package org.commoncrawl.util.redis; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Deque; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout; import org.commoncrawl.async.EventLoop; import org.commoncrawl.async.Timer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.commoncrawl.util.CCStringUtils; import org.commoncrawl.util.redis.RedisCmd.Commands; import org.commoncrawl.util.redis.RedisResponse.Type; import; import; /** * Async Redis Client * * @author rana * */ public class RedisClient implements NIOClientSocketListener { /** logging **/ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RedisClient.class); /** some specific byte patterns we care about **/ static final byte[] CRLF = "\r\n".getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII); static final byte[] OK = "OK".getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII); static final byte[] QUEUED = "QUEUED".getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII); /** max amount of encoded command data we buffer for transmission **/ private static final int MAX_QUEUED_WRITES_SIZE = 1 << 16; /** default reconnect delay **/ private static final int INITIAL_RECONNECT_DELAY = 1000; /** max reconnect delay **/ private static final int MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY = 15000; /** canned OK response **/ private static final RedisResponse okResponse = new RedisResponse(Type.Status,OK); /** commands queued for dispatch **/ Deque<RedisCmd> _queuedCmds = Lists.newLinkedList(); /** un-ack'd commands that have already been sent across the wire **/ Deque<RedisCmd> _inflightCmds = Lists.newLinkedList(); /** we are a fully pipelined client .. i.e. we send commands down the wire * as soon as we can, accumulating encoded command up to MAX_QUEUED_WRITES_SIZE * in this write buffer */ NIOBufferList _writeBuffer = new NIOBufferList(); /** a stream that writes into the write buffer (used to encoded commands) **/ NIOBufferListOutputStream _writeStream = new NIOBufferListOutputStream(_writeBuffer); /** we are a fully streaming, non-blocking client. so, * we accumulate incoming bytes into this buffer list before processing them **/ NIOBufferList _readBuffer = new NIOBufferList(); /** state machine that interprets the redis-protocol in a streaming manner **/ RedisResponseBuilder _responseBuilder = new RedisResponseBuilder(); /** are we connected to the redis server ? **/ boolean _isConnected = false; /** the event loop (selector thread) we use to drive async io and message * processing */ EventLoop _eventLoop; /** the redis server's address and port **/ InetSocketAddress _hostAddress; /** the tcp socket object we are using for IO **/ NIOClientTCPSocket _tcpSocket; /** the current reconnect delay. we step the delay up to MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY * if we encounter connection failures ... */ int _reconnectDelay = 0; /** timer used to reconnect **/ Timer _reconnectTimer; /** * Construct a RedisClient * * @param eventLoop the event loop used for IO / event processing * @param hostAddress the address / port of the target redis server * @throws IOException */ public RedisClient(EventLoop eventLoop,InetSocketAddress hostAddress)throws IOException { _eventLoop = eventLoop; _hostAddress = hostAddress; openSocket(); } /** * Queue a redis command for transmission * * @param cmd the command to send over the wire * @param callback * @throws IOException */ public void send(RedisCmd cmd,RedisClientCallback callback)throws IOException { cmd.callback = callback; // if multi ... if (cmd.isMulti()) { // check to see if last command is exec ... RedisCmd lastCmd = cmd.nestedCommands.getLast(); if (lastCmd.isExec()) { // if so, remove it, as we automatically do an EXEC // for a multi ... cmd.nestedCommands.removeLast(); } } // enqueue the coammnd _queuedCmds.add(cmd); if (_isConnected) { // set the appropriate socket event state depending on the status of the // inflight queue if (_inflightCmds.size() != 0) { _eventLoop.getSelector().registerForReadAndWrite(_tcpSocket); } else { _eventLoop.getSelector().registerForWrite(_tcpSocket); } } } /** * Queue a redis command for transmission * * @param cmd the command to send over the wire * @throws IOException */ public void send(RedisCmd cmd)throws IOException { send(cmd,null); } /** * Convenience method to use builder to send a command * * @param builder the builder holding a command * @param callback * @throws IOException */ public void send(RedisCmdBuilder builder,RedisClientCallback callback)throws IOException { send(,callback); } /** * Convenience method to use builder to send a command * * @param builder the builder holding a command * @throws IOException */ public void