package org.commoncrawl.mapred.ec2.parser; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.ParseOutput; import org.commoncrawl.util.ArcFileWriter; import org.commoncrawl.util.CCStringUtils; import org.commoncrawl.util.JobBuilder; import org.commoncrawl.util.Tuples.Pair; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * The CC EC2 workflow involves running the EC2ParserTask, which ingests RAW crawl logs (data) and produces * ARC, metadata and text files for crawled content. The parse jobs run on EC2 in an EMR/Spot Instance context, * so smooth job performance is important to prevent lagging mappers from reducing cluster utilization and thus * wasting expensive compute resources. To resolve this requirement, the parse job will fail-fast mappers that * either take too long or those that create too many failures. A scheme has been put into place whereby failed * splits are tracked. This task (the Checkpoint Task) is run after a Parse run has completed and its job is to * collect all the failed splits, group them into a unit called a 'Checkpoint' and then run them in a modified * (potentially less expensive, longer running) job context, to try and achieve as close to 100% coverage of the * raw crawl data. This task creates a staged checkpoint directory, under which it creates a set of segments, each * of which contains a set of failed splits from previous parse runs. It subsequently runs map-reduce jobs to parse * these segments. Once all segments have been parsed (as best as possible), the 'staged' checkpoint is promoted to a * real checkpoint by having it move from the staged_checkpoint directory to the checkpoint directory. In the process, * all segments that were processed within the context of the checkpoint are promoted to be 'real segments', and are * thus added to the valid_segments list and are made visible to all consumers of the data. * * @author rana * */ public class EC2CheckpointTask extends EC2TaskDataAwareTask { public EC2CheckpointTask(Configuration conf) throws IOException { super(conf); if (conf.getBoolean(CONF_PARAM_TEST_MODE, false)) { maxSimultaneousJobs = 1; } jobThreadSemaphore = new Semaphore(-(maxSimultaneousJobs-1)); } public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(EC2CheckpointTask.class); static Options options = new Options(); static { options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withArgName("testMode").hasArg(false).withDescription("Test Mode").create("testMode")); } public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.addResource(new Path("/home/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml")); conf.addResource(new Path("/home/hadoop/conf/mapred-site.xml")); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); try { // parse the command line arguments CommandLine line = parser.parse( options, args ); boolean testMode = line.hasOption("testMode"); if (testMode) {"Running in Test Mode"); conf.setBoolean(Constants.CONF_PARAM_TEST_MODE,true); } else {"Running in Prod Mode"); } FileSystem fs; try { fs = FileSystem.get(new URI("s3n://aws-publicdatasets"),conf); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); }"FileSystem is:" + fs.getUri() +" Scanning for valid checkpoint id"); long latestCheckpointId = findLastValidCheckpointId(fs,conf);"Latest Checkpoint Id is:"+ latestCheckpointId); EC2CheckpointTask task = new EC2CheckpointTask(conf);"Performing checkpoint"); task.doCheckpoint(fs, conf);"checkpoint complete"); task.shutdown(); System.exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); System.exit(1); } } /** * return the last valid checkpoint id or -1 if no checkpoints exist * * @param fs * @param conf * @return * @throws IOException */ static long findLastValidCheckpointId(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf)throws IOException { long lastCheckpointId = -1L; for (FileStatus dirStats : fs.globStatus(new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINTS_PATH,"[0-9]*"))) { lastCheckpointId = Math.max(lastCheckpointId,Long.parseLong(dirStats.getPath().getName())); } return lastCheckpointId; } /** * return the currently active checkpoint's id or -1 if no active checkpoint * @param fs * @param conf * @return * @throws IOException */ static long findStagedCheckpointId(FileSystem fs,Configuration conf)throws IOException { FileStatus[] intermediateCheckpoints = fs.globStatus(new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINT_STAGING_PATH,"[0-9]*")); if (intermediateCheckpoints.length > 1) { throw new IOException("More than one Staged Checkpoint Found!:" + intermediateCheckpoints); } else if (intermediateCheckpoints.length == 1) { return Long.parseLong(intermediateCheckpoints[0].getPath().getName()); } return -1L; } static Pattern arcFileNamePattern = Pattern.compile("^([0-9]*)_([0-9]*).arc.gz$"); static Multimap<Integer,Long> getArcFilesSizesSegment(FileSystem fs,long segmentId) throws IOException { Multimap<Integer,Long> splitToSizeMap = TreeMultimap.create(); for (FileStatus arcCandidate : fs.globStatus(new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + SEGMENTS_PATH + segmentId,"*.arc.gz"))) { Matcher m = arcFileNamePattern.matcher(arcCandidate.getPath().getName()); if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() == 2) { int splitId = Integer.parseInt(; splitToSizeMap.put(splitId,arcCandidate.getLen()); } } return splitToSizeMap; } /** * Given a list of Splits from a set of previosuly completed segments, construct a set of checkpoint segments * and distribute splits amongst them * * @param fs * @param segmentOutputPath * @param splitDetails * @param baseSegmentId * @param defaultSplitSize * @param idealSplitsPerSegment * @throws IOException */ static void buildSplitsForCheckpoint(FileSystem fs,Configuration conf,Path segmentOutputPath,List<SegmentSplitDetail> splitDetails,long baseSegmentId, int defaultSplitSize, int idealSplitsPerSegment) throws IOException { if (conf.getBoolean(CONF_PARAM_TEST_MODE, false)) { idealSplitsPerSegment = 10;"In Test Mode. Setting idealSplitsPerSegment to:" + idealSplitsPerSegment); }"Attempting to split:" + splitDetails.size() + " splits using split size:" + defaultSplitSize + " desired splits per seg:" + idealSplitsPerSegment); ArrayList<FileSplit> splits = new ArrayList<FileSplit>(); for (SegmentSplitDetail splitDetail : splitDetails) { SplitInfo splitItem = null; if (splitDetail.isPartialSplit()) { splitItem = splitDetail.partialSplit; } else { splitItem = splitDetail.originalSplit; } long splitBytes = splitItem.length; long splitOffset = splitItem.offset; int splitCount = (int) (splitBytes / defaultSplitSize); // if split bytes is less than default split size or the trailing bytes in the last // split is >= 1/2 split size then add an additional split item to the list ... if (splitCount == 0 || splitBytes % defaultSplitSize >= defaultSplitSize / 2) { splitCount ++; } // now ... emit splits ... for (int i=0;i<splitCount;++i) { long splitSize = defaultSplitSize; // gobble up all remaining bytes for trailing split ... if (i == splitCount -1) { splitSize = splitBytes; } // create split ... FileSplit split = new FileSplit(new Path(splitItem.sourceFilePath),splitOffset, splitSize, (String[])null); // add split splits.add(split); // increment counters splitBytes -= splitSize; splitOffset += splitSize; } } // ok, now collect segments .. doing basic partitioning ... List<List<FileSplit>> segments = Lists.partition(splits, idealSplitsPerSegment);"Partitioned splits into:" + segments.size() + " segements"); long segmentId = baseSegmentId; // now emit the segments ... for (List<FileSplit> segmentSplits : segments) { // establish split path ... Path splitManifestPath = new Path(segmentOutputPath +"/" + Long.toString(segmentId) +"/" + SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE); // write manifest ... listToTextFile(segmentSplits,fs,splitManifestPath);"Wrote "+ segmentSplits.size() +" splits for segment:" + segmentId + " to:" + splitManifestPath); segmentId ++; } } /** * * load checkpoint state from either a partially completed checkpoint, or a newly constructed checkpoint * * @param fs * @param conf * @return * @throws IOException */ static Pair<Long,Multimap<Long,SplitInfo>> findOrCreateCheckpoint(FileSystem fs,Configuration conf) throws IOException { Multimap<Long,SplitInfo> segmentsAndSplits = null;"Looking for Stagesd Checkpoint."); long stagedCheckpointId = findStagedCheckpointId(fs, conf); if (stagedCheckpointId == -1) { // create a base segment id ... long baseSegmentId = System.currentTimeMillis(); // and create a new checkpoint id ... stagedCheckpointId = baseSegmentId + 100000;"No Staged Checkpoint Found. Creating New Checkpoint:" + stagedCheckpointId); // get last valid checkpoint id ... long lastValidCheckpointId = findLastValidCheckpointId(fs, conf);"Last Valid Checkpoint Id is:" + lastValidCheckpointId);"Iterating Available Segments and collecting Splits"); // iterate available segments (past last checkpoint date), collecting a list of partial of failed splits ... List<SegmentSplitDetail> splitDetails = iterateAvailableSegmentsCollectSplits(fs,conf,lastValidCheckpointId); if (splitDetails.size() != 0) { try { Path checkpointSplitsPath = new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINT_STAGING_PATH +Long.toString(stagedCheckpointId)+"/"+SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE);"Writing Splits Manifest (for checkpoint) to:" + checkpointSplitsPath); // write source split details to disk ... listToTextFile(splitDetails,fs,checkpointSplitsPath);"Assigning Splits to Checkpoint