groovy world\"\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p1.Hello"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "p1.Hello", "Hello Groovy world", null); // IJavaProject javaProject = env.getJavaProject(projectPath); // IJavaElement pkgFragmentRoot = javaProject.findElement(new // Path("p1/Hello.groovy")); // System.out.println("A>"+pkgFragmentRoot); // IJavaElement cu = find(pkgFragmentRoot, // "Hello");cu.getAdapter(adapter) // System.out.println(cu); } @Test public void testBuildGroovy2() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p1", "Hello", "package p1;\n" + "interface Hello extends java.util.List {\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p1.Hello"); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void testLargeProjects_GRE1037() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); int max = AbstractImageBuilder.MAX_AT_ONCE; try { AbstractImageBuilder.MAX_AT_ONCE = 10; for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { env.addClass(root, "p1", "Hello" + i, "package p1;\n" + "class Hello" + i + " {\n" + "}\n"); } env.addGroovyClass( root, "p1", "Foo", "package p1;\n" + "import p1.*;\n" + "class Foo {\n" + " public static void main(String []argv) { print '12';}\n" + " void m() { Bar b = new Bar();}\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p1", "Bar", "package p1;\n" + "class Bar {\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // see console for all the exceptions... // no class for p1.Foo when problem occurs: executeClass(projectPath, "p1.Foo", "12", ""); } finally { AbstractImageBuilder.MAX_AT_ONCE = max; } } @Test public void testIncrementalCompilationTheBasics() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "pkg", "Hello", "package pkg;\n" + "public class Hello {\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " System.out.println(new GHello().run());\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "pkg", "GHello", "package pkg;\n" + "public class GHello {\n" + " public int run() { return 12; }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("pkg.Hello", "pkg.GHello"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "pkg.Hello", "12", ""); // whitespace change to groovy file env.addGroovyClass(root, "pkg", "GHello", "package pkg;\n" + "public class GHello {\n" + " \n" + // new blank line " public int run() { return 12; }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("pkg.GHello"); expectingNoProblems(); // structural change to groovy file - did the java file record its // dependency correctly? env.addGroovyClass(root, "pkg", "GHello", "package pkg;\n" + "public class GHello {\n" + " public String run() { return \"abc\"; }\n" + // return // type now // String "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("pkg.GHello", "pkg.Hello"); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void testIncrementalCompilation1594() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "testpkg", "AllTests", "package testpkg;\n" + "public class AllTests {\n" + " TestCaseChannelPersistentStore tccps;\n"+ "\n"+ "public static void setupDbConnPool() throws Exception {\n"+ "}\n"+ "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "testpkg", "TestCaseChannelPersistentStore", "package testpkg\n" + "class TestCaseChannelPersistentStore {\n"+ // This will be added in a subsequent incremental build // + "public static void foo() {\n"+ // " def clazz=TestCaseChannelPersistentStore.class;\n"+ // "}\n"+ "\n"+ "void testRefreshedChannelMap() {\n"+ " def x= new Runnable() {public void run() { print('running');}};\n"+ " x.run();\n"+ "}\n"+ "public static void main(String[]argv) { new TestCaseChannelPersistentStore().testRefreshedChannelMap();}\n"+ "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("testpkg.AllTests", "testpkg.TestCaseChannelPersistentStore","testpkg.TestCaseChannelPersistentStore$1"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "testpkg.TestCaseChannelPersistentStore", "running", ""); env.addGroovyClass(root, "testpkg", "TestCaseChannelPersistentStore", "package testpkg\n" + "class TestCaseChannelPersistentStore {\n" + "public static void foo() {\n"+ " def clazz=TestCaseChannelPersistentStore.class;\n"+ "}\n"+ "\n"+ "void testRefreshedChannelMap() {\n" + " def x= new Runnable() {public void run() {}};\n"+ "}\n"+ "}\n"); incrementalBuild(); executeClass(projectPath, "testpkg.TestCaseChannelPersistentStore", "", ""); // // whitespace change to groovy file // env.addGroovyClass(root, "testpkg", "TestCaseChannelPersistentStore", "package testpkg\n" // + "class TestCaseChannelPersistentStore {\n" // + "public static void foo() {\n"+ // " def clazz=TestCaseChannelPersistentStore.class;\n"+ // "}\n"+ // "\n"+ // "void testRefreshedChannelMap() {\n" // + " def x= new Runnable() {public void run() {}};\n"+ // "}\n"+ // "}\n"); // env.addGroovyClass(root, "pkg", "GHello", "package pkg;\n" // + "public class GHello {\n" + " \n" + // new blank line // " public int run() { return 12; }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // expectingCompiledClasses("pkg.GHello"); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void testIncrementalGenericsAndBinaryTypeBindings_GRE566() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("GRE566", "1.5"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "pkg", "Intface", "package pkg;\n" + "public interface Intface<E extends Event> {\n" + " void onApplicationEvent(E event);\n" + "}\n"); env.addClass(root, "pkg", "Event", "package pkg;\n" + "public class Event {}\n"); env.addClass(root, "pkg", "EventImpl", "package pkg;\n" + "public class EventImpl extends Event {}\n"); env.addClass(root, "pkg", "Jaas", "package pkg;\n" + "public class Jaas implements Intface<EventImpl> {\n" + " public void onApplicationEvent(EventImpl