package org.commoncrawl.service.statscollector; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.record.Buffer; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonEncoding; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator; import org.commoncrawl.async.CallbackWithResult; import org.commoncrawl.async.EventLoop; import org.commoncrawl.async.Timer; import org.commoncrawl.async.ConcurrentTask.CompletionCallback; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.internal.AsyncRequest.Callback; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.shared.BinaryProtocol; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.shared.RPCStruct; import org.commoncrawl.service.statscollector.TestRecord; import org.commoncrawl.util.AsyncAppender; import org.commoncrawl.util.CCStringUtils; import org.commoncrawl.util.TimeSeriesDataFile; import org.commoncrawl.util.TimeSeriesDataFile.KeyValueTuple; import org.commoncrawl.util.time.Day; import org.commoncrawl.util.time.Hour; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** abstract class representing a collection of hourly & daily stats * * @author rana * */ public abstract class StatsCollection<ValueType extends Comparable> { private StatsLogManager _logManager; protected String _groupKey; protected String _uniqueKey; private TreeMultimap<Hour,ValueType> _hourlyValues = TreeMultimap.create(); private Hour _lowestEventTime = null; private Hour _highestEventTime = null; private Day _lastDailyValue = null; TimeSeriesDataFile<BytesWritable> _sequentialEventsFile = null; TimeSeriesDataFile<BytesWritable> _dailyEventsFile = null; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(StatsCollection.class); private static final String PERIODIC_FILE_TYPE = "events"; private static final String DAILY_FILE_TYPE = "daily"; public StatsCollection(StatsLogManager logFileManager,String groupKey,String uniqueKey) throws IOException { _groupKey = groupKey; _uniqueKey = uniqueKey; _logManager = logFileManager; _sequentialEventsFile = logFileManager.getFileGivenName(_groupKey, _uniqueKey, PERIODIC_FILE_TYPE); _dailyEventsFile = logFileManager.getFileGivenName(_groupKey, _uniqueKey, DAILY_FILE_TYPE); loadLastStateFromDisk(); } /** add an event to the collection * * @param hour * @param event */ public final void addValue(long timestamp,ValueType value)throws IOException { Hour hour = new Hour(new Date(timestamp)); // first add value to set SortedSet<ValueType> values = _hourlyValues.get(hour); if (values.size() != 0) { combineHourlyValues(values.first(),value); } else { values.add(value); } if (_highestEventTime != null && _highestEventTime.getDay().compareTo(hour.getDay()) != 0) { if (_lastDailyValue == null || _highestEventTime.getDay().compareTo(_lastDailyValue) != 0) { // potentially flush or truncate ... flushPreviosuDaysEvents((Day)hour.getDay().previous()); } } // if locally cached events span more than a 24 hour time if (_lowestEventTime != null && hour.getSerialIndex() - _lowestEventTime.getSerialIndex() > 24) { // now truncate hourly events if necessary truncateEvents(hour); } // update highest lowest event times updateEventTimes(hour); // flush to event log writeToSequentialEventLog(timestamp,value); } /** return hourly values sorted * * @return sorted multi map containing hourly values */ public TreeMultimap<Hour,ValueType> getHourlyValues() { return _hourlyValues; } public void getDailyValues(final EventLoop eventLoop,final int maxDays,final CompletionCallback<ImmutableSortedMap<Day,ValueType>> callback) { // schedule a disk read _logManager.queueDiskIORequest(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { // get the result set ... ArrayList<KeyValueTuple<Long, BytesWritable>> tuples = _dailyEventsFile.readFromTail(maxDays, -1); // walk items adding to builder final ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<Day,ValueType> builder = new ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<Day, ValueType>(new Comparator<Day>() { @Override public int compare(Day o1, Day o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); for (KeyValueTuple<Long,BytesWritable> tuple : tuples) { ValueType value = bufferToValueType(new Buffer(tuple.value.getBytes())); builder.put(new Day(new Date(tuple.key)), value); } eventLoop.setTimer(new Timer(0,false,new Timer.Callback() { @Override public void timerFired(Timer timer) { callback.taskComplete(; } })); } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); eventLoop.setTimer(new Timer(0,false,new