package; import*; import java.lang.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import*; import*; public class Coverage { // for raw coverage private static SortedMap<String,Integer> map = new TreeMap<String,Integer>(); private static final String RAW_COVERAGE_FILE = "/tmp/fmRawCoverage.txt"; private static BufferedWriter out = null; // for statistics private static final String STAT_FILE = "/tmp/fmStat.txt"; private static PrintStream statps; //******************************************** public Coverage() { } //******************************************** private static void setup() { if (out == null) { try { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(RAW_COVERAGE_FILE)); } catch (IOException e) { Util.EXCEPTION(" can't open " + RAW_COVERAGE_FILE, e); Util.ERROR (" can't open " + RAW_COVERAGE_FILE); } } if (statps == null) { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(STAT_FILE); statps = new PrintStream(fos); } catch (Exception e) { Util.EXCEPTION(" can't open " + STAT_FILE, e); } } } // ******************************************** private static boolean isEnableCoverageFlagExist() { File f = new File(FMLogic.ENABLE_COVERAGE_FLAG); if (f.exists()) return true; return false; } // ******************************************** // called before do fail // ******************************************** public static void recordBeforeFilter(FMAllContext fac) { setup(); // !!! String key = String.format("%s:%d", fac.fjp.getFileName(), fac.fjp.getLine()); if (map.containsKey(key)) { // have seen this before, just report once return; } map.put(key, new Integer(0)); String line = String.format("\n") + String.format(" [iajc] warning at %s \n", fac.fjp.getJoinPointStr()) + String.format(" [iajc] ^^^^^^^^^^ \n") + String.format(" [iajc] %s:%d:0:0 warningHooks:javaIO ...\n", fac.fjp.getFileName(), fac.fjp.getLine()) + //String.format(" %s \n", fac.fjp.getJoinPointStr()); //JINSU HACK String.format(" [messageType] %s\n", fac.ctx.getMessageType()); String.format("\n"); System.out.println(line); try { out.write(line); out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { Util.EXCEPTION(" can't write " + RAW_COVERAGE_FILE, e); Util.ERROR (" can't write " + RAW_COVERAGE_FILE); } } // ******************************************** // temporary stuffs static FMJoinPoint fjp; static String sl; static int slHash; static String jp; static int slJpHash; // ******************************************** private static void prepare(FMAllContext fac, FailType ft) { fjp = fac.fjp; sl = fjp.getSourceLoc(); slHash = fjp.getSourceLocHash(); jp = fjp.getJoinPointStr(); slJpHash = fjp.getSlJpHash(); // unique of each join point } // ******************************************** // This recording records all the failures points // that have been filtered, and all the possible failure types // Keyword: // KeyLoc: source location // KeyJp: hash of source location and join point // ******************************************** public static void recordStatAfterFilter(FMAllContext fac, FailType ft, FIState fis) { if (!isEnableCoverageFlagExist()) return; // I always want to do this!! recordCompleteHashId(fac, fis); recordStaticHashId(fac, fis); // just disable this, take too much storage ... // recordToTmpFmStat(fac, ft, fis); } // ************************************************* public static void recordToTmpFmStat(FMAllContext fac, FailType ft, FIState fis) { if (!FMServer.debug) return; setup(); // !!! prepare(fac, ft); recordSourceLoc(fac, ft); recordJoinPoint(fac, ft); recordJoinIot(fac, ft); recordFailType(fac, ft); recordIoContext(fac, ft); } // ************************************************* private static void recordSourceLoc(FMAllContext fac, FailType ft) { String buf = String.format("%-10s %s \n", "KeySourceLoc", slHash, sl); statps.print(buf); } // ************************************************* private static void recordJoinPoint(FMAllContext fac, FailType ft) { String buf = String.format("%-10s %s \n", "KeyJoinPoint", slHash, jp); statps.print(buf); } // ************************************************* private static