package; // A NodeProcess is built from the tmp-pid files public class NodeProcess { private String name; // the node's name (e.g. namenode, pdatanode-1, fi) private String pid; // the pid private String tmpPidFile; // the tmp-pid file name private boolean isDn; // is this a datanode? private String dnId; // the datanode Id if applicable public NodeProcess(String tmpPidFile, String pid, String nodeName) { = pid; this.tmpPidFile = tmpPidFile; // now let's create the name // remove the hadoop prefix and .pid String tmp = nodeName; // tmpPidFile.replaceAll(Driver.HADOOP_USERNAME + "-", ""); //tmp = tmp.replaceAll(".pid", ""); name = tmp; // now let's see if it's a datanode, // if so, cut the filename so we get the dnId if (name.contains("datanode")) { isDn = true; dnId = name.replaceAll("pdatanode", ""); } else { isDn = false; dnId = "-X"; } } public String toString() { return String.format("%-5d %-12s %2s \n", pid, name, dnId); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getPid() { return pid; } public String getTmpPidFile() { return tmpPidFile; } public String getDnId() { return dnId; } public boolean isDataNode() { return isDn; } }