ei) {}\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "pkg", "GExtender", "package pkg;\n" + "class GExtender extends Jaas{\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("pkg.Event", "pkg.EventImpl", "pkg.Intface", "pkg.Jaas", "pkg.GExtender"); expectingNoProblems(); env.addGroovyClass(root, "pkg", "GExtender", "package pkg\n" + "class GExtender extends Jaas{\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); expectingCompiledClasses("pkg.GExtender"); } @Test public void testIncrementalCompilationTheBasics2_changingJavaDependedUponByGroovy() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "pkg", "Hello", "package pkg;\n" + "public class Hello {\n" + " public int run() { return 12; }\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "pkg", "GHello", "package pkg;\n" + "public class GHello {\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " System.out.println(new Hello().run());\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("pkg.Hello", "pkg.GHello"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "pkg.GHello", "12", ""); // whitespace change to java file env.addClass(root, "pkg", "Hello", "package pkg;\n" + "public class Hello {\n" + " \n" + // new blank line " public int run() { return 12; }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("pkg.Hello"); expectingNoProblems(); // structural change to groovy file - did the java file record its // dependency correctly? env.addClass(root, "pkg", "Hello", "package pkg;\n" + "public class Hello {\n" + " public String run() { return \"abc\"; }\n" + // return // type now // String "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("pkg.GHello", "pkg.Hello"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "pkg.GHello", "abc", ""); } @Test public void testInnerClasses_GRE339() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "", "Outer", "public interface Outer {\n" + " interface Inner { static String VAR=\"value\";}\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "script", "print Outer.Inner.VAR\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) {} expectingCompiledClasses("Outer", "Outer$Inner", "script"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "script", "value", ""); // whitespace change to groovy file env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "script", "print Outer.Inner.VAR \n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("script"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "script", "value", null); } @Test public void testSimpleTaskMarkerInSingleLineComment() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "todo"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "class C {\n" + "//todo nothing\n" + // // 24>36 'todo nothing' "\n" + "//tooo two\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); Problem[] rootProblems = env.getProblemsFor(pathToA); for (int i = 0; i < rootProblems.length; i++) { System.out.println(i + " " + rootProblems[i] + "[" + rootProblems[i].getMessage() + "]" + rootProblems[i].getEnd()); } // positions should be from the first character of the tag to the character after the last in the text expectingSpecificProblemFor(pathToA, new Problem("A", toTask("todo", "nothing"), pathToA, 24, 36, -1, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR)); JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test public void testSimpleTaskMarkerInSingleLineCommentEndOfClass() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "todo"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "class C {\n" + "//topo nothing\n" + // '/' is 22 'n' is 29 'g' is 35 "\n" + "//todo two\n" + // '/' is 38 't' is 45 'o' is 47 "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); expectingSpecificProblemFor(pathToA, new Problem("A", toTask("todo", "two"), pathToA, 40, 48, -1, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR)); JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test public void testSimpleTaskMarkerInSingleLineCommentEndOfClassCaseInsensitive() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "todo"); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_CASE_SENSITIVE, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "class C {\n" + "//TODO nothing\n" + // '/' is 22 'n' is 29 'g' is 35 "\n" + "//topo two\n" + // '/' is 38 't' is 45 'o' is 47 "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); Problem[] rootProblems = env.getProblemsFor(pathToA); for (int i = 0; i < rootProblems.length; i++) { System.out.println(i + " " + rootProblems[i] + "[" + rootProblems[i].getMessage() + "]" + rootProblems[i].getEnd()); } expectingSpecificProblemFor(pathToA, new Problem("A", toTask("todo", "nothing"), pathToA, 24, 36, -1, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR)); JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test public void testTaskMarkerInMultiLineCommentButOnOneLine() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "todo"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "/* todo nothing */\n" + "public class A {\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); expectingSpecificProblemFor(pathToA, new Problem("A", toTask("todo", "nothing"), pathToA, 16, 29, -1, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR)); JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test public void testTaskMarkerInMultiLineButNoText() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "todo"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "/* todo\n" + " */\n" + "public class A {\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); expectingSpecificProblemFor(pathToA, new Problem("A", toTask("todo", ""), pathToA, 16, 20, -1, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR)); JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test