package; import*; import*; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.nio.*; import java.lang.*; import; // *************************************** aspectj import org.aspectj.lang.Signature; import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint; import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.SourceLocation; // *************************************** JOl import jol.core.JolSystem; import jol.core.Runtime; import jol.types.basic.BasicTupleSet; import jol.types.basic.Tuple; import jol.types.basic.TupleSet; import jol.types.exception.JolRuntimeException; import jol.types.exception.UpdateException; import jol.types.table.TableName; import jol.types.table.Table.Callback; import jol.types.table.Table; ///////////////////////////////////////// //Cassandra hack related ///////////////////////////////////////// //JINSU for orderEndpoints function import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token; import org.apache.cassandra.locator.TokenMetadata; import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor; //end importing for orderEndpoints function public class Util { //jinsu added for testing purpose private static boolean DEBUG = false; //private static boolean DEBUG = true; private static boolean ENABLE_OLD = true; private static boolean ENABLE_FATAL = true; private static int dfsDatanodePort = 50010; private static int dfsDatanodeIpcPort = 50020; private static int dfsNamenodePort = 9000; //jinsu cass specific nodes private static int cassNodePort = 9000; private static int cassStorPort = 7000; private static Map<String,String> pidCacheMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); public Util() { } // ############################################################ // ## OS UTILITY ## // ############################################################ // ***************************************** public static void sleep(int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (Exception e) {} } // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // #### #### // #### G E N E R A L U T I L I T Y #### // #### #### // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### private static long lastTime = 0; public static String curTime() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return ""; } public static String diff() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double diff = 0.0; if (lastTime == 0) { lastTime = currentTime; } else { diff = (double)(currentTime - lastTime) / 1000; lastTime = currentTime; } String warning = ""; if (diff > 5) { warning = "*LONG!!*"; } return String.format("[fi-diff][%5.3f secs] %s", diff, warning); } private static Random random = new Random(); public static int r() { return Math.abs(random.nextInt()); } // random to 4th digit public static int r4() { return (Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % 10000); } // random to 8th digit public static int r8() { return (Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % 100000000); } // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // #### #### // #### R P C U T I L I T Y #### // #### #### // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### public static DataOutputStream getRpcOutputStream(int randId) { File f = getRpcFile(randId); try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos); return dos; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if(ENABLE_OLD) { Util.FATAL("getRpcOutputStream Can't open: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); } return null; } } public static DataInputStream getRpcInputStream(int randId) { File f = getRpcFile(randId); try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bis); return dis; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Util.FATAL("getRpcInputStream Can't open: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); return null; } } public static File getRpcFile(int randId) { File dir = new File (FMLogic.RPC_FILES_DIR); if (!dir.exists()) { if(ENABLE_OLD) { Util.FATAL("getRpcFile Not exist: " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); } } String fname = String.format("rpc-%08d", randId); File f = new File(dir, fname); return f; } public static int failTypeToInt(FailType ft) { if (ft == FailType.CRASH) return 1; else if (ft == FailType.BADDISK) return 2; else if (ft == FailType.EXCEPTION) return 3; else if (ft == FailType.RETFALSE) return 4; else if (ft == FailType.CORRUPTION) return 5; else return 0; } public static FailType intToFailType(int i) { if (i == 1) return FailType.CRASH; else if (i == 2) return FailType.BADDISK; else if (i == 3) return FailType.EXCEPTION; else if (i == 4) return FailType.RETFALSE; else if (i == 5) return FailType.CORRUPTION; else return FailType.NONE; } // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // #### #### // #### O