package org.commoncrawl.service.crawlmaster; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.commoncrawl.async.Timer; import org.commoncrawl.crawl.common.internal.CrawlEnvironment; import org.commoncrawl.db.RecordStore.RecordStoreException; import org.commoncrawl.mapred.CrawlDBSegment; import org.commoncrawl.mapred.CrawlDBState; import org.commoncrawl.mapred.CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.CrawlDBService; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.CrawlHistoryStatus; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.CrawlerStatus; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.LongQueryParam; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.MapReduceTaskIdAndData; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.SimpleByteResult; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.URLFPV2; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.internal.AsyncContext; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.internal.AsyncRequest.Status; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.internal.AsyncServerChannel; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.internal.NullMessage; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.shared.RPCException; import org.commoncrawl.server.AsyncWebServerRequest; import org.commoncrawl.server.CommonCrawlServer; import org.commoncrawl.util.CCStringUtils; import org.commoncrawl.util.S3BulkUploader; import org.commoncrawl.util.S3BulkUploader.UploadCandidate; import; import; import; import; public class CrawlDBServer extends CommonCrawlServer implements CrawlDBService { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CrawlDBServer.class); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* MASTER CONSTANTS */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CONSTANTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Constants **/ public static final String CRAWLDB_CRAWL_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARENT_KEY = "CrawlSegment"; public static final String CRAWLDB_PARSE_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARENT_KEY = "ParseSegment"; private static final String CrawlDBStateKey = "DBState"; public static final String CrawlSegmentKeyPrefix = "CSeg_"; public static final String ParseSegmentKeyPrefix = "PSeg_"; private static final int STATE_DUMP_INTERVAL = 60000; /** async heartbeat timer .. **/ private static final int CRAWLER_HEARTBEAT_TIMER_INTERVAL = 10000; private static final int CRAWLER_HEARTBEAT_THRESHOLD = 5000; /** placeholder **/ public static final int CRAWLDB_CRAWL_NUMBER = 1; private static String s3ACL = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"+ "<AccessControlPolicy xmlns=''>"+ " <Owner><ID>eb5386645db2723fedc2c42173e3d45ce30e8ce0849a36771d976f80a2b4b0d8</ID><DisplayName>gil</DisplayName></Owner>"+ " <AccessControlList>"+ " <Grant>"+ " <Grantee xmlns:xsi='' xsi:type='CanonicalUser'><ID>eb5386645db2723fedc2c42173e3d45ce30e8ce0849a36771d976f80a2b4b0d8</ID><DisplayName>gil</DisplayName></Grantee>"+ " <Permission>FULL_CONTROL</Permission>"+ " </Grant>"+ " <Grant>"+ " <Grantee xmlns:xsi='' xsi:type='Group'>"+ " <URI></URI>"+ " </Grantee>"+ " <Permission>READ</Permission>"+ " </Grant>"+ " </AccessControlList>"+ "</AccessControlPolicy>"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DATA MEMBERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // hadoop job status ... enum HadoopStatus { // Idle, doing nothing IDLE, // Generating a segment ... GENERATING, // Parsing a segment ... PARSING, // updating ... UPDATING, //running custom job RUNNING_CUSTOM_JOB } enum LastGeneratorStatus { UNKNOWN, LAST_GEN_SUCCESSFULL, LAST_GEN_FAILED } public static CrawlDBServer _server = null; private HadoopStatus _hadoopStatus = HadoopStatus.IDLE; private LastGeneratorStatus _lastCrawlSegmentGenStatus = LastGeneratorStatus.UNKNOWN; private long _lastUpdateTime = -1; private long _lastStateDumpTime = -1; private boolean _disableUpdater = true; private boolean _enableS3Uploader = false; private S3BulkUploader _uploader = null; private String _s3AccessKey; private String _s3Secret; public String _s3Bucket; /** the master state (storing sequential ids etc.) **/ private CrawlDBState _serverState; /** job state map **/ private Multimap<String,MapReduceTaskIdAndData> _taskStateMap = TreeMultimap.create(); /** get access to the server singleton * */ static CrawlDBServer getSingleton() { return _server; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MASTER RELATED VARIABLES ... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** list of crawlers offcially online **/ private Map<String,OnlineCrawlerState> _crawlers = new TreeMap<String,OnlineCrawlerState> (); private Map<String,OnlineHistoryServerState> _historyServers = new TreeMap<String,OnlineHistoryServerState> (); private Timer _crawlerHeartbeatTimer = null; private String _crawlersFile; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Server Initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override protected boolean initServer() { _server = this; try { // initialize database ... File databasePath = new File(getDataDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + CrawlEnvironment.CRAWLDB_DB);"Config says CrawlDB State db path is: "+databasePath); // load db state ... _serverState = null; if (_serverState == null) { _serverState = new CrawlDBState(); _serverState.setDbCookie(0); _serverState.setLastCrawlSegmentId(0); }"Parsing Crawlers File"); parseCrawlersFile();"Successfully Parsed Crawlers File. Known Crawlers are:"); for (OnlineCrawlerState