package; import*; import java.lang.*; import org.aspectj.lang.Signature; // include this for Signature, etc! import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint; import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.SourceLocation; import java.lang.Package; import java.lang.Class; // public class FMJoinPoint implements Writable { public class FMJoinPoint { public static enum JoinPlc { BEFORE, AFTER, UNKNOWN; } public static enum JoinExc { IO, FNF, NONE; } // throw exception? public static enum JoinRbl { YES, NO; } // return boolean? public static enum JoinIot { READ, WRITE, NONE; } // io type? // ****************************************************** // variables that are passed to FMServer // ****************************************************** private String joinPointStr = ""; private String filename = ""; private int line = 0; private JoinPlc jplc = JoinPlc.UNKNOWN; private JoinExc jexc = JoinExc.NONE; private JoinRbl jrbl = JoinRbl.NO; private JoinIot jiot = JoinIot.NONE; // ****************************************************** // variables used by FMClient only (not passed to FMServer) // ****************************************************** private ClassWC cwc = null; private Object jrov = null;// join point returned object value private JoinPoint jp = null; private IOException iox = null; private FileNotFoundException fnfx = null; //******************************************** // writable interface // this is serialization (see for example) // need to decide how to serialize the RPC //******************************************** public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { // xml rpc out.writeUTF(joinPointStr); out.writeUTF(filename); out.writeInt(line); // hadoop rpc // UTF8.writeString(out, joinPointStr); // UTF8.writeString(out, filename); // out.writeInt(line); if (jplc == JoinPlc.BEFORE) out.writeShort(1); else if (jplc == JoinPlc.AFTER) out.writeShort(2); else out.writeShort(3); if (jexc == JoinExc.IO) out.writeShort(1); else if (jexc == JoinExc.FNF) out.writeShort(2); else out.writeShort(3); if (jrbl == JoinRbl.YES) out.writeShort(1); else out.writeShort(2); if (jiot == JoinIot.READ) out.writeShort(1); else if (jiot == JoinIot.WRITE) out.writeShort(2); else out.writeShort(3); } public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { // xml rpc joinPointStr = in.readUTF(); filename = in.readUTF(); line = in.readInt(); // hadoop rpc // joinPointStr = UTF8.readString(in); // filename = UTF8.readString(in); // line = in.readInt(); int tmp = in.readShort(); switch(tmp) { case 1 : jplc = JoinPlc.BEFORE; break; case 2 : jplc = JoinPlc.AFTER; break; default : jplc = JoinPlc.UNKNOWN; break; } tmp = in.readShort(); switch(tmp) { case 1 : jexc = JoinExc.IO; break; case 2 : jexc = JoinExc.FNF; break; default : jexc = JoinExc.NONE; break; } tmp = in.readShort(); switch(tmp) { case 1 : jrbl = JoinRbl.YES; break; default : jrbl = JoinRbl.NO; break; } tmp = in.readShort(); switch(tmp) { case 1 : jiot = JoinIot.READ; break; case 2 : jiot = JoinIot.WRITE; break; default : jiot = JoinIot.NONE; break; } } // ************************* public FMJoinPoint() { } // ************************* public FMJoinPoint(JoinPoint jp, ClassWC cwc, Object jrov, JoinPlc jplc, JoinIot jiot, JoinExc jexc, JoinRbl jrbl) { setJoinPoint(jp); setSourceLocation(jp); setJoinPlc(jplc); setJoinIot(jiot); setJoinExc(jexc); setJoinRbl(jrbl); setJoinRov(jrov); setClassWC(cwc); } // ************************* public FMJoinPoint(JoinPoint jp) { setJoinPoint(jp); setSourceLocation(jp); } // ************************* private void setJoinPoint(JoinPoint jp) { = jp; this.joinPointStr = jp.toString(); // toShortString() or toLongString() } // ************************* private void setSourceLocation(JoinPoint jp) { // set up line number SourceLocation sl = jp.getSourceLocation(); this.line = sl.getLine(); // set up filename Class type = sl.getWithinType(); Package pkg = type.getPackage(); String shortName = sl.getFileName(); this.filename = String.format("%s/%s", pkg.getName().replace(".","/"), shortName); // pkg.getName(), // type.getName(), } // ************************* set public void setJoinPlc(JoinPlc jplc) { this.jplc = jplc; } public void setJoinExc(JoinExc jexc) { this.jexc = jexc; } public void setJoinRbl(JoinRbl jrbl) { this.jrbl = jrbl; } public void setJoinIot(JoinIot jiot) { this.jiot = jiot; } public void setJoinRov(Object jrov) { this.jrov = jrov; } public void setClassWC(ClassWC cwc) { this.cwc = cwc; } public void setIox(IOException iox) { this.iox = iox; } public void setFnfx(FileNotFoundException fnfx) { this.fnfx = fnfx; } // ************************* get public JoinPlc getJoinPlc() { return jplc; } public JoinExc getJoinExc() { return jexc; } public JoinRbl getJoinRbl() { return jrbl; } public JoinIot getJoinIot() { return jiot; } public Object getJoinRov() { return jrov; } public ClassWC getClassWC() { return cwc; } public JoinPoint getJoinPoint() { return jp; } public String getJoinPointStr() { return joinPointStr; } // for coverage public String getFileName() { return filename; } // for coverage public int getLine() { return line; } // for coverage public String getSourceLoc() { return filename + "(" + line + ")"; } // for cov public int getSourceLocHash() { return getSourceLoc().hashCode(); } public int getSlJpHash() { return (getSourceLoc() + joinPointStr).hashCode(); } public IOException getIox() { return iox; } public FileNotFoundException getFnfx() { return fnfx; } // ************************* public void setAfter(Object obj) { setJoinPlc(JoinPlc.AFTER); setJoinRov(obj); } // ************************* // for filtering public boolean contains(String s) { if (joinPointStr.contains(s)) return true; return false; } // ************************* public String toString() { String buf = ""; buf += String.format(" %s\n", joinPointStr); buf += String.format(" ** PL:%s / EX:%s / BOOL:%s / IO:%s **\n", jplc.toString(), jexc.toString(), jrbl.toString(), jiot.toString()); buf += String.format(" SourceLoc: %s(%d)\n", filename, line); return buf; } }