/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 GK Software AG. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; /** * Capture-like type variable introduced during 1.8 type inference. */ public class CaptureBinding18 extends CaptureBinding { TypeBinding[] upperBounds; private char[] originalName; public CaptureBinding18(ReferenceBinding contextType, char[] sourceName, char[] originalName, int position, int captureID, LookupEnvironment environment) { super(contextType, sourceName, position, captureID, environment); this.originalName = originalName; } public boolean setUpperBounds(TypeBinding[] upperBounds, ReferenceBinding javaLangObject) { this.upperBounds = upperBounds; if (upperBounds.length > 0) this.firstBound = upperBounds[0]; int numReferenceInterfaces = 0; for (int i = 0; i < upperBounds.length; i++) { TypeBinding aBound = upperBounds[i]; if (!aBound.isWildcard() && !aBound.isTypeVariable() && aBound.isProperType(true)) { // check for inconsistency between any two real types: for (int j = 0; j < upperBounds.length; j++) { if (i == j) continue; TypeBinding otherBound = upperBounds[j]; if (!otherBound.isWildcard() && !otherBound.isTypeVariable() && otherBound.isProperType(true)) if (aBound.erasure().isCompatibleWith(otherBound.erasure())) if (!aBound.isCompatibleWith(otherBound)) return false; } } if (aBound instanceof ReferenceBinding) { if (this.superclass == null && aBound.isClass()) this.superclass = (ReferenceBinding) upperBounds[i]; else if (aBound.isInterface()) numReferenceInterfaces++; // TODO: what about additional super classes?? (see isCompatibleWith) } } this.superInterfaces = new ReferenceBinding[numReferenceInterfaces]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < upperBounds.length; i++) { TypeBinding aBound = upperBounds[i]; if (aBound.isInterface()) this.superInterfaces[idx++] = (ReferenceBinding) aBound; } if (this.superclass == null) this.superclass = javaLangObject; return true; } public void initializeBounds(Scope scope, ParameterizedTypeBinding capturedParameterizedType) { // nothing to initialize here (and cannot use super methods which requires wildcard to be set). } public TypeBinding clone(TypeBinding enclosingType) { return new CaptureBinding18(this.sourceType, CharOperation.append(this.sourceName, '\''), this.originalName, this.position, this.captureID, this.environment); } public MethodBinding[] getMethods(char[] selector) { if (this.upperBounds.length == 1 && this.upperBounds[0] instanceof ReferenceBinding) return ((ReferenceBinding)this.upperBounds[0]).getMethods(selector); return super.getMethods(selector); } public TypeBinding erasure() { if (this.upperBounds != null && this.upperBounds.length > 1) { ReferenceBinding[] erasures = new ReferenceBinding[this.upperBounds.length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.upperBounds.length; i++) { erasures[i] = (ReferenceBinding) this.upperBounds[i].erasure(); // FIXME cast? } return new IntersectionCastTypeBinding(erasures, this.environment); } return super.erasure(); } /** * @see TypeBinding#isEquivalentTo(TypeBinding) */ public boolean isEquivalentTo(TypeBinding otherType) { // from CaptureBinding: if (equalsEquals(this, otherType)) return true; if (otherType == null) return false; if (this.upperBounds != null) { // from CaptureBinding: for (int i = 0; i < this.upperBounds.length; i++) { TypeBinding aBound = this.upperBounds[i]; // capture of ? extends X[] if (aBound != null && aBound.isArrayType()) { if (!aBound.isCompatibleWith(otherType)) continue; } switch (otherType.kind()) { case Binding.WILDCARD_TYPE : case Binding.INTERSECTION_TYPE : if (!((WildcardBinding) otherType).boundCheck(aBound)) return false; break; default: return false; } } return true; } return false; } public boolean isCompatibleWith(TypeBinding otherType, Scope captureScope) { if (this.inRecursiveFunction) return true; this.inRecursiveFunction = true; try { if (this.upperBounds != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.upperBounds.length; i++) { if (this.upperBounds[i].isCompatibleWith(otherType, captureScope)) return true; } } return super.isCompatibleWith(otherType, captureScope); } finally { this.inRecursiveFunction = false; } } public TypeBinding findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(TypeBinding otherType) { if (this.upperBounds != null && this.upperBounds.length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < this.upperBounds.length; i++) { TypeBinding candidate = this.upperBounds[i].findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(otherType); if (candidate != null) return candidate; // TODO: maybe we should double check about multiple candidates here, // but upper bounds should be consistent so hopefully the first non-null candidate is good enough. } } return super.