crawler : _crawlers.values()) {; }"History Servers are:"); for (OnlineHistoryServerState historyServer: _historyServers.values()) {; } // create server channel ... AsyncServerChannel channel = new AsyncServerChannel(this, getEventLoop(), getServerAddress(),null); // register RPC services it supports ... registerService(channel,CrawlDBService.spec); // open the server channel ..; // and start heartbeat timer ... setCrawlerHeartbeatTime(); } catch (RecordStoreException e){ LOG.fatal(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); return false; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.fatal(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); return false; } getWebServer().addServlet("modifyCrawlMasterState", "/modifyMasterCrawlState.jsp",Servlets.ModifyMasterCrawlState.class); getWebServer().addServlet("modifyCrawlNumber", "/modifyCrawlNumber.jsp",Servlets.ModifyCrawlNumber.class); getWebServer().addServlet("setHistoryServerTranstionState", "/setHistoryServerTransitionState.jsp",Servlets.SetHistoryServerTransitionState.class); getWebServer().addServlet("getCrawlerNames","/getCrawlerNames.jsp",Servlets.GetCrawlerNamesServlet.class); return true; } /** get list of crawler names **/ public Vector<String> getCrawlerNames() { Vector<String> crawlerNames = new Vector<String>(); for (OnlineCrawlerState crawlerState : _crawlers.values()) { crawlerNames.add(crawlerState.getHostname()); } return crawlerNames; } public final int getActiveGeneratedListId() { return _serverState.getActiveGeneratedListId(); } public final int getCrawlerCrawlNumber() { return Math.max(_serverState.getCrawlerCrawlNumber(),1); } public void setCrawlerCrawlNumber(int newCrawlNumber) throws IOException{ _serverState.setCrawlerCrawlNumber(newCrawlNumber); updateServerState(true); } public void setHistoryServerCrawlNumber(int newCrawlNumber) throws IOException{ if (_serverState.getHistoryServerCrawlNumber() != newCrawlNumber) { _serverState.setHistoryServerCheckpointState(CrawlHistoryStatus.CheckpointState.ACTIVE); } _serverState.setHistoryServerCrawlNumber(newCrawlNumber); updateServerState(true); } public void setHistoryServerTransitionState() throws IOException{ if (_serverState.getHistoryServerCheckpointState() == CrawlHistoryStatus.CheckpointState.ACTIVE) { _serverState.setHistoryServerCheckpointState(CrawlHistoryStatus.CheckpointState.TRANSITIONING); } updateServerState(true); } public final int getHistoryServerCrawlNumber() { return Math.max(_serverState.getHistoryServerCrawlNumber(),1); } public final int getHistoryServerCheckpointState() { return _serverState.getHistoryServerCheckpointState(); } public final int getNextListId() throws RecordStoreException { // extract next segment id from database state int nextListId = _serverState.getLastUsedListId() + 1; // update state ... _serverState.setLastUsedListId(nextListId); updateServerState(true); return nextListId; } public final int getNextCrawlSegmentId() throws RecordStoreException { // extract next segment id from database state int nextSegmentId = _serverState.getLastCrawlSegmentId() + 1; // update state ... _serverState.setLastCrawlSegmentId(nextSegmentId); updateServerState(true); return nextSegmentId; } public final void updateLastCrawlSegmentId(int segmentId) throws RecordStoreException { // update state ... _serverState.setLastCrawlSegmentId(segmentId); updateServerState(true); } private final void potentiallyStartMapReduceJob() { } private void potentiallyTransitionCrawlState() { int desiredCrawlState = -1; switch (_serverState.getCrawlMasterState()) { case CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.ACTIVE: { desiredCrawlState = CrawlerStatus.CrawlerState.ACTIVE; } break; case CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.CHECKPOINTING: { desiredCrawlState = CrawlerStatus.CrawlerState.FLUSHED; } break; case CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.CHECKPOINTED: case CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.GENERATING: case CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.GENERATED: { desiredCrawlState = CrawlerStatus.CrawlerState.ACTIVE; } break; case CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.READY_TO_DISTRIBUTE: { desiredCrawlState = CrawlerStatus.CrawlerState.PURGED; } break; } boolean allCrawlersInDesiredState = true; if (desiredCrawlState != -1) { for (OnlineCrawlerState crawler : _crawlers.values()) { if (crawler.getLastKnownStatus().getCrawlerState() != desiredCrawlState || crawler.getLastKnownStatus().getActiveListNumber() != getCrawlerCrawlNumber()) { allCrawlersInDesiredState = false; crawler.transitionToState(desiredCrawlState, getCrawlerCrawlNumber()); } } } // ok now are all the crawlers in the desired state ... if (allCrawlersInDesiredState && desiredCrawlState != -1) { potentiallyTransitionMasterCrawlState(); } } /** explicitly set crawl state **/ void explicitlySetMasterCrawlState(int newState) { _serverState.setCrawlMasterState(newState); } private void potentiallyCheckpointHistoryServers() { for (OnlineHistoryServerState historyServer : _historyServers.values()) { if (historyServer.isOnline() && historyServer.getLastKnownStatus().getActiveCrawlNumber() != getHistoryServerCrawlNumber() || historyServer.getLastKnownStatus().getCheckpointState() < getHistoryServerCheckpointState()) { if (!historyServer.isCommandActive()) {"Sending Checkpoint Command to History Server:" + historyServer.getHostname() + " CrawlNumber:" + getHistoryServerCrawlNumber()); historyServer.sendCheckpointCommand(getHistoryServerCrawlNumber(),getHistoryServerCheckpointState()); } } } } /** gets