package org.commoncrawl.util.redis; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import org.commoncrawl.util.ByteArrayUtils; /** * An object encapsulating a single response line or * a set of responses from a multi response * * * @author rana * */ public class RedisResponse { static enum Type { Status, Error, Integer, Buffer, Multi } RedisResponse.Type type; long lValue; ByteBuffer bValue; RedisResponse values[]; int valueIndex=0; /** * constructor * @param type */ RedisResponse(RedisResponse.Type type) { this.type = type; } RedisResponse(RedisResponse.Type type,byte[] responseData) { this.type = type; this.bValue = ByteBuffer.wrap(RedisClient.OK); } public boolean isMulti() { return type == Type.Multi; } public boolean isResponseOK() { return (type == Type.Status && bValue != null && ByteArrayUtils.compareBytes(RedisClient.OK, 0, RedisClient.OK.length, bValue.array(),bValue.arrayOffset() + bValue.position(),bValue.remaining()) == 0); } public boolean isResponseQUEUED() { return (type == Type.Status && bValue != null && ByteArrayUtils.compareBytes(RedisClient.QUEUED, 0, RedisClient.QUEUED.length, bValue.array(),bValue.arrayOffset() + bValue.position(),bValue.remaining()) == 0); } /** * add a child value to this multi response object * * @param response * @return true if all expected values have been added to this object * @throws IOException */ boolean addValue(RedisResponse response)throws IOException { if (values == null || valueIndex == values.length) { throw new IOException("Invalid attempt to add value to existing RedisResponse!"); } values[valueIndex++] = response; return (valueIndex == values.length); } RedisResponse currentResponseValue() throws IOException { if (valueIndex == 0) throw new IOException("Invalid valueIndex!"); return values[valueIndex-1]; } @Override public String toString() { return toStringInternal(0); } String toStringInternal(int level) { char temp[] = new char[level * 3]; Arrays.fill(temp,' '); String pad = new String(temp); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(pad + "Type:" + type + " "); switch (type) { case Integer: sb.append(pad + "Value:" + lValue);break; case Buffer: sb.append(pad + "Value:" + ((bValue == null) ? "<NULL>" : new String(bValue.array(),bValue.arrayOffset()+bValue.position(),bValue.remaining())));break; case Multi: { sb.append(pad + "Child Count:" + ((values == null) ? 0 : values.length) + "\n"); if (values != null) { for (int i=0;i<values.length;++i) { sb.append(pad + " [" + i + "]" + values[i].toStringInternal(0)); sb.append(values[i].toStringInternal(level + 1) + "\n"); } } } break; case Error: sb.append(pad + "ERROR:" + new String(bValue.array(),bValue.arrayOffset()+bValue.position(),bValue.remaining())); break; case Status: sb.append(pad + "STATUS:" + new String(bValue.array(),bValue.arrayOffset()+bValue.position(),bValue.remaining())); break; } return sb.toString(); } }