public void testTaskMarkerInMultiLineOutsideClass() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "todo"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "/* \n" + // 12 " * todo nothing *\n" + // 17 " */\n" + "public class A {\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); expectingSpecificProblemFor(pathToA, new Problem("A", toTask("todo", "nothing *"), pathToA, 20, 34, -1, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR)); JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test // task marker inside a multi line comment inside a class public void testTaskMarkerInMultiLineInsideClass() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "todo"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + // -- \n is 11 "public class A {\n" + // -- \n is 28 " /* \n" + // -- \n is 36 " * todo nothing *\n" + " */\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); expectingSpecificProblemFor(pathToA, new Problem("A", toTask("todo", "nothing *"), pathToA, 40, 54, -1, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR)); JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test // tag priority public void testTaskMarkerMixedPriorities() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "TODO,FIXME,XXX"); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES, "NORMAL,HIGH,LOW"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "//TODO normal\n" + "public class A {\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " //FIXME high\n" + " }\n" + " public void foo2() {\n" + " //XXX low\n" + " }\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); IMarker[] markers = env.getTaskMarkersFor(pathToA); assertEquals("Wrong size", 3, markers.length); try { IMarker marker = markers[0]; Object priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); String message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertTrue("Wrong message", message.startsWith("TODO")); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_NORMAL), priority); marker = markers[1]; priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertTrue("Wrong message", message.startsWith("FIXME")); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_HIGH), priority); marker = markers[2]; priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertTrue("Wrong message", message.startsWith("XXX")); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW), priority); } catch (CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Unexpected failure: "+e.toString()); } JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test public void testTaskMarkerMultipleOnOneLineInSLComment() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "TODO,FIXME,XXX"); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES, "NORMAL,HIGH,LOW"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "// TODO FIXME need to review the loop TODO should be done\n" + "public class A {\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); IMarker[] markers = env.getTaskMarkersFor(pathToA); assertEquals("Wrong size", 3, markers.length); try { IMarker marker = markers[2]; Object priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); String message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertEquals("Wrong message", toTask("TODO", "should be done"), message); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_NORMAL), priority); marker = markers[1]; priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertEquals("Wrong message", toTask("FIXME", "need to review the loop"), message); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_HIGH), priority); marker = markers[0]; priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertEquals("Wrong message", toTask("TODO", "need to review the loop"), message); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_NORMAL), priority); } catch (CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Unexpected failure: "+e.toString()); } JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test public void testTaskMarkerMultipleOnOneLineInMLComment() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "TODO,FIXME,XXX"); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES, "NORMAL,HIGH,LOW"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "/* TODO FIXME need to review the loop TODO should be done */\n" + "public class A {\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); IMarker[] markers = env.getTaskMarkersFor(pathToA); assertEquals("Wrong size", 3, markers.length); try { IMarker marker = markers[2]; Object priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); String message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertEquals("Wrong message", toTask("TODO", "should be done"), message); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_NORMAL), priority); marker = markers[1]; priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertEquals("Wrong message", toTask("FIXME", "need to review the loop"), message); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_HIGH), priority); marker = markers[0]; priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertEquals("Wrong message", toTask("TODO", "need to review the loop"), message); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_NORMAL), priority); } catch (CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Unexpected failure: "+e.toString()); } JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test // two on one line public void testTaskMarkerSharedDescription() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "TODO,FIXME,XXX"); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES, "NORMAL,HIGH,LOW"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "// TODO TODO need to review the loop\n" + "public class A {\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); IMarker[] markers = env.getTaskMarkersFor(pathToA); assertEquals("Wrong size", 2, markers.length); try { IMarker marker = markers[1]; Object priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); String message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertEquals("Wrong message", toTask("TODO", "need to review the loop"), message); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_NORMAL), priority); marker = markers[0]; priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertEquals("Wrong message", toTask("TODO", "need to review the loop"), message); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_NORMAL), priority); } catch (CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Unexpected failure: "+e.toString()); } JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test public void testCopyGroovyResourceNonGroovyProject_GRECLIPSE653() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.removeGroovyNature("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); IPath output = env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n" + "class C { }"); fullBuild(projectPath); // groovy file should be copied as-is IPath pathToABin = output.append(pathToA.removeFirstSegments(pathToA .segmentCount() - 2)); assertTrue("File should exist " + pathToABin.toPortableString(), env .getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToABin).exists()); // now check that works for incremental IPath pathToB = env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "B", "package p; \n" + "class D { }"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // groovy file should be copied as-is IPath pathToBBin = output.append(pathToB.removeFirstSegments(pathToB .segmentCount() - 2)); assertTrue("File should exist " + pathToBBin.toPortableString(), env .getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToBBin).exists()); // now check that bin file is deleted when deleted in source IFile bFile = env.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToB); bFile.delete(true, null); incrementalBuild(projectPath); assertFalse("File should not exist " + pathToBBin.toPortableString(), env.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToBBin).exists()); } @Test public void testCopyResourceNonGroovyProject_GRECLIPSE653() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.removeGroovyNature("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); IPath output = env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addFile(root, "A.txt", "A"); fullBuild(projectPath); // file should be copied as-is IPath pathToABin = output.append(pathToA.removeFirstSegments(pathToA .segmentCount() - 1)); assertTrue("File should exist " + pathToABin.toPortableString(), env .getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToABin).exists()); // now check that works for incremental IPath pathToB = env.addFile(root, "B.txt", "B"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // groovy file should be copied as-is IPath pathToBBin = output.append(pathToB.removeFirstSegments(pathToB .segmentCount() - 1)); assertTrue("File should exist " + pathToBBin.toPortableString(), env .getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToBBin).exists()); // now check that bin file is deleted when deleted in source IFile bFile = env.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToB); bFile.delete(true, null); incrementalBuild(projectPath); assertFalse("File should not exist " + pathToBBin.toPortableString(), env.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToBBin).exists()); } @Test public void testCopyResourceGroovyProject_GRECLIPSE653() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); env.addGroovyNature("Project"); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); IPath output = env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addFile(root, "A.txt", "A"); fullBuild(projectPath); // groovy file should be copied as-is IPath pathToABin = output.append(pathToA.removeFirstSegments(pathToA .segmentCount() - 1)); assertTrue("File should exist " + pathToABin.toPortableString(), env .getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToABin).exists()); // now check that works for incremental IPath pathToB = env.addFile(root, "B.txt", "B"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); // groovy file should be copied as-is IPath pathToBBin = output.append(pathToB.removeFirstSegments(pathToB .segmentCount() - 1)); assertTrue("File should exist " + pathToBBin.toPortableString(), env .getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToBBin).exists()); // now check that bin file is deleted when deleted in source IFile bFile = env.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToB); bFile.delete(true, null); incrementalBuild(projectPath); assertFalse("File should not exist " + pathToBBin.toPortableString(), env.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(pathToBBin).exists()); } @Test public void testNoDoubleResolve() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); env.addGroovyNature("Project"); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(projectPath.append("src"), "p", "Groov", "package p\n"); GroovyCompilationUnit unit = (GroovyCompilationUnit) env .getJavaProject("Project").findType("p.Groov") .getCompilationUnit(); unit.becomeWorkingCopy(null); ModuleNodeInfo moduleInfo = unit.getModuleInfo(true); JDTResolver resolver = moduleInfo.resolver; assertNotNull(resolver); resolver.currentClass = moduleInfo.module.getScriptClassDummy(); ClassNode url = resolver.resolve("java.net.URL"); assertNotNull("Should have found the java.net.URL ClassNode", url); assertEquals("Wrong classnode found", "java.net.URL", url.getName()); } @Test // GRECLIPSE-1170 public void