called when all crawlers are in a suitable crawl state for a master state transition * */ private void potentiallyTransitionMasterCrawlState() { // see if we can transition master state ... switch (_serverState.getCrawlMasterState()) { case CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.CHECKPOINTING: {"Crawl State is CHECKPOINTING. TRANSITIONING TO CHECKPOINTED"); _serverState.setCrawlMasterState(CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.CHECKPOINTED); //TODO: parse remaining segments and transition to generating state } break; case CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.GENERATED: {"Crawl State is GENERATED. TRANSITIONING TO READY_TO_DISTRIBUTE"); _serverState.setCrawlMasterState(CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.READY_TO_DISTRIBUTE); } break; case CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.READY_TO_DISTRIBUTE: {"Crawl State is READY TO DISTRIBUTE. TRANSITIONING TO DISTRIBUTING"); _serverState.setCrawlMasterState(CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.DISTRIBUTING); } break; case CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.DISTRIBUTED: {"Crawl State is READY TO DISTRIBUTING. TRANSITIONING TO ACTIVE"); _serverState.setCrawlMasterState(CrawlDBState.CrawlMasterState.ACTIVE); } break; } } /** setCrawlerHeartbeatTime **/ private void setCrawlerHeartbeatTime() { // setup async timer ... _crawlerHeartbeatTimer = new Timer(CRAWLER_HEARTBEAT_TIMER_INTERVAL,true,new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { //"Heartbeat Timer Fired"); Date now = new Date(); // walk online crawlers and send heartbeats as appropriate ... for (OnlineCrawlerState crawler : _crawlers.values()) { if (crawler.isOnline()) { if (now.getTime() - crawler.getLastUpdateTime().getTime() >= CRAWLER_HEARTBEAT_THRESHOLD) { // time for a heartbeat ... crawler.sendHeartbeat(); } } } // walk online crawlers and send heartbeats as appropriate ... for (OnlineHistoryServerState historyServer : _historyServers.values()) { if (historyServer.isOnline()) { if (now.getTime() - historyServer.getLastUpdateTime().getTime() >= CRAWLER_HEARTBEAT_THRESHOLD) { // time for a heartbeat ... historyServer.sendHeartbeat(); } } } // figure out if history servers need to be checkpointed ... potentiallyCheckpointHistoryServers(); // figure out of a crawl state transition needs to happen potentiallyTransitionCrawlState(); // now check for potential map reduce job transition ... potentiallyStartMapReduceJob(); } }); getEventLoop().setTimer(_crawlerHeartbeatTimer); } /** persist the crawldb state to disk **/ private final void updateServerState(boolean update) throws RecordStoreException { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CommonCrawlServer Overloads //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //@Override protected String getDefaultLogFileName() { return "crawldb"; } @Override protected String getDefaultDataDir() { return CrawlEnvironment.DEFAULT_DATA_DIR; } @Override protected String getDefaultHttpInterface() { return CrawlEnvironment.DEFAULT_HTTP_INTERFACE; } @Override protected int getDefaultHttpPort() { return CrawlEnvironment.DEFAULT_DATABASE_HTTP_PORT; } @Override protected String getDefaultRPCInterface() { return CrawlEnvironment.DEFAULT_RPC_INTERFACE; } @Override protected int getDefaultRPCPort() { return CrawlEnvironment.DEFAULT_DATABASE_RPC_PORT; } @Override protected String getWebAppName() { return CrawlEnvironment.CRAWLMASTER_WEBAPP_NAME; } @Override protected boolean parseArguements(String[] argv) { for(int i=0; i < argv.length;++i) { if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--crawlers")) { if (i+1 < argv.length) { _crawlersFile = argv[++i]; } } else if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--awsAccessKey")) { if (i+1 < argv.length) { _s3AccessKey = argv[++i]; } } else if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--awsSecret")) { if (i+1 < argv.length) { _s3Secret = argv[++i]; } } else if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--awsBucket")) { if (i+1 < argv.length) { _s3Bucket = argv[++i]; } } } return true; } @Override protected void printUsage() { System.out.println("Database Startup Args: --dataDir [data directory]"); } @Override protected boolean startDaemons() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return true; } @Override protected void stopDaemons() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CALLBACKS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MASTER INTEGRATION CODE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** make packed log id from list id and segment log id **/ public static long makeSegmentLogId(int listId,int segmentId) { return (((long)listId) << 32) | (long)segmentId; } /** get segment log id from packed id**/ public static int getSegmentIdFromLogId(long logId) { return (int) (logId & 0xFFFFFFFF); } /** get list id from packed id**/ public static int getListIdFromLogId(long logId) { return (int) ((logId >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Online Crawler State Object */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HTML CONSOLE SUPPORT ROUTINES ... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static String timeValueToString(long timeValue) { if (timeValue == -1) { return "Undefined"; } else { Date theDate = new Date(timeValue); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss z"); return formatter.format(theDate); } } void flipBooleanValue(final String valueName) { final Semaphore waitState = new Semaphore(0); _eventLoop.setTimer(new Timer(0,false,new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { if (valueName.equals("_disableUpdater")) { _disableUpdater = !