send(RedisCmdBuilder builder)throws IOException { send(,null); } /** * internal helper used to reconnect to redis * * @throws IOException */ void openSocket() throws IOException { if (_reconnectTimer != null) { _eventLoop.cancelTimer(_reconnectTimer); _reconnectTimer = null; } if (_tcpSocket != null) { _tcpSocket.close(); } _tcpSocket = new NIOClientTCPSocket(new InetSocketAddress(0),this); _tcpSocket.connect(_hostAddress); _eventLoop.getSelector().registerForConnect(_tcpSocket); } @Override public String toString() { return _hostAddress.toString(); } /** * NIOSocketListener callback */ @Override public void Disconnected(NIOSocket theSocket, Exception optionalException) throws IOException { _isConnected = false;"Disconected"); cleanup(); LOG.error("Redis Client:" + this + " Disconnected. Setting Reconnect Timer."); // either way, increase subsequent reconnect interval _reconnectDelay = (_reconnectDelay == 0) ? INITIAL_RECONNECT_DELAY : Math.min(MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY, _reconnectDelay * 2); _reconnectTimer = new Timer(_reconnectDelay, false, new Timer.Callback() { // @Override public void timerFired(Timer timer) { try {"Redis Client:" + this +" attempting reconnection"); openSocket(); } catch (IOException e) { _reconnectDelay = Math.min(MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY, _reconnectDelay * 2); LOG.error("Reconnect threw exception:" + e.toString() + " Will retry in:" + _reconnectDelay +" MS"); _eventLoop.setTimer(_reconnectTimer); } } }); _eventLoop.setTimer(_reconnectTimer); } /** * internal cleaup method */ void cleanup() { // cleanup inflight commands ... while (_inflightCmds.size() != 0) { RedisCmd inflightCmd = _inflightCmds.removeLast(); inflightCmd.resetTransmissionState(); _queuedCmds.addFirst(inflightCmd); } // reset buffers etc. _writeBuffer.reset(); _readBuffer.reset(); // reset response builder state ... _responseBuilder.reset(); } /** * NISocketListener callback */ @Override public void Excepted(NIOSocket socket, Exception e) { LOG.error("RedisClient:" + this + " Socket Exception with Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); if (_tcpSocket != null) { _tcpSocket.close(); } try { Disconnected(socket, e); } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e1)); } } /** * NISocketListener callback */ @Override public void Connected(NIOClientSocket theSocket) throws IOException { _isConnected = true;"Connected"); if (_queuedCmds.size() != 0) { _eventLoop.getSelector().registerForWrite(theSocket); } } /** * NISocketListener callback */ @Override public int Readable(NIOClientSocket theSocket) throws IOException {"Readable"); int lastBytesRead = 0; // read data ... do { ByteBuffer readBuffer = _readBuffer.getWriteBuf(); lastBytesRead =; } while (lastBytesRead > 0); _readBuffer.flush(); // process data ... while (_readBuffer.available() != 0) { ByteBuffer buffer =; while (buffer.remaining() != 0) { RedisResponse response = _responseBuilder.processBuffer(buffer); if (response != null) { processResponse(response); } } } return lastBytesRead; } /** * process a parsed redis response ... * * @param response * @throws IOException */ void processResponse(RedisResponse response) throws IOException { // get the earliest inflight command RedisCmd earliestCmd = _inflightCmds.getFirst(); // if it is a multi ... if (earliestCmd.isMulti()) { // we must handle the multi command in a special way // we get an ack for the multi cmd, and a QUEUED response // for each subesequent command that is part of the transaction. // we need to track each response so that we can then know when // to appropriately handle the EXEC command // if waiting for OK from actual MULTI command if (earliestCmd.waitingForMultiStartACK()) { // we should never get a non-OK response for a multi command. if we get this something // is wrong. bubble up an exception if (!response.isResponseOK()) { IOException e = new IOException("Receieved improper response for multi command! Response:" + response); LOG.error("Receieved non OK response for multi! Response:" + response); throw e; } else { // otherwise .. increment counter used to track multi responses earliestCmd.incMultiReadCursor(); } } // if we have received all the intermediate responses for the multi cmd else if (earliestCmd.waitingForExecResponse()) { // pop this command from the inflight queue ... _inflightCmds.removeFirst(); // explicitly set the response for the top level command to OK // indicating successful transaction execution ... earliestCmd.response = okResponse; // walk actual responses from the EXEC if (response.isMulti()) { if (response.values != null) { int redisCmdIndex = 0; // walk multi response values for (RedisResponse value : response.values) { //TODO: this is legacy code since OLD redis did not handle errors // in multi blocks properly, but later versions of redis now queue errors // and actually FAIL the entire transaction at the end (in case of an actual error). for (;earliestCmd.nestedCommands.get(redisCmdIndex).response != null;redisCmdIndex++); // bind each response to its associated cmd ... earliestCmd.nestedCommands.get(redisCmdIndex++).response = value; } } // ok, notify caller of result if callback was specified in multi cmd... if (earliestCmd.callback != null) { earliestCmd.callback.CmdComplete(this,earliestCmd, response); } } else { // this is probably an error earliestCmd.response = response; if (earliestCmd.callback != null) { earliestCmd.callback.CmdFailed(this,earliestCmd, response); } //System.out.println(response); } } else { // every intermediate response from a multi should be QUEUED if (!response.isResponseQUEUED()) { earliestCmd.setFailedMultiChildResponse(response); } earliestCmd.incMultiReadCursor(); } } // If not a multi cmd ... else { // remove from inflight queue _inflightCmds.removeFirst(); // set the response object ... earliestCmd.response = response; if (earliestCmd.callback != null) { if (response.type == Type.Error) { earliestCmd.callback.CmdFailed(this,earliestCmd, response); } else { earliestCmd.callback.CmdComplete(this,earliestCmd, response); } } } } /** * NISocketListener callback */ @Override public void Writeable(NIOClientSocket theSocket) throws IOException {"Writable"); encodeCommands(); if (_writeBuffer.available() == 0) // flush partial buffers ... _writeStream.flush(); if (_writeBuffer.available() != 0) { ByteBuffer bufferToWrite =; if (bufferToWrite != null) { try { int preWritePos = bufferToWrite.position(); int amountWritten = theSocket.write(bufferToWrite); if (amountWritten > 0) { System.out.println("Wrote:" + new String(bufferToWrite.array(),bufferToWrite.arrayOffset() + preWritePos,amountWritten)); } if (bufferToWrite.remaining() != 0) { _writeBuffer.putBack(bufferToWrite); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); throw e; } } } boolean isReadable = (_inflightCmds.size() != 0); boolean isWritable = (_writeBuffer.available() != 0 || _writeStream.buffered() != 0); if (isReadable || isWritable) { if (isWritable) { if (isReadable) _eventLoop.getSelector().registerForReadAndWrite(theSocket); else _eventLoop.getSelector().registerForWrite(theSocket); } else { _eventLoop.getSelector().registerForRead(theSocket); } } } /** * encode queued commands */ final void encodeCommands()throws IOException { while (!_queuedCmds.isEmpty() && _writeBuffer.available() < MAX_QUEUED_WRITES_SIZE) { RedisCmd nextCmd = _queuedCmds.removeFirst(); // encode onto buffer stream ... nextCmd.encode(_writeStream); // add to inflight queue _inflightCmds.addLast(nextCmd); // if multi, break out ... if (nextCmd.isMulti()) { while (!nextCmd.allChildrenEncoded()) { nextCmd.encodeNextMultiChild(_writeStream); } nextCmd.commitMulti(_writeStream); } } } //TODO: temporary code to validate that the basics work public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.commoncrawl"); logger.setLevel(Level.INFO); ConsoleAppender console = new ConsoleAppender(); //create appender String PATTERN = "%d [%p|%c|%C{1}] %m%n"; console.setLayout(new PatternLayout(PATTERN)); console.setThreshold(Level.INFO); console.activateOptions(); Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(console); EventLoop eventLoop = new EventLoop(); eventLoop.start(); RedisClient client = new RedisClient(eventLoop, new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),6379)); RedisClientCallback callback = new RedisClientCallback() { @Override public void CmdFailed(RedisClient client,RedisCmd cmd, RedisResponse response) { System.out.println("Cmd (FAILED):"); System.out.print(cmd.toString()); System.out.println("Response:"); System.out.print(response.toString()); } @Override public void CmdComplete(RedisClient client,RedisCmd cmd, RedisResponse response) { System.out.println("Cmd (COMPLETED):"); System.out.print(cmd.toString()); System.out.println("Response:"); System.out.print(response.toString()); } }; client.send(new RedisCmdBuilder() .mutli() .cmd(Commands.INCR,"TEST2") .cmd(Commands.INCR,"TEST") .cmd(Commands.PING) .cmd(Commands.KEYS,"*"),callback); client.send(new RedisCmdBuilder().cmd(Commands.INCR,"TEST"),callback); client.send(new RedisCmdBuilder().cmd(Commands.INCR,"TEST2", "1"),callback); client.send(new RedisCmdBuilder().cmd(Commands.SET,"HELLO", "NEW VALUE"),callback); client.send(new RedisCmdBuilder().cmd(Commands.GET,"HELLO"),callback); try { eventLoop.getEventThread().join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }