package; import jol.core.JolSystem; import jol.core.Runtime; import jol.types.basic.BasicTupleSet; import jol.types.basic.Tuple; import jol.types.basic.TupleSet; import jol.types.exception.JolRuntimeException; import jol.types.exception.UpdateException; import jol.types.table.TableName; import jol.types.table.Table.Callback; import jol.types.table.Table; import*; import*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; public class FrogServer { public static final int JOL_LOAD_PORT = 6501; private JolSystem system; private static String fnAd = FrogServer.getAddress(); private int violationId = 0; public final static String sdir = FMLogic.HADOOP_STORAGE_DIR + "dfs/name1/current/"; public final static String imageFile = sdir + "fsimage"; public final static String editsFile = sdir + "edits"; public final static String editsNewFile = sdir + ""; public final static String imageCkptFile = sdir + "fsimage.ckpt"; public final static String frogOutputFile = FMLogic.TMPFI + "frogOutput.txt"; public final static String RESET_FROG_FLAG_FILE = FMLogic.TMPFI + "resetFrogFlag"; private static PrintStream ps; BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(; // ################################################################## // ################################################################## // ## ## // ## S E T U P S T U F F ## // ## ## // ################################################################## // ################################################################## // ********************************* public FrogServer() { try { // startup core stuffs this.system = Runtime.create(Runtime.DEBUG_WATCH, System.out, JOL_LOAD_PORT); install("model.olg"); install("spec.olg"); this.system.start(); // setup print stream resetFrog(); // print initial PrintTable.start(system); // testManual(); Thread.sleep(500); Util.MESSAGE(ps, "FrogServer is ready (after sleeping for 0.5 second) !!!"); } catch (Exception e) { Util.EXCEPTION(ps, "", e); System.exit(0); } } // ********************************* public void processFrogEvent(FMJoinPoint fjp, FMStackTrace fst, FrogEvent fev) { // processFrogEvent is the only main entrance to the // JOL spec, so we reset everything here checkResetFrog(); printProcessHeader(fev); Util.scheduleEvent(fjp, fst, ps, system,,, fev.tuple); Util.scheduleDirectEvent(ps, system, "spec", "manual_eval", Util.r()); // then I need to print all tables here PrintTable.printAllTables(); checkAllViolations(fjp, fst, fev); } // ************************************** public void printProcessHeader(FrogEvent fev) { String buf = String.format("# [new frog event][" + fev + "] \n"); Util.print(ps, "\n"); Util.print(ps, "\n"); Util.print(ps, "# ########################################################\n"); Util.print(ps, "# ########################################################\n"); Util.print(ps, buf); Util.print(ps, "# ########################################################\n"); Util.print(ps, "# ########################################################\n"); Util.print(ps, "\n"); Util.print(ps, "\n"); } // ********************************* // This is a stupid but fast way to check if we need to // reset frog or not. The "good" way is to use FMAdmin // so that we can send a reset command from the command line // but the problem is that, if we want to do that we must // use bin/hadoop FMAdmin which is slow and must use RPC // to the FI server. So let's just use file existence to do // this private void checkResetFrog() { File f = new File(RESET_FROG_FLAG_FILE); if (!f.exists()) return; // if this flag exists, then someone has told me to resetFrog(); // delete the file try { f.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { Util.ERROR(ps, "problem in reset frog"); } } // ********************************* private void resetFrog() { // clear some stuffs up, so let's do that resetPrintStream(); // clear frog tables resetFrogTables(); // then print let's see what we have PrintTable.printAllTables(); } // ********************************* private void resetPrintStream() { try { if (ps != null) { ps.flush(); ps.close(); } FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(frogOutputFile); ps = new PrintStream(fos); Util.MESSAGE(ps, "new frog output"); } catch (Exception e) { Util.EXCEPTION("Can't open " + frogOutputFile, e); System.exit(-1); } } // ********************************* private void resetFrogTables() { // delete all ... Util.scheduleDirectEvent(ps, system, "model", "reset", Util.r4()); // then run init again ... Util.scheduleDirectEvent(ps, system, "spec", "spec_init", "Fn"); } // ********************************* public static PrintStream getPs() { return ps; } // ********************************* private void install(String olgPath) throws JolRuntimeException { this.system.install("model", ClassLoader.getSystemResource(olgPath)); this.system.evaluate(); } // ********************************* private static String getAddress() { return "tcp:localhost:" + JOL_LOAD_PORT; } // ********************************* private void checkAllViolations(FMJoinPoint fjp, FMStackTrace fst, FrogEvent fev) { // manual checkLostState(fjp, fst, fev); // automatic (per table in spec) checkViolation(fjp, fst, fev, "spec", "failover_violation"); } // ********************************* // check violation automatically, given progName pn and tableName tn private void checkViolation(FMJoinPoint fjp, FMStackTrace fst, FrogEvent fev, String pn, String tn) { SortedMap<String,String> sm_ss = null; // if table is empty, no violation, return if (Util.isTableEmpty(system, pn, tn)) return; // check each table that represents violation if (tn.equals("failover_violation")) sm_ss = PrintTable.getTableMap(pn, tn); if (sm_ss == null) return; reportViolation(fjp, fst, fev, tn, sm_ss); } // ********************************* // check consistency manually here private void checkLostState(FMJoinPoint fjp, FMStackTrace fst, FrogEvent fev) { // let's pull server state first Table tbl; SortedMap<String,String> server_state = new TreeMap<String, String>(); SortedMap<String,String> user_state = new TreeMap<String, String>(); SortedMap<String,String> lost_state = new TreeMap<String, String>(); tbl = Util.getTable(system, "spec", "server_state"); for (Tuple t : tbl.tuples()) server_state.put((String) t.value(0), (String) t.value(1)); tbl = Util.getTable(system, "model", "user_state"); for (Tuple t : tbl.tuples()) user_state.put((String) t.value(0), (String) ""); Set s = user_state.entrySet(); Iterator itr = s.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { String path = (String) ((Map.Entry); if (!server_state.containsKey(path)) { lost_state.put(path, ""); } } if (lost_state.size() != 0) { reportViolation(fjp, fst, fev, "lost_state", lost_state); } } // ********************************* private void reportViolation(FMJoinPoint fjp, FMStackTrace fst, FrogEvent fev, String tableName, SortedMap<String,String> tableMap) { String buf = ""; buf += String.format("\n\n"); buf += String.format("## ################################################\n"); buf += String.format("## Failed Specification : %s \n", tableName); buf += String.format("## ################################################\n"); buf += String.format("## \n"); buf += String.format("## Violated state (table map): \n"); int i = 0; Set s = tableMap.entrySet(); Iterator itr = s.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { buf += String.format(" [%02d] %s \n", i++, ((Map.Entry); } buf += String.format("## \n"); buf += String.format("## FMJoinPoint: \n %s \n", fjp); buf += String.format("## \n"); buf += String.format("## FrogEvent: \n %s \n", fev); buf += String.format("## \n"); buf += String.format("## FMStackTrace: \n%s \n", fst); buf += String.format("## \n"); buf += String.format("## ################################################ END\n\n"); Util.print(ps, buf); } // ********************************* private void testManualNiceExampleForNeil() throws InterruptedException, JolRuntimeException, IOException { // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "model", "user_state", "/dir1"); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "model", "user_state", "/dir2"); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "spec", "server_state", "/dir1", "bla"); // PrintTable.printAllTables(); // stdin.readLine(); // I have to manually run eval here .. // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "spec", "manual_eval", Util.r()); // PrintTable.printAllTables(); // stdin.readLine(); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "spec", "server_state", "/dir2", "bla"); // PrintTable.printAllTables(); // stdin.readLine(); // but this time it doesn't work. lost_state is still 0 // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "spec", "manual_eval", Util.r()); // PrintTable.printAllTables(); // stdin.readLine(); // stop(); // System.exit(0); } // ********************************* private void testManual() throws InterruptedException, JolRuntimeException, IOException { // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "model", "user_state", "/dir1"); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "model", "user_state", "/dir2"); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "spec", "server_state", "/dir1", "bla"); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "spec", "manual_eval", Util.r()); // PrintTable.printAllTables(); // stdin.readLine(); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "model", "user_state", "/dir3"); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "model", "user_state", "/dir4"); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "spec", "server_state", "/dir2", "bla"); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "spec", "manual_eval", Util.r()); // PrintTable.printAllTables(); // I have to manually run eval here .. // stdin.readLine(); // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "spec", "server_state", "/dir2", "bla"); // PrintTable.printAllTables(); // stdin.readLine(); // but this time it doesn't work. lost_state is still 0 // Util.scheduleEvent(ps, system, "spec", "manual_eval", Util.r()); // PrintTable.printAllTables(); // stdin.readLine(); // stop(); // System.exit(0); } // ********************************* private void stop() { this.system.shutdown(); } }