_disableUpdater; } else if (valueName.equals("_enableS3Uploader")) { _enableS3Uploader = !_enableS3Uploader; if (_enableS3Uploader && _uploader == null) { try { Path arcFileInTransitPath = new Path(CrawlEnvironment.CC_ROOT_DIR + "/arc_files_in_transit"); Path arcFileSourcePath = new Path(CrawlEnvironment.CC_ROOT_DIR + "/arc_files_out"); if (_s3AccessKey == null || _s3Secret == null || _s3Bucket == null) { throw new IOException("Invalid S3 AccessKey/Secert/Bucket"); } intializeS3Uploader( arcFileSourcePath, arcFileInTransitPath, _s3Bucket, _s3AccessKey, _s3Secret, 2*1024*1024, 150, new UploaderController() { @Override public boolean continueUpload() { return _enableS3Uploader; } } ); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to INITIALIZE S3 Uploader with Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } } waitState.release(); } })); waitState.acquireUninterruptibly(); } public void writeCrawlDBServerStateTable(final JspWriter out) throws IOException { final Semaphore waitState = new Semaphore(0); _eventLoop.setTimer(new Timer(0,false,new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { try { out.print("<table border=\"1\"cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">"); out.print("<tr><td>Variable</td><td>Value</td><td>Action</td></tr>"); // out.print("<tr><td>FileSystem</td><td>"+CrawlEnvironment.getDefaultFileSystem().getUri() +"</td><td></td></tr>"); if (_hadoopStatus != HadoopStatus.RUNNING_CUSTOM_JOB) out.print("<tr><td>HadoopStatus</td><td>"+_hadoopStatus.toString()+"</td><td> </td></tr>"); else out.print("<tr><td>CrawlStatus</td><td>"+CrawlMasterState.toString(_serverState.getCrawlMasterState())+"</td><td> </td></tr>"); out.print("<tr><td>CrawlerCrawlNumber</td><td>"+getCrawlerCrawlNumber()+"</td><td> </td></tr>"); out.print("<tr><td>HistoryServerCrawlNumber</td><td>"+getHistoryServerCrawlNumber()+"</td><td> </td></tr>"); out.print("<tr><td>HistoryServerCheckpointState</td><td>"+CrawlHistoryStatus.CheckpointState.toString(getHistoryServerCheckpointState())+"</td><td> </td></tr>"); out.print("<tr><td>LastGeneratorStatus</td><td>"+_lastCrawlSegmentGenStatus.toString()+"</td><td> </td></tr>"); out.print("<tr><td>LastUpdateTime</td><td>"+timeValueToString(_lastUpdateTime)+"</td><td> </td></tr>"); out.print("<tr><td>DisableUpdater</td><td>"+_disableUpdater+"</td><td><a href=\"changeValue.jsp?name=_disableUpdater\">Flip Value</a></td></tr>"); out.print("<tr><td>EnableS3Uploader</td><td>"+_enableS3Uploader+"</td><td><a href=\"changeValue.jsp?name=_enableS3Uploader\">Flip Value</a></td></tr>"); out.print("</table>"); } catch (IOException e) { try { out.print("<pre> writeCrawlDBServerStateTable threw exception: " + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e) + " </pre>"); } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error(e1); } } waitState.release(); } })); waitState.acquireUninterruptibly(); } public void dumpCrawlerTable(final JspWriter out) throws IOException { final Semaphore waitState = new Semaphore(0); _eventLoop.setTimer(new Timer(0,false,new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { try { out.print("<table border=\"1\"cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">"); out.print("<tr><td>Crawler Name</td><td>Online State</td><td>Crawler Status</td><td>Active Crawler Number</td></tr>"); for (OnlineCrawlerState state : _crawlers.values()) { out.print("<tr><td><a href=\"crawlerDetails.jsp?crawlerNode=" +state.getHostname() +"\">"+ state.getHostname()+"</a></td>"); if (state.isOnline()) { out.print("<td>online</td>"); } else { out.print("<td>offline</td>"); } if (state.isOnline()) { out.print("<TD>" + CrawlerStatus.CrawlerState.toString(state.getLastKnownStatus().getCrawlerState()) +"</TD>"); out.print("<TD>" + Integer.toString(state.getLastKnownStatus().getActiveListNumber()) +"</TD>"); } else { out.print("<TD> </td>"); out.print("<TD> </td>"); } out.print("</tr>"); } out.print("</table>"); } catch (IOException e) { try { out.print("<pre> dumpCrawlerTable threw exception: " + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e) + " </pre>"); } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error(e1); } } waitState.release(); } })); waitState.acquireUninterruptibly(); } public void dumpHistoryServerTable(final JspWriter out) throws IOException { final Semaphore waitState = new Semaphore(0); _eventLoop.setTimer(new Timer(0,false,new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { try { out.print("<table border=\"1\"cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">"); out.print("<tr><td>Server Name</td><td>Online State</td><td>Active Crawler Number</td><td>Checkpoint State</td></tr>"); for (OnlineHistoryServerState state : _historyServers.values()) { out.print("<tr><td>" + state.getHostname() +"</td>"); if (state.isOnline()) { out.print("<td>online</td>"); } else { out.print("<td>offline</td>"); } if (state.isOnline()) { out.print("<TD>" + Integer.toString(state.getLastKnownStatus().getActiveCrawlNumber()) +"</TD>"); out.print("<TD>" + CrawlHistoryStatus.CheckpointState.toString(state.getLastKnownStatus().getCheckpointState()) +"</TD>"); } else { out.print("<TD> </td>"); } out.print("</tr>"); } out.print("</table>"); } catch (IOException e) { try { out.print("<pre> dumpHistoryTable threw exception: " + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e) + " </pre>"); } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error(e1); } } waitState.release(); } })); waitState.acquireUninterruptibly(); } void