package; import jol.core.JolSystem; import jol.core.Runtime; import jol.types.basic.BasicTupleSet; import jol.types.basic.Tuple; import jol.types.basic.TupleSet; import jol.types.exception.JolRuntimeException; import jol.types.exception.UpdateException; import jol.types.table.TableName; import jol.types.table.Table.Callback; import jol.types.table.Table; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; public class PrintTable { private static int inodeNum = 100; private static int freeBlockNum = 30000; private static int count = 0; public PrintTable() { } private static JolSystem system; public static void start(JolSystem systemArg) { system = systemArg; } private static SortedMap<String,String> sm_ss; private static Table tbl; // ********************************* // also returns table public static void prepare(String pn, String tn) { tbl = Util.getTable(system, pn, tn); sm_ss = new TreeMap<String, String>(); Util.print(FrogServer.getPs(), String.format("\n PRINT TABLE [%s][%s] \n", pn, tn)); } // ********************************* // dfs/data/current/VERSION // dfs/data/in_use.lock // dfs/data/storage // dfs/name1/image/fsimage // dfs/name1/in_use.lock // dfs/namesecondary/in_use.lock public static String trimPath(String fp) { String t1 = fp.replaceFirst(FMLogic.HADOOP_STORAGE_DIR + "dfs/name1/", "/name1/"); String t2 = t1.replaceFirst(FMLogic.HADOOP_STORAGE_DIR + "dfs/namesecondary/", "/nmsec/"); String t3 = t2.replaceFirst(FMLogic.HADOOP_STORAGE_DIR + "dfs/data/", "/ddata/"); return t3; } // ********************************* public static void printSM_SS() { int i = 0; Set s = sm_ss.entrySet(); Iterator itr = s.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { String t = trimPath((String)((Map.Entry); Util.print(FrogServer.getPs(), String.format(" [%02d] %s \n", i++, t)); } } // ********************************* public static void server_storage() throws JolRuntimeException { prepare("model", "server_storage"); int i = 0; for (Tuple t : tbl.tuples()) { sm_ss.put((String) t.value(0) + (String) t.value(1), String.format("%-10s %-10s %-10s ", (String) t.value(0), // Path (String) t.value(1), // File (String) t.value(2) // Status )); i++; } printSM_SS(); } // ********************************* public static void user_state() throws JolRuntimeException { prepare("model", "user_state"); int i = 0; for (Tuple t : tbl.tuples()) { sm_ss.put((String) t.value(0), String.format("%-10s ", (String) t.value(0) // Path )); i++; } printSM_SS(); } // ********************************* public static void server_state() throws JolRuntimeException { prepare("spec", "server_state"); int i = 0; for (Tuple t : tbl.tuples()) { sm_ss.put((String) t.value(0), String.format("%-10s %-10s", (String) t.value(0), // Path (String) t.value(1) // StorageFile )); i++; } printSM_SS(); } // ********************************* public static void lost_state() throws JolRuntimeException { prepare("spec", "lost_state"); int i = 0; for (Tuple t : tbl.tuples()) { sm_ss.put((String) t.value(0), String.format("%-10s ", (String) t.value(0) // Path )); i++; } printSM_SS(); } // ********************************* public static void storage_file() throws JolRuntimeException { prepare("model", "storage_file"); int i = 0; for (Tuple t : tbl.tuples()) { sm_ss.put((String) t.value(0), String.format("%-10s ", (String) t.value(0) // StorageFile )); i++; } printSM_SS(); } // ********************************* public static void fill_failover_violation_map() throws JolRuntimeException { int i = 0; for (Tuple t : tbl.tuples()) { sm_ss.put((String) t.value(0) + ((Integer) t.value(1)).toString(), String.format("%s %8d", (String) t.value(0), // NodeId (Integer) t.value(1) // RandId )); i++; } } // ********************************* public static void fill_dead_nodes_map() throws JolRuntimeException { int i = 0; for (Tuple t : tbl.tuples()) { sm_ss.put((String) t.value(1) + (String) t.value(0), String.format("%-12s %-10s", (String) t.value(0), // NodeId (String) t.value(1) // ObservedBy )); i++; } } // ################################################################## // ################################################################## // ################################################################## // ********************************************** public static void fillTableMap(String pn, String tn) throws JolRuntimeException { prepare(pn, tn); if (tn.equals("failover_violation")) fill_failover_violation_map(); else if (tn.equals("dead_nodes")) fill_dead_nodes_map(); } // ********************************************** public static SortedMap<String,String> getTableMap(String pn, String tn) { try { fillTableMap(pn, tn); return sm_ss; } catch (Exception e) { Util.EXCEPTION(FrogServer.getPs(), "getTableMap", e); Util.ERROR(FrogServer.getPs(), "getTableMap " + pn + " " + tn); return null; } } // ********************************* public static void printTableMap(String pn, String tn) throws JolRuntimeException { fillTableMap(pn, tn); printSM_SS(); } // ************************************ public static void printAllTables() { try { Util.print(FrogServer.getPs(), "\n---------------------------- PRINT \n\n"); // ------------------- for storage) /* storage_file(); server_storage(); server_state(); user_state(); lost_state(); */ // ------------------- for model) printTableMap("spec", "failover_violation"); printTableMap("model", "dead_nodes"); Util.print(FrogServer.getPs(), "\n"); // just make sure the screen is not still if // we repeat printing the same stuff if (count++%2==0) Util.print(FrogServer.getPs(), "\n"); } catch(Exception e) { Util.EXCEPTION(FrogServer.getPs(), "printAllTables", e); } } }