package org.commoncrawl.db; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.junit.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Vector; import SQLite.*; import SQLite.Exception; import java.rmi.dgc.VMID; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.internal.UnitTestStruct1; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.shared.BinaryProtocol; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.shared.RPCStruct; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.shared.RPCStructWithId; public class RecordStore { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RecordStore.class); private static int DATABASE_VERSION = 1; public static class RecordStoreException extends IOException { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public RecordStoreException(String reason) { super(reason); } } public static class ReplicationServer { public String _serverName; public int _port; ReplicationServer(String serverName,int port) { _serverName = serverName; _port = port; } } private class TransactionState { public TransactionState() { _activeThread = Thread.currentThread(); _txnNumber = ++RecordStore.this._lastTxnNumber; _refCount = 0; } public Thread _activeThread; public int _refCount; public long _txnNumber; } private enum RecordStatus{ ALIVE,DELETED }; private int _databaseVersion = 0; private long _lastCheckpointNumber = 0; private long _lastTxnNumber = 0; private long _lastRecordId = 0; private String _databaseId; private Database _database; TransactionState _txnState; private static BinaryProtocol binaryProtocol = new BinaryProtocol(); public synchronized void initialize(File localFilePath, Vector<ReplicationServer> servers)throws RecordStoreException { try { _database = new Database();, 0666); if (checkTables()) { queryMetadata(); } else { createTables(); } } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } public String getDatabaseId() { return _databaseId; } private RecordStoreException wrapSQLiteException(SQLite.Exception e ) { return new RecordStoreException(e.getMessage()); } public synchronized void shutdown() { if (_database != null) { try { _database.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } _database = null; } } /** * * @return true if tables actually created * @throws RecordStoreException */ private final void createTables()throws RecordStoreException { Stmt stmt = null; try { // create the tables ... String createMasterSQL = "Create Table metadata ( database_id TEXT NOT NULL," + "database_version INTEGER NOT NULL," + "last_checkpoint_id INTEGER(8) NOT NULL," + "last_txn_number INTEGER(8) NOT NULL);"; // record_id,record_type,parent_id,record_key,txn_number,record_status,record_data String createRecordTableSQL = "Create Table records ( record_id INTEGER(8) NOT NULL," + "record_type TEXT NOT NULL,"+ "parent_id TEXT,"+ "record_key TEXT,"+ "txn_number INTEGER(8) NOT NULL," + "record_status INTEGER NOT NULL," + "record_data BLOB," + "PRIMARY KEY(record_id) );"; String createIndexSQL = "Create Index records_key_idx on records (record_key);"; String createIndexSQL2 = "Create Index records_parent_id_idx on records (parent_id);"; _database.exec(createMasterSQL, null); _database.exec(createRecordTableSQL, null); _database.exec(createIndexSQL, null); _database.exec(createIndexSQL2, null); _databaseId = new VMID().toString(); _lastCheckpointNumber = 0; _lastTxnNumber = 0; String insertMasterSQL = "Insert Into metadata (database_id,database_version,last_checkpoint_id,last_txn_number)" + " Values (?,?,?,?);"; stmt = _database.prepare(insertMasterSQL); stmt.bind(1,_databaseId); stmt.bind(2,DATABASE_VERSION); stmt.bind(3,_lastCheckpointNumber); stmt.bind(4,_lastTxnNumber); stmt.step(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } finally { if (stmt != null){ try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } } } private synchronized final void queryMetadata() throws RecordStoreException { try { // query the master table ... String queryMasterSQL = "Select database_id,database_version,last_checkpoint_id,last_txn_number from metadata;"; String recordIdSQL = "Select Max(record_id) from records;"; Stmt stmt = null; Stmt stmt2 = null; try { stmt = _database.prepare(queryMasterSQL); stmt2 = _database.prepare(recordIdSQL); if (stmt.step() && stmt2.step()) { _databaseId = stmt.column_string(0); //TODO: VALIDATE DATABASE VERSION HERE ... int databaseVersion = stmt.column_int(1); _lastCheckpointNumber = stmt.column_long(2); _lastTxnNumber = stmt.column_long(3); _lastRecordId = stmt2.column_long(0); } } finally{ stmt.close(); stmt2.close(); } } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } private synchronized final boolean checkTables()throws RecordStoreException { SQLite.TableResult result = null; try { result = _database.get_table("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master where type IN('table','view') AND name IN" + "('metadata','records');"); if (result != null && result.nrows == 2) { return true; } return false; } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } finally { if (result != null) { result.clear(); } } } public synchronized final boolean inTransaction() { if (_txnState != null && _txnState._activeThread == Thread.currentThread()) return true; else return false; } public final synchronized void beginTransaction() throws RecordStoreException { if (_txnState != null && _txnState._activeThread != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new RecordStoreException("Invalid State. TXN already open in another thread!"); } if (_txnState == null) { _txnState = new TransactionState(); } if (_txnState._refCount++ == 0) { try { _database.exec("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE;", null); } catch (SQLite.Exception e){ if (--_txnState._refCount == 0) { _txnState = null; } throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } } public final synchronized void commitTransaction() throws RecordStoreException { if (_txnState == null || _txnState._activeThread != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new RecordStoreException("Invalid State. commit called on non-existen txn or from different thread."); } if (--_txnState._refCount == 0) { _txnState = null; try { _database.exec("COMMIT;", null); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } } public final synchronized void abortTransaction(){ if (_txnState == null || _txnState._activeThread != Thread.currentThread()) { LOG.error("Invalid Call to abortTransaction. No Transaction is Active"); } // abort transaction irrespective of ref count ... _txnState = null; try { _database.exec("ROLLBACK;", null); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { LOG.error("ABORT TRANSACTION FAILED WITH ERROR:" + e.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(wrapSQLiteException(e)); } } public synchronized final <Type> long insertRecord(String parentId,String key,RPCStructWithId struct) throws RecordStoreException{ Stmt stmt = null; if (struct == null || key == null) { throw new RecordStoreException("NULL data value not allowed."); } try { // validate txn status validateTransaction(); // allocate a new record id ... struct.setRecordId(++_lastRecordId); // serialize the data ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream (byteStream); try { struct.serialize(outputStream, binaryProtocol); outputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e){ throw new RecordStoreException("Serialization Error"); } String strInsertSQL = "Insert Into records (record_id,record_type,parent_id,record_key,txn_number,record_status,record_data) " + "Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"; stmt = _database.prepare(strInsertSQL); stmt.bind(1,struct.getRecordId()); stmt.bind(2,struct.getClass().getName()); stmt.bind(3,parentId); if (key == null) { stmt.bind(4); } else { stmt.bind(4,key); } stmt.bind(5,_txnState._txnNumber); stmt.bind(6,RecordStatus.ALIVE.ordinal()); stmt.bind(7,byteStream.toByteArray()); stmt.step(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } finally { if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } } return struct.getRecordId(); } public synchronized final void updateRecordById(long recordId, RPCStructWithId struct) throws RecordStoreException{ Stmt stmt = null; if (struct== null || recordId == 0) { throw new RecordStoreException("NULL data value not allowed."); } // serialize the data ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream (byteStream); try { struct.serialize(outputStream, binaryProtocol); outputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e){ throw new RecordStoreException("Serialization Error"); } try { // validate txn status validateTransaction(); String strInsertSQL = "Update records Set record_type=?,txn_number=?,record_status=?,record_data=? where record_id=?;"; stmt = _database.prepare(strInsertSQL); stmt.bind(1,struct.getClass().getName()); stmt.bind(2,_txnState._txnNumber); stmt.bind(3,RecordStatus.ALIVE.ordinal()); stmt.bind(4,byteStream.toByteArray()); stmt.bind(5,struct.getRecordId()); stmt.step(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } finally { if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } } } public synchronized final void updateRecordByKey(String key, RPCStruct struct) throws RecordStoreException { Stmt stmt = null; if (struct== null || key == null) { throw new RecordStoreException("NULL data value not allowed."); } // serialize the data ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream (byteStream); try { struct.serialize(outputStream, binaryProtocol); outputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e){ throw new RecordStoreException("Serialization Error"); } try { // validate txn status validateTransaction(); String strInsertSQL = "Update records Set record_type=?,txn_number=?,record_status=?,record_data=? where record_key=?;"; stmt = _database.prepare(strInsertSQL); stmt.bind(1,struct.getClass().getName()); stmt.bind(2,_txnState._txnNumber); stmt.bind(3,RecordStatus.ALIVE.ordinal()); stmt.bind(4,byteStream.toByteArray()); stmt.bind(5,key); stmt.step(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } finally { if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } } } public synchronized final void deleteRecordById(long recordId) throws RecordStoreException{ Stmt stmt = null; try { // validate txn status validateTransaction(); /* String strInsertSQL = "Update records Set txn_number=?,record_status=?,record_data=? where record_id=?;"; stmt = _database.prepare(strInsertSQL); stmt.bind(1,_txnState._txnNumber); stmt.bind(2,RecordStatus.DELETED.ordinal()); stmt.bind(3); stmt.bind(4,recordId); */ String strDeleteSQL = "Delete from records where record_id=?;"; stmt = _database.prepare(strDeleteSQL); stmt.bind(1,recordId); stmt.step(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } finally { if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } } } public synchronized final void deleteRecordByKey(String recordKey) throws RecordStoreException{ Stmt stmt = null; try { // validate txn status validateTransaction(); /* String strInsertSQL = "Update records Set txn_number=?,record_status=?,record_data=? where record_key=?;"; stmt = _database.prepare(strInsertSQL); stmt.bind(1,_txnState._txnNumber); stmt.bind(2,RecordStatus.DELETED.ordinal()); stmt.bind(3); stmt.bind(4,recordKey); */ String strDeleteSQL = "Delete from records where record_key=?;"; stmt = _database.prepare(strDeleteSQL); stmt.bind(1,recordKey); stmt.step(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } finally { if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } } } public synchronized final void deleteChildRecords(String parentId) throws RecordStoreException{ Stmt stmt = null; try { // validate txn status validateTransaction(); /* String strInsertSQL = "Update records Set txn_number=?,record_status=?,record_data=? where parent_id=?;"; stmt = _database.prepare(strInsertSQL); stmt.bind(1,_txnState._txnNumber); stmt.bind(2,RecordStatus.DELETED.ordinal()); stmt.bind(3); stmt.bind(4,parentId); */ String strDeleteSQL = "Delete from records where parent_id=?;"; stmt = _database.prepare(strDeleteSQL); stmt.bind(1,parentId); stmt.step(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } finally { if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } } } public synchronized RPCStruct getRecordByKey(String key) throws RecordStoreException { return getRecordByKeyOrId(key,0); } public synchronized RPCStruct getRecordById(long recordId) throws RecordStoreException { return getRecordByKeyOrId(null,recordId); } static String org_crawlcommons = "org.crawlcommons"; private synchronized final RPCStruct getRecordByKeyOrId(String key,long recordId) throws RecordStoreException { String strSQL; if (key != null) strSQL = "Select record_id,record_type,record_data from records where record_key = ? and record_status=?;"; else strSQL = "Select record_id,record_type,record_data from records where record_id = ? and record_status=?;"; Stmt stmt = null; RPCStructWithId struct = null; try { stmt = _database.prepare(strSQL); if (key != null) stmt.bind(1,key); else stmt.bind(1,recordId); stmt.bind(2,RecordStatus.ALIVE.ordinal()); if (stmt.step()) { recordId = stmt.column_long(0); String recordType = stmt.column_string(1); byte[] data = stmt.column_bytes(2); if (recordType.startsWith(org_crawlcommons)) { recordType = recordType.replaceFirst(org_crawlcommons, "org.commoncrawl"); } // allocate an instance of the struct struct = (RPCStructWithId) Class.forName(recordType).newInstance(); // create the necessary stream DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); // and deserialize the struct ... struct.deserialize(in, binaryProtocol); // set the record id before returning the struct to the caller struct.setRecordId(recordId); } } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e){ e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RecordStoreException("DeSerialization Failure"); } finally{ try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } return struct; } public synchronized Vector<String> getChildRecordKeysByParentId(String parentId) throws RecordStoreException { String strSQL = "Select record_key from records where parent_id = ? and record_status=?;"; Stmt stmt = null; Vector<String> children = new Vector<String>(); try { stmt = _database.prepare(strSQL); stmt.bind(1,parentId); stmt.bind(2,RecordStatus.ALIVE.ordinal()); while (stmt.step()) { children.add(stmt.column_string(0)); } } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } finally{ try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } return children; } public synchronized Vector<Long> getChildRecordsByParentId(String parentId) throws RecordStoreException { String strSQL = "Select record_id from records where parent_id = ? and record_status=?;"; Stmt stmt = null; Vector<Long> children = new Vector<Long>(); try { stmt = _database.prepare(strSQL); stmt.bind(1,parentId); stmt.bind(2,RecordStatus.ALIVE.ordinal()); while (stmt.step()) { children.add(stmt.column_long(0)); } } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } finally{ try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLite.Exception e) { throw wrapSQLiteException(e); } } return children; } private final synchronized void validateTransaction() throws RecordStoreException { if (_txnState == null || _txnState._activeThread != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new RecordStoreException("Invalid State.No current Transaction or Txn opened in another thread."); } } /** generic helper routine to persist RPCStruct to disk **/ public synchronized void insertUpdatePersistentObject ( RPCStructWithId object,String parentKey,String keyPrefix,boolean update) throws RecordStoreException { if (update) updateRecordByKey(keyPrefix+object.getKey(), object); else insertRecord(parentKey, keyPrefix+object.getKey(), object); } /* TODO: GARBAGE .. GET RID OF IT ... static char seedPath[] = new char[24]; static char lastPath[] = new char[24]; static char lastDomain[] = { 'a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a'-1}; static void generateSeeds() { for (int i =0;i<seedPath.length;++i) { seedPath[i] = (char) ('a' + Math.random() * 26); } } static String getNextDomain() { // reset seed path System.arraycopy(seedPath, 0, lastPath, 0, seedPath.length); // increment domain path for (int i=lastDomain.length-1;i>=0;--i){ if (lastDomain[i] != 'z') { lastDomain[i] += 1; break; } else { lastDomain[i]='a'; } } return new String(lastDomain); } // get next path ... static String getNextPath() { for (int i=lastPath.length-1;i>=0;--i){ if (lastPath[i] != 'z') { lastPath[i] += 1; break; } else { lastPath[i]='a'; } } return new String(lastPath); } @Test public void testDatabaseSize() throws java.lang.Exception { File db1 = new File("/tmp/test.db"); File db2 = new File("/tmp/test2.db"); File db3 = new File("/tmp/test3.db"); File db4 = new File("/tmp/test4.db"); RecordStore recordStore[] = new RecordStore[1]; for (int j=0;j<recordStore.length;++j) recordStore[j] = new RecordStore(); recordStore[0].initialize(db1, null); //recordStore[1].initialize(db2, null); //recordStore[2].initialize(db3, null); //recordStore[3].initialize(db4, null); System.out.println("Database Ready"); CrawlURL data = new CrawlURL(); boolean doInsert = false; if (doInsert) { boolean inTxn = false; long totalTimeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); long timeStart = 0; for (int i=0;i<1;){ if (i%10000 == 0){ if (inTxn) { for (int j=0;j<recordStore.length;++j) recordStore[j].commitTransaction(); long timeSpent = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart; System.out.println("Inserted "+i+" Records in " +((Long)timeSpent).toString() +" Milliseconds"); } inTxn = true; for (int j=0;j<recordStore.length;++j) recordStore[j].beginTransaction(); timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); } String domain = getNextDomain(); String path = getNextPath(); for (int j=0;j<16;++j) { data.setUrl("http://"+domain+"/"+path); data.setFingerprint((long) (Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE)); path = getNextPath(); for (int k=0;k<recordStore.length;++k) recordStore[k].insertRecord(0, ((Long)data.getFingerprint()).toString(),data); ++i; } } if (inTxn){ for (int j=0;j<recordStore.length;++j) recordStore[j].commitTransaction(); } System.out.println("Total time expended:"+((Long)(System.currentTimeMillis() - totalTimeStart))); } else { long seekStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); CrawlURL returnedData = (CrawlURL)recordStore[0].getRecordById(1000500); System.out.println("Seek took "+((Long)System.currentTimeMillis()-seekStart)); System.out.println("Seek returned URL:"+returnedData.getUrl()); } } */ @Test public void testRecordStore() throws java.lang.Exception { System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.library.path")); File tempDBFile = File.createTempFile("sqlite",".db"); RecordStore recordStore = new RecordStore(); recordStore.initialize(tempDBFile, null); UnitTestStruct1 unitTest = new UnitTestStruct1(); unitTest.setStringType("foo"); long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); recordStore.beginTransaction(); for (int i=0;i<10000;++i) { recordStore.insertRecord(((Integer)(i/1000)).toString(), Integer.toString(i), unitTest); } recordStore.commitTransaction(); long timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("10000 record insertion took:"+Long.toString(timeEnd-timeStart)+" millisecs."); timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); recordStore.beginTransaction(); for (int i=0;i<1000;++i) { int key = (int) (10000.00 * Math.random()); unitTest.setStringType(Integer.toString(key)); recordStore.updateRecordByKey(Integer.toString(key), unitTest); } recordStore.commitTransaction(); timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("random update of 1000 records took:"+Long.toString(timeEnd-timeStart)+" millisecs."); int randomKey = (int) (1000.00 * Math.random()); timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); UnitTestStruct1 unitTest2 = (UnitTestStruct1)recordStore.getRecordByKey(Integer.toString(randomKey)); timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("random seek took:"+Long.toString(timeEnd-timeStart)+" millisecs."); randomKey = (int) (1000000.00 * Math.random()); timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); recordStore.beginTransaction(); recordStore.deleteRecordByKey(Integer.toString(randomKey)); recordStore.commitTransaction(); timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("random delete took:"+Long.toString(timeEnd-timeStart)+" millisecs."); long randomId = (long) (1000.00 * Math.random()); Vector<Long> children = recordStore.getChildRecordsByParentId("0"); timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Long childId : children) { UnitTestStruct1 unitTest3 = (UnitTestStruct1) recordStore.getRecordById(childId); } timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("read of:"+Integer.toString(children.size())+" records took:"+Long.toString(timeEnd-timeStart)+" millisecs."); } }