testFieldInitializerFromOtherFile() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); env.addGroovyNature("Project"); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(projectPath.append("src"), "p", "Other", "package p\nclass Other {\ndef x = 9 }"); env.addGroovyClass(projectPath.append("src"), "p", "Target", "package p\nnew Other()"); GroovyCompilationUnit unit = (GroovyCompilationUnit) env .getJavaProject("Project").findType("p.Target") .getCompilationUnit(); // now find the class reference ClassNode type = ((ConstructorCallExpression) ((ReturnStatement) unit .getModuleNode().getStatementBlock().getStatements().get(0)) .getExpression()).getType(); // now check that the field initializer exists Expression initialExpression = type.getField("x") .getInitialExpression(); assertNotNull(initialExpression); assertEquals("Should have been an int", VariableScope.INTEGER_CLASS_NODE, ClassHelper.getWrapper(initialExpression.getType())); assertEquals("Should have been the number 9", "9", initialExpression.getText()); // now check to ensure that there are no duplicate fields or properties int declCount = 0; for (FieldNode field : type.getFields()) { if (field.getName().equals("x")) declCount++; } assertEquals("Should have found 'x' field exactly one time", 1, declCount); declCount = 0; for (PropertyNode prop : type.getProperties()) { if (prop.getName().equals("x")) declCount++; } assertEquals("Should have found 'x' property exactly one time", 1, declCount); } @Test // GRECLIPSE-1727 public void testTraitBasics() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(23)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "Named", "trait Named {\n" + " String name() { 'name' }" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("Named", "Named$Trait$Helper"); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void testTraitIncremental() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(23)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "Named", "package p\n" + "trait Named {\n" + " String name() { 'name' }\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "q", "NamedClass", "package q;\n" + "import p.Named;\n" + "public class NamedClass implements Named {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Runner", "import p.Named\n" + "import q.NamedClass\n" + "Named named = new NamedClass()\n" + "print named.name()\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p.Named", "p.Named$Trait$Helper", "q.NamedClass", "Runner"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Runner", "name", ""); // modify the body of the trait env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "Named", "package p\n" + "trait Named {\n" + " String name\n" + " String name() { \"$name\" }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p.Named", "p.Named$Trait$Helper", "p.Named$Trait$FieldHelper", "q.NamedClass", "Runner"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Runner", "null", ""); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Runner", "import p.Named\n" + "import q.NamedClass\n" + "Named named = new NamedClass(name: 'name')\n" + "print named.name()\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("Runner"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Runner", "name", ""); env.addGroovyClass(root, "q", "NamedClass", "package q;\n" + "import p.Named;\n" + "public class NamedClass implements Named {\n" + " String name() { \"Hello, ${name}!\" }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("q.NamedClass", "Runner"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Runner", "Hello, name!", ""); } @Test public void testTraitBinary() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(23)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "Named", "package p\n" + "trait Named {\n" + " String name() { 'name' }\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "q", "DefaultNamed", "package q;\n" + "public class DefaultNamed {\n" + " public String name() { 'name' }\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "r", "NamedClass", "package r;\n" + "import p.Named\n" + "import q.DefaultNamed\n" + "public class NamedClass extends DefaultNamed implements Named {}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Runner", "import r.NamedClass\n" + "NamedClass named = new NamedClass()\n" + "print named.name()\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p.Named", "p.Named$Trait$Helper", "q.DefaultNamed", "r.NamedClass", "Runner"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Runner", "name", ""); env.addGroovyClass(root, "r", "NamedClass", "package r;\n" + "import p.Named\n" + "import q.DefaultNamed\n" + "public class NamedClass extends DefaultNamed implements Named {\n" + " String name() { 'new name' }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("r.NamedClass", "Runner"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Runner", "new name", ""); env.addGroovyClass(root, "r", "NamedClass", "package r;\n" + "import p.Named\n" + "import q.DefaultNamed\n" + "public class NamedClass extends DefaultNamed implements Named {}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("r.NamedClass", "Runner"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Runner", "name", ""); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "Named", "package p\n" + "trait Named {\n" + " abstract String name()\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "r", "NamedClass", "package r;\n" + "import p.Named\n" + "import q.DefaultNamed\n" + "public class NamedClass extends DefaultNamed implements Named {\n" + " String name() { 'new name' }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p.Named", "p.Named$Trait$Helper", "r.NamedClass", "Runner"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "Runner", "new name", ""); } @Test public void