S U T I L I T Y #### // #### #### // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // ***************************************** // a tool to run the command public static String runCommand(String cmd) { if (cmd.contains("killall java")) { if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("&&&&&&&&&&KILLALL EXECUTED\n"); } String buf = getStackTrace(); File f = new File ("/tmp/killallJavaOut"); boolean flush = true; stringToFileContent(buf, f, flush); } String msg = ""; try { String line; Process p = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); BufferedReader input =new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { msg = msg + line + "\n"; } input.close(); //JINSU HACK //JINSU: I was getting TOO MANY FILE OPENED... p.getErrorStream().close(); p.getOutputStream().close(); } catch (Exception e) { EXCEPTION("runCommand", e); } return msg; } // ******************************************* public static int getIntPid() { String pidStr = getPid(); return (new Integer(pidStr)).intValue(); } // ******************************************* public static String getPid() { String fullPid = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); String [] split = fullPid.split("@", 2); String pid = split[0]; if(DEBUG) System.out.println("getPid : " + pid); return pid; } // ************************************** public static String fileContentToString(String path) { return fileContentToString(new File(path)); } // ************************************** public static String fileContentToString(File f) { String buf = ""; if (!f.exists()) { ERROR("Not exist " + f); return null; } try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { buf = buf + line + "\n"; } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { EXCEPTION("fileContentToString " + f, e); return null; } return buf; } // ************************************** public static boolean stringToFileContent(String buf, String path) { return stringToFileContent(buf, new File(path), false); } // ************************************** public static boolean stringToFileContent(String buf, File f) { return stringToFileContent(buf, f, false); } // ************************************** public static void assertSafeFile(String fullPath) { boolean safe = false; // we only allow removal of anything that is in /tmp/* !! if (fullPath.indexOf("/tmp") == 0) { safe = true; } else { safe = false; } // if not safe, don't proceed if (safe == false) { ERROR("You're trying to remove UNSAFE directories!!" + fullPath); ERROR("I only allow files under /tmp/** to be removed"); ERROR("Are you sure?? Exiting"); if(ENABLE_FATAL) { Util.runCommand("killall java"); } } } // ************************************** public static void assertSafeFile(File f) { assertSafeFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } // ************************************************ public static boolean stringToFileContent(String buf, File f, boolean flush) { assertSafeFile(f); try { // boolean rv = f.createNewFile(); ?? FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f); fw.write(buf); if (flush) fw.flush(); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Util.EXCEPTION("stringToFileContent", e); Util.ERROR("should not throw exception here"); return false; } return true; } // ************************************** public static boolean mkDir(String dirname) { return mkDir(new File(dirname)); } // ************************************** public static boolean mkDir(File dir) { try { dir.mkdir(); } catch (Exception e) { WARNING("can't mkdir " + dir); return false; } return true; } // ************************************** public static boolean createNewFile(String path) { return createNewFile(new File(path)); } // ************************************** public static boolean createNewFile(File f) { try { boolean b = f.createNewFile(); return b; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // #### #### // #### H D F S U T I L I T Y #### // #### #### // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // ******************************************* public static String getNodeId() { String pid = getPid(); String nodeId = getNodeIdFromPid(pid); return nodeId; } // ******************************************* public static String getNetIOContextFromPort(int port) { String nodeId = Util.getNodeIdFromKnownPort(port); String ctx = null; // good well-known port if (!nodeId.contains("Unknown-Port")) { ctx = String.format("NetIO-%s:%d", nodeId, port); } // let's see the socket's parent, the datanode that gives this // socket (from ss.accept()) else { nodeId = Util.getNodeIdFromUnknownPort(port); if (nodeId.contains("Unknown")) { ctx = String.format("NetIO-%s:%d", nodeId, port); Util.ERROR("unknown port " + port + " pid is " + Util.getPid()); } else { ctx = String.format("NetIO-%s:New:%d", nodeId, port); } } return ctx; } //******************************************** public static boolean isMetaFile(String targetIO) { if (isBlockFile(targetIO) && targetIO.contains(".meta")) return true; return false; } //******************************************** // .../tmp/blk_ //******************************************** public static boolean isTmpMeta(String targetIO) { if (isBlockFile(targetIO) && targetIO.contains(".meta") && targetIO.contains("/tmp/blk_")) return true; return false; } //******************************************** // Sometimes I see this: // current/blk_2387194899189267252_1001.meta_tmp1002 //******************************************** public static boolean isCurrentTmpMeta(String targetIO) { if (isBlockFile(targetIO) && targetIO.contains(".meta") && targetIO.contains("_tmp") && targetIO.contains("current")) return true; return false; } //******************************************** public static boolean isCurrentMeta(String targetIO) { if (isBlockFile(targetIO) && targetIO.contains(".meta") && targetIO.contains("/current/")) return true; return false; } //******************************************** public static boolean isBlockFile(String targetIO) { if (targetIO.contains("/dfs/data") && targetIO.contains("blk_")) return true; return false; } //******************************************** public static boolean isDataFile(String targetIO) { if (isBlockFile(targetIO) && !isMetaFile(targetIO)) return true; return false; } //******************************************** public static boolean isTmpData(String targetIO) { if (isBlockFile(targetIO) && !isMetaFile(targetIO) && targetIO.contains("/tmp/blk_")) return true; return false; } //******************************************** public static boolean isCurrentData(String targetIO) { if (isBlockFile(targetIO) && !isMetaFile(targetIO) && targetIO.contains("/current/")) return true; return false; } //******************************************** public static boolean isNetIO(String targetIO) { if (targetIO.contains("NetIO")) return true; return false; } //############################################################################## //Jungmin change made //******************************************** public static boolean isLogFile(String targetIO) { if (targetIO.contains("/commitLogs/CommitLog") && targetIO.contains(".log")) return true; return false; } //******************************************** public static boolean isDiskIO(String targetIO) { if (targetIO.contains("/tmp/fi/cassandra/node")) return true; return false; } //############################################################################## //########################################################## //JINSU : changes //********************************************************* public static boolean deleteNodeConnectedFlag() { File f = new File(FMLogic.NODES_CONNECTED_FLAG); if(f.exists()) { return f.delete(); } return true; } //######################################################### //******************************************** // return disk1 or disk2 etc. // only support upto four disks public static String getDiskIdFromTargetIO(String targetIO) { if (targetIO.contains("dfs/dataOne")) return "Disk1"; else if (targetIO.contains("dfs/dataTwo")) return "Disk2"; else if (targetIO.contains("dfs/dataThree")) return "Disk3"; else if (targetIO.contains("dfs/dataFour")) return "Disk4"; else if (targetIO.contains("dfs/data")) return "DiskMain"; return "DiskUnknown"; } //******************************************** public static boolean isNetIOtoDataNode(String targetIO) { if (targetIO.contains("NetIO") && targetIO.contains("DataNode")) return true; return false; } // *************************************************** public static String getDatanodeStringIdFromLocName(String locName) { int dnId = getDnIdFromLocName(locName); return String.format("DataNode-%d", dnId); } // *************************************************** private static int getDnIdFromLocName(String locName) { // String [] split = locName.split(":", 2); String portStr = split[1]; Integer port = new Integer(portStr); int dnId = port.intValue() - dfsDatanodePort; return dnId; } // *************************************************** public static String getNodeIdFromKnownPort(int port) { int support = 10; int dnId; //jinsu dfsNamenodePort and cassNodePort are the same so i want to do this first. // cassandra node //if (port >= cassNodePort && port < cassNodePort + support) { // int cnode = getCnodeIdFromPort(port); // return String.format("Node%d", cnode); //} // namenode if (port == dfsNamenodePort) { return String.format("NameNode", port); } // fmserver if (port == FMServer.PORT) { return String.format("FMServer", port); } // datanodes: only support up to 9 datanodes if (port >= dfsDatanodePort && port < dfsDatanodePort + support) { dnId = getDnIdFromPort(port); return String.format("DataNode-%d", dnId, port); } if (port >= dfsDatanodeIpcPort && port < dfsDatanodeIpcPort + support) { dnId = getDnIdFromIpcPort(port); return String.format("DataNode-%d:IPC", dnId, port); } // return the port whatever it is return String.format("Unknown-Port-%d", port); } // jinsu // comebine getNetIOContextFromPort and getNetIOContextFromInetAddr public static String getNetIOContext(InetAddress iaddr, int port) { String ctx = null; ctx = getNetIOContextFromInetAddr(iaddr); if(ctx != null) { ctx = String.format("%s:%d", ctx, port); } return ctx; } // jinsu // ******************************************* public static String getNetIOContextFromInetAddr(InetAddress iaddr) { String nodeId = Util.getNodeIdFromINetAddr(iaddr); String ctx = null; // good well-known port if (!nodeId.contains("Unknown-Ip")) { ctx = String.format("NetIO-%s:%s", nodeId, iaddr.getHostAddress()); } // let's see the socket's parent, the datanode that gives this // socket (from ss.accept()) else { System.out.println("&&&Unknown IP " + iaddr.getHostAddress() + " pid is " + Util.getPid()); /* nodeId = Util.getNodeIdFromUnknownPort(port); if (nodeId.contains("Unknown")) { ctx = String.format("NetIO-%s:%d", nodeId, port); Util.ERROR("unknown port " + port + " pid is " + Util.getPid()); } else { ctx = String.format("NetIO-%s:New:%d", nodeId, port); } */ } return ctx; } //jinsu get nodeId using ip address //*************************************************** public static String getNodeIdFromINetAddr(InetAddress iaddr) { //look in IP_HISTORY_DIR String cnode = getCnodeIdFromIp(iaddr); if(cnode != null) { return cnode; } return String.format("Unknown-Ip"); } //jinsu //consults ip history dir and returns "Node0, Node1... or null if it cant find the file." private static String getCnodeIdFromIp(InetAddress iaddr) { String nodeId = null; int addr_hash = iaddr.hashCode(); nodeId = getNodeIDFromTmpIpFile(FMLogic.IP_HISTORY_DIR + addr_hash); if(nodeId.equals("0")) { nodeId = null; } return nodeId; } // *************************************************** private static String getNodeIDFromTmpIpFile(String fname) { File f = new File(fname); if (!f.exists()) { Util.WARNING("not exist: " + fname); return "0"; } // else read the file and return the pid try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fname)); String str = in.readLine(); if (str == null) { Util.WARNING("str is null"); return "0"; } in.close(); return str; // successful one } catch (IOException e) { Util.EXCEPTION("getnodeidfromipfile", e); return "0"; } } //jinsu for cassandra to be compatible with getNodeIdFromKnownPort function private static int getCnodeIdFromPort(int port) { //look inside sockethistory and get it from there int cnode = port - cassNodePort; return cnode; } // *************************************************** private static int getDnIdFromPort(int port) { // see dfs.datanode.address in conf int dnId = port - dfsDatanodePort; return dnId; } // *************************************************** private static int getDnIdFromIpcPort(int port) { // see dfs.datanode.address in con int dnId = port - dfsDatanodeIpcPort; return dnId; } // *************************************************** // given the form "NetIO-....:...." node, return the filename public static String getNodeIdFromNetIO(String filename) { String [] tmp1 = filename.split("-", 2); String [] tmp2 = tmp1[1].split(":", 2); String nodeId = tmp2[0]; return nodeId; } // *************************************************** // given the form "NetIO-....:...." node, return the filename public static String getPidFromNodeId(String nodeId) { String tmpPid = "/tmp/" + FMLogic.CASS_USERNAME + "-"; if (nodeId.contains("DataNode")) tmpPid += nodeId.replace("DataNode", "pdatanode"); if (nodeId.contains("NameNode")) tmpPid += nodeId.replace("NameNode", "namenode"); //jinsu making changes appropriate for cassandra node naming if (nodeId.contains("Node")) tmpPid = FMLogic.TMPFI + "pids/" + nodeId.toLowerCase(); tmpPid += ".pid"; String pid = getPidFromTmpPidFile(tmpPid); return pid; } // *************************************************** public static String getNodeIdFromPid(String pid) { String nodeId = "UnknownNodeId"; String fname; // check the cache key first // key = String pid, value = nodeId if (pidCacheMap.containsKey(pid)) { nodeId = (String) pidCacheMap.get(pid); return nodeId; } //jinsu making changes because we just store pids inside /tmp/fi/pids // check if it is a node int cnode = getCnodeIdFromPid(pid); if(cnode >= 0) { nodeId = String.format("Node%d", cnode); pidCacheMap.put(pid, nodeId); return nodeId; } //jinsu it prints too many lines... if(ENABLE_OLD) { /* // check if datanode int nid = getDnIdFromPid(pid); if (nid != 0) { nodeId = String.format("DataNode-%d", nid); pidCacheMap.put(pid, nodeId); return nodeId; } // check if namenode fname = "/tmp/" + FMLogic.CASS_USERNAME+ ""; if (isPidMatch(fname, pid)) { nodeId = "NameNode"; pidCacheMap.put(pid, nodeId); return nodeId; } // check if secondary namenode fname = "/tmp/" + FMLogic.CASS_USERNAME + ""; if (isPidMatch(fname, pid)) { nodeId = "SecondaryNameNode"; pidCacheMap.put(pid, nodeId); return nodeId; } // check if client fname = "/tmp/" + FMLogic.CASS_USERNAME + ""; if (isPidMatch(fname, pid)) { nodeId = "Client"; pidCacheMap.put(pid, nodeId); return nodeId; } */ } return nodeId; } //jinsu making a function to get how many nodes are running. private static int getNumCassNodes() { String fname = String.format(FMLogic.TMPFI + "pids/"); File f = new File(fname); if(f.isDirectory()) { String[] children = f.list(); if(DEBUG) { System.out.print("In " + FMLogic.TMPFI + "pids/... [ "); if(children != null) System.out.print(children); System.out.print(" ] \n"); } int rtNum = 0; if(children != null) { for(String child: children) { if (child.contains("node")) { rtNum++; } } } return rtNum; } return -1; } //jinsu making a function to check all files. private static int getCnodeIdFromPid(String pid) { //start from 0!! int max_nodes = getNumCassNodes(); if(DEBUG) { System.out.println(max_nodes + " Cass Nodes running..."); } //supporting up to 10 nodes for now... for (int i = 0; i < max_nodes; i++) { String fname = String.format(FMLogic.TMPFI + "pids/" + "", i); if (isPidMatch(fname, pid)) return i; } return -1; } // *************************************************** // don't use this from outside private static int getDnIdFromPid(String pid) { // start from 1!! // just support upto 9 datanodes for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { String fname = String.format("/tmp/", FMLogic.CASS_USERNAME, i); if (isPidMatch(fname, pid)) return i; } return 0; } // *************************************************** private static boolean isPidMatch(String fname, String pid) { String tmp = getPidFromTmpPidFile(fname); if (tmp.equals(pid)) { return true; // match! } return false; } // *************************************************** private static String getPidFromTmpPidFile(String fname) { File f = new File(fname); if (!f.exists()) { Util.WARNING("not exist: " + fname); return "0"; } // else read the file and return the pid try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fname)); String str = in.readLine(); if (str == null) { Util.WARNING("str is null"); return "0"; } in.close(); return str; // successful one } catch (IOException e) { Util.EXCEPTION("getdatanodefrompid", e); return "0"; } } //******************************************** //only supports upto 9 datanodes //JINSU making changes : changed DataNode -> Node. public static String getDnIdFromNetTargetIO(String targetIO) { /* if (targetIO.contains("DataNode-1")) return "DataNode-1"; if (targetIO.contains("DataNode-2")) return "DataNode-2"; if (targetIO.contains("DataNode-3")) return "DataNode-3"; if (targetIO.contains("DataNode-4")) return "DataNode-4"; if (targetIO.contains("DataNode-5")) return "DataNode-5"; if (targetIO.contains("DataNode-6")) return "DataNode-6"; if (targetIO.contains("DataNode-7")) return "DataNode-7"; if (targetIO.contains("DataNode-8")) return "DataNode-8"; if (targetIO.contains("DataNode-9")) return "DataNode-9"; // Util.ERROR("DataNode-Unknown"); return "DataNode-Unknown"; */ if (targetIO.contains("Node0")) return "Node0"; if (targetIO.contains("Node1")) return "Node1"; if (targetIO.contains("Node2")) return "Node2"; if (targetIO.contains("Node3")) return "Node3"; if (targetIO.contains("Node4")) return "Node4"; if (targetIO.contains("Node5")) return "Node5"; if (targetIO.contains("Node6")) return "Node6"; if (targetIO.contains("Node7")) return "Node7"; if (targetIO.contains("Node8")) return "Node8"; if (targetIO.contains("Node9")) return "Node9"; return "Node-Unknown"; } //******************************************** public static void addSocketHistory(Socket s) { try { String nodeId = getNodeId(); int port = s.getLocalPort(); System.out.println("&&&Added socket : " + s.getLocalPort()); String fname = String.format("%s/%d", FMLogic.SOCKET_HISTORY_DIR, port); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fname); PrintStream p = new PrintStream(fos); p.print(nodeId + "\n"); p.close(); //jinsu debugging if(DEBUG) { File f = new File(fname); System.out.println("&&&Checking if file got created... file " + port + " f.exists? == " + f.exists()); } } catch (Exception e) {} } //jinsu adds IP address and to identify nodes //******************************************** public static void addIpHistory(InetAddress iaddr) { try { String nodeId = getNodeId(); //int port = s.getLocalPort(); String ip_addr = iaddr.getHostAddress(); String fname = String.format("%s/%d", FMLogic.IP_HISTORY_DIR, iaddr.hashCode()); //jinsu File ipf = new File(fname); boolean exists_but_dif_node = ipf.exists() && !nodeId.equalsIgnoreCase(fileContentToString(fname).trim()); if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("ipf exists? " + ipf.exists()); System.out.println("exists_but_dif_node?? " + exists_but_dif_node); } if(!ipf.exists() || exists_but_dif_node) { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fname); PrintStream p = new PrintStream(fos); p.print(nodeId + "\n"); p.close(); if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("&&&Added IP : " + iaddr.getHostAddress() + " hashCode : " + iaddr.hashCode()); //jinsu debugging File f = new File(fname); System.out.println("&&&Checking if file got created... file " + fname + " f.exists? == " + f.exists()); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception..." + e); } } //******************************************** // consult socket history here public static String getNodeIdFromUnknownPort(int port) { String fname = String.format("%s/%d", FMLogic.SOCKET_HISTORY_DIR, port); File f = new File(fname); if (!f.exists()) { //jinsu what the heck?? System.out.println("&&&Couldn't find file for port : " + port); return "UnknownNodeId"; } String nodeId = fileContentToString(f); nodeId = nodeId.replace("\n",""); return nodeId; } // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // #### #### // #### E R R O R M E S S A G E U T I L #### // #### #### // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // ******************************* public static void pre(PrintStream ps) { print(ps, "\n"); print(ps, "## ############################################\n"); } // ******************************* public static void post(PrintStream ps) { print(ps, "## ############################################\n"); print(ps, "\n"); } // ******************************* public static void MESSAGE(PrintStream ps, String msg) { pre(ps); print(ps, "## MESSAGE: " + msg + "\n"); post(ps); } // ******************************* public static void ERROR(PrintStream ps, String msg) { pre(ps); print(ps, "## ERROR: " + msg + "\n"); printStackTrace(ps); post(ps); } // ******************************* public static void FATAL(PrintStream ps, String msg) { System.err.println("## FATAL: " + msg + "\n"); pre(ps); print(ps, "## FATAL: " + msg + "\n"); printStackTrace(ps); post(ps); if (ps != null) { ps.flush(); ps.close(); } System.out.flush(); System.err.flush(); if(ENABLE_FATAL) { Util.runCommand("killall java"); } } // ******************************* public static void WARNING(PrintStream ps, String msg) { pre(ps); print(ps, "## WARNING: " + msg + "\n"); post(ps); } // ******************************* public static void WARNING_ONELINE(PrintStream ps, String msg) { print(ps, "## WARNING: " + msg + "\n"); } // ******************************* public static void EXCEPTION(PrintStream ps, String msg, Exception e) { pre(ps); print(ps, "## EXCEPTION: " + msg + "\n"); print(ps, "## ---------------------- Exception: \n"); print(ps, e.toString() + "\n"); print(ps, "## ---------------------- Cause: \n"); print(ps, e.getCause() + "\n"); print(ps, "## ---------------------- Trace: " + "\n"); printStackTrace(ps, e); post(ps); } // ******************************* public static void MESSAGE(String msg) { PrintStream ps = null; MESSAGE(ps, msg); } // ******************************* public static void ERROR(String msg) { PrintStream ps = null; ERROR(ps, msg); } // ******************************* public static void FATAL(String msg) { PrintStream ps = null; FATAL(ps, msg); } // ******************************* public static void WARNING(String msg) { PrintStream ps = null; WARNING(ps, msg); } // ******************************* public static void WARNING_ONELINE(String msg) { PrintStream ps = null; WARNING_ONELINE(ps, msg); } // ******************************* public static void EXCEPTION(String msg, Exception e) { PrintStream ps = null; EXCEPTION(ps, msg, e); } // ******************************* public static void printStackTrace(PrintStream ps, Exception e) { if (e == null) print(ps, getStackTrace()); else print(ps, stackTraceToString(e.getStackTrace())); } // ******************************* public static void printStackTrace(PrintStream ps) { printStackTrace(ps, null); } // ******************************* public static void printStackTrace() { System.out.print(getStackTrace()); } // ******************************* public static String getStackTrace() { Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); // FMStackTrace fst = new FMStackTrace(t.getStackTrace()); // return fst.toString(); StackTraceElement[] ste = t.getStackTrace(); return stackTraceToString(ste); } // ******************************* public static String stackTraceToString(StackTraceElement[] ste) { String str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ste.length ; i++) { str += String.format(" [%02d] %s \n", i, ste[i].toString()); } return str; } // ******************************** // print to both public static void print(PrintStream ps, String buf) { System.out.print(buf); if (ps != null) { ps.print(buf); } } // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // #### #### // #### A S P E C T U T I L I T Y #### // #### #### // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // ************************************************ public static boolean assertCtx(JoinPoint jp, Context ctx) { if (ctx == null) { Util.WARNING(jp, "context is null"); return false; } return true; } // ************************************************ public static void WARNING(JoinPoint jp, String msg) { pre(null); System.out.println("## WARNING: " + msg); System.out.println("## File: " + jp.getSourceLocation().getFileName()); System.out.println("## Line: " + jp.getSourceLocation().getLine()); System.out.println("## JoinPnt: " + jp.toString()); post(null); printStackTrace(null); post(null); } // ************************************************ public static void WARNING_ONELINE(JoinPoint jp, String msg) { System.out.println("## WARNING: " + msg); } // ************************************************ public static void MESSAGE(JoinPoint jp, String msg) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("## ############################################"); System.out.println("## MESSAGE: " + msg); System.out.println("## File: " + jp.getSourceLocation().getFileName()); System.out.println("## Line: " + jp.getSourceLocation().getLine()); System.out.println("## JoinPnt: " + jp.toString()); System.out.println("## ############################################"); System.out.println(); } // ************************************************ public static void ERROR(JoinPoint jp, String msg) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("## ############################################"); System.out.println("## ERROR: " + msg); System.out.println("## File: " + jp.getSourceLocation().getFileName()); System.out.println("## Line: " + jp.getSourceLocation().getLine()); System.out.println("## JoinPnt: " + jp.toString()); System.out.println("## ############################################"); System.out.println(); printStackTrace(); } // ************************************************ public static void FATAL(JoinPoint jp, String msg) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("## ############################################"); System.out.println("## FATAL: " + msg); System.out.println("## File: " + jp.getSourceLocation().getFileName()); System.out.println("## Line: " + jp.getSourceLocation().getLine()); System.out.println("## JoinPnt: " + jp.toString()); System.out.println("## ############################################"); System.out.println(); printStackTrace(); if(ENABLE_FATAL) { Util.runCommand("killall java"); } } // ************************************************ public static String getClassName(JoinPoint jp) { Signature sig = jp.getSignature(); Class c = sig.getDeclaringType(); String tmp = c.getName(); Package p = c.getPackage(); return tmp.replaceFirst(p.getName()+".", ""); } // ************************************************ public static String getMethodName(JoinPoint jp) { Signature sig = jp.getSignature(); return sig.getName(); } // ************************************************ public static String getPackageName(JoinPoint jp) { Signature sig = jp.getSignature(); Class c = sig.getDeclaringType(); Package p = c.getPackage(); return p.getName(); } // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // #### #### // #### J O L U T I L I T Y #### // #### #### // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### // ************************************************ public static Table getTable(JolSystem system, String progName, String tableName) { Table t = system.catalog().table(new TableName(progName, tableName)); if (t == null) { Util.ERROR("Table for " + progName + "::" + tableName + " does not exist"); if(ENABLE_FATAL) { Util.runCommand("killall java"); } return null; } return t; } // ************************************************ public static void printEvent(FMJoinPoint fjp, FMStackTrace fst, PrintStream ps, String pn, String tn, Object... values) { print(ps, "\n"); printEventTuples(ps, pn, tn, values); printEventJoinPoint(ps, fjp); printEventStack(ps, fst); print(ps, "\n"); } // ************************************************ public static void printEventTuples(PrintStream ps, String pn, String tn, Object... values) { print(ps, "## Begin Frog Event Tuples: \n"); print(ps, " Program Name : " + pn + "\n"); print(ps, " Table Name : " + tn + "\n"); print(ps, " Tuple Length : " + values.length + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { String type; if (values[i] instanceof String) type = "String"; else if (values[i] instanceof Integer) type = "Integer"; else type = "Unknown"; String s = String.format("%2d : %-8s : %s \n", i, type, values[i].toString()); print(ps, " " + s); } print(ps, "## End Frog Event Tuples: \n"); } // ************************************************ public static void printEventStack(PrintStream ps, FMStackTrace fst) { print(ps, "## Begin Frog Event Stack: \n"); if (fst == null) { // printStackTrace(ps); print(ps, " Direct call \n"); } else { print(ps, fst.toString()); } print(ps, "## End Frog Event Stack: \n"); } // ************************************************ public static void printEventJoinPoint(PrintStream ps, FMJoinPoint fjp) { print(ps, "## Begin Frog Event Join Point: \n"); if (fjp == null) { print(ps, " null \n"); } else { print(ps, fjp.toString() + "\n"); } print(ps, "## End Frog Event Join Point: \n"); } // ************************************************ public static void scheduleDirectEvent(PrintStream ps, JolSystem system, String pn, String tn, Object... values) { scheduleEvent(null, null, ps, system, pn, tn, values); } // ************************************************ // this is an entry point to schedule event public static void scheduleEvent(FMJoinPoint fjp, FMStackTrace fst, PrintStream ps, JolSystem system, String pn, String tn, Object... values) { printEvent(fjp, fst, ps, pn, tn, values); TupleSet ts = new BasicTupleSet(); ts.add(new Tuple(values)); scheduleEvent(ps, system, pn, tn, ts); } // ************************************************ public static void scheduleEvent(PrintStream ps, JolSystem system, String pn, String tn, TupleSet ts) { if (system == null) { Util.ERROR(ps, " null system at Util "); if(ENABLE_FATAL) { Util.runCommand("killall java"); } } try { system.schedule(pn, new TableName(pn, tn), ts, null); system.evaluate(); } catch (JolRuntimeException e) { Util.EXCEPTION(ps, "schedule event", e); System.out.println(e); if(ENABLE_FATAL) { Util.runCommand("killall java"); } } } // ************************************************ public static void install(JolSystem system, String olgPath) throws JolRuntimeException { system.install("model", ClassLoader.getSystemResource(olgPath)); system.evaluate(); } // ************************************************ public static boolean isTableEmpty(JolSystem system, String pn, String tn) { Table tbl = Util.getTable(system, pn, tn); for (Tuple t : tbl.tuples()) { return false; } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////Cassandra Utility/////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// //JINSU : I haven't tested this out thoroughly. //tested this for naturalEndpoints list that is not empty. public static ArrayList<InetAddress> orderEndpoints(Token token, TokenMetadata metadata, String table) { int replicas = DatabaseDescriptor.getReplicationFactor(table); List<Token> tokens = metadata.sortedTokens(); ArrayList<InetAddress> endpoints = new ArrayList<InetAddress>(replicas); if (tokens.isEmpty()) return endpoints; // Add the token at the index by default Iterator<Token> iter = TokenMetadata.ringIterator(tokens, token); TreeMap ipMap = sortTokens(iter, metadata); endpoints = getOrderedEndpoints(ipMap, replicas); /* JINSU for testing purpose String elements = ""; for(InetAddress e : sorted) { elements = elements + e.toString() + " ::: "; } System.out.println(elements); */ /* for(InetAddress e : endpoints) { debug("Util.orderEndpoints ==>" + e); } */ return endpoints; } private static TreeMap sortTokens(Iterator<Token> iter, TokenMetadata metadata) { TreeMap ipMap = new TreeMap(); while(iter.hasNext()) { InetAddress ip = metadata.getEndPoint(; if(ip instanceof Inet4Address) { ipMap.put(ip.hashCode(), ip); } else { System.out.println("Inet6Address not implemented yet."); System.out.println("address ::: " + ip); System.out.println("Need to be implemented"); } } return ipMap; } private static ArrayList<InetAddress> getOrderedEndpoints(TreeMap tmap, int replicas) { Iterator<InetAddress> ipIter = tmap.values().iterator(); ArrayList<InetAddress> endpoints = new ArrayList<InetAddress>(); /* This change made so that seed0 is always the client. * And seed1, 2, and 3 always stores the data. * Assuming that the first item in the iterator is seed0. */ if(ipIter.hasNext()) { //burn off the first item which is seed0; } while (endpoints.size() < replicas && ipIter.hasNext()) { endpoints.add(; } return endpoints; } }