Timer.Callback() { @Override public void timerFired(Timer timer) { callback.taskFailed(e); } })); } } }); } private final void truncateEvents(final Hour newEventTime) { final long newEventSerialIndex = newEventTime.getSerialIndex(); // create a filtered set Hour hoursToRemove[] = Sets.filter(_hourlyValues.keySet(), new Predicate<Hour>() { @Override public boolean apply(Hour hour) { return (newEventSerialIndex - hour.getSerialIndex() > 24); } }).toArray(new Hour[0]); // remove items from set for (Hour hour : hoursToRemove) _hourlyValues.removeAll(hour); // update lowest / higest values ... SortedSet<Hour> resultSet = _hourlyValues.keySet(); if (resultSet.size() != 0) { _lowestEventTime = resultSet.first(); _highestEventTime = resultSet.last(); } else { _lowestEventTime = null; _highestEventTime = null; } } private final void flushPreviosuDaysEvents(final Day dayToFlush) throws IOException { // flush previous days event to disk Set<Map.Entry<Hour,ValueType>> previousDaysEvents = Sets.filter(_hourlyValues.entries(), new Predicate<Map.Entry<Hour,ValueType>>() { @Override public boolean apply(Entry<Hour, ValueType> entry) { return dayToFlush.equals(entry.getKey().getDay()); } }); // ok now consolidate previous days events into one event if (previousDaysEvents.size() != 0) { ValueType finalValue = createDailyValue(previousDaysEvents); // ok potentially flush this event to disk writeToDailyEventLog(dayToFlush,finalValue); // update last daily value ... _lastDailyValue = dayToFlush; } } private final void updateEventTimes(Hour newestEventTime) { // update event times if (_highestEventTime == null ) { _lowestEventTime = newestEventTime; } _highestEventTime = newestEventTime; } private void loadLastStateFromDisk() throws IOException { // ok, first see if we can extract last timestamp out of the daily events file long lastDailyTimestamp = _dailyEventsFile.getLastRecordKey(); long restrictByTime = -1; if (lastDailyTimestamp != -1) { // convert to Day if valid ... _lastDailyValue = new Day(new Date(lastDailyTimestamp)); } // ok now read up to 1000 events from events file ArrayList<KeyValueTuple<Long,BytesWritable>> events = _sequentialEventsFile.readFromTail(1000, -1); // ok find latest day that is not today Day today = new Day(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); Hour thisHour = new Hour(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); Day yesterday = (Day) today.previous(); // walk events in reverse order Iterable<KeyValueTuple<Long, BytesWritable>> reverseList = Lists.reverse(events); for (KeyValueTuple<Long, BytesWritable> event : reverseList) { // collect all events up to yesterday's events Day eventDay = new Day(new Date(event.key)); if (eventDay.compareTo(yesterday) != -1) { // process the event ... Hour eventHour = new Hour(new Date(event.key)); // create the typed object ... ValueType value = bufferToValueType(new Buffer(event.value.getBytes())); // add it to event list ... SortedSet<ValueType> values = _hourlyValues.get(eventHour); if (values.size() != 0) { combineHourlyValues(values.first(),value); } else { values.add(value); } } else { break; } } // flush preivous days events ... if (_lastDailyValue != null && _lastDailyValue.compareTo(yesterday) != 0) { flushPreviosuDaysEvents(yesterday); } // truncate to 24 hours period truncateEvents(thisHour); } private final void writeToSequentialEventLog(final long timestamp,ValueType value) throws IOException { final Buffer buffer = valueTypeToBuffer(value); BytesWritable dataOut = new BytesWritable(buffer.get()); dataOut.setSize(buffer.getCount()); _logManager.queueDiskIORequest(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { _sequentialEventsFile.appendRecordToLogFile(timestamp, new BytesWritable(buffer.get())); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } }); } /** * flush this value to the daily values log * * @param day * @param finalValue */ private final void writeToDailyEventLog(final Day day,final ValueType finalValue) throws IOException { final Buffer buffer = valueTypeToBuffer(finalValue); BytesWritable dataOut = new BytesWritable(buffer.get()); dataOut.setSize(buffer.getCount()); _logManager.queueDiskIORequest(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { _dailyEventsFile.appendRecordToLogFile(day.getFirstMillisecond(), new BytesWritable(buffer.get())); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } }); } /** * combine two values into one value * @param sourceValue the value to collapse