package org.apache.cassandra; import java.lang.Thread; import*; import java.lang.*; import; import*; import java.util.*; //JINSU for orderEndpoints function import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token; import org.apache.cassandra.locator.TokenMetadata; import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor; //end importing for orderEndpoints function public final class Util { private static PrintStream pps; private static MyLong theLastTime = new MyLong(0); private static String lastWarning = ""; static File nodeFlag = new File("/tmp/fi/nodesConnectedFlag"); static File expFlag = new File("/tmp/fi/experimentRunning"); static File rebootFlag = new File("/tmp/fi/nodesRebootingFlag"); // ********************************** public static class MyLong { long l; public MyLong() { l = 0; } public MyLong(long x) { l = x; } public long longValue() { return l; } public void setValue(long x) { l = x; } } // ********************************** public static long now() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } // ********************************** public static String diff() { return diff(theLastTime); } // ********************************** public static String diff(MyLong lastTime) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double diff = 0.0; if (lastTime.longValue() == 0) { lastTime.setValue(currentTime); } else { diff = (double)(currentTime - lastTime.longValue()) / 1000; lastTime.setValue(currentTime); } String warning = ""; if (diff > 1) { warning = "*LONG!!*"; } if (diff > 5) { warning = "*LONG LONG!!*"; warning += ("\n" + getStackTrace()); } if (diff > 30) { warning = "*LONG LONG LONG!!*"; warning += ("\n" + getStackTrace()); } lastWarning = warning; long ct = (currentTime / 1000) % 1000; long tid = (Thread.currentThread().getId()) % 100; return String.format("[hd-diff][%5.3f secs] [%d] (t-%d) %s", diff, (int)ct, (int)tid, warning); } //JINSU checks if readRepairFlag exists public static boolean checkRRFlag(){ File f = new File("/tmp/fi/readRepairFlag"); return f.exists(); } // ************************************** public static void debug(String msg) { // only print if experiment is running File f = new File("/tmp/fi/experimentRunning"); if (f.exists()) { msg = msg + " [part of workload]"; } debug(pps, msg); } // ************************************** public static void debug(PrintStream ps, String msg) { boolean debug = true; //boolean debug = false; if (debug) { if(ps == null) { //JINSU setupPrintStream("/tmp/fi/debug.txt"); } println(ps, msg); } } // ************************************** public static void printStackTrace(Exception e) { if (e == null) print(getStackTrace()); else print(stackTraceToString(e.getStackTrace())); } // ************************************** public static void printStackTrace() { printStackTrace(null); } // ************************************** public static String getStackTrace() { Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); StackTraceElement[] ste = t.getStackTrace(); return stackTraceToString(ste); } // ************************************** public static String stackTraceToString(StackTraceElement[] ste) { String str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ste.length ; i++) { str += String.format(" [%02d] %s \n", i, ste[i].toString()); } return str; } // ############################################################ // ## PRINTING UTILITY ## // ############################################################ public static void setupPrintStream(String filename) { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); pps = new PrintStream(fos); } catch (Exception e) { EXCEPTION("Can't open " + filename, e); System.exit(-1); } } // ************************************** public static void EXCEPTION(String msg, Exception e) { //pre(); print("## EXCEPTION: " + msg + "\n"); print("## ---------------------- Exception:\n"); print(e.toString() + "\n"); if (e.getCause() != null) { print("## ---------------------- Cause: \n"); print(e.getCause().toString() + "\n"); } print("## ---------------------- Trace: \n"); printStackTrace(e); //post(); } // ***************************************** public PrintStream getPrintStream() { return pps; } // ************************************** public static void setPrintStream(PrintStream ppsArg) { pps = ppsArg; } // ************************************** public static void print(String msg) { print(pps, msg); } // ************************************** public static void print(PrintStream ps, String msg) { System.out.print(msg); System.out.flush(); // ?? if (ps != null) { ps.print(msg); } } // ************************************** public static void println(PrintStream ps, String msg) { print(ps, msg + "\n"); } public static void sleepWhileExperimentRunning(String who) { boolean sleep = true; //boolean sleep = false; while (sleep) { if (expFlag.exists()) { debug("- Experiment running, sleeping ===> " + who); sleep(1000); //return true; } else if (nodeFlag.exists()) { debug("- Nodes connected, sleeping ===> " + who); sleep(1000); } else { debug("- Experiment not running, continue ===>" + who); break; //return false; } } } // ******************************************* public static int getIntPid() { String pidStr = getPid(); return (new Integer(pidStr)).intValue(); } // ******************************************* public static String getPid() { String fullPid = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); String [] split = fullPid.split("@", 2); String pid = split[0]; return pid; } // ***************************************** // a tool to run the command public static String runCommand(String cmd) { String msg = ""; try { String line; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); BufferedReader input =new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { msg = msg + line + "\n"; } input.close(); //JINSU HACK //JINSU: I was getting TOO MANY FILE OPENED... p.getErrorStream().close(); p.getOutputStream().close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("runcmd!!! " + e); //System.err.println("runcmd!!!"); } return msg; } // ************************************** public static boolean stringToFileContent(String buf, String path) { return stringToFileContent(buf, new File(path), false); } // ************************************** public static boolean stringToFileContent(String buf, File f) { return stringToFileContent(buf, f, false); } // ************************************** public static boolean stringToFileContent(String buf, File f, boolean flush) { assertSafeFile(f); try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f); fw.write(buf); if (flush) fw.flush(); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } return true; } // ************************************** public static void assertSafeFile(File f) { assertSafeFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } // ************************************** public static void assertSafeFile(String fullPath) { boolean safe = false; // we only allow removal of anything that is in /tmp/* !! if (fullPath.indexOf("/tmp") == 0) { safe = true; } else { safe = false; } // if not safe, don't proceed if (safe == false) { System.out.println("Dangerous!!!"); System.err.println("Dangerous!!!"); System.out.flush(); System.exit(-1); } } // ************************************** public static String getThreadName() { Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); String name = t.getName(); return name; } // ***************************************** public static void sleep(int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (Exception e) {} } //JINSU : I haven't tested this out thoroughly. //tested this for naturalEndpoints list that is not empty. public static ArrayList<InetAddress> orderEndpoints(Token token, TokenMetadata metadata, String table) { int replicas = DatabaseDescriptor.getReplicationFactor(table); List<Token> tokens = metadata.sortedTokens(); ArrayList<InetAddress> endpoints = new ArrayList<InetAddress>(replicas); if (tokens.isEmpty()) return endpoints; // Add the token at the index by default Iterator<Token> iter = TokenMetadata.ringIterator(tokens, token); TreeMap ipMap = sortTokens(iter, metadata); endpoints = getOrderedEndpoints(ipMap, replicas); /* JINSU for testing purpose String elements = ""; for(InetAddress e : sorted) { elements = elements + e.toString() + " ::: "; } System.out.println(elements); */ for(InetAddress e : endpoints) { debug("Util.orderEndpoints ==>" + e); } return endpoints; } private static TreeMap sortTokens(Iterator<Token> iter, TokenMetadata metadata) { TreeMap ipMap = new TreeMap(); while(iter.hasNext()) { InetAddress ip = metadata.getEndPoint(; if(ip instanceof Inet4Address) { ipMap.put(ip.hashCode(), ip); } else { Util.debug("Inet6Address not implemented yet."); Util.debug("address ::: " + ip); Util.debug("Need to be implemented"); } } return ipMap; } private static ArrayList<InetAddress> getOrderedEndpoints(TreeMap tmap, int replicas) { Iterator<InetAddress> ipIter = tmap.values().iterator(); ArrayList<InetAddress> endpoints = new ArrayList<InetAddress>(); /* This change made so that seed0 is always the client. * And seed1, 2, and 3 always stores the data. * Assuming that the first item in the iterator is seed0. */ if(ipIter.hasNext()) { //burn off the first item which is seed0; } while (endpoints.size() < replicas && ipIter.hasNext()) { endpoints.add(; } return endpoints; } }