package; import*; import java.nio.channels.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Column; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ColumnOrSuperColumn; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ColumnParent; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ColumnPath; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ConsistencyLevel; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.InvalidRequestException; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.NotFoundException; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.SlicePredicate; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.SliceRange; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.TimedOutException; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.UnavailableException; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport; public class Cass { Cassandra.Client client; Utility u; //Jinsu Driver driver; static ConsistencyLevel consis; String keyspace; String columnFamily; ColumnPath columnPath; String encoding; // ******************************************* public Cass(Driver d) { this.driver = d; this.u = d.getUtility(); consis = getConsistencyLevel(); } // ******************************************* // we only want to do this if client is null // we cannot create start this in Cass construct // because we don't know when namenode is up or down // ******************************************* private void reconnectToCass() { //u.sleep(200); u.println(new Date( + " rTC(1) ---- "+ u.diff()); int trial = 1; TTransport tr = new TSocket("localhost", 9160); //this takes .5sec u.println(new Date( + " rTC(2) ---- "+ u.diff()); TProtocol proto = new TBinaryProtocol(tr); long then = System.currentTimeMillis(); waitForNodesToJoin(); long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - then; u.println(new Date( + " rTC(3) ---- wFNTJ took " + took + " ms"); while (client == null) { try { u.print("- Trying to connect to Cass ... \n"); // note that if the server is not waken up yet, // this will wait forever, because I hacked // the proxy a while ago client = new Cassandra.Client(proto);; u.print(String.format("- Connected to client ... \n")); } catch (Exception e) { //u.EXCEPTION(" In Cass construct", e); client = null; u.sleep(500); } } } // ******************************************* private void waitForNodesToJoin() { //Thread.yield(); /* while(true) { boolean allgood = true; u.println(new Date( + " wFNTJ(loop 1) ---- "+ u.diff()); for (int i = 0; i < Driver.NUM_OF_CASS_NODES; i++) { String fileLocation = String.format("%s/node%d.log", Driver.CASS_LOGS_DIR, i); String pattern = String.format("cluster"); String cmdout = u.runCommand(String.format("grep -a %s %s", pattern, fileLocation)); if (i == 0 && (!cmdout.contains("") || !cmdout.contains("") || !cmdout.contains(""))) { allgood = false; break; } if (i == 1 && (!cmdout.contains("") || !cmdout.contains("") || !cmdout.contains(""))) { allgood = false; break; } if (i == 2 && (!cmdout.contains("") || !cmdout.contains("") || !cmdout.contains(""))) { allgood = false; break; } if (i == 3 && (!cmdout.contains("") || !cmdout.contains("") || !cmdout.contains(""))) { allgood = false; break; } } u.println(new Date( + " wFNTJ(loop 2) ---- "+ u.diff()); if (allgood) { u.print("- Seed knows about All non-seed nodes in the cluster...\n"); break; } u.print("- Waiting until all nodes are in the cluster ... \n"); u.sleep(500); } */ //**********THIS NEEDS IMPROVEMENT. //Jinsu: for(int i = 0; i < Driver.NUM_OF_CASS_NODES; i++) { driver.waitForNodeRegistration("node"+i); } u.createNewFile(Driver.NODES_CONNECTED_FLAG); u.print("- All nodes connected\n"); } public void setKeyspace(String ks) { keyspace = ks; } public String getKeyspace(){ return keyspace; } public void setColumnFamily(String cf) { columnFamily = cf; } public String getColumnFamily() { return columnFamily; } public void setColumnPath(String cp) { try { columnPath = new ColumnPath(columnFamily); columnPath.setColumn(cp.getBytes(encoding)); } catch(Exception e) { u.EXCEPTION("In setColumnPath.Cass ", e); } } public ColumnPath getColumnPath() { return columnPath; } public void setEncoding(String ecd) { encoding = ecd; } public String getEncoding() { return encoding; } // ******************************************* public void assertConnection() { u.println(new Date( + " aC(1)---- "+ u.diff()); if (client == null) { u.sleep(500); u.println(new Date( + " aC(1.5)---- "+ u.diff()); reconnectToCass(); } u.println(new Date( + " ac(2)---- "+ u.diff()); } // ******************************************* public void insertEntry(String key, String value, Experiment exp) { u.println("- Cass.insertEntry : [ " + key + ", " + value + " ]" + "... Consistency => " + consis); try { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); client.insert(keyspace, key, columnPath, value.getBytes(encoding), timestamp, consis); } catch (Exception e) { u.EXCEPTION("Cass.insertEntry fails", e); u.ERROR("Cass.insertEntry fails"); //REMOVE THIS LATER //JINSU: I want to see the out file for successful this experiment. String from = Driver.CASS_LOGS_DIR; String to = exp.getExpNumDir().getAbsolutePath(); u.copyFile(from+"fi.out", to+"/fi.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node0.out", to+"/node0.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node1.out", to+"/node1.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node2.out", to+"/node2.