Segments"); // given the list of failed/partial splits, ditribute them to a set of segments ... buildSplitsForCheckpoint(fs,conf,new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINT_STAGING_PATH + "/" + Long.toString(stagedCheckpointId)+"/"),splitDetails,baseSegmentId,DEFAULT_PARSER_CHECKPOINT_JOB_SPLIT_SIZE,DEFAULT_PARSER_CHECKPOINT_SPLITS_PER_JOB); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to create checkpoint segment:" + stagedCheckpointId + " Exception:"+ CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); fs.delete(new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINT_STAGING_PATH + Long.toString(stagedCheckpointId)+"/"), true); } } else { throw new IOException("No Valid Splits Found for Checkpoint!"); } } // ok read in the splits ... segmentsAndSplits = TreeMultimap.create();"Scanning checkpoint staging dir for segments"); // load the segments and splits from disk ... for (FileStatus stagedSegment : fs.globStatus(new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINT_STAGING_PATH + Long.toString(stagedCheckpointId)+"/"+ "[0-9]*"))) { long segmentId = Long.parseLong(stagedSegment.getPath().getName()); for (SegmentSplitDetail splitDetail : getSplitDetailsFromFile(fs,segmentId,new Path(stagedSegment.getPath(),SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE),SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE)) { segmentsAndSplits.put(segmentId, splitDetail.originalSplit); }"Found Segment:" + segmentId + " with: " + segmentsAndSplits.size() + " splits"); } return new Pair<Long,Multimap<Long,SplitInfo>>(stagedCheckpointId,segmentsAndSplits); } /** * filter out incomplete segments given a set of checkpoint segments * * @param fs * @param conf * @param checkpointDetail * @return * @throws IOException */ static private List<Pair<Long,Collection<SplitInfo>>> filterCompletedSegments(FileSystem fs,Configuration conf,Pair<Long,Multimap<Long,SplitInfo>> checkpointDetail)throws IOException { ArrayList<Pair<Long,Collection<SplitInfo>>> segmentListOut= new ArrayList<Pair<Long,Collection<SplitInfo>>>(); // iterate segments ... for (long segmentId : checkpointDetail.e1.keySet()) { // establish path ... Path segmentPath = new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINT_STAGING_PATH + checkpointDetail.e0 +"/" + segmentId+"/"); // establish success file path Path successFile = new Path(segmentPath,JOB_SUCCESS_FILE); // and output path Path outputPath = new Path(segmentPath,CHECKPOINT_JOB_OUTPUT_PATH);"Checking for existence of Success File:" + successFile + " for segment:" + segmentId); // check to see if job already completed if (!fs.exists(successFile)) {"Success File not found for segment:" + segmentId + ".Deleting partial outputs at:" + outputPath); // check to see if output folder exists... if so,delete it ... if (fs.exists(outputPath)) { fs.delete(outputPath, true); } segmentListOut.add(new Pair<Long, Collection<SplitInfo>>(segmentId,checkpointDetail.e1.values())); } }"There are: " + segmentListOut.size() + " segments (post filtering)"); return segmentListOut; } static final int MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_JOBS = 100; LinkedBlockingQueue<QueueItem> _queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<QueueItem>(); Semaphore jobThreadSemaphore = null; int maxSimultaneousJobs = MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_JOBS; /** * helper class used to queue individual checkpoint segments for map-reduce processing * @author rana * */ static class QueueItem { QueueItem() { } QueueItem(FileSystem fs,Configuration conf,long checkpointId,Pair<Long,Collection<SplitInfo>> segmentDetail) { this.conf = conf; this.fs = fs; this.checkpointId = checkpointId; this.segmentDetail = segmentDetail; } public Configuration conf; public FileSystem fs; public long checkpointId; public Pair<Long,Collection<SplitInfo>> segmentDetail; } static void copySrcFileToDest(FileSystem fs,Path src,Path dest,Configuration conf)throws IOException { FSDataInputStream inputStream = null; FSDataOutputStream outputStream = null; try { inputStream =; outputStream = fs.create(dest); IOUtils.copyBytes(inputStream, outputStream, conf); outputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); throw e; } finally { IOException exceptionOut = null; try { if (inputStream != null) inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { exceptionOut = e; } try { if (outputStream != null) outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { exceptionOut = e; } if (exceptionOut != null) throw exceptionOut; } } /** * Given a file system pointer (s3n) and a configuration, scan all previously processed segments that * are NOT part of a previous checkpoint, and build a list of partially completed splits and fails splits. * Next, create a new