void recordJoinIot(FMAllContext fac, FailType ft) { String key; if (fac.fjp.getJoinIot() == JoinIot.READ) key = "KeyJoinIotRead"; else if (fac.fjp.getJoinIot() == JoinIot.WRITE) key = "KeyJoinIotWrite"; else key = "KeyJoinIotNone"; String buf = String.format ("%-10s %12d.sjh %s %s \n", key, slJpHash, sl, jp); statps.print(buf); } // ************************************************* private static void recordIoContext(FMAllContext fac, FailType ft) { String targetIO = fac.ctx.getTargetIO(); String key = "IOContext-"; if (Util.isNetIO(targetIO)) key += "NetIO-"; else if (Util.isDiskIO(targetIO)) key += "DiskIO-"; else key += "Unknown-"; if (fac.fjp.getJoinIot() == JoinIot.READ) key += "Read"; else if (fac.fjp.getJoinIot() == JoinIot.WRITE) key += "Write"; else key += "None"; String buf = String.format ("%-10s %12d.sjh %s %s \n", key, slJpHash, sl, jp); statps.print(buf); } // ************************************************* private static void recordFailType(FMAllContext fac, FailType ft) { String key = ""; if (ft == FailType.CRASH) key = "KeyFailTypeCrash"; else if (ft == FailType.BADDISK) key = "KeyFailTypeBadDisk"; else if (ft == FailType.EXCEPTION) key = "KeyFailTypeException"; else if (ft == FailType.RETFALSE) key = "KeyFailTypeRetFalse"; else if (ft == FailType.CORRUPTION) key = "KeyFailTypeCorruption"; String buf = String.format("%s %12d.sjh %s %s \n", key, slJpHash, sl, jp); statps.print(buf); } // ************************************************* private static void recordCompleteHashId(FMAllContext fac, FIState fis) { File f = getCompleteHashIdFile(fis.getCompleteHashId()); if (f.exists()) { return; } // just create this first, in case, we're doing crashes Util.createNewFile(f); String buf = getCompleteHashIdContent(fac, fis); Util.stringToFileContent(buf, f); } // ******************************************** private static String getCompleteHashIdContent(FMAllContext fac, FIState fis) { String buf = ""; buf += "\n"; buf += "# ctx / fsj / fst \n"; buf += "# ------------------------------------------\n"; buf += fac.ctx + "\n"; buf += fac.fjp + "\n"; buf += fac.fst + "\n"; buf += "\n"; buf += "\n"; buf += "# Complete Hash Id Str: \n"; buf += "# ------------------------------------------\n"; buf += fis.getCompleteHashIdStr(); buf += "\n"; buf += "\n"; buf += "# Cross-info: \n"; buf += "# ------------------------------------------\n"; buf += "\n"; buf += "The completeHashId is : [[ " + fis.getCompleteHashId() + " ]] \n"; buf += "The staticHashId : [[ " + fis.getStaticHashId() + " ]] \n"; return buf; } // ******************************************** private static File getCompleteHashIdFile(int hashId) { String file = FMLogic.getHashFileName(hashId); File f = new File(FMLogic.COVERAGE_COMPLETE_DIR, file); return f; } // ************************************************* private static void recordStaticHashId(FMAllContext fac, FIState fis) { File f = getStaticHashIdFile(fis.getStaticHashId()); if (f.exists()) { return; } // just create this first, in case, we're doing crashes Util.createNewFile(f); String buf = getStaticHashIdContent(fac, fis); Util.stringToFileContent(buf, f); } // ******************************************** private static String getStaticHashIdContent(FMAllContext fac, FIState fis) { String buf = ""; buf += "\n"; buf += "# fsj / fst \n"; buf += "# ------------------------------------------\n"; buf += fac.ctx + "\n"; buf += fac.fjp + "\n"; buf += fac.fst + "\n"; buf += "\n"; buf += "\n"; buf += "# Static Hash Id Str: \n"; buf += "# ------------------------------------------\n"; buf += fis.getStaticHashIdStr(); buf += "\n"; buf += "\n"; buf += "# Cross-info: \n"; buf += "# ------------------------------------------\n"; buf += "\n"; buf += "The completeHashId is : [[ " + fis.getCompleteHashId() + " ]] \n"; buf += "The staticHashId : [[ " + fis.getStaticHashId() + " ]] \n"; return buf; } // ******************************************** private static File getStaticHashIdFile(int hashId) { String file = FMLogic.getHashFileName(hashId); File f = new File(FMLogic.COVERAGE_STATIC_DIR, file); return f; } }