dumpCrawlerState(final JspWriter out, final String crawlerName) { final Semaphore waitState = new Semaphore(0); _eventLoop.setTimer(new Timer(0,false,new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { waitState.release(); } })); waitState.acquireUninterruptibly(); } static class FileSystemSize { public long fileSize; public long blockSize; public Vector<String> paths = new Vector<String>(); }; static FileSystemSize buildRecursiveFileStatus(FileStatus statusIn,FileSystem fileSystem)throws IOException { FileSystemSize sizeOut = new FileSystemSize(); sizeOut.fileSize =statusIn.getLen(); sizeOut.blockSize =statusIn.getBlockSize(); if (statusIn.isDir()) { FileStatus[] nestedStatus = fileSystem.globStatus(new Path(statusIn.getPath(),"*")); if (nestedStatus != null) { for (int i=0;i<nestedStatus.length;++i){ if (nestedStatus[i].isDir()) { FileSystemSize nestedSize = buildRecursiveFileStatus(nestedStatus[i],fileSystem); sizeOut.fileSize += nestedSize.fileSize; sizeOut.blockSize += nestedSize.blockSize; sizeOut.paths.add(nestedStatus[i].getPath().toString() + " " + formatNumber(nestedSize.fileSize) + " " + formatNumber(nestedSize.blockSize) ); sizeOut.paths.addAll(nestedSize.paths); } else { sizeOut.fileSize += nestedStatus[i].getLen(); sizeOut.blockSize += nestedStatus[i].getLen() + (nestedStatus[i].getLen() % nestedStatus[i].getBlockSize()); } } } } return sizeOut; } private static String formatNumber(long number) { double numberOut = (double)number; String unit = ""; if (number >= 1000000000000L) { numberOut = ((double)number) / 1000000000000.0; unit = "TB"; } else if (number >= 1000000000) { numberOut = ((double)number) / 1000000000.0; unit = "GB"; } else if (number >= 1000000) { numberOut = ((double)number) / 1000000.0; unit = "MB"; } return ((Double)numberOut).toString() + unit; } public void generateDiskUsageReport(final JspWriter out) { AsyncWebServerRequest webRequest = new AsyncWebServerRequest("dumpStats",out) { @Override public boolean handleRequest(Semaphore completionSemaphore)throws IOException { FileSystem hdfs = CrawlEnvironment.getDefaultFileSystem(); String paths[] = { "crawl/crawldb/current", "crawl/header_db", "crawl/domain_db", "crawl/purge_db", "crawl/crawl_segments", "crawl/parse_segments" }; out.println("<table border=1>"); out.println("<tr><td>Path</td><td>File Size</td><td>Block Size</td></tr>"); Vector<String> cumilativePaths = new Vector<String>(); try { for (String path : paths) { FileStatus pathStatus = hdfs.getFileStatus(new Path(path)); FileSystemSize size = buildRecursiveFileStatus(pathStatus, hdfs); cumilativePaths.add("<b>" + path + " " + formatNumber(size.fileSize) + " " + formatNumber(size.blockSize) + "</b>" ); cumilativePaths.addAll(size.paths); out.println("<tr><td>" + path +"<td>"+ formatNumber(size.fileSize) + "<td>" + formatNumber(size.blockSize) + "</tr>");"Path:" + path + "FileSize:" + formatNumber(size.fileSize) + " BlockSize:" + formatNumber(size.blockSize)); } out.println("</table>"); out.println("<pre>"); for (String path : cumilativePaths) { out.println(path); } out.println("</pre>"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); out.println("</table><pre>"); out.println(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); out.println("</pre>"); } return false; } }; webRequest.dispatch(_eventLoop); webRequest = null; } static final String jobPackageCandidates[] = { "org.commoncrawl.crawl.database.reports", "org.commoncrawl.crawl.database.cleanupjobs", "org.commoncrawl.crawl.database.crawlpipeline", "org.commoncrawl.crawl.database.tests", "org.commoncrawl.crawl.database.utilities" }; public static Class findCustomJobClass(String jobName) { for (int i=0;i<jobPackageCandidates.length;++i) { try { String fullyQualifiedName = jobPackageCandidates[i] + "." + jobName; Class theClass = Class.forName(fullyQualifiedName); if (theClass != null) { return theClass; } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { //LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } return null; } /* public Vector<CrawlerState> getCrawlerStates() { final Vector<CrawlerState> crawlerStates = new Vector<CrawlerState>(); AsyncWebServerRequest webRequest = new AsyncWebServerRequest("getCrawlSegments",null) { @Override public boolean handleRequest(Semaphore completionSemaphore)throws IOException { // load crawler states ... crawlerStates.addAll(_crawlerStateMap.values()); return false; } }; webRequest.dispatch(_eventLoop); webRequest = null; return crawlerStates; } */ public static String crawlDBSegmentDescFromCode(int statusCode) { String status = "UNKNOWN"; switch (statusCode) { case CrawlDBSegment.Status.BAD: status = "BAD";break; case CrawlDBSegment.Status.GENERATING: status = "GENERATING";break; case CrawlDBSegment.Status.GENERATED: status = "GENERATED";break; case CrawlDBSegment.Status.PENDING: status = "PENDING";break; case CrawlDBSegment.Status.PARSING: status = "PARSING";break; case CrawlDBSegment.Status.PARSED: status = "PARSED";break; case CrawlDBSegment.Status.MERGED: status = "MERGED";break; case CrawlDBSegment.Status.TRANSFERRING: status = "TRANSFERRING";break; case CrawlDBSegment.Status.TRANSFERRED: status = "TRANSFERRED";break; } return status; } private static SimpleDateFormat S3_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd/"); private String hdfsNameToS3ArcFileName(String arcFileName) { int partDelimIndex = arcFileName.indexOf("_"); int extensionDelimIdx = arcFileName.indexOf('.', partDelimIndex); long date = Long.parseLong(arcFileName.substring(0,partDelimIndex)); int