checkpoint, and distribute the splits amongst a new set of segments (within the context of * the checkpoint). Then queue up the segments for re-processing via map-reduce. Once all checkpoint segments have * been processed, promote the 'staged' checkpoint to a real checkpoint. * * @param fs * @param conf * @throws IOException */ public void doCheckpoint(final FileSystem fs,final Configuration conf)throws IOException {"Starting Checkpoint. Searching for existing or creating new staged checkpoint"); final Pair<Long,Multimap<Long,SplitInfo>> checkpointInfo = findOrCreateCheckpoint(fs, conf);"Checkpoint Id is:"+ checkpointInfo.e0 + " and it has:" + checkpointInfo.e1.keySet().size() + " segments.");"Filtering for completed segments"); List<Pair<Long,Collection<SplitInfo>>> validSegments = filterCompletedSegments(fs, conf, checkpointInfo);"Queueing Segments. There are:" + validSegments.size() + " segments out of a total of:" + checkpointInfo.e1.keySet().size()); for (Pair<Long,Collection<SplitInfo>> segmentInfo : validSegments) { try { _queue.put(new QueueItem(fs, conf, checkpointInfo.e0, segmentInfo)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } // queue shutdown items for (int i=0;i<maxSimultaneousJobs;++i) { try { _queue.put(new QueueItem()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }"Starting Threads"); // startup threads .. for (int i=0;i<maxSimultaneousJobs;++i) { Thread thread = new Thread(new QueueTask()); thread.start(); } // ok wait for them to die"Waiting for Queue Threads to Die"); jobThreadSemaphore.acquireUninterruptibly();"Starting Checkpoint Finalizer Process"); Semaphore segmentFinalizerSempahore = new Semaphore(-(checkpointInfo.e1.keySet().size() - 1)); Exception exceptions[] = new Exception[checkpointInfo.e1.keySet().size()]; long segmentIds[] = new long[checkpointInfo.e1.keySet().size()]; ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20); int itemIndex = 0; for (long segmentId : checkpointInfo.e1.keySet()) {"Queueing Segment:" + segmentId + " for finalize"); segmentIds[itemIndex] = segmentId; executor.submit(createRunnableForSegment(segmentFinalizerSempahore, itemIndex++, exceptions, checkpointInfo.e0, segmentId, fs, conf, checkpointInfo.e1.get(segmentId))); }"Awaiting completion"); segmentFinalizerSempahore.acquireUninterruptibly();"All checkpoint tasks completed"); // shutdown thread pool executor.shutdown(); // walk exception array counting exceptions int exceptionCount = 0; for (int i=0;i<exceptions.length;++i) { if (exceptions[i] != null) { LOG.error("Segment:" + segmentIds[i] + " threw Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(exceptions[i])); exceptionCount++; } } if (exceptionCount != 0) { LOG.error("Exception count post finalize non-zero. Aborting checkpoint!"); } else { // (2) mkdir parse-output/checkpoint/[staged_checkpoint_id] dir Path checkpointDir = new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINTS_PATH + checkpointInfo.e0);"All checkpoint segments transferred. Generating checkpoint directory:" + checkpointDir); fs.mkdirs(checkpointDir); // (3) copy parse-output/checkpoint_staging/[staged_checkpoint_id]/splits.txt to parse-output/checkpoint/[staged_checkpoint_id] fs.rename(new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINT_STAGING_PATH + checkpointInfo.e0,Constants.SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE), new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINTS_PATH + checkpointInfo.e0,Constants.SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE)); // (4) rmr parse-output/checkpoint_staging/[staged_checkpoint_id] // DONE."Checkpoint:" + checkpointInfo.e0 + " Complete"); } } private static Runnable createRunnableForSegment(final Semaphore completionSemaphore,final int checkpointItemIdx,final Exception[] exceptionArray, final long checkpointId,final long segmentId, final FileSystem fs,final Configuration conf,final Collection<SplitInfo> splits)throws IOException { // we need to run this code in parallel because the s3n rename (copyObject) operation is VERY SLOW // on a relatively large data directory :-( // TODO: Have the checkpoint task output directly to the final output location // (/parse-output/segment/[segmentid]) because mv/rename is just not a practical // option on S3 (when dealing with large directories). return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { // establish paths ... Path segmentPath = new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINT_STAGING_PATH + checkpointId +"/" + segmentId+"/"); Path segmentOutputPath = new Path(segmentPath,"output"); // establish success file path Path successFile = new Path(segmentPath,JOB_SUCCESS_FILE); // check to see if job already completed if (fs.exists(successFile)) {"Promoting Checkpoint Segment:" + segmentId); // for