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node3.out", to+"/node3.out"); // if we get here, the experiment has failed exp.markFailFromNonFrog(); exp.addNonFrogReport("Cass.insertEntry() " + exp.getExpNum() +" FAILS!"); //REMOVE THIS LATER //JINSU: I want to see the exception's name.. exp.addNonFrogReport("--- Exception =>\t" + e.toString()); exp.addExceptionToNonFrogReport(e); } u.print("- End of Cass.insertEntry!!! Yay\n"); } // ******************************************* public void getEntry(String key, Experiment exp) { u.println("- Cass.getEntry " + key + "... consis " + consis); // if the Experiment already fails .. no need to move on if (exp.isFail()) { return; } try { //read single column //String exp_key = key + exp.getExpNum(); u.println("single column:"); Column col = client.get(keyspace, key, columnPath, //ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM) consis) .getColumn(); u.println("column name: " + new String(, encoding)); u.println("column value: " + new String(col.value, encoding)); u.println("column timestamp: " + new Date(col.timestamp)); } catch (Exception e) { u.EXCEPTION("Cass.getEntry fails", e); u.ERROR("Cass.getEntry fails"); //REMOVE THIS LATER //JINSU: I want to see the out file for successful this experiment. String from = Driver.CASS_LOGS_DIR; String to = exp.getExpNumDir().getAbsolutePath(); u.copyFile(from+"fi.out", to+"/fi.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node0.out", to+"/node0.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node1.out", to+"/node1.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node2.out", to+"/node2.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node3.out", to+"/node3.out"); u.EXCEPTION("Cass.getEntry fails", e); u.ERROR("Cass.getEntry fails"); exp.markFailFromNonFrog(); exp.addNonFrogReport("Cass.getEntry(" + key + ") FAILS!"); //JINSU: I want to see the exception's name.. exp.addNonFrogReport("--- Exception =>\t" + e.toString()); exp.addNonFrogReport("--- Exception Message =>\t" + e.getMessage()); exp.addExceptionToNonFrogReport(e); } } // ******************************************* public void getEntry(String key, Experiment exp, String consistency) { ConsistencyLevel consis; if (consistency.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { consis = ConsistencyLevel.ALL; } else if (consistency.equalsIgnoreCase("quorum")) { consis = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM; } else if (consistency.equalsIgnoreCase("one")) { consis = ConsistencyLevel.ONE; } else { u.WARNING("Consistency level is not supported. going to default case"); consis = ConsistencyLevel.ONE; } u.print("- Cass.getEntry " + key + "...\n"); // if the Experiment already fails .. no need to move on if (exp.isFail()) { return; } try { //read single column //String exp_key = key + exp.getExpNum(); u.println("single column:"); Column col = client.get(keyspace, key, columnPath, //ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM) consis) .getColumn(); u.println("column name: " + new String(, encoding)); u.println("column value: " + new String(col.value, encoding)); u.println("column timestamp: " + new Date(col.timestamp)); } catch (Exception e) { //REMOVE THIS LATER //JINSU: I want to see the out file for successful this experiment. String from = Driver.CASS_LOGS_DIR; String to = exp.getExpNumDir().getAbsolutePath(); u.copyFile(from+"fi.out", to+"/fi.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node0.out", to+"/node0.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node1.out", to+"/node1.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node2.out", to+"/node2.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node3.out", to+"/node3.out"); u.EXCEPTION("Cass.getEntry fails", e); u.ERROR("Cass.getEntry fails"); exp.markFailFromNonFrog(); exp.addNonFrogReport("Cass.getEntry(" + key + ") FAILS!"); exp.addExceptionToNonFrogReport(e); } } // ******************************************* public void delete(String key, Experiment exp) { try { u.println("performing consistency " + consis); //String exp_key = key + exp.getExpNum(); long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); client.remove(keyspace, key, columnPath, timestamp, consis); } catch (Exception e) { //REMOVE THIS LATER //JINSU: I want to see the out file for successful this experiment. String from = Driver.CASS_LOGS_DIR; String to = exp.getExpNumDir().getAbsolutePath(); u.copyFile(from+"fi.out", to+"/fi.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node0.out", to+"/node0.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node1.out", to+"/node1.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node2.out", to+"/node2.out"); u.copyFile(from+"node3.out", to+"/node3.out"); u.EXCEPTION("Cass.delete fails", e); exp.markFailFromNonFrog(); exp.addNonFrogReport("Cass.delete(" + key + ") FAILS!"); exp.addExceptionToNonFrogReport(e); } } // ******************************************* public void delete(String key, Experiment exp, String consistency) { ConsistencyLevel consis; if (consistency.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { consis = ConsistencyLevel.ALL; } else if (consistency.equalsIgnoreCase("quorum")) { consis = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM; } else if (consistency.equalsIgnoreCase("one")) { consis = ConsistencyLevel.ONE; } else { u.WARNING("Consistency level is not supported. going to default case"); consis = ConsistencyLevel.ONE; } try { //String exp_key = key + exp.getExpNum(); long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); client.remove(keyspace, key, columnPath, timestamp, consis); } catch (Exception e) { u.EXCEPTION("Cass.delete fails", e); exp.markFailFromNonFrog(); exp.addNonFrogReport("Cass.delete(" + key + ") FAILS!"); exp.addExceptionToNonFrogReport(e); } } //jinsu: figure out the consistency level public ConsistencyLevel getConsistencyLevel() { ConsistencyLevel consis; String consistency = driver.CONSISTENCY; if (consistency.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { consis = ConsistencyLevel.ALL; } else if (consistency.equalsIgnoreCase("quorum")) { consis = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM; } else if (consistency.equalsIgnoreCase("one")) { consis = ConsistencyLevel.ONE; } else { u.WARNING("Consistency level is not supported. going to default case"); consis = ConsistencyLevel.ALL; } return consis; } }