testTraitGRE1776() throws Exception { assumeTrue(isAtLeastGroovy(23)); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "MyTrait", "package p\n" + "trait MyTrait {\n" + "}\n"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "q", "MyClass", "package q\n" + "import p.MyTrait\n" + "public class MyClass implements MyTrait {}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p.MyTrait", "p.MyTrait$Trait$Helper", "q.MyClass"); expectingNoProblems(); // modify the body of the trait env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "MyTrait", "package p\n" + "trait MyTrait {\n" + " def m() { 'm' }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p.MyTrait", "p.MyTrait$Trait$Helper", "q.MyClass"); expectingNoProblems(); // modify again the body of the trait env.addGroovyClass(root, "p", "MyTrait", "package p\n" + "trait MyTrait {\n" + " def k() { 'm' }\n" + "}\n"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("p.MyTrait", "p.MyTrait$Trait$Helper", "q.MyClass"); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test public void testGRE1773() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath class1 = env.addGroovyClass(root, "test", "Class1", "package test\n" + "abstract class Class1 {\n" + " abstract void m1()\n" + " void m2() {}\n" + " static Class1 create(String type) {\n" + " switch (type) {\n" + " case 'Class2':\n" + " return new Class2()\n" + " break\n" + " case 'Class3':\n" + " return new Class3()\n" + " default:\n" + " assert false : \"Unexpected type ${type}\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); IPath class2 = env.addGroovyClass(root, "test", "Class2", "package test\n" + "class Class2 extends Class1 {\n" + " @Override\n" + " public void m1() {}\n" + "}"); IPath class3 = env.addGroovyClass(root, "test", "Class3", "package test\n" + "class Class3 extends Class1 {\n" + " @Override\n" + " public void m1() {}\n" + "}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("test.Class1", "test.Class2", "test.Class3"); expectingNoProblems(); // modify the body of the abstract class to break build class1 = env.addGroovyClass(root, "test", "Class1", "package test\n" + "abstract class Class1 {\n" + " abstract void ()\n" + " void m2() {}\n" + " static Class1 create(String type) {\n" + " switch (type) {\n" + " case 'Class2':\n" + " return new Class2()\n" + " break\n" + " case 'Class3':\n" + " return new Class3()\n" + " default:\n" + " assert false : \"Unexpected type ${type}\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingProblemsFor(class1, Arrays.asList("Problem : Groovy:unexpected token: abstract @ line 3, column 5. [ resource : </Project/src/test/Class1.groovy> range : <41,42> category : <60> severity : <2>]")); if (GroovyUtils.isAtLeastGroovy(20)) { // Groovy 1.8 has no @Override checking expectingProblemsFor(class2, Arrays.asList("Problem : Groovy:Method \'m1\' from class \'test.Class2\' does not override method from its superclass or interfaces but is annotated with @Override. [ resource : </Project/src/test/Class2.groovy> range : <48,56> category : <60> severity : <2>]")); expectingProblemsFor(class3, Arrays.asList("Problem : Groovy:Method \'m1\' from class \'test.Class3\' does not override method from its superclass or interfaces but is annotated with @Override. [ resource : </Project/src/test/Class3.groovy> range : <48,56> category : <60> severity : <2>]")); } // modify the body of the abstract class to fix build env.addGroovyClass(root, "test", "Class1", "package test\n" + "abstract class Class1 {\n" + " abstract void m1()\n" + " void m2() {}\n" + " static Class1 create(String type) {\n" + " switch (type) {\n" + " case 'Class2':\n" + " return new Class2()\n" + " break\n" + " case 'Class3':\n" + " return new Class3()\n" + " default:\n" + " assert false : \"Unexpected type ${type}\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("test.Class1", "test.Class2", "test.Class3"); expectingNoProblems(); } /* * Ensures that a task tag is not user editable * (regression test for bug 123721 two types of 'remove' for TODO task tags) */ @Test public void testTags3() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "TODO,FIXME,XXX"); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES, "NORMAL,HIGH,LOW"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n"+ "// TODO need to review\n" + "public class A {\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); IMarker[] markers = env.getTaskMarkersFor(pathToA); assertEquals("Marker should not be editable", Boolean.FALSE, markers[0].getAttribute(IMarker.USER_EDITABLE)); } finally { JavaCore.setOptions(options); } } /* * http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=92821 */ @Test public void testUnusedImport() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_IMPORT, JavaCore.WARNING); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "util", "MyException", "package util;\n" + "public class MyException extends Exception {\n" + " private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + "}" ); env.addClass(root, "p", "Test", "package p;\n" + "import util.MyException;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " /**\n" + " * @throws MyException\n" + " */\n" + " public void bar() {\n" + " }\n" + "}" ); fullBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); JavaCore.setOptions(options); } /* * http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=98667 */ @Test public void test98667() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "p1", "Aaa$Bbb$Ccc", "package p1;\n" + "\n" + "public class Aaa$Bbb$Ccc {\n" + "}" ); fullBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); } /** * @bug 164707: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in JavaModelManager if source level == 6.0 * @test Ensure that AIIOB does not longer happen with invalid source level string * @see "https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=164707" */ @Test public void testBug164707() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.getJavaProject(projectPath).setOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, "invalid"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); fullBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); } /** * @bug 75471: [prefs] no re-compile when loading settings * @test Ensure that changing project preferences is well taking into account while rebuilding project * @see "https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=75471" */ @Test @Ignore public void testUpdateProjectPreferences() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "util", "MyException", "package util;\n" + "public class MyException extends Exception {\n" + " private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + "}" ); IPath cuPath = env.addClass(root, "p", "Test", "package p;\n" + "import util.MyException;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}" ); fullBuild(projectPath); expectingSpecificProblemFor( projectPath, new Problem("", "The import util.MyException is never used", cuPath, 18, 34, CategorizedProblem.CAT_UNNECESSARY_CODE, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING)); env.getJavaProject(projectPath).setOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_IMPORT, JavaCore.IGNORE); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingNoProblems(); } @Test @Ignore public void testUpdateWkspPreferences() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addClass(root, "util", "MyException", "package util;\n" + "public class MyException extends Exception {\n" + " private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + "}" ); IPath cuPath = env.addClass(root, "p", "Test", "package p;\n" + "import util.MyException;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}" ); fullBuild(); expectingSpecificProblemFor( projectPath, new Problem("", "The import util.MyException is never used", cuPath, 18, 34, CategorizedProblem.CAT_UNNECESSARY_CODE, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING)); // Save preference JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager(); String unusedImport = manager.getInstancePreferences().get(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_IMPORT, null); try { // Modify preference manager.getInstancePreferences().put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_IMPORT, JavaCore.IGNORE); incrementalBuild(); expectingNoProblems(); } finally { if (unusedImport == null) { manager.getInstancePreferences().remove(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_IMPORT); } else { manager.getInstancePreferences().put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_IMPORT, unusedImport); } } } @Test public void testTags4() throws Exception { Hashtable<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> newOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, "TODO!,TODO,TODO?"); newOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES, "HIGH,NORMAL,LOW"); JavaCore.setOptions(newOptions); IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); IPath pathToA = env.addClass(root, "p", "A", "package p; \n"+ "// TODO! TODO? need to review the loop\n" + "public class A {\n" + "}"); fullBuild(projectPath); IMarker[] markers = env.getTaskMarkersFor(pathToA); assertEquals("Wrong size", 2, markers.length); try { IMarker marker = markers[1]; Object priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); String message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertEquals("Wrong message", "TODO? need to review the loop", message); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW), priority); marker = markers[0]; priority = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY); message = (String) marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); assertEquals("Wrong message", "TODO! need to review the loop", message); assertNotNull("No task priority", priority); assertEquals("Wrong priority", new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_HIGH), priority); } catch (CoreException e) { assertTrue(false); } JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Test @Ignore // When a groovy file name clashes with an existing type public void testBuildClash() throws Exception { IPath projectPath = env.addProject("Project"); env.addExternalJars(projectPath, Util.getJavaClassLibs()); env.addGroovyJars(projectPath); fullBuild(projectPath); // remove old package fragment root so that names don't collide env.removePackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, ""); IPath root = env.addPackageFragmentRoot(projectPath, "src"); env.setOutputFolder(projectPath, "bin"); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Stack", "class StackTester {\n"+ " def o = new Stack();\n"+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n"+ " System.out.println('>>'+new StackTester().o.getClass());\n"+ " System.out.println(\"Hello world\");\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n" ); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("StackTester"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "StackTester", ">>class java.util.Stack\r\n" + "Hello world\r\n", ""); env.addGroovyClass(root, "", "Stack", "class StackTester {\n"+ " def o = new Stack();\n"+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n"+ " System.out.println('>>'+new StackTester().o.getClass());\n"+ " System.out.println(\"Hello world\");\n"+ " }\n"+ "}\n" ); incrementalBuild(projectPath); expectingCompiledClasses("StackTester"); expectingNoProblems(); executeClass(projectPath, "StackTester", ">>class java.util.Stack\r\n" + "Hello world\r\n", ""); } }