package org.commoncrawl.util; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.commoncrawl.async.EventLoop; import org.commoncrawl.async.Timer; import; import; import; public class S3BulkUploader implements NIOHttpConnection.Listener { EventLoop _theEventLoop; FileSystem _fileSystem; Path _uploadCandidates[]; int _bandwidthPerUploader; S3Uploader _uploaders[]; String _s3Bucket; String _s3AccessId; String _s3SecretKey; Timer _timer; S3BulkUploader.Callback _callback; int _lastUploaderId = 0; /** logging **/ static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(S3BulkUploader.class); /** default polling interval **/ private static final int DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL = 500; public static class UploadCandidate { public UploadCandidate(Path path,String uploadName,String mimeType,String acl) { _path = path; _uploadName = uploadName; _mimeType = mimeType; _acl = acl; } public Path _path; public String _uploadName; public String _mimeType; public String _acl; } public static interface Callback { /** get next upload candidate **/ public S3BulkUploader.UploadCandidate getNextUploadCandidate(); /** the upload failed ... return true if we should retry the item **/ public void uploadFailed(Path path,IOException e); /** the upload succeeded for the specified item **/ public void uploadComplete(Path path,String bandwidthStats); } public S3BulkUploader(EventLoop eventLoop,FileSystem fileSystem,S3BulkUploader.Callback callback,String s3Bucket,String s3AccessId, String s3SecretKey,int bandwidthPerUploader,int maxUploaders) { _theEventLoop = eventLoop; _fileSystem = fileSystem; _bandwidthPerUploader = bandwidthPerUploader; _uploaders = new S3Uploader[maxUploaders]; _s3Bucket = s3Bucket; _s3AccessId = s3AccessId; _s3SecretKey = s3SecretKey; _callback = callback; } public void startUpload() { _timer = new Timer(DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL,true,new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { fillSlots(); } }); _theEventLoop.setTimer(_timer); } private void fillSlots() { for (int i=0;i<_uploaders.length;++i) { // if empty slot found ... if (_uploaders[i] == null) { S3BulkUploader.UploadCandidate uploadCandidate = _callback.getNextUploadCandidate(); if (uploadCandidate != null) {"Queuing: " + uploadCandidate._path.toString() + " for Upload"); _uploaders[i] = new S3Uploader(++_lastUploaderId,_theEventLoop,_fileSystem,uploadCandidate._path, _bandwidthPerUploader,_s3Bucket,uploadCandidate._uploadName,uploadCandidate._mimeType,_s3AccessId,_s3SecretKey,uploadCandidate._acl); _uploaders[i].setSlot(i); try { _uploaders[i].startUpload(this); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error ("Upload for : " + uploadCandidate._path.toString() + " FAILED with Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); // notify controller through callback ... _callback.uploadFailed(uploadCandidate._path, e); } } } } } public void HttpConnectionStateChanged(NIOHttpConnection theConnection,State oldState, State state) { // extract the reference to the uploader based on S3Uploader uploader = (S3Uploader) theConnection.getContext(); System.out.println("HttpConnection for: " + uploader.getPath() + " transitioned:" + oldState + " to " + state ); // get the associated slot ... int slotIndex = uploader.getSlot(); if (state == State.ERROR || state == State.DONE) { boolean failed = true; if (state == State.DONE) { int resultCode = NIOHttpConnection.getHttpResponseCode(theConnection.getResponseHeaders()); if (resultCode == 200) { failed = false; BandwidthUtils.BandwidthStats stats = new BandwidthUtils.BandwidthStats(); uploader._rateLimiter.getStats(stats); _callback.uploadComplete(uploader.getPath(),"DownloadSpeed:" + stats.scaledBitsPerSecond + " " + stats.scaledBitsUnits); } } // if the get failed ... if (failed) { // check to see if we have a cached exception ... IOException failureException = uploader.getException(); if (failureException == null) { // if not ... construct one from the result (if present).... if (theConnection.getContentBuffer().available() != 0) { failureException = S3Uploader.failureExceptionFromContent(theConnection); } } _callback.uploadFailed(uploader.getPath(), failureException);"Returned from uploadFailed"); } if (failed)"Calling uploader.shutdown"); // shutdown the uploader ... uploader.shutdown(); if (failed)"Post uploader.shutdown"); // empty the slot ... _uploaders[slotIndex] = null; if (failed)"Calling fill Slots"); // and fill slots ... fillSlots(); if (failed)"Post fill Slots"); } } public void HttpContentAvailable(NIOHttpConnection theConnection,NIOBufferList contentBuffer) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }