package org.commoncrawl.util.redis; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Stack; import; import; import org.commoncrawl.util.redis.RedisResponse.Type; /** * state machine used to build a redis response * * @author rana * */ public class RedisResponseBuilder { enum WaitState { WAITING_FOR_TYPE, WAITING_FOR_CR_BYTE, WAITING_FOR_LF_BYTE, WAITING_FOR_BULK_BYTES, DONE } RedisResponseBuilder.WaitState _state = WaitState.WAITING_FOR_TYPE; Stack<RedisResponse> _responseStack = new Stack<RedisResponse>(); RedisResponse _current = null; RedisResponse _final = null; NIOBufferList _valueBuffer = new NIOBufferList(); long _longValue = 0L; boolean _numericType = false; boolean _processingBufferBytes = false; void reset() { _state = WaitState.WAITING_FOR_TYPE; _responseStack.clear(); _current = null; _final = null; _processingBufferBytes=false; _numericType = false; _valueBuffer.reset(); _longValue = 0L; } RedisResponse processBuffer(ByteBuffer bytes)throws IOException { while (bytes.remaining() != 0 || _state == WaitState.DONE) { switch (_state) { case WAITING_FOR_TYPE: { if (_current != null) _responseStack.push(_current); _current = new RedisResponse(readType(bytes)); _numericType = (_current.type != Type.Error && _current.type != Type.Status); _state = WaitState.WAITING_FOR_CR_BYTE; _valueBuffer.reset(); _longValue = 0L; } break; case WAITING_FOR_CR_BYTE: { if (_processingBufferBytes) { byte b = bytes.get(); if (b != '\r') { throw new IOException("Expected CR waiting for BufferBytes Terminator!"); } else { _state = WaitState.WAITING_FOR_LF_BYTE; } } else { byte b = 0; bytes.mark(); if (_numericType) { while (bytes.remaining() != 0) { b = bytes.get(); if (b == '\r') break; _longValue = (_longValue*10)+(b - '0'); } } else { while (bytes.remaining() != 0) { b = bytes.get(); if (b == '\r') break; } int savedPosition = bytes.position(); bytes.reset(); int bytesAvailabe = savedPosition - bytes.position() - 1; if (bytesAvailabe != 0) { ByteBuffer sliced = bytes.slice(); sliced.position(bytesAvailabe); sliced.limit(bytesAvailabe); _valueBuffer.write(sliced); } bytes.position(savedPosition); } if (b == '\r') { _state = WaitState.WAITING_FOR_LF_BYTE; } } } break; case WAITING_FOR_LF_BYTE: { byte b = bytes.get(); if (b == '\n') { if (!_processingBufferBytes) { _state = processReply(); } else { _processingBufferBytes = false; _state = collapseCurrentNode(); } } else { throw new IOException("Expected \\n GOT:" + b); } } break; case WAITING_FOR_BULK_BYTES: { // we store buffer(string) len in lvalue if (_current.lValue != 0) { // first, if previously allocated storage is null // check if we can satisfy the request from incoming payload ... // if NOT, we are going to pre-allocate the buffer here so that // we can reuse the buffer copy code below ... if (bytes.remaining() < _current.lValue) { _current.bValue = ByteBuffer.allocate((int)_current.lValue); } // previously allocated storage means // that the payload spanned buffers... // in this case copy incoming data into payload buffer ... if (_current.bValue != null) { int bytesToCopy = Math.min(_current.bValue.remaining(), bytes.remaining()); _current.bValue.put(bytes.array(),bytes.arrayOffset() + bytes.position(),bytesToCopy); bytes.position(bytes.position() + bytesToCopy); } // otherwise, if storage is null, then based on the assumption // above, we should have enough data in the payload buffer to // satisfy the request ... else { // first see if we have enough data in incoming buffer to satisfy request ... if (bytes.remaining() >= _current.lValue) { // ok, incoming buffer satisfies request ... // slice it ... ByteBuffer sliced = bytes.slice(); // and position / limit it appropriately ... sliced.position((int)_current.lValue); sliced.limit((int)_current.lValue); // set the buffer variable _current.bValue = sliced; // advance payload buffer cursor ... bytes.position(bytes.position() + (int)_current.lValue); } else { throw new IOException("Invalid State. Response Buffer NULL but incoming payload doesn't satisfy request"); } } if (_current.bValue.remaining() == 0) { _current.bValue.flip(); _processingBufferBytes = true; _state = WaitState.WAITING_FOR_CR_BYTE; } } else { throw new IOException("In WAITING for BULK BYTES State but no storage allocated!"); } } break; case DONE: { if (_final == null) { throw new IOException("Entered DONE state but no FINAL node!"); } else { // a response is ready ... RedisResponse responseOut = _final; // reset state variables ... _final = null; _state = WaitState.WAITING_FOR_TYPE; // return top level response ... return responseOut; } } } } return null; } ByteBuffer getValueBytes() throws IOException { _valueBuffer.flush(); ByteBuffer currentReadBuf =; if (_valueBuffer.available() == 0) { return currentReadBuf; } else { @SuppressWarnings("resource") DataOutputBuffer finalBuffer = new DataOutputBuffer(); while (currentReadBuf != null) { finalBuffer.write(currentReadBuf.array(),currentReadBuf.arrayOffset() + currentReadBuf.position(),currentReadBuf.remaining()); currentReadBuf =; } if (finalBuffer.getLength() != 0) { return ByteBuffer.wrap(finalBuffer.getData(),0,finalBuffer.getLength()); } } return null; } RedisResponseBuilder.WaitState processReply() throws IOException { // first process response line payload switch (_current.type) { case Status: case Error: { _current.bValue = getValueBytes(); } break; case Integer: { _current.lValue = _longValue; } break; case Buffer: case Multi: { int lenValue = (int) _longValue; if (lenValue > 0) { if (_current.type == Type.Buffer) { _current.lValue = lenValue; } else { _current.values = new RedisResponse[lenValue]; } } } break; } switch (_current.type) { // collapse simple nodes ... case Status: case Error: case Integer: { return collapseCurrentNode(); } // buffer nodes need to wait for buffer value ... case Buffer: { // if NULL string, collapse node now ... if (_current.lValue == 0) { return collapseCurrentNode(); } else { // transition to a waiting for buffer state ... return WaitState.WAITING_FOR_BULK_BYTES; } } // multi nodes need to wait for child nodes ... default: { // if multi node has no children if (_current.values == null) { // collapse it ... return collapseCurrentNode(); } // otherwise ... else { // push multi node onto context stack _responseStack.push(_current); // null out current node _current = null; // back to default state ... return WaitState.WAITING_FOR_TYPE; } } } } private RedisResponseBuilder.WaitState collapseCurrentNode()throws IOException { // see if current node has a parent .. // if so, collapse the node into the parent while (!_responseStack.isEmpty()) { RedisResponse parent = _responseStack.pop(); // add current node to parent node boolean nodeComplete = parent.addValue(_current); // see if the parent node is complete (has all of its required children) if (nodeComplete) { _current = parent; } else { // no, still more children to come ... // push it back onto the stack _responseStack.push(parent); // null current child _current = null; break; } } // if we have a node in context, then it is the final node, promote it as such ... if (_current != null) { _final = _current; _current = null; } // revert to waiting for type or done, depending on whether we have closed the final node or not ... return (_final == null) ? WaitState.WAITING_FOR_TYPE : WaitState.DONE; } private static RedisResponse.Type readType(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { switch (buffer.get()) { case '+': return Type.Status; case '-': return Type.Error; case ':': return Type.Integer; case '$': return Type.Buffer; case '*': return Type.Multi; default: throw new IOException("Invalid first byte"); } } }