partNo = Integer.parseInt(arcFileName.substring(partDelimIndex + 1, extensionDelimIdx)); return S3_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.format(new Date(date)) +partNo + "/" + arcFileName; } public static interface UploaderController { public boolean continueUpload(); } private void intializeS3Uploader(final Path arcFileSourcePath,final Path arcFileInTransitPath, String s3Bucket,String s3AccessId, String s3SecretKey, int bandwidthPerUploader,int maxUploaders,final UploaderController controller) throws IOException { if (_uploader == null) {"Initializing Bulk Uploader ... "); final FileSystem fileSystem = CrawlEnvironment.getDefaultFileSystem(); //final Path arcFileInTransitPath = new Path(CrawlEnvironment.HDFS_CrawlDBBaseDir + "/arc_files_in_transit"); //final Path arcFileSourcePath = new Path(CrawlEnvironment.HDFS_CrawlDBBaseDir + "/arc_files_out"); final TreeSet<Path> candidateList = new TreeSet<Path>(); if (!fileSystem.exists(arcFileInTransitPath)) { fileSystem.mkdirs(arcFileInTransitPath); } FileStatus orphanedItems[] = fileSystem.globStatus(new Path(arcFileInTransitPath,"*")); for (FileStatus orphanedItem : orphanedItems) {"Moving orphaned arc file:" + orphanedItem.getPath().getName() + " to queue directory"); boolean result = fileSystem.rename(orphanedItem.getPath(), new Path(arcFileSourcePath,orphanedItem.getPath().getName())); if (!result) { LOG.error("FAILED to move orphaned arc file:" + orphanedItem.getPath().getName() + " to queue directory"); } } _uploader = new S3BulkUploader( _eventLoop,CrawlEnvironment.getDefaultFileSystem(), new S3BulkUploader.Callback() { public UploadCandidate getNextUploadCandidate() { if (candidateList.size() == 0) { //"S3 Uploader CandidateList is empty. Rescaning Directory"); try { FileStatus candidateItems[] = fileSystem.globStatus(new Path(arcFileSourcePath,"*")); for (FileStatus candidate : candidateItems) { candidateList.add(candidate.getPath()); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Faield to build S3 Upload CandidateList with Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } if (controller.continueUpload() && candidateList.size() != 0) { // get first available candidate ... Path candidateName = candidateList.first(); candidateList.remove(candidateName); // move it to staging ... Path stagingPathName = new Path(arcFileInTransitPath,candidateName.getName()); try { fileSystem.rename(candidateName, stagingPathName);"Queuing S3 Upload Candidate:" + stagingPathName.toString() + " S3Name:" + hdfsNameToS3ArcFileName(stagingPathName.getName())); return new UploadCandidate(stagingPathName,hdfsNameToS3ArcFileName(stagingPathName.getName()),"application/x-gzip",s3ACL); } catch (IOException e) { candidateList.add(candidateName); LOG.error("Failed to Move S3 Upload Candidate from Source:" + candidateName.toString() + " to Staging:" + stagingPathName.toString() + " with Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to Move S3 Upload Candidate from Source:" + candidateName.toString() + " to Staging:" + stagingPathName.toString() + " with Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } return null; } public void uploadComplete(Path path, String bandwidthStats) {"Upload Complete for arc file:" + path.getName() + " Bandwidth Stats:" + bandwidthStats);"Deleting arc file:" + path); try { fileSystem.delete(path,false); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to Delete uploaded S3 ARC File:" + path + " with Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } public void uploadFailed(Path path, IOException e) { if (e != null) LOG.error("Upload Failed for:" + path.getName() + " with Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); else LOG.error("Upload Failed for:" + path.getName() + " with NUL Exception"); // move from staging to queued ... Path candidatePathName = new Path(arcFileSourcePath,path.getName()); try { LOG.error("Moving Path:" + path+ " to:" + candidatePathName); fileSystem.rename(path, candidatePathName); LOG.error("Done Moving Path:" + path+ " to:" + candidatePathName); // and add back to set ... candidateList.add(candidatePathName); LOG.error("Added Path:"+ candidatePathName + " to candidateList"); } catch (IOException e2) { LOG.error("Failed to move FAILED upload S3 Candidate from staging:" + path +" to source:" + candidatePathName + " with Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e2)); } } }, s3Bucket, s3AccessId, s3SecretKey, bandwidthPerUploader, maxUploaders ); _uploader.startUpload(); } } /** upgrade parse segment status for all segments that match from status to the passed in toStatus value * * @param fromStatus * @param toStatus * @return A list of segments affected by the operation */ /** purge all map-reduce task values related to a job **/ public void purgeTaskValuesForJob(long jobId) { synchronized (_taskStateMap) { _taskStateMap.removeAll(Long.toString(jobId)); } } @Override public void purgeMapReduceTaskValue( AsyncContext<MapReduceTaskIdAndData, NullMessage> rpcContext) throws RPCException { final String jobId = rpcContext.getInput().getJobId(); final String taskId = rpcContext.getInput().getTaskId(); //"Received purgeMapReduceTaskValue request for job:" + jobId + " taskId:" + taskId); synchronized (_taskStateMap) { // get candidate list based on job id ... Iterator<MapReduceTaskIdAndData> iterator= _taskStateMap.get(jobId).