package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.commoncrawl.async.Callback; import org.commoncrawl.async.EventLoop; import org.commoncrawl.async.Timer; import; import org.commoncrawl.util.CCStringUtils; import org.commoncrawl.util.IPAddressUtils; import org.xbill.DNS.ARecord; import org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord; import org.xbill.DNS.DClass; import org.xbill.DNS.Header; import org.xbill.DNS.Message; import org.xbill.DNS.Name; import org.xbill.DNS.Rcode; import org.xbill.DNS.Record; import org.xbill.DNS.Section; import org.xbill.DNS.Type; import org.xbill.DNS.WireParseException; import; public class NIODNSAsyncResolver extends NIODNSResolver implements NIOClientSocketListener, Timer.Callback{ static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NIODNSAsyncResolver.class); private static final short DEFAULT_UDPSIZE = 512; ByteBuffer _outgoingPacketHeader = ByteBuffer.allocate(2); NIOBufferList _outgoingData = new NIOBufferList(); NIOBufferList _incomingData = new NIOBufferList(); NIOBufferListInputStream _bufferListInputStream = new NIOBufferListInputStream(_incomingData); DataInputStream _inputStream = new DataInputStream(_bufferListInputStream); public class ResolverRequest implements Future<NIODNSQueryResult> { String hostName; NIODNSQueryClient client; NIODNSQueryResult result; int timeoutValue; long expireTime; int qid; boolean cancelled = false; boolean useCache = true; @Override public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { return cancelled = true; } @Override public NIODNSQueryResult get() throws InterruptedException,ExecutionException { return result; } @Override public NIODNSQueryResult get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { return result; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return cancelled; } @Override public boolean isDone() { return result != null; } public void doQuery() throws IOException { try { if (useCache) { //"Checking Cache for Host:" + hostName); NIODNSQueryResult result = checkCache(client, hostName); if (result != null) { _cacheHits.incrementAndGet(); if (result.success()) { client.AddressResolutionSuccess(result._source, result.getHostName(), result.getCName(), result.getAddress(), result.getTTL()); } else { client.AddressResolutionFailure(result._source, result.getHostName(), result.getStatus(), result.getErrorDescription()); } client.done(result._source, this); } } // construct message payload ... Name name = Name.fromString(hostName, Name.root); Record rec = Record.newRecord(name, Type.A, DClass.IN); Message query = Message.newQuery(rec); // set qid qid = query.getHeader().getID(); // serialize to byte stream ... byte [] out = query.toWire(Message.MAXLENGTH); // wrap it ByteBuffer outgoingPayload = ByteBuffer.wrap(out); // reset buffer list _outgoingData.reset(); // set header ... _outgoingPacketHeader.clear(); _outgoingPacketHeader.array()[0] = (byte)(out.length >>> 8); _outgoingPacketHeader.array()[1] = (byte)(out.length & 0xFF); _outgoingPacketHeader.position(2); _outgoingData.write(_outgoingPacketHeader); // add payload outgoingPayload.position(out.length); _outgoingData.write(outgoingPayload); _outgoingData.flush();"Total Datagram size:" + _outgoingData.available()); // reset read state _readState = ReadState.READING_HEADER; _incomingData.reset(); _incomingPacketLen = -1; // register for a write event ... _theEventLoop.getSelector().registerForWrite(_tcpSocket); expireTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutValue; } catch (Exception e) { if (_logger != null) _logger.logDNSException(hostName, StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); failRequest(this, Status.RESOLVER_FAILURE, "Exception:" + e); } } } EventLoop _theEventLoop; Timer _pollTimer; NIOClientTCPSocket _tcpSocket; LinkedList<ResolverRequest> _requestQueue = Lists.newLinkedList(); ResolverRequest _activeRequest; boolean _isConnected; String _dnsServer; enum ReadState { READING_HEADER, READING_PAYLOAD, READY, FINISHED } ReadState _readState; int _incomingPacketLen; public NIODNSAsyncResolver(EventLoop theEventLoop,String serverName) throws IOException { _theEventLoop = theEventLoop; _pollTimer = new Timer(100,true,this); _theEventLoop.setTimer(_pollTimer); _dnsServer = serverName; _dnsCache.enableIPAddressTracking(); } void openSocket() throws IOException { if (_tcpSocket != null) { _tcpSocket.close(); } _tcpSocket = new NIOClientTCPSocket(new InetSocketAddress(0),this); _tcpSocket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(_dnsServer),53)); _theEventLoop.getSelector().registerForConnect(_tcpSocket); } @Override public void Disconnected(NIOSocket theSocket, Exception optionalException) throws IOException { //"Disconnected"); _isConnected = false; _tcpSocket.close(); _tcpSocket = null; if (_activeRequest != null) { ResolverRequest failedRequest = _activeRequest; _activeRequest = null; synchronized (_requestQueue) { _requestQueue.addFirst(failedRequest); } } queueNextRequest(); } @Override public void Excepted(NIOSocket socket, Exception e) { LOG.error("Resolver Socket Excepted!",e); LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } @Override public void Connected(NIOClientSocket theSocket) throws IOException { //"Connected"); _isConnected = true; if (_activeRequest != null) { _theEventLoop.getSelector().registerForWrite(theSocket); } } @Override public int Readable(NIOClientSocket theSocket) throws IOException { //"Readable ExistingReadState:" + _readState); int totalBytesRead = 0; int lastReadResult = 0; do { ByteBuffer readBuffer = _incomingData.getWriteBuf(); lastReadResult =; totalBytesRead += Math.max(0, lastReadResult); } while (lastReadResult > 0); //"Total Read This Iteration:" + totalBytesRead + " Last Read Result:" + lastReadResult); // flush trailing data ... _incomingData.flush(); // check state ... if (_readState == ReadState.READING_HEADER) { if (_incomingData.available() >= 2) { _incomingPacketLen = _inputStream.readShort(); _readState = ReadState.READING_PAYLOAD; //"Transitioned to READING_PAYLOAD. Payload Len:" + _incomingPacketLen); } } if (_readState == ReadState.READING_PAYLOAD) { //"Incoming Data Available:" + _inputStream.available()); if (_inputStream.available() >= _incomingPacketLen) { //"Transitioned to DONE"); _readState = ReadState.READY; } } if (_readState == ReadState.READY) { _readState = ReadState.FINISHED; byte[] payload = new byte[_incomingPacketLen]; _inputStream.readFully(payload); processDNSResponsePacket(payload); } else if (_readState != ReadState.READY || _readState != ReadState.FINISHED && lastReadResult != -1) { // read more data _theEventLoop.getSelector().registerForRead(_tcpSocket); } return lastReadResult; } @Override public void Writeable(NIOClientSocket theSocket) throws IOException { int originalBytesAvailable = _outgoingData.available(); //"Writable - bytesAvailable:" + originalBytesAvailable); boolean moreDataToWrite = false; while (_outgoingData.available() != 0) { ByteBuffer nextBuffer =; if (nextBuffer == null) { LOG.fatal("read returned null when available said:" + _outgoingData.available() + " BufferDetails:" + _outgoingData); // TEMP HACK TILL WE FIND THE ROOT CAUSE OF THIS :-( break; } //"Next Buffer Remaining:" + nextBuffer.remaining()); theSocket.write(nextBuffer); //"After Write - Next Buffer Remaining:" + nextBuffer.remaining()); if (nextBuffer.remaining() !