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(otherType); } TypeBinding substituteInferenceVariable(InferenceVariable var, TypeBinding substituteType) { if (this.inRecursiveFunction) return this; this.inRecursiveFunction = true; try { boolean haveSubstitution = false; ReferenceBinding currentSuperclass = this.superclass; if (currentSuperclass != null) { currentSuperclass = (ReferenceBinding) currentSuperclass.substituteInferenceVariable(var, substituteType); haveSubstitution |= TypeBinding.notEquals(currentSuperclass, this.superclass); } ReferenceBinding[] currentSuperInterfaces = null; if (this.superInterfaces != null) { int length = this.superInterfaces.length; if (haveSubstitution) System.arraycopy(this.superInterfaces, 0, currentSuperInterfaces=new ReferenceBinding[length], 0, length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ReferenceBinding currentSuperInterface = this.superInterfaces[i]; if (currentSuperInterface != null) { currentSuperInterface = (ReferenceBinding) currentSuperInterface.substituteInferenceVariable(var, substituteType); if (TypeBinding.notEquals(currentSuperInterface, this.superInterfaces[i])) { if (currentSuperInterfaces == null) System.arraycopy(this.superInterfaces, 0, currentSuperInterfaces=new ReferenceBinding[length], 0, length); currentSuperInterfaces[i] = currentSuperInterface; haveSubstitution = true; } } } } TypeBinding[] currentUpperBounds = null; if (this.upperBounds != null) { int length = this.upperBounds.length; if (haveSubstitution) System.arraycopy(this.upperBounds, 0, currentUpperBounds=new TypeBinding[length], 0, length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { TypeBinding currentBound = this.upperBounds[i]; if (currentBound != null) { currentBound = currentBound.substituteInferenceVariable(var, substituteType); if (TypeBinding.notEquals(currentBound, this.upperBounds[i])) { if (currentUpperBounds == null) System.arraycopy(this.upperBounds, 0, currentUpperBounds=new TypeBinding[length], 0, length); currentUpperBounds[i] = currentBound; haveSubstitution = true; } } } } if (haveSubstitution) { CaptureBinding18 newCapture = (CaptureBinding18) clone(enclosingType()); newCapture.superclass = currentSuperclass; newCapture.superInterfaces = currentSuperInterfaces; newCapture.upperBounds = currentUpperBounds; newCapture.tagBits = this.tagBits; return newCapture; } return this; } finally { this.inRecursiveFunction = false; } } public boolean isProperType(boolean admitCapture18) { if (!admitCapture18) return false; if (this.inRecursiveFunction) return true; this.inRecursiveFunction = true; try { if (this.lowerBound != null && !this.lowerBound.isProperType(admitCapture18)) return false; if (this.upperBounds != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.upperBounds.length; i++) { if (!this.upperBounds[i].isProperType(admitCapture18)) return false; } } } finally { this.inRecursiveFunction = false; } return true; } int recursionLevel = 0; // used to give a hint at recursive types without going into infinity public char[] genericTypeSignature() { // since we have no wildcard, we combine the logic from CaptureBinding plus WildcardBinding here: if (this.genericTypeSignature == null) { char[] boundSignature; try { if (this.recursionLevel++ > 0 || this.firstBound == null) { boundSignature = TypeConstants.WILDCARD_STAR; } else if (this.upperBounds != null) { boundSignature = CharOperation.concat(TypeConstants.WILDCARD_PLUS, this.firstBound.genericTypeSignature()); } else if (this.lowerBound != null) { boundSignature = CharOperation.concat(TypeConstants.WILDCARD_MINUS, this.lowerBound.genericTypeSignature()); } else { boundSignature = TypeConstants.WILDCARD_STAR; } this.genericTypeSignature = CharOperation.concat(TypeConstants.WILDCARD_CAPTURE, boundSignature); } finally { this.recursionLevel--; } } return this.genericTypeSignature; } public char[] readableName() { if (this.lowerBound == null && this.firstBound != null) { if (this.recursionLevel < 2) { try { this.recursionLevel ++; if (this.upperBounds != null && this.upperBounds.length > 1) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(this.upperBounds[0].readableName()); for (int i = 1; i < this.upperBounds.length; i++) sb.append('&').append(this.upperBounds[i].readableName()); int len = sb.length(); char[] name = new char[len]; sb.getChars(0, len, name, 0); return name; } return this.firstBound.readableName(); } finally { this.recursionLevel--; } } else { return this.originalName; } } return super.readableName(); } public char[] shortReadableName() { if (this.lowerBound == null && this.firstBound != null) { if (this.recursionLevel < 2) { try { this.recursionLevel++; if (this.upperBounds != null && this.upperBounds.length > 1) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(this.upperBounds[0].shortReadableName()); for (int i = 1; i < this.upperBounds.length; i++) sb.append('&').append(this.upperBounds[i].shortReadableName()); int len = sb.length(); char[] name = new char[len]; sb.getChars(0, len, name, 0); return name; } return this.firstBound.shortReadableName(); } finally { this.recursionLevel--; } } else { return this.originalName; } } return super.shortReadableName(); } @Override public TypeBinding uncapture(Scope scope) { return this; } @Override public char[] computeUniqueKey(boolean isLeaf) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(TypeConstants.CAPTURE18); buffer.append('{').append(this.position).append('#').append(this.captureID).append('}'); buffer.append(';'); int length = buffer.length(); char[] uniqueKey = new char[length]; buffer.getChars(0, length, uniqueKey, 0); return uniqueKey; } }