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { MapReduceTaskIdAndData item =; // if task id matches, remove this item .. . if (item.getTaskId().equals(taskId)) { iterator.remove(); } } } rpcContext.completeRequest(); } @Override public void queryMapReduceTaskValue(AsyncContext<MapReduceTaskIdAndData, MapReduceTaskIdAndData> rpcContext) throws RPCException { final String jobId = rpcContext.getInput().getJobId(); final String taskId = rpcContext.getInput().getTaskId(); //"Received queryMapReduceTaskValue request for job:" + jobId + " taskId:" + taskId + " key:" + rpcContext.getInput().getDataKey()); rpcContext.getOutput().setJobId(jobId); rpcContext.getOutput().setTaskId(taskId); rpcContext.getOutput().setDataKey(rpcContext.getInput().getDataKey()); synchronized (_taskStateMap) { Iterator<MapReduceTaskIdAndData> taskItems = Iterables.filter(_taskStateMap.get(jobId),new Predicate<MapReduceTaskIdAndData>() { @Override public boolean apply(MapReduceTaskIdAndData input) { return input.getTaskId().equals(taskId); } }).iterator(); if (taskItems.hasNext()) { rpcContext.getOutput().setDataValue(; } } rpcContext.completeRequest(); } @Override public void updateMapReduceTaskValue(AsyncContext<MapReduceTaskIdAndData, NullMessage> rpcContext)throws RPCException { final String jobId = rpcContext.getInput().getJobId(); final String taskId = rpcContext.getInput().getTaskId(); //"Received queryMapReduceTaskValue request for job:" + jobId + " taskId:" + taskId + " key:" + rpcContext.getInput().getDataKey() + " value:" + rpcContext.getInput().getDataValue()); synchronized (_taskStateMap) { Iterator<MapReduceTaskIdAndData> taskItems = _taskStateMap.get(jobId).iterator(); while(taskItems.hasNext()) { MapReduceTaskIdAndData item =; if (item.getTaskId().equals(taskId)) { taskItems.remove(); } } _taskStateMap.get(jobId).add(rpcContext.getInput()); } rpcContext.completeRequest(); } void parseCrawlersFile()throws IOException {"Loading Servers File from:" + _crawlersFile); InputStream stream =null; URL resourceURL = CrawlEnvironment.getHadoopConfig().getResource(_crawlersFile); if (resourceURL != null) { stream = resourceURL.openStream(); } // try as filename else {"Could not load resource as an URL. Trying as an absolute pathname"); stream = new FileInputStream(new File(_crawlersFile)); } if (stream == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(stream))); String crawlerDetailLine = null; String crawlerName = null; InetAddress crawlerIPAddress; int crawelerPort; int serverCount = 0;"Loading servers file"); while ((crawlerDetailLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!crawlerDetailLine.startsWith("#")) {"Got Crawler Line:" + crawlerDetailLine); String items[] = crawlerDetailLine.split(";"); if (items.length == 3) { crawlerName = items[0]; InetSocketAddress crawlerAddress =CCStringUtils.parseSocketAddress(items[1]); // and create a paired address for the related history server ... InetSocketAddress historyServerAddress = CCStringUtils.parseSocketAddress(items[2]); if (_crawlers.get(crawlerName) != null || crawlerAddress == null) { LOG.error("Duplicate Crawler Name or Invalid Crawler Name Detected for Entry:" + crawlerDetailLine); } else { // add a reference to the crawler instance _crawlers.put(crawlerName, new OnlineCrawlerState(this,crawlerName,crawlerAddress)); // and a reference to its related history server instance _historyServers.put(crawlerName, new OnlineHistoryServerState(this,crawlerName,historyServerAddress)); } } else { LOG.error("Crawler Line did not parse into proper components. Got component count:" + items.length); } } } } /** * Support for multi-phase dedup detection job * This method does a binary search against a preloaded set of fingerprints of known duplicate items * and returns true if the passed in fingerprint is present in the set. */ @Override public void queryDuplicateStatus( AsyncContext<URLFPV2, SimpleByteResult> rpcContext) throws RPCException { if (_duplicatesTable != null) { try { rpcContext.getOutput().setByteResult((byte)getDuplicateStatus(rpcContext.getInput())); rpcContext.setStatus(Status.Success); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); rpcContext.setStatus(Status.Error_RequestFailed); rpcContext.setErrorDesc(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } else { rpcContext.setStatus(Status.Error_RequestFailed); rpcContext.setErrorDesc("Table Uninitialized!"); } rpcContext.completeRequest(); } byte[][] _duplicatesTable = null; DataInputBuffer _lookupBuffer = new DataInputBuffer(); DataOutputBuffer _lookupUpdater = new DataOutputBuffer(); /** * initialize duplicate data */ public void initializeDuplicatesTable(Path duplicateDataTable)throws IOException { FileSystem hdfs = CrawlEnvironment.getDefaultFileSystem();"Duplicate Lookup Table at Path:" + duplicateDataTable); // find out how many parts there are FileStatus parts[] = hdfs.globStatus(new Path(duplicateDataTable.toString() + "/part-*")); if (parts.length == 0) { throw new IOException("Invalid Lookup Table Path:" + duplicateDataTable); } // allocate lookup table array _duplicatesTable = new byte[parts.length][]; // index int index = 0; // load individual parts for (FileStatus part : parts) {"Loading Part:" + part.getPath()); long lookupTableStreamLength = hdfs.getLength(part.getPath()); if (lookupTableStreamLength <= 0) { LOG.error("Duplicate Lookup Table Invalid"); throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate Lookup Table Invalid"); } FSDataInputStream lookupTableStream =; try { _duplicatesTable[index] = new byte[(int)lookupTableStreamLength];"Loading Duplicates Table at Path:" + duplicateDataTable + " Size:" + lookupTableStreamLength); lookupTableStream.readFully(_duplicatesTable[index]);"Loaded Duplicates Table at Path:" + duplicateDataTable + " Size:" + lookupTableStreamLength); } finally { lookupTableStream.close(); } ++index; } } /** * release duplicate lookup table */ public void resleaseDuplicatesTable() { _duplicatesTable = null; _lookupBuffer = new DataInputBuffer(); } /** check to see if a fingerprint is a duplicate * * @param targetFingerprint * @return * @throws IOException */ int duplicateRequestCounter = 0; public int getDuplicateStatus(URLFPV2 targetFingerprint)throws IOException { duplicateRequestCounter++; if (duplicateRequestCounter % 100000 == 0) { System.out.println("Hit: " + duplicateRequestCounter + " duplicateQuery Requests. Pausing... "); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } // shard the incoming fingerprint based on number of shard in duplicte table int shardId = (targetFingerprint.hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE) % _duplicatesTable.length; int low = 0; int high = (int)(_duplicatesTable[shardId].length / 9) -1; int iterationNumber = 0; while (low <= high) { ++iterationNumber; int mid = low + ((high - low) / 2); //_lookupBuffer.reset(_duplicatesTable[shardId],0,_duplicatesTable[shardId].length); //_lookupBuffer.skip(mid * 9); long currentValue = ( ((long)_duplicatesTable[shardId][(mid * 9) + 0] << 56) + ((long)(_duplicatesTable[shardId][(mid * 9) +1] & 255) << 48) + ((long)(_duplicatesTable[shardId][(mid * 9) +2] & 255) << 40) + ((long)(_duplicatesTable[shardId][(mid * 9) +3] & 255) << 32) + ((long)(_duplicatesTable[shardId][(mid * 9) +4] & 255) << 24) + ((_duplicatesTable[shardId][(mid * 9) +5] & 255) << 16) + ((_duplicatesTable[shardId][(mid * 9) +6] & 255) << 8) + ((_duplicatesTable[shardId][(mid * 9) +7] & 255) << 0)); // deserialize //long currentValue = _lookupBuffer.readLong(); //int dupStatus =; int dupStatus = _duplicatesTable[shardId][(mid * 9) +8]; // now compare it against desired hash value ... int comparisonResult = ((Long)currentValue).compareTo(targetFingerprint.getUrlHash()); if (comparisonResult > 0) high = mid - 1; else if (comparisonResult < 0) low = mid + 1; else { if (dupStatus == 0) { _duplicatesTable[shardId][(mid * 9) + 8] = -1; return 0; } return dupStatus; } } return 0; } byte[][] _fpLookupTable = null; /** * initialize duplicate data */ public void initializeFPLookupTable(Path lookupTableDataPath)throws IOException { FileSystem hdfs = CrawlEnvironment.getDefaultFileSystem();"Duplicate Lookup Table at Path:" + lookupTableDataPath); // find out how many parts there are FileStatus parts[] = hdfs.globStatus(new Path(lookupTableDataPath.toString() + "/part-*")); if (parts.length == 0) { throw new IOException("Invalid Lookup Table Path:" + lookupTableDataPath); } // allocate lookup table array _fpLookupTable = new byte[parts.length][]; // index int index = 0; // load individual parts for (FileStatus part : parts) {"Loading Part:" + part.getPath()); long lookupTableStreamLength = hdfs.getLength(part.getPath()); if (lookupTableStreamLength <= 0) { LOG.error("Lookup Table Invalid"); throw new RuntimeException("Lookup Table Invalid"); } FSDataInputStream lookupTableStream =; try { _fpLookupTable[index] = new byte[(int)lookupTableStreamLength];"Loading Duplicates Table at Path:" + part.getPath() + " Size:" + lookupTableStreamLength); lookupTableStream.readFully(_fpLookupTable[index]);"Loaded Duplicates Table at Path:" + part.getPath() + " Size:" + lookupTableStreamLength); } finally { lookupTableStream.close(); } ++index; } } /** check to see if a fingerprint is in the set * * @param targetFingerprint * @return * @throws IOException */ public int getFingerprintStatus(URLFPV2 targetFingerprint)throws IOException { // shard the incoming fingerprint based on number of shard in duplicte table int shardId = (targetFingerprint.hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE) % _fpLookupTable.length; int low = 0; int high = (int)(_fpLookupTable[shardId].length / 8) -1; int iterationNumber = 0; while (low <= high) { ++iterationNumber; int mid = low + ((high - low) / 2); //_lookupBuffer.reset(_duplicatesTable[shardId],0,_duplicatesTable[shardId].length); //_lookupBuffer.skip(mid * 9); long currentValue = ( ((long)_fpLookupTable[shardId][(mid * 8) + 0] << 56) + ((long)(_fpLookupTable[shardId][(mid * 8) +1] & 255) << 48) + ((long)(_fpLookupTable[shardId][(mid * 8) +2] & 255) << 40) + ((long)(_fpLookupTable[shardId][(mid * 8) +3] & 255) << 32) + ((long)(_fpLookupTable[shardId][(mid * 8) +4] & 255) << 24) + ((_fpLookupTable[shardId][(mid * 8) +5] & 255) << 16) + ((_fpLookupTable[shardId][(mid * 8) +6] & 255) << 8) + ((_fpLookupTable[shardId][(mid * 8) +7] & 255) << 0)); // now compare it against desired hash value ... int comparisonResult = ((Long)currentValue).compareTo(targetFingerprint.getUrlHash()); if (comparisonResult > 0) high = mid - 1; else if (comparisonResult < 0) low = mid + 1; else { return 1; } } return 0; } /** * release duplicate lookup table */ public void resleaseFPLookupTable() { _fpLookupTable = null; } @Override public void queryFingerprintStatus(org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.internal.AsyncContext<URLFPV2,SimpleByteResult> rpcContext) throws RPCException { rpcContext.setStatus(Status.Error_RequestFailed); try { if (_fpLookupTable != null) { try { rpcContext.getOutput().setByteResult((byte)getFingerprintStatus(rpcContext.getInput())); rpcContext.setStatus(Status.Success); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } } finally { rpcContext.completeRequest(); } } @Override public void queryLongValue( AsyncContext<LongQueryParam, LongQueryParam> rpcContext) throws RPCException { } }