each segment: Path validSegmentsBasePath = new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + VALID_SEGMENTS_PATH+Long.toString(segmentId)); if (fs.exists(segmentOutputPath)) { // (a) mkdir parse-output/valid_segments2/[segmentId] fs.mkdirs(validSegmentsBasePath); // (b) copy failed_splits.txt,splits.txt,trailing_splits.txt to parse-output/valid_segments2/[segmentId]"Writing manifests for Segment:" + segmentId + " to:" + validSegmentsBasePath); fs.rename(new Path(segmentOutputPath,TRAILING_SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE),new Path(validSegmentsBasePath,TRAILING_SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE)); fs.rename(new Path(segmentOutputPath,FAILED_SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE),new Path(validSegmentsBasePath,FAILED_SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE)); if (fs.exists(new Path(validSegmentsBasePath,SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE))) { copySrcFileToDest(fs,new Path(segmentPath,SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE),new Path(validSegmentsBasePath,SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE),conf); } // create final output path Path finalOutputPath = new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + SEGMENTS_PATH + segmentId); // mkdir it fs.mkdirs(finalOutputPath); // (b) move metadata-*,textData-*, and *_arc.gz files to parse-output/segment/[segmentId] FileStatus moveCandidates[] = fs.globStatus(new Path(segmentOutputPath,"*"), new PathFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(Path path) { String fileName = path.getName(); if (fileName.startsWith(Constants.METADATA_FILE_PREFIX) || fileName.startsWith(Constants.TEXTDATA_FILE_PREFIX) || fileName.endsWith(ArcFileWriter.ARC_FILE_SUFFIX)) { return true; } return false; } });"Moving:" + moveCandidates.length + " Files for Segment:" + segmentId + " to:" + finalOutputPath); for (FileStatus moveCandidate : moveCandidates) { Path finalCandidatePath = new Path(finalOutputPath,moveCandidate.getPath().getName()); if (fs.exists(finalCandidatePath)) { LOG.warn("Found existing file for move candidate:" + moveCandidate + " Segment:" + segmentId); FileStatus existingFileStatus = fs.getFileStatus(finalCandidatePath); if (existingFileStatus.getLen() == moveCandidate.getLen()) {"Existing file:" + finalCandidatePath + " has same length:" + existingFileStatus.getLen() + " as " + " candidate - Deleting candidate"); fs.delete(moveCandidate.getPath(),false); continue; } else {"Existing file:" + finalCandidatePath + " has same different length:" + existingFileStatus.getLen() + " than " + " candidate len:"+ moveCandidate.getLen() + " Deleting existing."); fs.delete(finalCandidatePath,false); } } fs.rename(moveCandidate.getPath(),finalCandidatePath); } } // (d) write parse-output/valid_segments2/[segmentId]/manifest.txt Path segmentManifestPath = new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + VALID_SEGMENTS_PATH + Long.toString(segmentId)+"/"+SEGMENT_MANIFEST_FILE); if (!fs.exists(segmentManifestPath)) { Collection<Path> inputs = Collections2.transform(splits, new Function<SplitInfo,Path>() { @Override @Nullable public Path apply(@Nullable SplitInfo arg0) { return new Path(arg0.sourceFilePath); } } );"Writing split manifest file for Segment:" + segmentId + " to:" + validSegmentsBasePath); writeSegmentManifestFile(fs, segmentManifestPath, segmentId, inputs); } // (f) write is_checkpoint_segment marker"Writing is_checkpoint_flag for Segment:" + segmentId + " to:" + validSegmentsBasePath); fs.createNewFile(new Path(validSegmentsBasePath,Constants.IS_CHECKPOINT_SEGMENT_FLAG)); } else { LOG.error("Found Invalid Checkpoint Segment at path:"+ segmentPath); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " threw Exception while checkpointing segment " + segmentId + ": " + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); exceptionArray[checkpointItemIdx] = e; } finally {"Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() +" finished processing segment:" + segmentId); completionSemaphore.release(); } } }; } private static void writeSegmentManifestFile(FileSystem fs,Path manifestFilePath,long segmentTimestamp,Collection<Path> logsInSegment) throws IOException {"Writing Segment Manifest for Segment: " + segmentTimestamp + " itemCount:" + logsInSegment.size()); ImmutableList.Builder<String> listBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<String>(); for (Path logPath : logsInSegment) { listBuilder.add(logPath.toString().substring(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX.length())); } listToTextFile(, fs, manifestFilePath); } /** * Worker Thread that actually submits jobs to the TT * * @author rana * */ class QueueTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { while (true) {"Queue Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Running"); try { QueueItem item = _queue.take(); if (item.segmentDetail != null) {"Queue Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " got segment:" + item.segmentDetail.e0);"Queue Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Starting Job"); try { parse(item.fs,item.conf,item.checkpointId,item.segmentDetail); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Queue Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " threw exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } else {"Queue Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Got Shutdown Queue Item - EXITING"); break; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }"Queue Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Released Semaphore"); jobThreadSemaphore.release(); } } /** * Custom InputFormat that returns a set of splits via the (previously generated) splits manifest file * @author rana * * @param <Key> * @param <Value> */ public static class CheckpointInputFormat<Key,Value> extends SequenceFileInputFormat<Key, Value> { static Pattern splitPattern = Pattern.compile("^([^:]*)://([^:]*):([^+]*)\\+(.*)$"); @Override public InputSplit[] getSplits(JobConf job, int numSplits)throws IOException { // get the checkpoint segment path ... //String segmentPath = job.get(SEGMENT_PATH_PROPERTY); // get the splits file ... Path segmentPath = FileInputFormat.getInputPaths(job)[0]; Path splitsPath = new Path(segmentPath,SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE);"Splits Path is:" + splitsPath); // get fs FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(splitsPath.toUri(),job); // and read in splits ... List<String> splits = textFileToList(fs, splitsPath); ArrayList<FileSplit> fileSplits = new ArrayList<FileSplit>(splits.size()); // convert to FileSplits ... for (String split : splits) { if (split.length() != 0 && !split.startsWith("#")) { Matcher m = splitPattern.matcher(split); if (m.matches()) { String sourceFilePath ="://"; long offset = Long.parseLong(; long length = Long.parseLong(; fileSplits.add(new FileSplit(new Path(sourceFilePath),offset,length,(String[])null)); } else { throw new IOException("Failed to parse input split info:" + split); } } } return fileSplits.toArray(new FileSplit[0]); } } /** * spawn a mapreduce job to parse a given checkpoint segment * @param fs * @param conf * @param checkpointId * @param segmentDetail * @throws IOException */ private static void parse(FileSystem fs,Configuration conf,long checkpointId,Pair<Long,Collection<SplitInfo>> segmentDetail)throws IOException { // create segment path Path fullyQualifiedSegmentPath = new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + CHECKPOINT_STAGING_PATH +checkpointId+"/"+ segmentDetail.e0 +"/"); // and derive output path Path outputPath = new Path(fullyQualifiedSegmentPath,Constants.CHECKPOINT_JOB_OUTPUT_PATH); // delete the output if exists ... fs.delete(outputPath, true);"Starting Map-Reduce Job. SegmentId:" + segmentDetail.e0+ " OutputPath:" + outputPath); // run job... JobConf jobConf = new JobBuilder("parse job",conf) .input(fullyQualifiedSegmentPath) // TODO: HACK .. NOT NEEDED .inputFormat(CheckpointInputFormat.class) .keyValue(Text.class, ParseOutput.class) .mapRunner(ParserMapRunner.class) .mapper(ParserMapper.class) // allow three attempts to process the split .maxMapAttempts(3) .maxMapTaskFailures(1000) .speculativeExecution(true) .numReducers(0) .outputFormat(ParserOutputFormat.class) .output(outputPath) .reuseJVM(1000) .build(); Path jobLogsPath = new Path(fullyQualifiedSegmentPath,Constants.CHECKPOINT_JOB_LOG_PATH); // delete if exists ... fs.delete(jobLogsPath, true); jobConf.set("hadoop.job.history.user.location", jobLogsPath.toString()); jobConf.set("", S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX); jobConf.setLong("", segmentDetail.e0); // set task timeout to 120 minutes jobConf.setInt("mapred.task.timeout", 20 * 60 * 1000); // set mapper runtime to max 2 hours ..... jobConf.setLong(ParserMapper.MAX_MAPPER_RUNTIME_PROPERTY, 120 * 60 * 1000); jobConf.setOutputCommitter(OutputCommitter.class); // allow lots of failures per tracker per job jobConf.setMaxTaskFailuresPerTracker(Integer.MAX_VALUE);"Initializing TDC for Thread:"+Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Segment:" + segmentDetail.e0); initializeTaskDataAwareJob(jobConf,segmentDetail.e0);"Submmitting Hadoop Job for Thread:"+Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Segment:" + segmentDetail.e0); JobClient.runJob(jobConf);"Finalizing Job for Thread:"+Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Segment:" + segmentDetail.e0); finalizeJob(fs,conf,jobConf,outputPath,segmentDetail.e0); // ok job execution was successful ... mark it so ... Path successFile = new Path(fullyQualifiedSegmentPath,Constants.JOB_SUCCESS_FILE); fs.createNewFile(successFile);"Map-Reduce Job for SegmentId:" + segmentDetail.e0+ " Completed Successfully"); } /** * Iterate previously parsed segments and collect partial and failed splits * * @param fs * @param lastCheckpointId * @throws IOException */ static ArrayList<SegmentSplitDetail> iterateAvailableSegmentsCollectSplits(FileSystem fs,Configuration conf,long lastCheckpointId)throws IOException { ArrayList<SegmentSplitDetail> listOut = new ArrayList<SegmentSplitDetail>(); for (long segmentId : buildValidSegmentListGivenCheckpointId(fs,conf, lastCheckpointId)) {"Found Segment:" + segmentId); // get arc sizes by split upfront (because S3n wildcard operations are slow) Multimap<Integer, Long> splitSizes= getArcFilesSizesSegment(fs,segmentId);"Found ArcFiles for:" + splitSizes.keySet().size() + " Splits"); // get failed and partial splits for segment SortedSet<SegmentSplitDetail> allSplits = getAllSplits(fs, segmentId); SortedSet<SegmentSplitDetail> failedSplits = getFailedSplits(fs, segmentId); SortedSet<SegmentSplitDetail> partialSplits = getPartialSplits(fs, segmentId);"Found:" + partialSplits.size() + " PartialSplits for Segment:" + segmentId); //; // ok add all partial splits to list up front ... listOut.addAll(partialSplits); // now calculate a raw to arc split ratio ... DescriptiveStatistics stats = calculateArcToRawRatio(allSplits,failedSplits,partialSplits,splitSizes); double arcToRawRatio = stats.getMean(); // calculate std-dev double stdDev = stats.getStandardDeviation();"ArcToRaw Ratio:" + arcToRawRatio + " StdDev:" + stdDev);"There are " + partialSplits.size() + " Partial splits"); // exclude partial from failed to see how many actually failed ... Sets.SetView<SegmentSplitDetail> reallyFailedSet = Sets.difference(failedSplits,partialSplits);"There are " + reallyFailedSet.size() + " Failed splits");"Found: " + reallyFailedSet.size() + " really failed splits for Segment:" + segmentId); // walk each validating actual failure condidition for (SegmentSplitDetail split : reallyFailedSet) { // explicitly add failed list to list out ... listOut.add(split); /** if (!splitSizes.containsKey(split.splitIndex)) { // add the failed split .. no questions asked ... listOut.add(split); } else { // ok otherwise ... get the arc sizes for the given split ... Collection<Long> arcSizes = splitSizes.get(split.splitIndex); // iff long totalArcSize = 0; for (long arcSize : splitSizes.get(split.splitIndex)) totalArcSize += arcSize; double itemRatio = (double) totalArcSize / (double) split.originalSplit.length;"Failed Split: " + split.splitIndex + " has arc data:" + splitSizes.get(split.splitIndex) + " ItemRatio:"+ itemRatio + " Overall Ratio:" + arcToRawRatio); } **/ } if (conf.getBoolean(CONF_PARAM_TEST_MODE, false)) {"Breaking out early from segment iteration (test mode)"); break; } } return listOut; } /** * arc to raw ratio calc (unused for now) * * @param allSplits * @param failedSplits * @param partialSplits * @param arcSizes * @return */ private static DescriptiveStatistics calculateArcToRawRatio( SortedSet<SegmentSplitDetail> allSplits, SortedSet<SegmentSplitDetail> failedSplits, SortedSet<SegmentSplitDetail> partialSplits, Multimap<Integer, Long> arcSizes) { DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (SegmentSplitDetail split : allSplits) { if (!failedSplits.contains(split) && !partialSplits.contains(split)) { long totalArcSize = 0; for (long arcSize : arcSizes.get(split.splitIndex)) totalArcSize += arcSize; if (totalArcSize != 0) stats.addValue((double)totalArcSize / (double)split.originalSplit.length); } } return stats; } /** * scan valid segments and pick up any whose id exceeds given last * checkpoint id * @param fs * @param lastCheckpointId * @return * @throws IOException */ static Set<Long> buildValidSegmentListGivenCheckpointId(FileSystem fs,Configuration conf,long lastCheckpointId)throws IOException { return buildSegmentListGivenCheckpointId(fs, VALID_SEGMENTS_PATH, lastCheckpointId); } static Set<Long> buildSegmentListGivenCheckpointId(FileSystem fs,String validSegmentPath,long lastCheckpointId)throws IOException { TreeSet<Long> validsegments = new TreeSet<Long>(); for (FileStatus segmentStatus: fs.globStatus(new Path(validSegmentPath,"[0-9]*"))) { long segmentId = Long.parseLong(segmentStatus.getPath().getName()); if (segmentId > lastCheckpointId) { validsegments.add(segmentId); } } return validsegments; } static SortedSet<SegmentSplitDetail> getAllSplits(FileSystem fs,long segmentId)throws IOException { return getSplitDetailsFromFile(fs,segmentId,new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + VALID_SEGMENTS_PATH+Long.toString(segmentId)+"/"+SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE),SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE); } static SortedSet<SegmentSplitDetail> getFailedSplits(FileSystem fs,long segmentId)throws IOException { return getSplitDetailsFromFile(fs,segmentId,new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + VALID_SEGMENTS_PATH+Long.toString(segmentId)+"/"+FAILED_SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE),FAILED_SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE); } static SortedSet<SegmentSplitDetail> getPartialSplits(FileSystem fs,long segmentId)throws IOException { return getSplitDetailsFromFile(fs,segmentId,new Path(S3N_BUCKET_PREFIX + VALID_SEGMENTS_PATH+Long.toString(segmentId)+"/"+TRAILING_SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE),TRAILING_SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE); } /** * read split details given path and file type (partial, failed split etc.) * * @param fs * @param segmentId * @param path * @param splitType * @return * @throws IOException */ static SortedSet<SegmentSplitDetail> getSplitDetailsFromFile(FileSystem fs,long segmentId,Path path,String splitType)throws IOException { TreeSet<SegmentSplitDetail> splits = new TreeSet<EC2CheckpointTask.SegmentSplitDetail>(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(,Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); try { String line; int index=0; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length() != 0 && !line.startsWith("#")) { if (splitType == SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE) { SegmentSplitDetail splitDetail = new SegmentSplitDetail(segmentId); splitDetail.splitIndex = index++; splitDetail.originalSplit = new SplitInfo(line); splits.add(splitDetail); } else { splits.add(splitDetailFromLogLine(segmentId,line, (splitType == TRAILING_SPLITS_MANIFEST_FILE))); } } } } finally { reader.close(); } return splits; } static Pattern partialSplitLogPattern = Pattern.compile("^([0-9]*),([^,]*),([^,]*)$"); static Pattern failedSplitLogPattern = Pattern.compile("^([0-9]*),(.*)$"); /** * parse split detail given a split log line (based on type of split log) * @param segmentId * @param logLine * @param isPartialSplit * @return * @throws IOException */ static SegmentSplitDetail splitDetailFromLogLine(long segmentId,String logLine,boolean isPartialSplit) throws IOException { if (isPartialSplit) { Matcher m = partialSplitLogPattern.matcher(logLine); if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() == 3) { SegmentSplitDetail detail = new SegmentSplitDetail(segmentId); detail.splitIndex = Integer.parseInt(; detail.partialSplit = new SplitInfo(; detail.originalSplit = new SplitInfo(; return detail; } else { throw new IOException("Invalid Split Info:" + logLine); } } else { Matcher m = failedSplitLogPattern.matcher(logLine); if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() == 2) { SegmentSplitDetail detail = new SegmentSplitDetail(segmentId); detail.splitIndex = Integer.parseInt(; detail.originalSplit = new SplitInfo(; return detail; } else { throw new IOException("Invalid Split Info:" + logLine); } } } /** * Helper class than encapsulated a single file split's details * TODO: WHY ARE WE NOT EXTENDING FileSplit ???? * @author rana * */ static class SplitInfo implements Comparable<SplitInfo> { String sourceFilePath; long offset; long length; static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^([^:]*)://([^:]*):([^+]*)\\+(.*)$"); SplitInfo(String splitText)throws IOException { Matcher m = pattern.matcher(splitText); if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() == 4) { sourceFilePath ="://"; offset = Long.parseLong(; length = Long.parseLong(; } else { throw new IOException("Invalid Split:"+ splitText); } } @Override public int compareTo(SplitInfo other) { int result = sourceFilePath.compareTo(other.sourceFilePath); if (result == 0) { result = (offset < other.offset) ? -1 : (offset > other.offset) ? 1: 0; } return result; } @Override public String toString() { return sourceFilePath+":"+offset+"+"+length; } } /** * A class representing a partially processed or unprocessed split * * @author rana * */ static class SegmentSplitDetail implements Comparable<SegmentSplitDetail>{ long segmentId; int splitIndex; SplitInfo originalSplit; SplitInfo partialSplit; public SegmentSplitDetail(long segmentId) { this.segmentId = segmentId; } @Override public int compareTo(SegmentSplitDetail o) { return (splitIndex < o.splitIndex) ? -1: (splitIndex > o.splitIndex) ? 1: 0; } public boolean isPartialSplit() { return partialSplit != null; } @Override public String toString() { return Long.toString(segmentId) +"," +splitIndex +"," +((isPartialSplit()) ? "P":"F") + "," + (isPartialSplit() ? partialSplit.toString() : originalSplit.toString()); } } }