into * @param otherValue the other value */ public abstract void combineHourlyValues(ValueType sourceValue,ValueType otherValue); /** * aggregate hourly values to create a daily value * * @return new ValueType daily value instance */ public abstract ValueType createDailyValue(Set<Map.Entry<Hour,ValueType>> hourlyValueSet); /** * * @param incomingBuffer incoming serialized data buffer * @return deserialized value type * @throws IOException */ public abstract ValueType bufferToValueType(Buffer incomingBuffer) throws IOException; /** * * @param value value type instance * @return buffer containing serialied value type * @throws IOException */ public abstract Buffer valueTypeToBuffer(ValueType value) throws IOException; /** * * @param value * @throws IOException */ public abstract void setUniqueKeyInValue(ValueType value); /** allocate empty hourly value **/ public abstract ValueType allocateValueType(); private static class TestStatsCollection extends StatsCollection<TestRecord> { public TestStatsCollection(StatsLogManager logFileManager, String groupKey,String uniqueKey) throws IOException { super(logFileManager, groupKey, uniqueKey); } @Override public TestRecord bufferToValueType(Buffer incomingBuffer) throws IOException { DataInputBuffer buffer = new DataInputBuffer(); buffer.reset(incomingBuffer.get(),0, incomingBuffer.getCount()); TestRecord recordOut = new TestRecord(); recordOut.deserialize(buffer,new BinaryProtocol()); return recordOut; } @Override public void combineHourlyValues(TestRecord sourceValue, TestRecord otherValue) { sourceValue.setAverageValue( (sourceValue.getAverageValue() + otherValue.getAverageValue()) / 2.0f ); sourceValue.setCumilativeValue(sourceValue.getCumilativeValue() + otherValue.getCumilativeValue()); } @Override public TestRecord createDailyValue(Set<Entry<Hour, TestRecord>> hourlyValueSet) { TestRecord recordOut = new TestRecord(); float averageValue = 0.0f; for (Entry<Hour, TestRecord> entry : hourlyValueSet) { averageValue += entry.getValue().getAverageValue(); recordOut.setCumilativeValue(recordOut.getCumilativeValue() + entry.getValue().getCumilativeValue()); } recordOut.setAverageValue(averageValue / hourlyValueSet.size()); return recordOut; } @Override public Buffer valueTypeToBuffer(TestRecord value) throws IOException { DataOutputBuffer bufferOut = new DataOutputBuffer(); value.serialize(bufferOut, new BinaryProtocol()); return new Buffer(bufferOut.getData(),0,bufferOut.getLength()); } @Override public void setUniqueKeyInValue(TestRecord value) { } @Override public TestRecord allocateValueType() { return new TestRecord(); } } public void dumpHourlyToJSON(OutputStream stream)throws IOException { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(stream); JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(pw); jsonWriter.beginArray(); Hour now = new Hour(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); Set<Entry<Hour,ValueType>> set = _hourlyValues.entries(); for (Entry<Hour,ValueType> item : set) { // skip latest hour if (item.getKey().compareTo(now) != 0) { jsonWriter.value(item.getValue().toString()); } } jsonWriter.endArray(); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } public void collectHourlyStats(Multimap<Date,ValueType> multiMap) throws IOException { Hour lastHourToCollect = (Hour) new Hour(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())).previous(); Hour firstHourToCollect = new Hour(lastHourToCollect.getHour(),(Day)lastHourToCollect.getDay().previous()); while (lastHourToCollect.getSerialIndex() >= firstHourToCollect.getSerialIndex()) { SortedSet<ValueType> values = _hourlyValues.get(lastHourToCollect); ValueType value = null; if (values.size() == 0) { value = allocateValueType(); } else { value = values.first(); } setUniqueKeyInValue(value); multiMap.put(new Date(lastHourToCollect.getFirstMillisecond()),value); lastHourToCollect = (Hour) lastHourToCollect.previous(); } /* Set<Entry<Hour,ValueType>> set = _hourlyValues.entries(); for (Entry<Hour,ValueType> item : set) { // skip latest hour if (item.getKey().compareTo(now) != 0) { setUniqueKeyInValue(item.getValue()); multiMap.put(new Date(item.getKey().getFirstMillisecond()),item.getValue()); } } */ } public void dumpDailyToJSON(final OutputStream stream,final CallbackWithResult<Boolean> completionCallback) throws IOException { getDailyValues(_logManager.getEventLoop(), 200, new CompletionCallback<ImmutableSortedMap<Day,ValueType>>() { @Override public void taskComplete(ImmutableSortedMap<Day, ValueType> loadResult) { try { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(stream); JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(writer); jsonWriter.beginArray(); for (Entry<Day,ValueType> entry : loadResult.entrySet()) { jsonWriter.value(entry.getValue().toString()); } jsonWriter.endArray(); writer.flush(); completionCallback.execute(new Boolean(true)); } catch (IOException e){ LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); completionCallback.execute(new Boolean(false)); } } @Override public void taskFailed(Exception e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); completionCallback.execute(new Boolean(false)); } }); } public void collectDailyStats(final Multimap<Date,ValueType> multiMap,final CallbackWithResult<Boolean> completionCallback) throws IOException {"CollectDailyStats called for:" + _groupKey+"-" + _uniqueKey); getDailyValues(_logManager.getEventLoop(), 200, new CompletionCallback<ImmutableSortedMap<Day,ValueType>>() { @Override public void taskComplete(ImmutableSortedMap<Day, ValueType> loadResult) {"Daily Value Load completed for:" + _groupKey+"-" + _uniqueKey + " resultCount:" + loadResult.size()); synchronized (multiMap) { for (Entry<Day,ValueType> entry : loadResult.entrySet()) {"Adding Daily Entry for:" + _groupKey+"-" + _uniqueKey + " Date:" + new Date(entry.getKey().getFirstMillisecond())); // set record affinity setUniqueKeyInValue(entry.getValue()); multiMap.put(new Date(entry.getKey().getFirstMillisecond()), entry.getValue()); } } completionCallback.execute(new Boolean(true)); } @Override public void taskFailed(Exception e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); completionCallback.execute(new Boolean(false)); } }); } /******* TEST CODE ********/ public static void main(String[] args) { EventLoop eventLoop = new EventLoop(); eventLoop.start(); try { StatsLogManager logManager = new StatsLogManager(null,new File("/tmp")); TestStatsCollection statsCollection = new TestStatsCollection(logManager, "test", "001"); Day today = new Day(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); Day yesterday = (Day) today.previous(); Day dayBeforeYesterday = (Day) yesterday.previous(); TestRecord recordTest = new TestRecord(); for (int i=0;i<=47;++i) { Hour hour = new Hour(i,dayBeforeYesterday); recordTest.setCumilativeValue(1); recordTest.setAverageValue(10.0f); try { statsCollection.addValue(hour.getFirstMillisecond(),(TestRecord) recordTest.clone()); statsCollection.addValue(hour.getFirstMillisecond()+1,(TestRecord) recordTest.clone()); statsCollection.addValue(hour.getFirstMillisecond()+2,(TestRecord) recordTest.clone()); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Thread.sleep(100); statsCollection = new TestStatsCollection(logManager, "test", "001"); Hour now = new Hour(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); for (int i=0;i<=now.getHour();++i) { Hour hour = new Hour(i,today); recordTest.setCumilativeValue(1); recordTest.setAverageValue(10.0f); try { statsCollection.addValue(hour.getFirstMillisecond(),(TestRecord) recordTest.clone()); statsCollection.addValue(hour.getFirstMillisecond()+1,(TestRecord) recordTest.clone()); statsCollection.addValue(hour.getFirstMillisecond()+2,(TestRecord) recordTest.clone()); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Thread.sleep(100); statsCollection = new TestStatsCollection(logManager, "test", "001"); TreeMultimap<Hour,TestRecord> hourlyValues = statsCollection.getHourlyValues(); for (Map.Entry<Hour,TestRecord> entry : hourlyValues.entries()) { System.out.println(entry.getKey().toString() + ":" + entry.getValue().getAverageValue() + "," + entry.getValue().getCumilativeValue()); } final Semaphore blockingSemaphore = new Semaphore(0); statsCollection.getDailyValues(eventLoop, 30, new CompletionCallback<ImmutableSortedMap<Day,TestRecord>>() { @Override public void taskComplete(ImmutableSortedMap<Day, TestRecord> loadResult) { for (Entry<Day,TestRecord> entry : loadResult.entrySet()) { System.out.println("Daily Record. Day:" + entry.getKey().toString() + ":" + entry.getValue().getAverageValue() + "," + entry.getValue().getCumilativeValue()); } blockingSemaphore.release(); } @Override public void taskFailed(Exception e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); blockingSemaphore.release(); } }); blockingSemaphore.acquireUninterruptibly(); eventLoop.stop(); logManager.shutdown(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }