package; import*; import java.nio.channels.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import; public class Experiment { Driver driver; private String type = "UNKNOWN"; LinkedList<String> ops = new LinkedList<String>(); private String nonFrogReport = ""; private String frogReport = ""; boolean failFromNonFrog = false; boolean failFromFrog = false; int expNum; Utility u; UtilLong mytime; Cass cass; // ******************************************* public Experiment(Driver driver, int expNum) { u = driver.getUtility(); this.driver = driver; this.expNum = expNum; this.cass = driver.getCass(); mytime = new UtilLong(0); } // ******************************************* public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } // ******************************************* public int getExpNum() { return expNum; } // ******************************************* public void addOps(String op) { ops.add(op); } // ******************************************* // fail experiment that we catch outside frog spec public void markFailFromNonFrog() { u.print("- Marking failure from non frog ...\n"); failFromNonFrog = true; } // ******************************************* public void addNonFrogReport(String newReport) { nonFrogReport += (newReport + "\n"); } // ******************************************* // Print the current stack trace and also the exception stack trace public void addExceptionToNonFrogReport(Exception e) { //JINSU addNonFrogReport("Exception Message: "); addNonFrogReport(e.getMessage()); //USNIJ addNonFrogReport("The experiment stack trace is: "); addNonFrogReport(u.getStackTrace()); addNonFrogReport("The Exception stack trace is: "); addNonFrogReport(u.stackTraceToString(e.getStackTrace())); } // ******************************************************** public void checkFailExperiment() { u.print("\n\nChecking if experiment fails or not ... \n\n"); // check if there is failure from frog failFromFrog = isThereErrorFromFrog(); // if failure if (failFromFrog || failFromNonFrog) { recordFailExperiment(); } } // ******************************************* public boolean isThereErrorFromFrog() { String failedSpec = "Failed Specification"; String cmd = String.format ("grep %s %s", failedSpec, Driver.FROG_OUTPUT_FILE); u.print(cmd + "\n"); String cmdout = u.runCommand(cmd); if (cmdout.contains(failedSpec)) return true; return false; } // ******************************************************** public boolean isFail() { if (failFromFrog || failFromNonFrog) { return true; } return false; } // ******************************************* public void printFailHistory() { u.print("\nThe sequence of failures are: \n"); u.print("----------------------------------\n\n"); for (int fsn = 1; fsn <= Driver.MAX_FSN; fsn++) { u.print("\n# Failure Sequence # " + fsn + " :\n\n"); String buf = getFailHistory(fsn); u.print(buf); } } // ******************************************* public void printFailHistorySummary() { String buf = "\n"; buf += String.format("summary %05d : ", expNum); File expNumDir = getExpNumDir(); if (!expNumDir.exists() || !expNumDir.isDirectory()) { return; } for (int fsn = 1; fsn <= Driver.MAX_FSN; fsn++) { String[] children = expNumDir.list(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { String tmp = String.format("fsn%d-", fsn); if (children[i].contains(tmp)) { buf += String.format("%-18s", children[i].replaceAll(tmp, "")); } } } if (isFail()) { buf += " FAIL"; } buf += "\n"; u.print(buf); } // ******************************************* // this experiment does not reach the full max fsn // so just rename this experiment folder to another folder // ******************************************* public void wipeOutThisExperiment() { u.print(String.format ("\n\n- Experiment %d does not reach maxFsn %d, wiping out ... \n\n", expNum, Driver.MAX_FSN)); String newDirName = String.format("%s/wiped-%05d-%s", Driver.EXP_RESULT_DIR, Driver.getWipedOutNum(), getExpNumShortDirName()); File newDir = new File(newDirName); File oldDir = getExpNumDir(); try { boolean ok = oldDir.renameTo(newDir); if (!ok) { u.ERROR("wipe out fail"); } } catch (Exception e) { u.EXCEPTION("wipe out fail", e); } Driver.incrementWipedOutNum(); } // ******************************************* // if the experiment reaches max fsn, then we'll // all exp-000x/fsn1-... to fsnMaxFsn is there // ******************************************* public boolean reachMaxFsn() { u.print("- reachMaxFsn??\n"); File expNumDir = getExpNumDir(); if (!expNumDir.exists() || !expNumDir.isDirectory()) { return false; } int count = 0; String[] children = expNumDir.list(); for (int i=0; i<children.length; i++) { for (int fsn = 1; fsn <= Driver.MAX_FSN; fsn++) { String tmp = String.format("fsn%d-", fsn); // u.print(" " + tmp + " " + children[i] + "\n"); if (children[i].contains(tmp)) { count++; } } } if (count != Driver.MAX_FSN) return false; return true; } // ******************************************* public void rmExpDirContent() { u.print("- Deleting dir content " + getExpNumDir() + "\n"); u.deleteDirContent(getExpNumDir()); } // ******************************************* public String getFailHistory(int fsn) { File expNumDir = getExpNumDir(); if (!expNumDir.exists() || !expNumDir.isDirectory()) { u.WARNING("not exist " + expNumDir); return ""; } String[] children = expNumDir.list(); for (int i=0; i<children.length; i++) { String tmp = String.format("fsn%d-", fsn); if (children[i].contains(tmp)) { return getFailHistoryFileContent(fsn, children[i]); } } return ""; } // ******************************************* public String getFailHistoryFileContent(int fsn, String fname) { File f = new File(getExpNumDir(), fname); String buf = u.fileContentToString(f); return buf; } // ******************************************** private String getExpNumDirName() { return String.format("%s/%s", Driver.EXP_RESULT_DIR, getExpNumShortDirName()); } // ******************************************** // If you change the name of the exp dir, // DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THE FORMAT AT THE FM SERVER TOO !!! // ******************************************** private String getExpNumShortDirName() { return String.format("exp-%05d", expNum); } // ******************************************** public File getExpNumDir() { assertExpNumDirExists(); return new File(getExpNumDirName()); } // ******************************************** private void assertExpNumDirExists() { File d = new File(getExpNumDirName()); if (!d.exists()) { u.mkDir(d); } } // ******************************************* // chmod the expdir to 777 so it's bold yellow, // and also mark the experiment fail with private void markFailExperiment() { // mark this in the directory // if we get here .. we have failure, so let's mark this File f = new File(getExpNumDir(), "EXPERIMENT-FAIL"); u.createNewFile(f); // String cmd = String.format("chmod 777 %s %s", f.getAbsolutePath(), getExpNumDirName()); u.runCommand(cmd); } // ******************************************* private void recordFailExperiment() { u.print("\n"); u.print("============================================\n"); u.print("REPORTING FAIL EXPERIMENT # " + expNum + "\n"); u.print("============================================\n\n"); markFailExperiment(); // print non frog report u.print("From nonFrog report: \n"); u.print("--------------------\n\n"); u.print(nonFrogReport); u.print("\n\n"); // print frog report u.print("From frog report: \n"); u.print("--------------------\n\n"); String frogContent = u.fileContentToString(Driver.FROG_OUTPUT_FILE); u.print(frogContent); u.print("\n\n"); // ... copy files u.print("\n\nCopying files now ........ \n"); // copy non frog report String nonFrogFile = getExpNumDirName() + "/" + "nonFrogReport.txt"; u.stringToFileContent(nonFrogReport, nonFrogFile); // copy frog report String frogFile = getExpNumDirName() + "/" + "frogReport.txt"; u.copyFile(Driver.FROG_OUTPUT_FILE, frogFile); } // ******************************************* // print the experiment number ... public void printBegin() { String full = ("## ################################################# ##\n"); String side = ("## ##\n"); String middle = String.format ("## E X P E R I M E N T # %05d ##\n", expNum); u.print("\n\n"); u.print(full); u.print(full); u.print(side); u.print(middle); u.print(side); u.print(full); u.print(full); u.print("\n\n"); u.print("- Experiment " + expNum + " begins " + u.diff(mytime) + "\n"); } // ******************************************* // print the experiment number ... public void printEnd() { u.print("- Experiment " + expNum + " ends " + u.diff(mytime) + "\n"); } }