=0) { _outgoingData.putBack(nextBuffer); moreDataToWrite = true; } } //"Wrote:" + (originalBytesAvailable-_outgoingData.available() + " Bytes Out")); if (!moreDataToWrite) { //"Transitioning from Write mode to Read"); _theEventLoop.getSelector().registerForRead(_tcpSocket); } else { _theEventLoop.getSelector().registerForWrite(_tcpSocket); } } void queueNextRequest() { if (_activeRequest != null) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= _activeRequest.expireTime) { //"Timing Out Request:" + _activeRequest); ResolverRequest failedRequest = _activeRequest; _activeRequest = null; failRequest(failedRequest,Status.RESOLVER_FAILURE, "Timeout"); _tcpSocket.close(); _tcpSocket = null; } } int requestQueueSize = 0; synchronized (_requestQueue) { requestQueueSize = _requestQueue.size(); } if (_tcpSocket == null && requestQueueSize != 0) { try { //"Reconnecting to DNS Server"); openSocket(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } if (_tcpSocket != null && _tcpSocket.isOpen() && _isConnected && _activeRequest == null) { synchronized (_requestQueue) { while (_requestQueue.size() != 0 && _activeRequest == null) { _activeRequest = _requestQueue.removeFirst(); if (_activeRequest.isCancelled()) _activeRequest = null; } } try { if (_activeRequest != null) { //"Calling doQuery on new request"); _activeRequest.doQuery(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); ResolverRequest failedRequest = _activeRequest; _activeRequest = null; failRequest(failedRequest,Status.RESOLVER_FAILURE, "IOException:" + e.toString()); } } } @Override public Future<NIODNSQueryResult> resolve(NIODNSQueryClient client,String theHost, boolean noCache, boolean highPriorityRequest,int timeoutValue) throws IOException { ResolverRequest request = new ResolverRequest(); request.client = client; request.hostName = theHost; request.timeoutValue = timeoutValue; request.useCache = !noCache; synchronized (_requestQueue) { //"Adding Request to Queue"); if (highPriorityRequest) _requestQueue.addFirst(request); else _requestQueue.add(request); if (_activeRequest == null && _isConnected) { if (Thread.currentThread() == _theEventLoop.getEventThread()) { queueNextRequest(); } else { _theEventLoop.queueAsyncCallback(new Callback() { @Override public void execute() { queueNextRequest(); } }); } } } return request; } @Override public void timerFired(Timer timer) { queueNextRequest(); } void processDNSResponsePacket(byte responsePacket[]){ if (_activeRequest != null) { //"Parsing DNS Response"); try { /* * Check that the response is long enough. */ if (responsePacket.length < Header.LENGTH) { throw new WireParseException("invalid DNS header - " + "too short"); } /* * Check that the response ID matches the query ID. We want * to check this before actually parsing the message, so that * if there's a malformed response that's not ours, it * doesn't confuse us. */ int id = ((responsePacket[0] & 0xFF) << 8) + (responsePacket[1] & 0xFF); int qid = _activeRequest.qid; if (id != qid) { String error = "invalid message id: expected " + qid + "; got id " + id; throw new WireParseException(error); } Message response = parseMessage(responsePacket); if (response != null) { processDNSResponseMessage(response); } else { ResolverRequest completedRequest = _activeRequest; _activeRequest = null; failRequest(completedRequest, Status.RESOLVER_FAILURE, "NULL Response"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Caught Exception Parsing Response for Query:" + _activeRequest,e); LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); ResolverRequest completedRequest = _activeRequest; _activeRequest = null; failRequest(completedRequest, Status.SERVER_FAILURE, e.toString()); } finally { queueNextRequest(); } } } public static final int MIN_TTL_VALUE = 60 * 20 * 1000; void processDNSResponseMessage(Message response)throws IOException { InetAddress address = null; String cname = null; long expireTime = -1; //"Processing DNS Message with Response Code:" + response.getRcode()); if (response.getRcode() == Rcode.NOERROR) { // get answer Record records[] = response.getSectionArray(Section.ANSWER); if (records != null) { // walk records ... for (Record record : records) { // store CName for later use ... if (record.getType() == Type.CNAME) { cname = ((CNAMERecord) record).getAlias().toString(); if (cname != null && cname.endsWith(".")) { cname = cname.substring(0, cname.length() - 1); } } // otherwise look for A record else if (record.getType() == Type.A && address == null) { address = ((ARecord) record).getAddress(); expireTime = Math.max( (System.currentTimeMillis() + (((ARecord) record) .getTTL() * 1000)), System.currentTimeMillis() + MIN_TTL_VALUE); } } } if (address != null) { //"Caching DNS Entry for Host:" + hostName); // update dns cache ... _dnsCache.cacheIPAddressForHost(_activeRequest.hostName, IPAddressUtils .IPV4AddressToInteger(address.getAddress()), expireTime, cname); } } // create result object ... NIODNSQueryResult result = new NIODNSQueryResult(this, _activeRequest.client, _activeRequest.hostName); if (response.getRcode() != Rcode.NOERROR) { result.setStatus(Status.SERVER_FAILURE); result.setErrorDesc(Rcode.string(response.getRcode())); if (_logger != null) _logger .logDNSFailure(_activeRequest.hostName, Rcode.string(response.getRcode())); } else if (response.getRcode() == Rcode.NOERROR) { if (address != null) { result.setStatus(Status.SUCCESS); result.setAddress(address); result.setCName(cname); result.setTTL(expireTime); if (_logger != null) { _logger.logDNSQuery(_activeRequest.hostName, address, expireTime, cname); } } else { result.setStatus(Status.SERVER_FAILURE); result.setErrorDesc("UNKNOWN-NO A RECORD"); if (_logger != null) _logger.logDNSFailure(_activeRequest.hostName, "NOERROR"); } } ResolverRequest completedRequest = _activeRequest; _activeRequest = null; completedRequest.result = result; if (result.getStatus() == Status.SUCCESS) { if (!completedRequest.isCancelled()) { completedRequest.client.AddressResolutionSuccess(this,completedRequest.hostName,result.getCName(),result.getAddress(),result.getTTL()); completedRequest.client.done(this, completedRequest); } } else { // if result is server failure ... and not via bad host cache ... if (result.getStatus() == Status.SERVER_FAILURE) { if (result.getErrorDescription().equals("NXDOMAIN") || result.getErrorDescription().equals("NOERROR")) { _badHostCache.cacheIPAddressForHost(completedRequest.hostName, 0, System.currentTimeMillis()+ NXDOMAIN_FAIL_BAD_HOST_LIFETIME, null); } } failRequest(completedRequest,result.getStatus(),result.getErrorDescription()); } } private Message parseMessage(byte [] b) throws WireParseException { try { return (new Message(b)); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); if (!(e instanceof WireParseException)) e = new WireParseException("Error parsing message"); throw (WireParseException) e; } } public static void main(final String[] args)throws IOException { final EventLoop theEventLoop = new EventLoop(); theEventLoop.start(); File file = new File(args[0]); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file))); try { NIODNSAsyncResolver resolver = new NIODNSAsyncResolver(theEventLoop, ""); final Semaphore dnsRequestCompleteSem = new Semaphore(0); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { final String hostName = line; resolver.resolve(new NIODNSQueryClient() { @Override public void AddressResolutionFailure(NIODNSResolver source,String hostName, Status status, String errorDesc) { System.out.println("Address Resolution Failed with Status:" + status + " ErrorDesc:" + errorDesc); dnsRequestCompleteSem.release(); } @Override public void AddressResolutionSuccess(NIODNSResolver source,String hostName, String cName, InetAddress address, long addressTTL) { System.out.println("Address Resolution Succeeded with CName:" + cName + " IpAddress:" + address.toString()); dnsRequestCompleteSem.release(); } @Override public void DNSResultsAvailable() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void done(NIODNSResolver source, Future<NIODNSQueryResult> task) { } } , hostName, true, true, 10000); dnsRequestCompleteSem.acquireUninterruptibly(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Bye"); System.exit(0); } void failRequest(ResolverRequest request,Status status, String errorDesc) { if (!request.isCancelled()) { request.client.AddressResolutionFailure(this, request.hostName, status, errorDesc); request.client.done(this,request); } } }